Seize Genes

Chapter 164 The Purpose of Aliens (Part 1)

Luo Tianshui hesitated for a moment, then Zhan Fei asked, "Why don't you answer?"

Luo Tianshui smiled bitterly: "I'm thinking about how to explain to you..."

"How should I explain it? Don't try to lie."

"The vision of people on earth is very limited. Even if some things are explained, normal people on earth may not be able to understand them, so they must be explained in a way that normal people on earth can understand. Unless you...are also from an alien planet "

"You are so brave, you actually dare to take the opportunity to inquire about my origins?"

"I don't dare. Sooner or later, you'll have to take amnesia potion anyway. It's useless to inquire."

"Humph, it's good if you know." Zhan Fei said.

Luo Tianshui pondered for a moment and said: "I don't know the purpose of our organization coming to the earth, but I am sure that the main goal is not to rule the earth. Because, with the current strength of the organization, it is not difficult to Completely control the entire earth."

Zhan Fei sneered slightly and said nothing.

There is more than just a bunch of aliens on Earth. If the organization behind Luo Tianshui thought that the earth would be so easy to handle, they would be wrong.

Luo Tianshui said: "I know you will doubt my words, but I didn't lie. The strength of our organization is beyond your imagination. It's just...the leader of the organization is not very interested in asteroids like the Earth.

"In the eyes of people on earth, the earth is very valuable, and there should be many aliens interested in the earth. But in fact... in the eyes of many aliens, the earth is not valuable at all."

Zhan Fei raised his eyebrows slightly and said nothing.

Luo Tianshui said: "Perhaps, there are some aliens who are very greedy for the various resources on the earth. They are greedy for the huge living space on the earth. All kinds of animals, plants, plants and mineral resources on the earth are good. In some country aliens In his eyes, the earth's technology is not too backward, and even if he just captures living people as slaves, it is still a huge fortune.

"What a pity. Aliens with such ideas...their planets are often not yet in the era of interstellar space. Once they can successfully enter the era of real interstellar space, such alien races will look back at the earth. You will feel poor.

"In the vast starry sky, there are countless planets that are richer in minerals than the earth. There are many planets with more nuclear energy than the earth. In space navigation, fusion nuclear energy is a relatively low-level energy, a higher-level energy. The earth does not have it.

"Aliens who can enter the space age,

In various aspects of technology, including the evolution of the human body, it is crushing the earth in minutes. If you want to find habitable planets and obtain a vast living environment, you only need to take a look with an astronomical telescope, and you will find that many habitable planets have no intelligent life at all, and they would rather immigrate to the earth. Better to immigrate elsewhere.

“At least, the air environment elsewhere is better than that on Earth, and it is better to invade no-man’s land elsewhere than to have disputes on Earth.

"Technology. The earth is backward. Resources, the earth is poor. If we talk about the average IQ of the people on the earth, it is only below average in the galaxy. When it comes to the appearance of the people on the earth, the 'gene optimization' technology of most alien worlds is already quite Perfect, most races that look similar to people on Earth are much more beautiful than people on Earth.

"In terms of physical fitness, there is almost no earthling in the world who is suitable to serve as a 'space warrior'. When it comes to tourism resources, there are many more comfortable planets to live on than the earth's beautiful environment. Therefore, in the world that can truly carry out super In the eyes of aliens from long-distance spaceflight, the earth really has no great value..."

Halfway through the conversation. Zhan Fei couldn't help but mutter: "The earth isn't so bad, right?"

"In the eyes of the vast majority of aliens who can come to the earth, the earth is so bad." Luo Tianshui said.

Zhan Fei snorted and said: "If the earth is so bad, then why do those aliens keep coming to the earth?"

