Seize Genes

Chapter 715 A terrible natural enemy meets Zhan Tian again

There was a loud crash, and the light barrier of the space door was completely shattered, and crystal shards scattered like pieces of glass windows that had been exploded. .Δm

A huge dark arm stretched out from the space door, exuding a strange aura.

At this moment, Zhan Fei's figure was stiff and his body was faintly out of control, not to mention the Hunyuan Saint who was very close.

"It's not an arm, it's a tornado!!"

Zhan Fei, the thing that seemed to be an arm turned out to be a tornado-like vortex formed by the dark breath. The cylindrical tornado seemed to be stretched out like an arm, with black mist and fingers spewing from the front. It seems that there is a will in the dark that controls the black aura to form such an arm.

At this moment, a long chant sounded, and a golden sun fell from the sky. In the sun, a golden skeleton faintly transformed from the appearance of a three-legged golden crow into a human form, and stepped heavily on the dark tornado with its right foot.

boom! ! !

The violent force knocked away the human skeleton transformed from the three-legged Golden Crow skeleton, but half of the tornado's arm was also shattered.


A dazzling bright light appeared, a figure without a head and nearly one-third of its bones missing. Holding a long sword made of his own ribs, he used the mighty sword power to cut off the severely injured arm.

But after the arm formed by the black tornado was broken, the black air spurted out and the golden skull flew away.

"Master Tongtian?!!"

Zhan Fei was shocked.

The aura is too similar to that of Tongtian Cult Master. Could this skeleton belong to Tongtian Cult Master?

At this time, another person came through the air, with a powerful purple energy of three hundred miles. He was dressed in a purple robe and sat cross-legged on the futon.

"Master Taiqing?" Among Zhan Fei's purple robes, there was also a skeleton. The purple robe, the long white beard, and the body shape were all made of condensed energy.

boom! ! !

Tombs exploded in the distance, and figures rushed towards this side.

However, one after another figures released various attacks, and waves of golden energy surged toward the space portal. Another tornado-like arm came in from the space door and was blown to pieces by the golden energy.


A loud voice came from behind the space door,

It didn't sound like it was coming from humans, nor did it sound like it was coming from any animal. It seemed like the energy in the void collided to form a hum similar to that of humans. Although it was just a hum, many people heard another meaning of Yun from it - ants! ! !

It's obviously just a hum, but it contains the meaning of other words, which makes people understand. This language, this power, is astounding.

Zhan Fei's body fell over quickly, and Xi Su and Su Daji rushed towards him. However, their bodies were stiff and slow. Xi Su gritted his teeth and spurted out blood. With his body increased, he actually pounced on Zhan Fei and killed him. Hold on.

"Let me go!!" Zhan Fei's face changed drastically. Because, being dragged down by Xi Su, his speed also slowed down.

Xi Su's appearance and fragrance were very similar to Zhan Fei's wife Luo Wan. In a daze, he actually felt a little soft-hearted and failed to push her away.

At this moment, a very sharp whistle came from the space door.

Wherever the roar passed, hundreds of miles away from the space gate, everything in the world fell into a "time stop" state. Not only Zhan Fei, but other Hunyuan saints, including those golden skeletons, were also unable to move.

The energy flowing in the void is motionless.

The golden energy used by many golden skeletons to attack the space gate is composed of countless very small particles. This kind of power is often uncontrollable and should be attacked rather than defended. After this energy blasted off the second black air tornado arm, it condensed in The space door formed a new golden barrier. At this time, before the barrier was completely formed, it was shattered by the sharp roar and turned into countless golden fragments. Then it entered the state of "time stopped" and stagnated for a period of time. at every turn.

Zhan Fei's face sank to the bottom of his face.

He is not his true body here, but a particularly powerful incarnation, but he also has his own part of the core of consciousness, no weaker than any saint. Every bone of those golden skeletons is comparable to the current Zhan Fei. How strong is a whole skeleton? If several skeletons attack together, how powerful will they be?

The existence behind the space door, attacking here through the door, was able to suppress so many golden skeletons. How strong is the opponent's true strength? How terrible is it?

"At least not inferior to Yushen in his prime state. It may even...may be superior to Yushen."

Such thoughts flashed through Zhan Fei's mind, and he felt fear in his heart.

At this time, many skeletons glowed with light. The ones with heads had soul fire condensed in their eyes and burned, and they opened their mouths to roar silently. The ones without heads had their bodies shaking violently.

boom! ! !

The void collapsed, and the state of time stopping disappeared.

In the sky, countless "stars" trembled violently, and the pressure of each space artifact weakened.

The explosive power of the skeletons lifted the time-stopped state, and they rushed forward one by one, clapping their palms to activate energy particles, gathering the space door, blocking the entrance, and the skeletons bombarded the altar.

However, another scream came.

