Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 421 Teacher and Student

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Pei Zhiyan looked at her for a while, and then smiled slightly: "There is nothing for you to do in my house, you can come to the study to read from now on, and read at least one book every two months." Under Ren Yaoqi's surprised gaze, he He added leisurely: "I will check every now and then. If you don't take it seriously, I will let you do something else."

When Ren Yaoqi heard this strange "errand", she was very surprised, thinking that this person wanted her here from Eunuch Lu just to let her read in the study? But it's one thing to be surprised and puzzled, Ren Yaoqi was afraid that Pei Zhiyan would regret it, so he immediately complied.

Since then, she went to study in the study on time at 9:00 every day, ate and rested at noon for an hour, and then continued to return to the study to study until You, and continued to read in her room for an hour at night after going back to have dinner. She dare not be lazy, rather than "doing other things", she still prefers to stay in the study with books every day.

When she was in the study, Pei Zhiyan would sometimes be there, but most of the time he was lying on the soft bed to read, or sitting at the desk to write. Ren Yaoqi never took the initiative to approach him, she just sat quietly It's next to the piano case against the west wall. Pei Zhiyan ignored her, and never asked her to sharpen ink and never asked her to serve tea and water.

Which book she was reading Pei Zhiyan never interfered with her, as long as it was the book in his study, she was free to choose. Ren Yaoqi felt that her presence in Pei's house was very low, and she only met few people in the study and her small courtyard every day. As time passed, Ren Yaoqi felt much more at ease in Pei's house. Because during the time she was in Pei's house, she also inquired secretly, and learned that Mr. Pei had a deep relationship with his late wife. He had never had a concubine or a concubine. She thought, maybe Pei Zhiyan asked her to come back because of a whim.

After getting along for a while, Ren Yaoqi discovered that Pei Zhiyan is really a very lazy and casual person. For example, he never sits when he can lie down, and never stands when he can sit. His favorite thing to read is reclining. On the soft floor of the study, if he could write while lying down, Ren Yaoqi believed that he would not move to the desk to write. Pei Zhiyan did not have the particularity of a scholar who "stands like a pine and sits like a bell".

Ren Yaoqi once secretly went to sit on his floppy out of curiosity, but found that Pei Zhiyan's floppy was harder than normal floppy, but it was very comfortable. But she only sat there secretly once, except for the books in the study, she never touched anything in Pei Zhiyan's. The drawers and boxes in his study were not locked, and Ren Yaoqi never went to secretly look through them while he was away. Ren Yaoqi's favorite thing to do when he was at home was to search through his father's drawers and boxes, and one time he turned out a beautifully painted book.

She thought that when someone with such a lazy temperament said that he wanted to check her reading, she was just talking casually, so although she went to the study to read every day regardless of the wind, frost, rain and snow, she didn't take Pei Zhiyan's words seriously until she read it continuously in the study. After reading the book for two months, Pei Zhiyan called her to his side.

"What books have you read in the past two months?" Pei Zhiyan was still leaning on the soft bed, and when he asked her this sentence, he lowered his eyes and looked careless.

""Miscellaneous Notes on a Journey to the West", "Taiping Yearbook", "Jing Shi Ji"." Ren Yaoqi replied in a low voice.

Reading three books in two months, Ren Yaoqi felt that she had worked very hard. After all, Pei Zhiyan only asked her to read one book in two months, so she was not guilty when she answered.

Pei Zhiyan didn't even raise his head: "In the ninth chapter of "Miscellaneous Notes on a Journey to the West", there are eight women with different appearances. Among them, what's the name of the one in red clothes, where does he live, and what is his age?"

Ren Yaoqi stared at Pei Zhiyan in a daze after hearing the words.

Pei Zhiyan didn't hear her answer for a long time, so he took a look at her and said leisurely: "Can't answer? Then..."

Ren Yaoqi was so frightened that she immediately replied: "Wait, that girl seems to be called Qin Jiuniang, who lives in... lives in Daotian Village, and is old..." Ren Yaoqi frowned and thought for a long time, and she thought about it for a long time. His memory is not bad, but he still can't recall the age of the girl in red mentioned in the book.

That miscellaneous note is actually a travel note, and each article is not too long. The ninth article mentioned by Pei Zhiyan is only four pages long, and most of the characters that appear are mentioned in just one or two sentences. Remembering the name is already a good memory.

After all, Ren Yaoqi was still young at that time, and Pei Zhiyan seemed to want to deliberately make things difficult for her, so she couldn't help being a little unconvinced when she spoke, although her tone was very respectful because she was under the eaves: "I really I don’t remember the age of the girl in red mentioned in the book, please enlighten me.”