Luo Tianshui said: "Because there are people on the earth! The biggest advantage of the earth is that there are a lot of people. Although there are many people who are mentally retarded and brain-dead, there are also many people who are extremely smart. The people with extremely high IQs on the earth have a lot of knowledge and skills. In terms of vision, they are not as good as alien races, but in terms of conspiracy and conspiracy, they are not inferior to most alien life forms, especially the best among the Chinese people. If their knowledge reserves are improved and their vision is increased, they can be thrown into the alien world. Among them, everyone can become a very powerful wise man.

"Just like modern people think that the ancients are stupid, but if modern people are thrown into ancient times and fight with the ancients on the same starting line, they may not be able to outwit those extremely smart ancients. For example, during the Three Kingdoms period, In the courts of all major dynasties, there are many wise men."

Zhan Fei raised his eyebrows: "Those aliens want to come to Earth to recruit military advisors?"

Luo Tianshui shook his head: "No."

"Then what exactly are they doing on Earth?"

Luo Tianshui said: "For the master behind them, stand in front and prepare to cheat. When the galactic nobles behind them come over, they will be able to conquer the earth more easily and win in the struggle."

Zhan Fei laughed angrily: "You think I'm easy to fool, don't you? Just now you said that aliens have no interest in conquering the earth, and now you say that they are here to do whatever they want to do to conquer the earth."

If the system hadn't prompted him, Luo Tianshui wouldn't have lied at all, and Zhan Fei would have just kicked him over.

Luo Tianshui said: "I'm not lying. Most aliens are not interested in 'ruling' the earth, but that doesn't mean they are not interested in 'conquering' the earth. Now the people we organize to come to the earth may not be interested in conquering the earth, but The 'galactic nobles' behind them, especially the 'gongzi', are extremely interested in conquering the earth."

Zhan Fei's face darkened: "Galaxy noble? Young master? Who is this? What is going on? Tell me clearly!!"

One moment he was not interested in ruling, the other moment he was interested in conquering, Zhan Fei was almost confused by him.

Luo Tianshui smiled bitterly: "It's really complicated to explain...but if you explain it clearly, you will completely understand what's going on. So, I hope you can give me some time to explain it slowly."

"Okay." Zhan Fei nodded: "Anyway, I'm not afraid of you delaying time."

Is it possible that he can talk for hours on end?

Luo Tianshui said: "The so-called Galaxy aristocrats are those who have the right to have food and clothing, and are assigned a life path as soon as they are born. In addition to being a clay sculpture and wood sculpture that can be ruled by an arch, they only know how to pursue various enjoyments. Special groups..."

After a pause, he said: "Their behavior is very different from that of normal people, and it is even more different from people on earth. For the convenience of explanation, I will ask you some very simple questions. This is not to try to find out any of your secrets... …”

"Don't be squeaky, say it quickly!!" Zhan Fei said.

Luo Tianshui pondered for a moment and said, "What do you understand by the word 'enjoyment'?"

Zhan Fei frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

"If I say... some people will feel very comfortable when their bodies are whipped with whips, stabbed with knives, and stabbed with spears. It is regarded as a rare enjoyment. Do you believe it?"

Zhan Fei laughed: "Are you talking about masochism?"

"No, my psychology is completely normal."

Zhan Fei sneered.

Luo Tianshui said: "I know you don't believe it. But please listen to my explanation slowly.

"Aliens, like people on Earth, understand 'enjoyment' in two ways: material enjoyment and spiritual enjoyment. In the final analysis, material enjoyment is also related to the spirit. For example, the simplest enjoyment is sight, hearing, and smelling The five senses of taste, touch and taste are satisfied to varying degrees.

"It's just that aliens' desires are more difficult to satisfy. Their pursuit of 'enjoyment' is deeper than that of earthlings.

"For example, when it comes to eating delicious food, a British person who rarely eats delicious food suddenly appears in heaven and eats a Manchu-Han banquet carefully prepared by a special chef, and it is a feast that is adjusted for the tastes of foreigners. What do you think? Isn’t this a pleasure?”

