Seize Genes

Chapter 744 Mortals kill gods, provocation and instigation

"The god Zhou Yi died?"

"Yes... and I heard that it fell into the hands of mortals... No, to be precise, it is basically certain that it fell into the hands of mortals... Moreover, no other gods were seen to be involved in this matter. trace……"

"Hiss~~~No, there is no trace of other Yushen's intervention, and it fell directly into the hands of mortals? This, how is this possible?"

"Indeed, it is very worthy of doubt. LieWen.comWW W. LieWen.Cc Therefore, many gods are currently investigating to determine whether there are really no other gods involved in this matter, and whether it is really only mortals. If the results of the investigation are not satisfactory, the consequences will be serious. "

"This... is indeed very serious, but how could a mortal succeed in killing a god? What happened? How could the god Zhou Yi have died?"

Among the various Yayu gods, or in the small worlds of various galaxies, there are various so-called "gods", all of which are just false gods. At most, they are only in the realm of semi-saints, and there are very few who even reach the realm of Hunyuan saints. . The mortals there occasionally succeeded in killing gods, but the so-called "mortals" were actually at the level of evolvers and advanced evolvers. The false god who was killed was only at the level of a newly promoted semi-saint.

For example, in the Divine Tree sub-universe where Zhan Fei is located, legendary strongmen kill demigods or true gods. In fact, the strength of the two sides is not too far apart. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is a qualitative difference, but in the eyes of strong men like Zhan Fei, the difference in strength is not huge. Moreover, those who are killed are often low-level false gods, and the number of times is extremely rare.

In the Shenyuan universe, it is unprecedented for the real Yushen, even if it is just the remaining soul and bones, to be killed by mortals. It has never been heard of before.

Not to mention...Zhou Yiyu God himself is an "Arrow God".

The God of Arrows does not only use arrows. The God of Us is powerful in various methods, and generally does not have a fixed priesthood, but he has methods that he is relatively good at. For example, human beings are all "people", and they are not called "arrow people", "sword people", "sword people", etc., but there are people who are good at different archery, sword and sword skills.

The goddess of wisdom is good at intellectual calculations and is good at influencing people's hearts with wisdom. The God of Archery is good at archery. Zhou Yi's arrows ignore spatial distances, cross dimensions, and can even occasionally trace time and space back to the past.

For example, the arrow fired now goes back a few seconds. Therefore, when someone is shot, it takes a few seconds to realize that the other person has drawn the bow. This kind of reverse cause and effect method can only be done by Yu Shen, and it was only done by Yu Shen, who was quite powerful in his heyday. Zhou Yi Yushen has such a method.

Such a strong man had stronger perception than ordinary gods, and could easily sense all kinds of dangers, but he died...

Not long ago,

Zhouyi Yushen pursues a place where there are suspected traces of the incarnation of Yuanpan Yushen. He suspects that a mortal sacrifice condensed a wave of power similar to Yuanpan Yushen. This is a future trouble and must be eliminated.

Zhou Yi Yushen looked at the place from a distance. He was now in a place filled with nebulae, and at the edge of the universe, there was interference from mysterious cosmic forces, making it difficult to look directly at it.

He walked closer and looked carefully, but unexpectedly sensed the power fluctuation of the inter-dimensional God-killing Cannon.

"Are there mortals testing inter-dimensional God-destroying cannons here? It may even be...possibly the place where the remnants of the 'Doomsday Believers' who believe in the 'Doomsday Theory of the Universe' are located? If they have mastered a large number of inter-dimensional God-destroying cannons, Wouldn't that be..."

God Zhou Yi Yu flew over there and saw a huge cannon gathering strength in the void and was about to shoot. At the muzzle of the cannon, there was a faint fluctuation of Yuanpan Yushen's power. It should be those mortals trying to gain faith during the experiment - placing the small statue of Yuanpan Yushen near the muzzle. Does this have any effect? It's clear, but after a mortal tested it like this, Zhou Yi Yushen sensed it.

And I saw with my own eyes that the cannon was released, blasting through the void, smashing an interstellar fleet tens of trillions of kilometers ahead into rubble.

"How brave!! How dare you secretly test the cross-dimensional God-killing Cannon here?" Zhou Yi Yushen was furious.

However, every move he makes has already fallen under the attention of certain creatures.

When He stepped across the void and teleported over, preparing to teach the mortals who controlled the "Interdimensional God-Destroying Cannon" a lesson, the cannon suddenly exploded...self-destructed.

There is actually a strong dimensional power blooming. The void extracts positive and antimatter energy, vibrating at a wonderful frequency band. The two are constantly annihilated and reborn, and the "zero point energy of space" is extracted and normalized to a very high degree within a very small range. When the change of antimatter annihilation reaches a certain special frequency band, dimensional space is torn apart, and then...

Terrifying power enveloped the surrounding void, and Zhou Yi Yushen wanted to teleport away, but was disturbed by the strong dimensional fluctuations.

