Screenwriter Mystery

Chapter 194: Popular Copyright

"Well, interesting."


Tunnel, by the pool.


Spike looked at the pool of water emitting a faint blue light in front of him, and a focused expression appeared on his face that had been indifferent.


He stepped closer to the position of the water pool, and leaned over to look at the two reflections that appeared in the pool.


Spike raised his eyebrows, and under Amanda's uneasy gaze behind him, he stretched out his palm and approached the pool.




Seeing this scene, Amanda subconsciously shouted.


And the latter stopped his movements at the moment when his fingers were about to touch the surface of the water, turned his head to look at Amanda with a worried expression, and said with a shrug.


"Don't worry, I won't put myself in danger."


Retracting his palm, he looked down at the pool of blue light in front of him again. Spike and his own reflection in the pool looked at each other silently, and then said thoughtfully.


"I think I almost know."




On the side, he entered the cave with Detective Zhou, and when he heard Spike's words, Detective Phil subconsciously answered.


"The reason this pool, or everything in the tunnel, is so weird."


Hearing Detective Phil's words, Spike reached out and touched the button of his sleeve, glanced at the cracks in the stone walls of the tunnel and looked at the twisted faces before continuing to reply: "There is no doubt that this place used to be It is a passage to the spirit world, and a place of inheritance for a certain psychic faction, or witches, shamans, or something else, but for some reason, they gave up this spiritual passage until it was once again. Discovered by 'Andrew'."


"This also explains why the spirit that entered 'Andrew' is so special. The psychic uses the power of the spirit to achieve a certain purpose, and the spirit uses the psychic's body to temporarily come to the real world, In order to prevent the spirit from occupying his body, the psychic obviously took precautions, so that the spirit that emerged from this passage could not come to reality completely, keeping the danger within a controllable range.”


"And the people of 'Andrew' obviously don't understand all of this. They just use this spiritual world channel as a place to obtain supernatural power, and they come into contact with the pool again and again, allowing the spirit to enter their bodies. In the end, it was replaced by the spirit."


"Sounds like some kind of loan, but the object of the loan is the spirit on the other side of the passage?"


After listening to Spike's description, Agent Phil inexplicably thought of a real loan.


"In a sense, you can indeed understand it this way."


Detective Phil's contrast is not denied, this way of communicating with spirits is indeed very similar to a loan in the real world.


However, it is different from reality.


The object of your loan here is not the bank but the spirit, and the price you pay is no longer interest, but your own body.


When you get all the power, the spirit also gets what it wants most.


All the gifts from fate have been marked with prices in secret, but you don't know what their prices are.




"Superhero theme?"


New York, Universal Studios Building.


Facing the suggestion put forward by Ron Mayer, Zhao Yuan couldn't help showing an unexpected expression, and even the attention originally placed on the system was pulled back a little.


"That's right."


Zhao Yuan's reaction did not exceed Ron Mayer's expectations. In fact, as a veteran Hollywood film production company.


Universal is also the only film company in Hollywood that does not have superhero copyrights. When other film production companies license or buy and sell superheroes, Universal is not involved.


Originally, this kind of thing is nothing. Although there is no superhero theme shooting, Universal does not have no movies to shoot.


Especially in the past two years, after binding Zhao Yuan, through various 'pseudo-documentary' movies, even without the blessing of superhero movies, Universal is still dazzling in terms of movie financial reports, even not losing to the likes of Disney. A film production company that holds superhero copyrights.


Under such circumstances, whether or not to shoot a superhero movie is not something worth considering for Universal at all.


However, this situation, with the emergence of "superheroes" in the real world, has obviously changed dramatically.


With the reports of superheroes appearing in New York City, the theme of superhero movies, which has gradually become a popular IP, has become more popular.


As far as Universal understands, with the emergence of superheroes, the superhero copyrights of major film companies have been directly multiplied online several times. As for the comics under Marvel and dc, they have been repeatedly broken and violent. Since the impact of the TV media biggest increase.


In terms of Disney, the concept of the Marvel Universe was announced not long ago, and then Warner, not to be outdone, started the shooting plan of "Justice League".


Columbia Pictures has announced the restart of the "Hellboy" series, even though the previous "Hellboy 2" has just been well received at the box office.


Not to mention Fox's Fantastic Four, Sony's Spider-Man, etc...


In short As long as the film production companies with superhero copyrights in the whole Hollywood have almost invariably announced their own superhero shooting plans.


In the face of this menacing wave of superheroes, even Universal, who didn't care about it, had to pay attention.


There is no doubt that the emergence of superheroes in the real world has made superhero movies a hot topic in Hollywood today. If Universal does not want to be left behind in this craze, it must make a little change and join it.


However, at present, because of the influence of those three superheroes, superheroes have become a hot and popular copyright in the whole Hollywood, but all superhero themes that can be named have been increased by more than several times, and even some unpopular superheroes are in the copyright price. It's no longer as cheap as it used to be.


Under such circumstances, unless Universal makes a big decision.


Otherwise, it would be impossible to obtain the famous superhero movie shooting copyrights on the market. Even judging from Hollywood's enthusiasm for superhero themes, even if Universal really wants to acquire the copyrights, there may not be any film companies willing to do so. sell.


Under the circumstance that the copyright of superheroes could not be obtained smoothly, Universal had to change its direction. Since there is no copyright of superheroes to shoot, I will create a script of superheroes and shoot it myself.


Under such a premise, Zhao Yuan naturally entered the eyes of Universal.

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