Screenwriter Mystery

Chapter 197: file

Here, the superhero version of the "pseudo-documentary" movie has only come up with a concept.


The follow-up script is still waiting for Zhao Yuan to complete.


Of course, this is not too difficult for Zhao Yuan.


After all, when it comes to familiarity with the three 'superheroes', no one in this world knows better than him.


In a sense, he is the real Stan Lee.


However, compared to the current script creation, Zhao Yuan obviously put more attention on the actual evolution of the script.


After this period of deliberation, the script of "Strange Pool" is finally coming to the final stage.


The influence of this script is far beyond the expectations of his creator.


In order to be able to cooperate with the current development of the script, Zhao Yuan even spent a lot of [plot value] again as corrections, so that this drama must have an expected ending.


"As a 'superhero', it is natural to have fierce battle scenes."


"I've laid the foreshadowing, and it's time to harvest."


As Zhao Yuan's voice fell, the screen in the system panel began to change.


New York, deep in the tunnel of the open space guarded by a large number of bsi agents.


The gleaming blue water pool suddenly rippled, and then a swollen palm with scars grabbed onto the stone on the edge of the pool.




"Simply, unimaginable?!"


After confirming that the water in the tunnel has supernatural powers, or what Spike calls spiritual power.


BSI blocked this area for the first time.


In the simple laboratory that was temporarily built, the researcher in charge of the investigation couldn't help but marvel at the liquid flashing a faint blue light in his hands.


Before joining the bsi, although they had already passed the information, they knew that this was a special agency secretly established by the federal government to investigate supernatural cases.


However, the actual contact with such supernatural objects still has a huge impact on the scientific values ​​constructed by researchers for a long time.


"Obviously, in this mysterious liquid, there is a radioactive element that is currently unknown to the scientific community..."


Through rough research on the substance in the blue liquid, researchers have determined that this is a mysterious substance that has not yet been discovered by humans.


"If we can crack the secret, we can even win a Nobel for it!"


They looked at each other, and the researchers had excited expressions in their eyes.


"Sorry, everyone."


However, compared to the excited researchers.


But BSI agent Jonathan had to speak, breaking the excitement of the crowd.


"Although I don't want to spoil your interest, according to the requirements of the non-disclosure agreement you signed before, bsi-013 belongs to the highest level of top secret, which means that information about it must not be leaked in any form, including as a promise at that time. Bell's award."


bsi-013 is the current record file established by bsi based on the supernatural things it has come into contact with.


The full name of bsi-013 is [bsi-013 Tongling Water Pool].


It is a mysterious water pool located in the mouth of a vacant lot in the suburbs of New York, and it emits a faint blue light.


The original information on the water pool came from [bsi-012 Superhero 1].


In the end, it was confirmed by bsi consultant and psychic master Spike that [bsi-013 psychic pool] was originally used as a heritage site for psychics in the past. [bsi-012 Superhero 1] and other three people accidentally entered it and obtained spiritual power.

Currently 【bsi-013 Tongling Water Pool】is blocked by bsi.




The words of bsi agent Jonathan undoubtedly made the researchers in the laboratory who were excited by the existence of the [bsi-013 psychic pool] somewhat disappointed.


"Wait a minute, have you noticed that the blue light emitted by the liquid in the cup seems to have weakened a bit compared to just now?"


At this time, a researcher noticed that the pool of water in the laboratory from the [bsi-013 Tongling Water Pool] seemed to have become bleak.


"In the liquid, the radioactivity of the mysterious substance is also declining at the same time..."


Hearing what my colleagues said, everyone in the lab quickly rushed to the instrument. They looked at the radiation curve on the screen, and the expressions on their faces became a bit ugly.


"What is this all about? Why does the mysterious substance in the liquid show such a large decline in such a short world."




This is the description of the current situation that the researchers in charge of the [bsi-013 Tongling Water Pool] research can think of.


Faced with the current situation, several researchers were unable to make an accurate judgment in the first place.


And while watching the blue light in the liquid in the cup constantly weaken, it finally turned into a glass of water.


For a while, researchers had a hard time accepting this situation.


"Perhaps, it's because the liquid comes from the pool. The special thing is not the liquid but the pool?"


A researcher who can be invited by bsi, as a supernatural experimenter, besides his background has been repeatedly checked and confirmed by bsi, he is also very capable of research.


Therefore, looking at the liquid that was still turning into white water, researchers quickly made a guess.


"We need to enter the tunnel to determine whether the current change in liquid is related to the pool!"


Thinking of this possibility, the researchers in the temporary laboratory suddenly couldn't sit still, and they opened their mouths to put forward their ideas to bsi agent Jonathan.


" Doctors."


However, in the face of the demands of the crowd.


BSI agent Jonathan shook his head and refused their request.


"Anything near the entrance of the tunnel is considered illegal without permission, so if you want to enter the tunnel you have to apply."


After confirming that [bsi-013 Lingling Water Pool] has the ability to give people supernatural powers, bsi is naturally cautious.


Three superheroes are enough to give bsi a headache, how can there be a few more.


Perhaps, the position of head of bsi headquarters will be changed.


Even though, Spike has already explained that the power of [bsi-013 Lingling Water Pool] is not to give power to people, but to obtain part of the power of spirits at the cost of spirits entering the body. A little careless user may be replaced by spirits .


However, under the temptation of supernatural power, bsi can't guarantee that there will be no one who will touch the water pool regardless of the danger.


For this reason, bsi has made strict control over the waterhole, and no one, even bsi's agents, can enter the tunnel without obtaining a permit.


Even the liquid obtained by the researchers was obtained by bsi through a special machine, and the machine used was destroyed as soon as the task was completed to prevent all crises.

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