Seize Genes

Chapter 127 Storage space, base control

Zhanfei didn't dare to take a breath, he held it with both hands, waiting for the space stone to fall into his hand.

The voice of the system said: "Storage space can be made, please determine the location of the storage space."

"Left hand, index finger."

As soon as Zhan Fei finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain and itching in his left index finger.

After a while, the voice of the system said: "The second phalanx of the index finger of the left hand has been transformed into a miniature 'star gluttonous' stomach bag, and all the 'absorbing and digesting' abilities have been removed, and the space stone has started to be imported."

Zhan Fei found that the space stone slowly melted into a nearly liquid white substance, which flowed into his left index finger and disappeared out of thin air.

"Isn't this space stone very strong and powerful? It's not in the state of atomic structure at all, how can you make it melt?" Zhan Fei was surprised.

"Please call this system 'Da Vinci the Omnipotent'."

Zhanfei was speechless.

The system said again: "Due to the large amount of space stone reserves, the host's left-hand storage space can be turned into an 'upgradeable state'. May I ask whether it should be changed to a 'growth type storage space'? Consumes 1000 contribution points."

Zhanfei's heart skipped a beat: "Can the storage space grow bigger?"

"This system is called "Gene Modifier for All Races". The storage space in the host's left hand is actually a 'bionic product', using genetic technology. Its structure is similar to the stomach bag of 'Star Tao', but it has no digestion ability. One hundred thousand years Afterwards, it can grow to an external diameter of 80 to 100 kilometers, and an internal space with a diameter of 8,000 to 1 million kilometers."

"Damn it!!" Zhan Fei couldn't imagine that his left index finger became 80 kilometers in diameter.

However, that will be one hundred thousand years later, let's do the calculation now. Even after a hundred years, the outside of this thing will not be much bigger.

After thinking about it, he said, "Let's transform."

There was another sharp pain in the index finger of the left hand. After a while, the voice of the system came: "The initial transformation has been completed. The outer diameter has not changed, the diameter is 2 mm, and the inner diameter has increased from 1 meter to 2 meters. It is in a spherical state and can store everything. As long as With sufficient nutrition, the inside and outside of the 'storage space' will automatically grow slowly."

Zhanfei was overjoyed. The diameter has increased from one meter to two meters, and the volume has not only doubled, but seven times! ! (2x2x2-1x1x1=7)

at this time,

The coat of arms on the back of the left hand jumps out a translucent virtual screen, on which are written instructions on the use of the storage space.

"The storage space can store everything. As long as the shape is not more than two meters in diameter, all objects can be stored in the 'storage space' with an outer diameter of only two millimeters, ignoring the weight. The passage of time inside the storage space is stopped, Food can stay fresh forever.

"However, regardless of any 'carbon-based animals' (including humans), they will die after being put in. The body will not rot and will not suffer any harm, but the consciousness will disappear out of thin air.

"The storage space has 100 points of 'space energy'. Once storing items or releasing items once, 1-3 points of 'space energy' will be lost automatically, and 'space energy' will automatically recover 1 point per hour. When 'space energy' is 0 The interior of the 'storage space' collapsed, all items were shattered, the storage space could no longer be used, and the space energy could no longer be automatically restored.

"Current space energy: 100/100."

Zhanfei was surprised for a moment, carefully looked at the various instructions above, and after reading it. Zhanfei knows how to use the storage space.

He took out a mobile phone from his pocket with his right hand and threw it upwards. It flew up more than one meter high, and then fell suddenly.

Zhanfei moved his left index finger slightly. The surrounding light was distorted, and in less than 0.1 second, the phone disappeared out of thin air. The palm-sized mobile phone is hidden in a small space less than two millimeters in size inside the left index finger.

With a movement of the index finger of his left hand, the mobile phone appeared above his head out of nowhere, continued to fall, and was caught by his right hand.

"You can collect any item within 1.5 meters around you at will, and the released things can appear within 1.5 meters around you at will. It's really amazing. Hmm... I just charged it once and released it again, losing 2 points of space energy. This Gadgets cannot be used without restrictions."

Zhanfei muttered in his heart, and the voice of the system came again: "The 'space energy' leaked from this 'storage space' has a very powerful purpose, and if it is used well, it can 'integrate offense and defense into one', and the host's life-saving ability Big increase."

Zhanfei asked: "How to use it?"

"Find it yourself."

Zhanfei was speechless.