Moreover, space portals bloomed in the surrounding void, and a cross-dimensional divine cannon was behind those portals. A stream of blazing light shot out - the attack of the cross-dimensional God-killing Cannon was enough to ignore the distance in space, but if it was transmitted through the space portal, it would consume less energy.

In just an instant...the power of Zhou Yi Yushen bloomed, shaking the universe, and then...disappeared.

He disappeared, completely disappeared.

Shortly after……

Taiyi Yushen, Taiqing Yushen, Yuqing Yushen, etc., as well as many Hunyuan saints with Yushen artifacts and some newly promoted half-step Yushen, all came here. And Zhan Fei also came high.

The void ahead twisted, and a huge hideous hole appeared, like a terrifying mouthpart with interdimensional and interdimensional power, swallowing everything around it.

"Is this...the hole where the universe collapses?" Zhan Fei's expression suddenly changed. Don't dare to get close.

The other gods are also far away.

"Is this the result of a mortal attack? How is it possible?" A Hunyuan Saint was dumbfounded.

"It's incredible..." A new and unfamiliar Yushen shook his head.

"Could it be that mortals have grasped the true essence and mystery of the inter-dimensional God-killing Cannon?" Athena murmured to herself.

"What is the true essence and mystery?" Zhan Fei asked Athena with his sharp ears.

Athena hesitated for a moment and said: "Although you are a Hunyuan Saint, most people think that you are already half a cosmic god and hide your cultivation. They also think that your strength is not inferior to that of a cosmic god, and compared with these new cosmic gods. , it can be said that he is too kind, so it doesn’t hurt to tell you this secret..."

Zhan Fei said angrily: "You still say we are allies, but you don't want to talk about it."

Athena whispered, letting only Zhan Fei know and preventing others from hearing.

Zhan Fei's eyes widened for a moment: "Is what you said true?"

Athena nodded: "You should know the principle of the cross-dimensional God-killing Cannon, right? In a vacuum of nothingness, to create matter and antimatter out of thin air, the mathematical expression is (o=-1+1), put an o, Split it into -1 and +1 out of thin air, create equal amounts of matter and antimatter from nothingness, and then annihilate the two. In a short period of time, create equal amounts of matter and antimatter and annihilate them. This causes the three-dimensional space barrier to be torn apart, achieving the effect of the four-dimensional level.

"However, there is a question...creating matter and antimatter energy from nothingness has been researched and put into practice by the mortal powers in the universe a long time ago. Many countries have weapons of matter and antimatter energy, which is even more common. If someone extracts a high amount of 'vacuum zero point energy' in an area, produces high amounts of matter and antimatter, and at the same time shoots a large amount of matter and antimatter energy into the void, wouldn't it create an effect similar to that of a 'cross-dimensional god-killing cannon'?

"But in fact, many mortal kingdoms have been studied for a long time, and several years have passed, but they have not been successful. Why is this?"

Zhan Fei thought thoughtfully and nodded slightly: "It must be a specific frequency. It must be a high frequency for 'zero point dissociation' and a high frequency for 'antimatter and antimatter annihilation' to create such an effect. Therefore, the 'zero-point dissociation cannon' may not necessarily cause the effect of 'cross-dimensional attack'. Just like a right triangle is a triangle, but a triangle is not necessarily a right triangle.”

Athena nodded: "Correct... So, the key lies in high-frequency changes, and that frequency is the most critical, and it must meet the standard. Don't you think you have never suspected that that frequency is a little weird?"

Athena smiled mysteriously: "That frequency is just tens of thousands of times per second. It's not weird. What's weird is that the frequency cannot be measured. If the frequency is maintained stable, even if it's millions or thousands of times per second, it's not weird. Tens of thousands of times of 'zero point dissociation' and 'positive and negative annihilation' can't tear the three-dimensional barrier. We must keep the frequency at tens of thousands of times per second and perform +2+2+5-6+3. Changes are just like the nuclei of atoms changing from 'hydrogen' to 'potassium', 'potassium' to 'titanium', 'titanium' to 'silicon', 'silicon' to 'beryllium', 'beryllium' to 'nitrogen', and 'nitrogen' to 'Oxygen'... changes like that."

Zhan Fei took a breath: "The original sequence of the universe?!!"

"That's right." Athena nodded: "Have you never doubted this frequency before?"

Zhan Fei smiled bitterly: "It's dark under the lamp... Moreover, the frequency of the information I initially obtained is different from this."

Athena said: "Frequency is very critical. On the basis of maintaining the frequency, the fourth-dimensional energy trajectory changes. The closer to this 'original sequence of the universe', the stronger the power. You initially developed the cross-dimensional God-killing Cannon, but it only increased The 'instant energy supply' and the number of each cannon increase the power in this way, plus some pseudo-artifact fragments, etc., and the auxiliary power does not fully match the 'Universal Origin Sequence', so the power does not reach the limit at all... "

Zhan Fei shook his head: "No, in the past, the origin of the universe was not really leaked. Even if it was close to this frequency conversion, it could not produce such power. But now... the more the origin of the universe is leaked, the closer the energy trajectory of the inter-dimensional God-destroying cannon is to the universe. "Original sequence', the more powerful it is."