Zhan Fei said nothing, and Luo Tianshui said: "This is a kind of enjoyment. However, it is limited to eating half a catty or a catty of food. Or a man with a big belly can eat several catties of food and drinks. If an ordinary person is forced to eat a What about a hundred pounds of food? This is not enjoyment, but torture. It will kill people.

"For people on earth, no one would consider being forced to eat hundreds of kilograms of food as enjoyment. But aliens are different. Some nobles will transform their stomachs into 'star gourmets' Just like in fantasy novels, the human stomach can store many items, not to mention hundreds of kilograms of food, but even ten thousand kilograms of food can be stored. So, let me ask, is it torture or enjoyment to let such a person eat a hundred kilograms of delicious food? ?”

Zhan Fei said: "Just enjoy it."

Luo Tianshui said: "That's true. In this case, being forced to eat hundreds or thousands of kilograms of food, which seems like a terrible punishment, is actually just a small game between lovers and does no harm.

"Another example. If a virgin can suddenly have a beautiful woman to sleep with, he can do whatever he wants. Is this a kind of enjoyment? Yes.

"However, if this man is forced to serve thirty or fifty beauties in one night, he must sleep with them all at once, be exposed to all the rain and dew in one night, and he must satisfy hundreds of beauties every day. Let him be satisfied. Is this a kind of enjoyment?”

Zhanfei sweated profusely.

Luo Tianshui said: "This is not enjoyment, but torture and punishment. However, some alien nobles can undergo special genetic modification. The golden gun will not fall, the vitality will not leak, and the waist movement can reach more than ten per second. Doing it dozens of times for twenty-four hours without getting tired can theoretically satisfy a woman in just a few minutes. Then, even if there are dozens of stunning beauties who have to ask for satisfaction, they can do it in any position they want, and they can line up if they want. If you step forward automatically, you will queue up and step forward. Is this considered a punishment?”

Zhan Fei said: "I'm not talking about these dirty topics."

Luo Tianshui said: "What I say is not meaningless. You will understand after listening to it."

After a pause, he continued: "The nobles in alien life have no end to their pursuit of enjoyment. For example, a massage is very comfortable, but if you hit your body with a hammer weighing ten kilograms, use a sword or a whip. Massage would be very painful. However, if the body is transformed into invulnerable and various swords are used to penetrate the body, it will be very comfortable..."

Zhan Fei said: "You are invulnerable, and you feel comfortable if you pierce your body with a sword? What a big joke."

He is also invulnerable, why doesn't he feel this way?

Luo Tianshui said: "The thorn is not an ordinary thorn. It must be aimed at the correct acupoint or body part, and the whipping is not an ordinary whipping. For example, if a normal person has an itch on his back, he would use itchy scratch to scratch his feet. Of course not It feels comfortable, but if you scratch your back with Tickle, does it feel very comfortable and refreshing?

"This kind of scratching is strong enough to crush many ants to death. This kind of scratching. For the ants crawling on the back of a person, it is a disaster, or a crisis that is enough to cause disability. It is a punishment, but for the ants crawling on the back of the person, it is a kind of disaster. For those who scratch it, it's just right.

"Some people like to be massaged. It is best to use heavy manual massage or let people step on them. But this kind of thing is painful and disaster for a newborn baby. It is a kind of punishment, and for those with thick skin What about thick adults? The massage is just right and feels very comfortable, which is a kind of enjoyment.

"It can be deduced from this that if an invulnerable alien can be whipped with a whip dipped in potion, pierced with swords and swords at appropriate locations, and hit various parts of the body with heavy blows, it will not only cause no pain, but will actually catalyze the body's It is a very comfortable enjoyment. It is not inferior to taking a sauna. In the eyes of others, it is like being abused, but only the person who takes it knows how to enjoy it.

"So, the little nobles of some alien planets will even organize some seemingly masochistic, collective torture carnivals. There are whips, candles and swords, and dozens or hundreds of people of the opposite sex of different races are mixed together. To The more corruption there is, the more chaos there is.”

Zhan Fei frowned.