Playing the "storage space" trick of changing things around and disappearing mysteriously, wasting 8 points of space energy, Zhanfei finally stopped.

"Wenxi, I've got the Space Stone, and you've also hacked into the base's computer. You should have collected the information you want, and my mission should be completed, right? Can I leave now?"

The voice of the system said: "You can leave."

"How to leave?"

"Go out and turn right."


"Friendly reminder, it is estimated that the rescue team is about to arrive. The organization behind the mysterious person who attacked the host may find this place at any time."

"So what?" Zhan Fei asked.

A map was displayed on the virtual screen that jumped out of his left hand, and the voice of the system said: "Most of the passages have been blocked. If all the obstacles can be cleared, many scientific and technological instruments beyond the earth can be used again. It is of great benefit to the development of the host." benefit."

Zhanfei's eyes lit up.

"Currently, the host does not have the corresponding ability, and the base is not available for the time being. It is strongly recommended that all the 'defense functions' of the base be turned on, and the 'warning level' be raised to 's level'. Once an outsider invades, as long as the non- Invisibility, or the body emits infrared rays, or the body emits odor, or causes air flow during action, or has metal elements on the body, etc., will be detected by the monitoring equipment, and will launch all-round immortal and destructive attacks.

"The weapons that can still be used in the base include: positioning laser emitters, honeycomb laser fortresses, neutron beam emitters, poisonous smoke, etc., as well as various high, medium and low-level 'defense robots' and 'combat robots'. Currently' The battle robot' is sealed off at the other end of the base, the passage is blocked and cannot pass through, so it cannot be taken out for the time being..."

Zhanfei's head broke out in a cold sweat.

Just think, a bunch of bad guys. After finally finding the entrance of the base, he cracked the switch at the entrance, walked in, and then... a lot of lasers and neutron beams blasted past, and were instantly annihilated. Not even scum left.

Too cruel.

It's too inhuman... Could it be a gentleman's work?

"Okay, just do as you said, turn on the 'S-level alert', and wipe out all the intruders... By the way, you won't kill me too, right?"

"The identification mechanism of friend and foe has been tampered with by this system. The host Zhanfei is currently the owner of the base with the highest authority. It will not be attacked. But... the defense robots outside are used as a backup force in case of emergency, so they must be opened one by one. Only by entering the password in the cipher box can the identification program be changed.”

"That's good……"

Zhanfei nodded.

After the system confirmed that the defense system was turned on, they left the monitoring room. Go down the stairs and turn on the switches in the miniature nuclear fusion power generation room one by one, and the whole base gradually becomes brighter again.

Immediately afterwards, Zhanfei discovered that round small tubes or small round holes were unexpectedly exposed in the corners of the surrounding walls, which were high and low. I don't know what kind of weapon it is, but it looks dangerous anyway.

There is also a plate on the ceiling that opens automatically, and things like honeycombs drill out of it. Overgrown with holes-holes, they hang upside down from the ceiling by magnetic force, and slide from side to side and back again, wandering here and there.

"Can't all the holes on the honeycomb be able to emit laser light?" Zhan Fei asked in shock.

"No. Only some emit lasers." The system said: "There are also some that can emit plasma liquid, neutron beams, spray poison, viscose liquid nitrogen, highly toxic gas, and micro antimatter guides with a diameter of 0.75mm- Play... wait."

Zhanfei wiped the cold sweat off his head and face: "Sure enough, it is indeed an alien technology."

Confirmed that the hives were not insane and even shot him. Only then did Zhanfei stride out of the power generation room with confidence.

But those stupid guard robots on the production floor outside. The smart program was so useless, it was still banging against the alloy door, shooting outside with a laser gun.

When Zhanfei walked to the door, he shook his right hand, a flash of light flashed, and he entered the "invisible state" again. The whole person disappeared out of thin air, and he couldn't even see his own hands and feet, which was very strange.

With a slight movement of the index finger of his left hand, he put away the large lead block blocking the door, and then opened the door.

In an instant, amidst the chirping sound, laser beams shot from outside to the back of the door. Fortunately, Zhan Fei had avoided being shot in advance.

But the strange thing is that those robots just refused to leave the production workshop, and the laser transmitter kept dangling without passing through the electronic induction alloy door.

"Some of the defense robots are out of control, and the master recognition program cannot be replaced even if the password is changed." The system prompts.

"Which one?" Zhan Fei asked.