Pei Zhiyan looked at her for a while, then suddenly smiled, and said in a persuasive tone: "Did the book mention that there was a famine in Xingyuan Mansion the year she was born?"

Ren Yaoqi frowned and thought for a while, as if she had really mentioned such a sentence, she nodded, "It was indeed mentioned."

Pei Zhiyan asked again: "It was mentioned at the beginning of this book that Zhang Sheng traveled from Kyoto in the third year of Qinglong, and it took him two years to reach Lizhou, Qingyuan Prefecture. Then he passed by the rice field village in Lizhou. What year should it be?"

Ren Yaoqi paused, and said with some hesitation: "Qinglong five years, but..."

Pei Zhiyan ignored her rebuttal and continued: "Since that Qin Jiuniang has reached the age when she sees grown men blush and hasn't married yet, she should be between ten and twenty years old. The year she was born was Zhengqing In a certain year between the 15th and the 25th year of the Zhengqing period, there was only one drought in Lizhou during the 20th year of the Zhengqing period, now you come and tell me how old this Qin Jiuniang is."

Cold sweat broke out on Ren Yaoqi's head, and his voice was a bit difficult: "Sixteen years old."

Pei Zhiyan finally nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, it's sixteen years old. Are you still insisting that the girl's age is not mentioned in the book?"

Ren Yaoqi: "..."

Pei Zhiyan leaned on the soft bed and looked at her with a smile on his face: "Not lucky?"

Ren Yaoqi bowed her head: "Don't dare..."

Pei Zhiyan said: "You think that because you have a good memory, you think that reading is an easy thing. If it is really that simple, then it is better to test your memory than to be the number one scholar. When you are studying, you need to think about it, know how to infer other things from one instance, not simple. Remember the content of the book. Reading is not more than reading, some people have read books for a lifetime and can’t understand it, so why not waste this time and enjoy yourself in time? If you only read one book in your life Books, but can realize the truth from it, that is a good harvest."

As Ren Yaoqi listened, her expression gradually became serious. Only then did she realize that Pei Zhiyan was correcting her way of reading. Before, she was worried that Pei Zhiyan would think she was lazy, so she read a few more books. Naturally, she didn't pay much attention to it, but Pei Zhiyan found out and asked such a tricky question to test her.

This time Ren Yaoqi sincerely bowed his head and said respectfully: "Yes sir, I know I was wrong."

Pei Zhiyan raised his eyes and asked her, "What's wrong?"

Ren Yaoqi said earnestly: "You can't chew too much. My husband asked me to finish reading a book in two months before, which is already letting me go on a whim."

This time Pei Zhiyan was finally satisfied, so he lay back and read his own book again. He continued to say in a casual tone, "You can teach a child!" These three books are "Miscellaneous Notes on a Journey to the West", "Taiping Yearbook", and "Jing Shi Ji" You can read it again from the beginning three times. I will come to you again in three months."

Ren Yaoqi bowed her head in response, and was about to return to the piano case to read a book, but Pei Zhiyan said again: "But you didn't satisfy me today, so..."

Ren Yaoqi couldn't help but stiffen when she heard this.

Pei Zhiyan paused, and seemed to think for a while before continuing: "So I'll punish you for cleaning the study for three months."

Ren Yaoqi breathed a sigh of relief, and received the punishment almost happily.

Since then, Pei Zhiyan has inexplicably become her husband. Following the intention, she was asked to read the books for two years, and she would be tested once every two months. If she answered well, she would not be rewarded, and if she could not answer well, she would be fined to do various jobs. Overkill.

After herding sheep and grazing like this for two years, Pei Zhiyan would designate some books for her while she chose books to read. However, Ren Yaoqi only liked to read travel notes, unofficial histories, and interesting things in the market at first, and she didn't like other books very much. interested. Once Pei Zhiyan asked her to read "The Economic Records of Famous Officials", she really couldn't bear to read it, so when she was answering, she felt a little bit wrong. Pei Zhiyan was not satisfied, so she subconsciously said: "I don't Go take the No. 1 Scholar exam and see what they do!"

Pei Zhiyan was not angry, but waved his hand lazily and punished her to empty the toilet...

Pei Zhiyan made Ren Yaoqi die with only one sentence: "I am a teacher, and you are a student. Naturally, I have the final say on academic matters. If you don't like this way of getting along, let's change it?"

Ren Yaoqi felt that she should go and read "The Economic Record of Famous Ministers"...

It was agreed to send the message at 9:30, but the Internet at home was convulsed, so I just didn't send it...

Borrowed a neighbor's computer, more than ten minutes late, please forgive me... RS

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