Luo Tianshui said: "These are ordinary sensory enjoyments. If you pursue them to the extreme, some people will feel bored. Because the lives of many alien nobles are quite long. They dare not say tens of thousands of years. There is no problem for one or two thousand years, and liking the new and hating the old is a common characteristic of intelligent life.

"So, when they pursue the ultimate in material enjoyment, they will pursue the ultimate in spirituality. For example, they are busy every day in a big city, but suddenly have the opportunity to live in a beautiful valley for a while.

"Here there are birds singing and flowers fragrant, green grass, fresh air, many shady trees, a comfortable temperature, small bridges and flowing water, beautiful ponds, lakes, and hot springs. In the entire valley, you can get whatever you want. With the help of the outside world, everything in the entire valley can be planned by him. You can raise some cute animals inside, watch the butterflies fluttering, and watch the bees busy among the flowers.

"He can sit and lie in front of the wooden house that exudes the fragrance of trees, under the shade of a big tree, on a deck chair, in the warm sunshine, holding a book, enjoying the beautiful scenery of nature and enjoying the leisurely and comfortable comfort Time. Is this a kind of 'enjoyment'?


"If you are a rich and free person on Earth, you will occasionally pursue such a comfortable feeling. However, you will easily get tired of living in such a remote place for a few days. But aliens are different. They will take the city The environment has been transformed into a beautiful one. Some simply keep the original appearance of the city and just transform their bodies. Then, no matter where they go in the bustling metropolis, they can feel the transcendent beauty there and feel that the city is like a fairyland. Generally, it’s like a paradise, quiet, peaceful, comfortable and beautiful.”

Zhan Fei sneered: "Just brag."

Luo Tianshui said: "I'm not bragging, but telling the truth. If we say dirty, the corners of the city are not necessarily any dirtier than the dark muddy ground in the beautiful valley where dead insects and fish are buried. The people in the city are so messy. The sky is scheming, and you are fighting to the death. However, in that beautiful valley, where normal humans seem to be peaceful and peaceful, is it not a battlefield of life and death, a place of intrigue?

"For example, in the grass, grasshoppers are jumping around and eating the grass leaves, but the birds in the sky will pounce down at any time and eat them, which will be life-threatening. This is especially true for the bugs on the trees. I don't know when. He died under the bird's mouth.

"The ants under the tree must risk their lives to go out and search for food, fight with huge bugs, and compete with other ants of the same kind. They may also be poured into the ant nest with water by naughty children at any time, and they may be forced into the ant nest with branches. Hanging them up and burning them is a very cruel and terrible thing for the ants.

"Mosquitoes and flies in the grass must be avoided, and insect-eating frogs by river ponds and lakes must be avoided. Birds in the sky are also in danger.

"Except for humans, all other life forms in the entire valley have to compete with other life forms for living space. Between trees, they have to compete for sunlight and underground water and soil. The weaker ordinary bugs, the more vulnerable they become. Danger.

"Why do humans find such valleys beautiful? Because here they have the fresh air and sunshine they need, as well as an environment that gives them peace of mind. Why can his mind be calm in this valley and feel the environment is peaceful and peaceful?

"Because, in the valley, any other life cannot threaten his safety. He is high up in the valley, looking down at the ants, bees, butterflies, flowers, grass, and trees under his feet. These little lives compete with each other. Fighting to the death and all kinds of cruelty are just a fun game in his eyes. After seeing it, his mood is calm and it doesn't matter to him.

"But if a big living person becomes the size of an ant or the size of a grasshopper, his strength will also decrease, and he is thrown into a valley like this. Will this beautiful, peaceful and peaceful valley become full of crises? The terrible hell?

"And if one of the ants or grasshoppers becomes as huge as a living person and is completely unthreatening by other life in the valley, then for it, will this be a beautiful, peaceful and peaceful place where it can relax its mind? , a beautiful environment where you can live carefree!

