Seize Genes

Chapter 445 Restoration of youth, spoiler

Zhan Fei turned around and saw that the woman Karin still pretended to be frightened.

Frowning, Zhan Fei said, "Are you still unwilling to say anything? When did those people find you?"

Karin murmured without saying a word.

Zhan Fei asked again: "What kind of methods did they show you? To make you so afraid of them."

Karin still said nothing.

Zhan Fei said: "I can think that you have decided to side with them, right?"

"Wait, wait..." Karin said: "They contacted me five years ago, before I became the Deputy Secretary of State of China."

Then, Karin said that her third-type contact experience was nothing more than the discovery of aliens. The other party showed extremely powerful abilities and promised to give Karin glory and wealth. He wanted to push her to the position of president, and she Just do a little "little favor" to the other person.

The elections in the Diao Kingdom have always been controlled by major financial groups, but now they are just controlled by aliens. Karin does not have any psychological burden.

After that, she has been on a meteoric rise, and people who are not on the same page as her often have various accidents, either in terms of personal safety or other aspects, causing her opponents to fall one by one, and she naturally reaches the position of deputy secretary of state.

"So, the other party has been supporting you to come up?" Zhan Fei was a little surprised and asked: "Why are they supporting you."

Karin was stunned for a while and then said: "They helped me reach a higher level in the political arena, and I provided them with other 'benefits'. Isn't this reasonable?"

Zhan Fei burst into laughter: "Are you fooled by the so-called 'fair trade'? The people of Diao country like to preach fair cooperation and mutual benefit, but do you think the aliens also like this?"

Karin was stunned.

"If the opponent's strength is about the same as yours, then it would be fair cooperation and mutual benefit. They will support you to come to power and then let you support their power in the Diao Kingdom. This is normal. But since they can easily control your life and death, their strength is far greater. Above you, why should I negotiate a fair deal with you?

"You were just a middle-level female official at the time, very ordinary. With the other party's strength, why didn't they directly control the president or other high-level officials, but controlled you first? It's unnecessary, isn't it?"

After Zhan Fei finished speaking, Karin's expression changed.

"It seems...the strength of those aliens.

I have to re-evaluate. "Zhan Fei muttered in his heart.

Just listen to Karin say: "They said that because of the interstellar agreement in the alien world, Blue Star has not yet entered the era of interstellar space travel, and they cannot directly interfere with our affairs here, and they cannot contact us Blue Star people openly.

"So. We can only make third-type contact with ordinary people quietly. But the people caught in the flying saucer will be contaminated with some special radiation, and they can easily be found to have been in contact with aliens. They are not suitable to be active in the political arena. I was lucky enough to be in contact with them without being infected with radiation, which is very special, so..."

Zhan Fei shook his head slightly.

With the strength of aliens, the so-called radiation cannot be easily eliminated? Unless the opponent's technology is not much higher than this Blue Star's. The opponent does not have overwhelming strength.

According to Zhan Fei's brief understanding, this star field also has certain international conventions. For example, it cannot be easily used against those civilizations that are developing. However, this large galaxy is divided among itself, and there are so many interstellar countries in a mess. Some have only one or two habitable stars, while others have hundreds and thousands of habitable stars.

The so-called interstellar convention is suppressed purely by the strength of the great powers. If there is a problem with the nearby big countries, the four countries a thousand light years away will definitely devour the planet without leaving any skin. This was also the reason why the old man, who was suspected of being half-stepped into the realm of a god, asked Zhan Fei for help.

Based on this information, we can infer that those countries should also be small countries. Not too powerful. Therefore, the evolvers in those countries are most likely far from reaching the level of Zhan Fei. If the opponent's technological strength is similar to this Blue Star, or only a few times stronger. A few thousand years ahead, Zhan Fei could completely crush the opponent.

To put it bluntly, Zhan Fei alone can now exterminate all life on the entire Blue Star. He only needs to use mind-controlled nanorobots to transform some genetic viruses and special bacteria and release them. It can take as fast as ten days or as slow as a few months. , it will not be difficult for there to be no grass roots left in the world.

The premise is that the mysterious old man doesn't interfere.

"Aliens... Hehe. The aliens from those four planets are very powerful to this blue star, but they are nothing to me."

After understanding this, Zhan Fei felt confident, so he stared at Karin and said, "Janes, I have been knocked unconscious for so long, but the other party has not yet reacted, and has not called other guards to break in. You didn’t force yourself to come and cause trouble for me. It seems that you are obviously lacking in confidence and your strength is far inferior to mine. Now, which side do you decide to stand on?”

Karin's face changed, and after a while she said: "My family is under their control."