Everyone fell into a "time stop" state again. Except for a very few existences such as Zhan Fei, who could barely think, others even stopped thinking and their bodies remained motionless.

The speed of many skeletons was slow, and several skeletons were retreating, trying to escape.


The space door produced a strong suction force, and a saint named Hunyuan was sucked in. Some golden skeletons were also sucked in uncontrollably. Zhan Fei took the skeleton of Ancestor Styx and gave up some of the bones on his body. Those bones exploded and formed a jet of force, pushing the skeleton of Ancestor Styx away. At the cost of destroying some bones, he successfully escaped.

But more of them were sucked into the space gate.

"Damn it, it wasn't like this when summoning space gates before. Why is it like this this time?" A saint said angrily and horrified.

However, no one gave Him an explanation.

He was also sucked in.

Su Daji was also sucked away, and Zhan Fei and Xi Su who was hugging him were sucked together, passed through the space portal, and came to a void.

The environment here is very special, and the physical rules and laws of various energies are different from those in the Shenyuanyu Universe.

However, Zhan Fei had no intention of paying attention to this.

He just stared in horror at the void ahead, where there was a group of extremely twisted black objects, like a black hole, and also seemed to be a more mysterious existence. It was twisting violently and it was difficult to distinguish its true shape. There is no power of Yushen, only a frightening and scalp-numbing power fluctuation emerges.

All the attention of Zhan Fei and others was attracted by this black thing, and they were completely uninterested in paying attention to everything around them.

He felt like a mouse under a cat's paw, like a rabbit in a wolf's mouth, like a dragon facing a real dragon and a real divine dragon, unable to exert all its power.

At the black hole, mysterious power emerged, intangible, like wisps of transparent twisted things twisting in the void. Then, a Hunyuan Saint exploded into pieces and turned into countless tiny particles, which were sucked in, and then Another Hunyuan Saint was blown to pieces and sucked over.

Suddenly, a huge mouth appeared, and dozens of Hunyuan Saints were bitten into pieces at the same time. There was a faint sound of swallowing in the void, and all the particles of the Hunyuan Saints flew into the void and disappeared. It is unknown whether they were swallowed by the terrible black thing.

"No... no, I won't be eaten!!" Xi Su trembled and hid in Zhan Fei's arms.

But in fact, at this moment, Zhan Fei's body was extremely stiff and could hardly move, and Xi Su could not do anything except shake.

"Move, move! Damn it, what is going on?" Zhan Fei was shocked and angry.

The strength of the Hunyuan Saint has become like an ant here?

No longer suppressed by countless divine artifacts in the sky, the power within the body is still suppressed, which is even more terrifying than being suppressed by the divine artifacts in the sky in that mysterious space before.

Suddenly, a twisted force flew towards a golden skeleton that was sucked in. In an instant, the golden skeleton was shattered.

It has a huge mouth, but you can hear the chewing sound of its mouthparts crushing things. The golden skull turned into powder and floated towards the weird and evil black hole-like thing ahead, while the sound of swallowing was heard.

"This is...I understand!!!"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Zhan Fei's mind.

"There is an extremely terrifying and powerful existence that grabs us, bites us, and devours us. However, He stands in a higher dimension, and His life level is higher, so we simply cannot express our true image. He opens The mouth opener opened its big mouth, and only at the moment of biting, it dropped from a higher dimension of time and space to this level of time and space, so the crunching sound was heard, and a small amount of the crunching sound was leaked by accident. The shadow of the giant mouth is also the information revealed by Him.

"The sound of swallowing was caused by the power that came out when he devoured the Hunyuan Saint and destroyed the objects in the three-dimensional space. The power was transmitted to the three-dimensional space and time, and we heard it..."

Zhan Fei guessed this. But...but it's of no use.

So what if we know that the other party is in a higher level and higher dimension of time and space? The opponent's "dimensionality reduction" attack is unstoppable. The opponent is located in a higher dimension and is inherently invincible. Only he attacks everyone, and everyone is unable to resist.

Those golden skeletons are Yushen, or Yushen after being seriously injured. They also have the ability to advance to higher dimensions, but at this time, facing the mysterious and unknown black monster, they still have no power to resist.

"Damn it!!!!"

Zhanfei's anger, fear, hatred, and all kinds of negative emotions emerged.

He hated that he was not strong enough to reach higher dimensions and could not escape the suppression of forces from higher dimensions.

"Even if the power of the four dimensions wants to suppress the three dimensions, this power must be reduced to the third dimension to suppress us. The power of the five, six, seven and higher dimensions of space and time cannot be restrained unless it is reduced to the same dimension as ours. Us. So...if we can create a three-dimensional space and several other parallel three-dimensional spaces, we will definitely be able to bind our power, and we will definitely have a chance to escape, even if there is only one chance in a billion..."

Zhanfei gritted his teeth.

