Secret Dice

Chapter 201 Entering [Martial Arts] for the first time

Opening day.

Luo Jun and more than fifty students came to the back of the college.

This place is usually a restricted area and is guarded by heavily armed members of the Yuan Xiu Society, and students are not allowed to approach it casually. Today, under the leadership of teacher Tie Jingang, the students finally stepped into this forbidden land.

It looked no different from the mountains and forests elsewhere... Luo Jun observed the surrounding environment and followed the large army to a tall rock wall.

Here... Luo Jun felt a different fluctuation of vitality. Before he could distinguish it carefully, Teacher Tie took out a talisman from the treasure box and pasted it on the rock wall. As the talisman burned out, the rock wall gradually became transparent. , revealing a huge hole.

A very advanced barrier technique, but it is not unusual in the eyes of this group of outstanding students. Everyone followed the teacher into the cave. After passing through the darkness, they saw a huge metal door with two guards guarding it.

Teacher Tie handed over his certificate, and after checking that it was correct, the guard opened the iron door, and everyone officially entered the core of the mountain.

"It's so big..." Many students who came here for the first time couldn't help but exclaimed!

After the iron door was opened, the eyes suddenly opened up. Inside the mountain was a huge space with various facilities built. The staff of the Yuanxiu Society were busy coming and going in it, just like an underground city.

"The Gate of [Martial Arts] is directly under the jurisdiction of the Yuan Xiu Association." Tie Jingang introduced: "More than half of the staff of the Ningdong Branch are stationed in this mountain all year round. The branch headquarters in the city is only used to maintain public order. , here is the real core of the branch.”

The students followed Teacher Tie into the second branch of the branch, curiously looked at the surrounding facilities, and finally came to a huge lifting platform.

As the machine operates, the lifting platform slowly descends and finally enters the bottom of the mountain.

This place is not as wide as the upper floor, but the height of the space is higher. There is a huge cylindrical building in the middle, with a huge room connected to both sides, marked with male and female symbols respectively.

Luo Jun, who has experienced the wilderness, understood at a glance that men and women had to enter from different places because they needed to be naked to pass through the door.

More than fifty students, almost equally divided between men and women, entered from both sides. But after entering the room, it was not the dressing room as expected, but a room equipped with strange instruments.

This instrument is similar to a huge surgical operating table with three complex robotic arms installed around it. However, there is no bed underneath, but a circular open space with a diameter of more than one meter.

"This is what I told you during the training, the branding machine." Tie Jingang also followed the boys and introduced to everyone: "Stand up, the instrument will be in your head, branding the main world The belief that information remains confidential.”

With that said, he was the first to stand up. The staff started the equipment, and the three robotic arms started to operate. The end of the laser fired out and hit Tie Jinggang's head. Then, the robotic arm rotates and the laser point moves rapidly over the head, as if it is drawing some complex symbol.

About ten seconds later, the branding ended. Tie Jin just turned around and smiled at the students behind him: "This branding will not affect your thoughts normally. It will only affect your thoughts when you try to reveal information about the main world to people from other worlds." information will be effective.”

"Is the effect of this branding reliable?" asked a student participating in the internship for the first time. "If...I mean if, I insist on leaking the secret, can it really control me? For another example, if people from other worlds have the ability to read memories, can this thing be able to resist it?"

Good question! Luo Jun is also very concerned about this issue, and he also has a replica of the Gate of All Realms in his hand. What if he uses this prop to bypass the branding link and enter another world? He believed that there was more than one method in the world that could bypass the door and travel through the world. The master had also used a special method to chase him into the chaotic world to find him.

If we only relied on this brand, the information about the main world should have been leaked long ago.

"Branding is not a panacea..." The person who answered them was the staff operating the machine. He pushed up his glasses and explained: "This is just an extra insurance. In fact, according to our observation, people from other worlds seem to They are all under the influence of some kind of cognitive distortion, and even if they hear information about the main world, they will ignore it... The specific reason is not yet known, and it is not known whether this phenomenon covers all intelligent creatures from other worlds. But we. All that can be done is this kind of ideological imprint..."

"Unless we give up exploring other worlds from now on."

"Lao Yu, don't you find it tiring to explain everything to the newcomers every time?" Tie Jingang complained.

Lao Yu shrugged his shoulders: "It doesn't matter. Others say I am the type who likes to preach, and I think so myself."

"In addition, let me tell you one more thing. The mental imprint is not permanent. It usually lasts for a few months. Depending on the state of cultivation, mental strength, etc., the imprint may be weakened, so you must re-do it every time before entering another world. Accept the mark."

"Okay, do you have any other questions?" Tie Jinggang clapped his hands: "If not, come on, whoever comes first to accept the brand."

The students lined up and began to pass the brand one by one. Soon it was Luo Jun's turn.

Standing in the circular venue, several laser beams hit the top of his head.

Soon, Luo Jun felt information coming into his brain one after another. It was a hint, not a specific word or text, but Luo Jun's brain automatically organized and translated the information and landed it in his consciousness, as if someone was there. He said in his ears: "Don't talk about things in the main world to people from other worlds, don't talk about things in the main world to people from other worlds..."

Is this way of branding so funny?

But when you see other people receiving the brand, there is no reaction?

After listening to the words for more than a dozen times, the branding was over. Luo Jun stared blankly at the three mechanical arms above his head. He was still recalling the process in his mind, and felt that his consciousness was not affected at all... Could it be Is it subtle? Everything is done unconsciously?