"What is happening in the outside world, is it punishment or enjoyment for human beings themselves? The most important thing is that it not only depends on the environment, not only on the outside world. It also depends on the human body itself!!

"If your strength is strong enough and your body can bear it, all kinds of punishments will become enjoyment. If you are weak and cannot bear it, all kinds of enjoyment will be as painful as punishment.

"The human body is soaked in high-temperature water. Some people think it is a punishment, while others find it very comfortable. If you are a more powerful person and are not damaged at all by soaking in the magma, you will also feel that taking a magma bath is very comfortable. It is more comfortable than soaking in a hot spring. Comfortable. Just like a dragon in a fantasy novel.

"Then, if a person becomes very powerful, invulnerable to weapons, water, and fire, immune to all poisons, and immune to all diseases, even breathing in bad air will not harm the body at all, just like the effect of fresh air. Except for bombardment by nuclear warheads, there is no physical impact at all. It means immortality. In this way, one can live in the city without worrying about food and clothing, and can live for hundreds of years without eating or drinking.

"In this way, looking down at the busy mortals in the city and watching their intrigues, is it just like normal people in the valley, watching the ants fighting, watching the grasshoppers and birds, one trying to hide the truth, and the other trying to find the other? Eat?

"A strong man who is high and above stands in a chaotic city where all kinds of conspiracies and conspiracies are endless. No matter what kind of means, he can't be harmed or harmed at all. So in such an environment, is there a kind of otherworldly feeling? A sense of superiority? Can you feel peace and tranquility when you look at the noisy world?

"For such a strong man, a prosperous city is no different from a peaceful paradise. Watching mortals fighting, life and death, busy for life, and fighting to the death for various interests, isn't it like mortals watching ants fighting? It's like watching ants fighting. Is it as interesting as the show?”

Zhan Fei was silent for a moment and said, "What you said may make sense, but what does this have to do with aliens invading the earth?"

Luo Tianshui said: "It has something to do with it. Because ordinary people living in beautiful valleys will get tired of them after living there for a long time. But the 'Galaxy Nobles' who are above us have looked down at the mortals for a long time and enjoyed the feeling of being 'otherworldly'. Yes, enjoying the feeling of being like a god looking down on the mortal world will make you tired, empty and boring after a long time.

"Some of them seek excitement and want to feel happiness in life and death. Just like some earthlings who are empty and bored, they like to take risks, go racing, skydiving, etc. to pursue all kinds of extraordinary things. They even take drugs.

"But for alien nobles, life-saving is the first priority. Putting yourself in danger for enjoyment is a stupid behavior. Therefore, they will pursue another kind of enjoyment-spiritual Pleasure, and all kinds of 'sense of accomplishment'. Through your own efforts, you can finally gain the power of the world and be drunk in the lap of a beautiful woman, that wonderful sense of accomplishment of creating a new era with your own hands!"

Zhan Fei frowned and asked, "How to pursue it?"

Luo Tianshui said: "The sense of personal accomplishment is to accomplish something that looks great through one's own efforts and to be able to show off in front of others. Therefore, a virtual world appears on alien planets. Some princes and mortals will be in it. Play a game of world supremacy.

"However, as long as it is a game, there is no absolute fairness. As long as they can make use of the resources at hand, the galactic nobles can easily steal the show in various virtual games. Over time, there is no interest at all, let alone a sense of accomplishment. . Even in the virtual world, no matter how real the environment is, they know it is fake. Therefore, the alien nobles with huge resources turn their attention to reality. "

Zhan Fei's brows twitched slightly: "Put your eyes on reality? Compete for hegemony in the real world?"


Zhan Fei asked: "Playing for hegemony in an alien world?"

"They will kill themselves if they are not careful." Luo Tianshui said: "Their eyes will be on some small planets that have not yet entered the era of large-scale spaceflight."

Zhan Fei's heart was beating wildly, and he vaguely understood: "Their eyes are now on the earth?" (To be continued)

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