Zhan Fei said: "Give me the list of people being controlled. Let me know when they are ready to take action."

Karin gritted her teeth, stood up, bowed to Zhan Fei and saluted: "I am willing to serve you."

"You won't regret it." Zhan Fei said, "Stand in front of the mirror."

Karin was stunned and walked to a mirror next door that showed her whole body. The face of a woman in her forties was revealed in it. You really don’t look good without makeup. But compared with other women of this age in Diao Kingdom, she is still beautiful.

Zhan Fei slapped her on the shoulder, and a wave of heat poured into her body. She was surprised to find that her whole person had changed. Her body seemed to be full of vitality, her skin had changed from loose to tight, and the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes were disappearing. Other obvious parts of the body have also changed.

In an instant, she became more than ten years younger and turned into a beautiful woman under thirty years old.

"Oh...god, oh my gosh!!"

Karin touched her face, her skin, and other parts of her body in disbelief. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Zhan Fei said: "I only regulate the qi and blood in your body to make you healthier, and at the same time change the skin on the surface of your body. The organs in your body do not really become younger. If you are willing to do your errands well, even if you are It is not difficult to truly regain your youth, but if you are unwilling to obey and do things honestly, then..."

Zhan Fei sneered, and the heat that poured into Karin's body quickly flowed, and her body quickly shriveled up and withered. The skin wrinkled and aged rapidly. In just two seconds, the whole person suddenly became like an old woman in her seventies or eighties, and she was still skinny and skinny. This is true in every part of the body.


Karin almost fainted.

At this time, the heat in her body surged again, and then her muscles and skin replenished, regaining her youth and vitality. Then she transforms back into a beautiful woman under thirty years old. If she puts on makeup well, it is not difficult to look like she is in her early twenties. Of course, if you deliberately pretend to be old and transform into the image of a beautiful woman in her forties, you can do the same.

She was looking at the person in the mirror in despair, constantly raising her hands to look at her palms and arms, and then looking down at her thighs and other parts of her body.

Zhan Fei stepped aside, holding a paper card in his right hand, and swished it into the wooden dressing table next to him. Said: "Slowly appreciate your younger body. The phone number on the card is mine, and I will contact you. If you have anything, you can also call this number, but it will be answered by a computer, and I may not accept the contact. .

"I think that if you can reach the position of Deputy Secretary of State and you are so smart, you don't need to teach me what to do next."

The figure gradually faded and disappeared.

Karin looked at the mirror for a long time. Then he took out his mobile phone to take a selfie and posted it on some anonymous websites. After hearing the praise from netizens, he was convinced that he had really become younger.

"It's incredible... Aliens don't seem to be that powerful. Could it be that he is really a brave messenger?" A flush appeared on Karin's face.

Unfortunately, she didn't know that Zhan Fei could make her young or old, but it would never be possible to change her in just two seconds without directly harming her body. It had indeed restored her youthfulness to the surface of her body. The internal state changes from a sub-healthy state to a very healthy state. But it didn't really make her age. The appearance of aging was an illusion, and her sense of touch was misled by Zhan Fei's mind-controlled nanorobot. It was as if she had been temporarily trapped in a virtual world, and what she saw, touched, and heard was not real.

However, she couldn't tell the difference at all.

At this time, Zhan Fei has found the president of Diaoguo.

After that, Ma continued to travel around the world. Moreover, the means are more direct than before.

For example, after forcing a social elite to surrender, he directly asked the other party to present evidence to Zhan Fei that would ruin his reputation.

"These people may not believe too much in supernatural powers, and they may not really compromise and dare not resist the death threats I bring. They will always have their own wrong ideas. I am not in the mood to fight with them. Just holding it will make them invincible throughout the whole process." Evidence that society cannot stand on, such as evidence of murder, evidence of dirty things done, etc., is much simpler.

"Many people are afraid of death, but some people feel that being ruined is more terrifying than death. Grasping their unfavorable evidence and pinching their Achilles' heel is more effective than other means."

In just half a month, Zhan Fei controlled many elites from all walks of life.

But soon, Zhan Fei discovered something that made him very unhappy.

A high-level political figure in the Ice and Snow Kingdom who he originally controlled actually "rebelled".

Zhan Fei clearly sensed that the thought-controlled nanorobot he had implanted into the opponent's body had discovered something strange.

"Is it an alien?"

Zhan Fei soon appeared in front of the white-haired old man, a tall, muscular old man with white and rosy skin.

"Iverflas." Zhan Fei stared at the man coldly: "Someone strange is looking for you, why can't you contact me?"

Yverflas was speechless.