Seeing the classmates behind urging him, Luo Jun shook his head and continued to move forward with the team.

Next, comes the familiar stage of stripping off. But the locker room here is not as large as the one outside the Wilderness Gate. At a glance, it may not have more than a thousand lockers.

After all, [Wild Wilderness] is a world open to all cultivators. Every time the door is opened, thousands of people come in and out. At most, there may even be tens of thousands of people operating in other worlds. But [Martial Arts] is different. This place is under official jurisdiction, and the entry and exit review is strict. It is estimated that there are only a few hundred people active in [Martial Arts] at the same time. These lockers are enough.

He neatly took off his clothes, leaving only a pair of underwear...but looking at the others, most of them were naked. In order not to attract attention, he put this last line into the treasure box, and then followed the troops out of the dressing room. room, came to the "door".

The Gate of Martial Arts looks no different from the Gate of Wilderness. It also looks like a huge starry sky standing on the ground. Seeing the classmates around him passing through the door excitedly, he also plunged into the depths.

The smell is so fragrant... It's a bit like the feeling of some kind of burning wood, but it's not pungent. The smell makes people feel peaceful...

His nose passed through the door faster than his eyes. Luo Jun's first impression of [Martial Arts] came from his sense of smell.

Then, I saw the huge locker room.

All furnishings are made of unknown wood, with simple and elegant shapes. In the dressing room, several burners of incense were lit, which was the source of the smell just now.

"Students who are here for internship, please come to me to collect your clothes!"

Not far away, there was a young man in gray ancient clothes, standing in front of a row of wardrobes, shouting to his classmates.

Everyone moved forward. The wardrobe behind the young man was divided into several compartments, containing clothes of different sizes. This guy has a very vicious look in his eyes, and he can accurately pick out clothes that fit him just by looking up and down.

After putting on his clothes, Luo Jun looked in the mirror.

Different from the wide-sleeved style commonly seen in movies and TV series, this set of clothes has narrow cuffs and small trouser legs. It is close-fitting but not tight, loose but not cumbersome. It feels like school sportswear, convenient for movement, and clean and tidy.

This should be the so-called short-sleeved dress... Come to think of it, since you are not a member of the royal family, the martial arts sect has to use guns and swords at any time, so of course the clothing is mainly for ease of movement.

After admiring the handsome young man in the mirror, Luo Jun walked out of the locker room.

Outside the door is a huge courtyard. Looking back, I see an inconspicuous small building built against the mountain, surrounded by tall walls. Looking from the outside, you would probably think that this is a resting place for the disciples of the sect. Who would have thought that? Behind this small building, there is a door to another world.

By the way, Teacher Tie gave them some popular science before coming here. The base of human activities in the [Martial Arts] was disguised as a martial arts sect called Bainamen.

The reason for this name is because the disciples in the sect are proficient in the art of hiding weapons and can always take out all kinds of magical props from nowhere. It is precisely for this reason that although the Bainamen disciples have different abilities, they are still said by people in the world to be a sect that mainly cultivates hidden weapons...

"One, two, three... forty-three, forty-four..." Teacher Tie counted the number of people on the list. After confirming that everyone was present, he led everyone to the front hall of the "sect".

Luo Jun noticed that unlike the students, who were all dressed in gray, Teacher Tie's clothes were purple.

In the front hall, the rotating leader of the Yuanxiu Society's [Martial Arts]...he should be called the acting leader, has been waiting for a long time.

Because of the pollution, the person in charge has to be rotated frequently, but it is a bit strange for the leader to always change people back and forth. For fear of arousing suspicion from other sects in the world, Yuanxiuhui made up a reason, saying that the real leader of Baina Clan was wandering around. The Divine Dragon of the Four Seas never ends, and several elders usually take turns managing the sect on their behalf.

The acting leader this time is a fat old man who looks to be in his sixties and smiles.

"Hello, classmates." The fat old man said with a smile: "Let me introduce myself. My name is Tong Wenjie. I am the vice president of the Ningdong branch of the Yuanxiu Society. In the past few months, I will be the acting head of the Baina Sect, and I will also be the acting leader of the Baina Sect. I will be in charge of everyone’s internship activities this time.”

"I have read all your information. They are all outstanding young talents. However, [Martial Arts] has martial arts rules. Just now we finally called each other using the habits of the main world. From now on, please remember that you are not Now he is a student of Ningdong College, but a disciple in gray from Baina Clan, and I am not a vice-president. When you see me, you will always call me Acting Leader, do you understand?"

"Got it!" the students responded in unison.

Tong Wenjie shook his head: "Here, I am giving orders on behalf of the leader, and I have to say that I obey them!"

"As ordered!" The students quickly entered the role.

"Very good. I believe that before coming in, Butler Tie has explained some of the rules of the sect to everyone, so I won't say any more nonsense. Let's get straight to the point."

"About your first internship task this time..." As he spoke, Tong Wenjie took a red invitation: "The 26th of this month is the 60th birthday of Sun Yichen, the owner of Yaowang Valley. As a fellow martial artist, I would like to He prepared generous congratulatory gifts and a congratulatory letter, and asked all disciples to take the congratulatory gifts and letters to Yaowang Valley on my behalf and attend the birthday of the Valley Master."

"Yaowang Valley is eight hundred miles away from Bainamen. It's a long way there, and there are many thieves' fortresses along the way. Please be careful along the way, and be sure to deliver it three days before your birthday!"


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