The system pointed it out, Zhanfei hid on the side of the wall behind the door, pointed with his left hand, a huge lead block appeared out of thin air above the robot's head, fell heavily, and smashed the robot's monitor with a bang , the guy shook and fell to the side.

Zhanfei walked over stealthily, used the storage space to put away the heavy lead weight, placed it high, and smashed it again, smashing the opponent's laser emitter.

The electronic eyes of the other robots flickered for a while, and the hole of the laser transmitter at the waist dangled, but they couldn't lock the enemy, and they seemed to be in chaos.

Zhan Fei walked behind them, opened a cover, and entered the password.

The strange thing is that when doing this kind of action, they did not arouse their excited response at all, and no robot took the opportunity to shoot the laser over.

"Could it be that their programs have already preset that when people do this, they can't fire? No wonder the system let me do this directly."

After a while, the passwords of each robot were re-entered, the internal program restarted, and Zhanfei lifted the "invisibility" and emerged.

They automatically regard the humanoid carbon-based life form they see at first sight as their master. The electronic eyes flickered one by one, remembered Zhan Fei, then turned around and left, continuing to patrol.

Zhan Fei let out a sigh of relief.

Go out from the other door of the production workshop, there is a long corridor leading to another place, but a large number of collapsed metal pipes and various metal blocks block the passage, and there is an elevator next to it switch. Turn on the switch, enter the password, and one side of the wall in the production workshop will crack, revealing a huge hidden elevator that can store containers.

Zhan Fei walked in, and went up nearly 20 meters from the elevator. It was estimated that he had almost risen to the inside of the mountain, leveling with the valley outside, before the elevator door opened.

Walking along a huge corridor, I found that the front was blocked again. There were a lot of rocks on the ground, and there was a huge thick rock wall in front.

"Can't get through?" Zhan Fei was stunned for a moment.

"The base was damaged a long time ago. The rocks outside were subjected to high temperature and pressure, and melted and turned into magma poured in. After cooling, it turned into volcanic rock and blocked it here."

Zhan Fei was stunned.

The voice of the system said: "The entire base and other places are all blocked by superhard alloys. You can only leave here or through the workshop door."

"Then let me leave from the workshop gate. Go back to the place where I fell and wait for rescue."

"It's better not to try to open the workshop door and get out from there."


"When you leave the base from here, you will know when you get outside."

"Hmph, what's the point... Could it be that someone has already appeared outside the workshop door? If I open the door, I will be found as soon as I go out. I can't explain why I entered the base, right?"

The system said: "Half of the guess is right, you will know when you leave the base."

Zhanfei's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition.

But the bastard System refused to tell the truth, so he had no choice but to leave quickly.

Pointing with the index finger of the left hand, there was a large piece of rock formation with a diameter of two meters in front of it, which was cut out of thin air and disappeared... That's right, this is the way to use "space energy".

The power of space is invincible... Of course, it is only in theory.

The "storage space" of Zhanfei can "forcibly" collect things from the outside world. If the things are too large, they will be neat, smooth and without grain, as if they were cut by a crack in space.

Strangely, metal cannot be cut. Even metals as brittle and soft as tin and gold cannot be cut off. But as long as it is a "non-metallic" substance, even a diamond can be cut.

Ore containing metal elements can also be cut. The "non-metallic substance" contained in the metal can still be cut.

These are all written on the virtual screen, and the specific principle is not explained, and Zhanfei is still unclear.

But it doesn't matter... With a wave of his left hand, a huge volcanic rock was thrown behind him with a muffled sound.

Look at the virtual screen, man, 6 points of space energy were lost just now.

So, he stepped forward, stood in a good position, waved his left hand again, and another large rock was cut off, released and thrown aside.

According to the system's prompt, after digging a few blocks in a row, and then digging a few times in another direction, I saw a corridor.

Surrounded by darkness, Zhanfei used the "fluorescence technique" to make his hands and feet glow, and walked tens of meters upward along the road, and there was a huge cave.

To Zhanfei's horror, there was a huge snake coiled in the cave, with a single horn growing on its head, and its body was estimated to be one foot thick in diameter, with a few scales doped with gray and white, at least a dozen or twenty meters long. Long, now just coiled.

As soon as it sensed that the vibration was still human, the snake stood upright with a two-meter-long body, its two green eyes staring at this side, and the snake hesitated.


The snake stuck out its tongue, and rushed towards it in an instant. (to be continued)

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