Crazy arousing the power in the body, the forbidden power is constantly vibrating.

However, this body failed to draw out the hidden power. However, deep in the Divine Origin Universe, another incarnation of Zhan Fei was awakened. A certain incarnation that had been half asleep, half dreaming, and half awake woke up like an ordinary person frightened by a nightmare.

"This is where?"

The incarnation of Zhan Fei opened his eyes and found himself in the vast void. The strange thing is that this incarnation and the incarnation of Zhanfei on Xisu's side are both awake at the same time and their consciousnesses are connected.

"Zhan Fei..." A faint voice came.

The incarnation of Zhan Fei, who had just woken up, was shocked and said: "Zhan Tian?!!"

A little boy who looked somewhat similar to Zhan Fei was standing not far away. It is the weapon spirit of "Zhou Ji Tian Shu", the weapon spirit that once took away "Wu Yi". After spending some time with Zhan Fei and others, he reintegrated into the Book of Heaven and disappeared mysteriously.

I found him several times under suspicion, but it was not the real him. For example, a certain heavenly book that Zhan Fei finally took away was not the real Zhan Tian.

"Are you...really Zhan Tian?" Zhan Fei asked.

"it's me……"

"Is this the inside of the Karma Artifact?" Zhan Fei did not forget that multiple Zhouji Heavenly Books were combined into the Karma Artifact, and this artifact was scurrying around in the Divine Origin Universe. And Zhan Fei has an incarnation staying in the causal artifact, and information is not transmitted back to the body from time to time. Unfortunately, this incarnation cannot withstand the powerful power and information flow, and has always been in a state of half-dream and half-awake.

"Yes..." Zhan Tian responded again.

"Why are you... so weird now?" asked the little boy floating not far away from Zhan Fei.

"I...I have become the artifact spirit of the Heavenly Book... **The artifact spirit of the Heavenly Book, the artifact spirit of cause and effect... The heaven and the earth are incomplete, and the Heavenly Book is missing. You just fill in the part of the Heavenly Book. I am in you, and you are in me. ..." Zhan Tian said.

Zhan Fei was stunned for a while: "You mean, you and I are partially integrated?"

"Consciousness... part of your consciousness merges with part of the consciousness of the Book of Heaven... You and I are connected spiritually and share some knowledge. You can close the induction or release the induction." Zhan Tian said.

Zhan Fei was a little confused after hearing this, and after asking carefully, it became clear that his incarnation had become a weapon spirit. As a result, part of Zhan Fei's consciousness had been integrated with the Zhouji Heavenly Book and the "Causal Artifact".

Zhantian is more powerful than other weapon spirits. At this time, he is the weapon spirit of the entire causal artifact. But he and Zhan Fei have a very mysterious symbiotic relationship. It's similar to how the entire artifact has a spirit but is partially refined by Zhanfei. To use a simple analogy, a powerful "intelligent brain" has its own consciousness and can also be controlled by someone's consciousness.

Or, it is equivalent to the "intelligent auxiliary chip" in the human body possessing powerful intelligence.

In this situation, both parties share information, have connected hearts and minds.

If Zhan Tian were a living person, Zhan Fei would feel very uncomfortable, but Zhan Tian is just a personality that is equivalent to the birth of an intelligent machine. He is neither male nor female, can be either male or female, has no gender, and has a virtual personality, so Zhan Fei is upset. I don't mind either, I'm just a little worried that the secret in my heart will be sensed by Zhan Tian. But Zhan Tian said that the mind can be closed, and both parties can let the other party only sense part of their open memories.

At the same time, Zhan Fei cannot destroy Zhan Tian, ​​and Zhan Tian cannot destroy Zhan Fei. If Zhan Fei hurts Zhan Tian, ​​Zhan Fei will feel the same pain. In turn, if Zhan Tian attacks Zhan Fei, Zhan Fei will feel the same pain.

"How weird..." Zhan Fei muttered, why did he feel that Zhan Tian and the causal artifact seemed to have become his incarnation, and in turn, his incarnation also became Zhan Tian's incarnation?

"You are very angry... The core of your consciousness is in danger of being swallowed up, so... I close the information injection and your incarnation wakes up." Zhan Tian said.

Zhan Fei is thoughtful. His incarnation was caused by the infusion of too much information and the complete connection with the original body was interrupted. Zhan Tian intercepted the information absorbed by the incarnation in the causal artifact and woke up.

Suddenly, Zhan Fei's heart moved: "You mean, you know the dangers encountered by my other incarnations?"

Zhan Tian nodded: "I...I am the Book of Heaven, flying outside the universe, knowing all kinds of things in the past and the future, the truth about the great catastrophe of the universe, the truth about the great opportunity, the mystery of the death of the gods, the secret of the tomb of the gods, the origin of the human race of the gods I know all the natural enemies..."

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