Zhan Fei forced the foreign objects out of the opponent's body, but it turned out that micro-robots the size of grains were stationed in certain parts of Ivelflas' heart and brain. As long as there is a slight mistake, this micro robot can cause the opponent's blood vessels to rupture and completely die.

"This kind of technology..." Zhan Fei looked at the remote-controlled micro-robot the size of a grain of rice and laughed angrily. This is much larger than his mind-controlled nanorobot, and the technology is far behind.

After the foreign body was removed, within a few hours, a young man with red hair and white skin was found walking over, named Pleski, examining the body of Iverflas.

Zhan Fei appeared and said in a deep voice: "Is this the 'candidate' you are eyeing for me?"

The young man looked at Zhan Fei in surprise: "Who are you? Why do you want to rob my 'prey'?"

Zhan Fei smiled angrily: "You have to figure out first come first served. You can't detect the power I have implanted in this person, right?"

The young man was speechless and stared at Zhan Fei. He saw Zhan Fei's right index finger stretched out, and an invisible force condensed on his fingertip: "Can you see it?"

The young man shook his head, Zhan Fei's fingers flickered, and a flame ignited.

"The power of mind control? You, you are not from this world? Not from this blue star?" the young man said in surprise.

Zhan Fei's face darkened: "Sure enough, you are from an alien world. You have plans for this planet. Tell me, what is your name? Where are you from? What are your plans?"

The young man smiled: "Do you think I can say it?"

Zhan Fei stretched out his right hand, and latched his five fingers into claws on Pleski's Heavenly Spirit Cap, piercing through his skull. Strong ice-cold power surged out, freezing the opponent's body as quickly as liquid helium. Then, a large number of mind-controlled nanometers The robots swarmed in and scanned everything inside the opponent's brain into Zhanfei's intelligent auxiliary chip.

Carry out 3D physical simulation, virtual world imaging, and then read the memory in the virtual world.

Human memory is sealed in brain cells. There are many raised branches in the memory area of ​​the brain. After scanning, three-dimensional data will be obtained. If you successfully solve this, you will be able to know the other party's memory.

"The memory is so rudimentary?" Zhan Fei only succeeded in deciphering part of the memory. He released his right hand and the body fell at his feet.

The head was broken open, and something the size of a rice grain rolled out.

"Pleski, a person from the Snow Country, a death row prisoner. He has records of murder, rape, robbery, theft, etc. His memory matches the police station data. However, he is just a controlled incarnation."

Zhan Fei pondered for a moment, jumped up, and flew to high altitude in an instant. Not long after, he flew to the Moon-1.

This blue star has two natural satellites, each with different names, one is purple and the other is red. Zhan Fei translated them into the earth language and called them Purple Moon and Red Moon.

Ziyue is more than a thousand kilometers in diameter, and a signal relay station hidden in the mountains was found on it.

Zhan Fei sent out a detection flying saucer and found that there are many signal relay stations on the Purple Moon, scattered in different places. Each one is not big, the largest is the size of a fingernail, and there is a nearby one with a diameter larger than the blue star. Desolate lifeless living spheres connected. A detection flying saucer was sent there and it was discovered that there was a larger signal relay point there to communicate with the outside world. It could barely communicate with places more than ten light years away.

Zhan Fei could not leave the range of 100 million kilometers now, so he could only stop.

"There are actually so many signal relay points, and some of them actually self-destructed after sensing my detection, some were destroyed when they were captured by my detection flying saucer, and some were actually able to hide from my detection flying saucer, instantly He disappears and runs away, unable to catch up or catch him.

"It seems that the aliens who have descended around here have varying strengths. Some are ridiculously weak, while others are quite powerful."

Zhanfei thought of a possibility. That is interstellar mercenaries, or interstellar adventurers, and the gap in strength is quite large.

"The situation is more complicated and troublesome than I thought. Some aliens are easy to solve, but some are not. The weak ones dare not stay on this planet for a long time. It seems that they are threatened by something, so they only send incarnations. The strong ones are Yes, it seems that he sensed the existence of the 'false god' old man and felt the Gaia consciousness of this planet, so he stayed far away but did not give up on controlling the planet.

"If my guess is correct, I wanted to control most of the political figures in this country and unite all the countries on this planet. Things are not that easy. Even if the countries unite to form a federation, then the federation will be It’s hard to say who controls it.”

Zhan Fei's premonition soon became a reality.

He discovered that many of the social elites he targeted had actually been secretly controlled by others, and some even differed greatly in their genes from others. There were also some social elites controlled by Zhan Fei, who soon lost contact... (To be continued.) () "Seizing Genes" only represents the views of the author Wolftooth Monster. If its content is found to violate national laws, Please delete any conflicting content. Our position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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