Athena nodded: "Yes."

Zhan Fei said: "But, if this cannon was fired by mortals, how would they know the secret of the 'Original Sequence of the Universe'?"

Athena said: "The God of Yu must have told me, and the God of Yu must have intervened behind this matter, but..."

"However, there is no evidence, right?" Zhan Fei said: "At least there is no evidence currently. The only evidence is the 'original sequence of the universe' that mortals are unclear about, but this thing cannot be widely publicized at all."

Athena nodded: "Yes, so unless the Yushen who secretly intervened is found and exposed, mortals will not believe that Yushen was involved behind the scenes."

Zhan Fei sneered: "If mortals believe that there is no Yushen involved in this matter, and that mortal means are enough to kill Yushen, then mortals will no longer be in awe, at least not so awe anymore, so..."

Athena said: "Others also dare to kill gods, and they are even more enthusiastic about cross-dimensional god-killing cannons, and will secretly reserve more. Even...if the god-killers are not killed this time, then other mortals will definitely dare to kill them. They used the cross-dimensional God-Destroying Cannon to bombard them with impunity, so why would they think so if they used it to bombard other mortals and destroy other star fields?

Zhan Fei said: "What's more important...three years ago, Allen abused the cross-dimensional God-destroying cannon and was killed by Zhou Yi Yushen. Now, Zhouyi Yushen has been killed by Fanshen. Among them, mean……"

At this point, Zhan Fei paused, his face serious.

The truth is more serious than imagined.

"It is very likely that Yuanpan Yushen intervened, but no real evidence was left." Taiyi Yushen's voice came from the void.

This was spoken on purpose, to be transmitted across the universe for mortals to hear.

"Huh, Yuanpan Yushen has been hiding for a long time. The gods can't find him. It's great to put the responsibility on him." Many people who don't know the truth will definitely think so.

Moreover... Taiyi Yushen soon discovered another more serious and ominous thing.

"This...who uploaded this?!" Taiyi Yushen was furious and roared in his heart without shouting out.

Zhan Fei was also notified and was shocked when he discovered this - the virtual network of the universe, the local area network of each galaxy or star field, or the large network connecting the entire universe, and even most planet-level local area networks, have appeared. A video.

Not 2D, not 3D, but virtual reality.

"Real Records of Mortals Killing Gods!!"

This virtual reality can be made into a video, which can be viewed as a video or experienced as a virtual reality.

The content of the record is very simple. Several mortals at the level of high-level evolutionaries personally control a satellite system calculator, and use a large number of warships and war fortresses to open a space door to a certain place. Then he successfully killed "Zhou Yiyu God" with the "Cross-Dimension God-Destroying Cannon".

"We are just ordinary evolvers, and in the eyes of the gods, we are also mortals. We are not in the realm of semi-saints, but with our wisdom, our technology, and the technology of ordinary mortals from ordinary interstellar powers, we can produce it with the help of ordinary interstellar powers. The ordinary-level cross-dimensional God-killing Cannon successfully killed a real Yushen.

“Furthermore, the energy spilled out when the cross-dimensional God-killing Cannon is released is used to connect the ground’s ‘spiral energy circle’ to bless certain gems, forming a function similar to the ‘pseudo-artifact’ that saints often say.

"Now, we rely on these 'fake artifacts' to cover up our own information and traces. We succeeded in killing the gods, but they can't find us.

"Killing gods is not guilty!! The strong are respected!!

"Although we are mortals, we can also be strong and can compete with the gods. The cross-dimensional God-destroying cannon is no longer a forbidden weapon, no longer exclusive to saints and gods. We can also use it and do whatever we want. Use it as you wish without fear of any punishment.

“If you don’t believe it… can the gods find us and punish us?

“We can kill one god, or we can kill two gods.

“We are not afraid!!”

Such a message appeared at the end of the video, and there were other messages on other videos: "The technology of ordinary interstellar powers can kill gods. What if it is the strength of a super interstellar power? The next person to successfully kill gods may be What are you... waiting for?"

After seeing this video and various messages, whether it was the gods of the universe or the saint of Hunyuan, their faces were ashen and extremely ugly.


Trampling the faces of the gods to the ground.

This is enough to make the gods angry.

But that's not the most serious thing. The most serious thing is...these videos are instigating mortals to provoke the gods. What is even more frightening is that inciting mortals to use the cross-dimensional God-killing Cannon wantonly is what is most outrageous.

If the instigation is really successful and that terrible forbidden weapon goes out of control on a large scale, then... what will be the consequences?

The universe will collapse prematurely?

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