Seize Genes

Chapter 747 The Beginning of Dimensional Collapse

The worries of Zhan Fei and others soon turned into reality. Ωhuntingwen『网WwW. LieWen. CC

On planets one after another, mortals have become extremely crazy and unable to control the evil thoughts and hatred in their hearts.

"How did it spread so fast?" Athena's incarnation exclaimed.

Taiyi Yushen sneered: "There is no way that the evil thoughts of an evil god are enough to cause problems for so many mortals. Obviously, what we are worried about is another more terrifying force that has exploded."

"What power?" Athena asked.

Taiyiyu God said coldly: "Where do these new evil gods come from?"

Athena said: "Nature is the evil of mortals..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly realized something and his expression changed drastically.

Zhan Fei overheard this from a distance and reacted.

Various negative emotions, negative will, and various evil thoughts accumulated by mortals over countless years are combined with various free energy particles to allow these mental fluctuations to lurk. Over hundreds of millions of years and billions of years, many evil thoughts have dissipated, but some still exist.

Affected by the drastic changes in the universe, these evil thoughts that have long since dissipated in time, and the evil thoughts that still exist, condensed, and then combined with the origin of the universe, they formed some new cosmic gods.

Here comes the problem, if the evil thoughts latent in some planets bloom and combine with the free energy particles in the void, they will not be able to form a god or a spiritual life form, but in turn directly integrate into the seed of mortals and into the crowd. What consequences will occur?

It must have directly caused a group of mortals to go crazy, as if they were contaminated by the evil thoughts of the gods.

It sounds very mysterious and weird. It is not easy for ordinary people to understand this situation. Things like spirits, thoughts, and evil thoughts sound very unreal, but their influence does exist.

for example……

In the past, the earth had no real evolvers and no natural power. However, the influence of mental power on mortals is everywhere.

Some celebrities hold concerts, and fans below are screaming and yelling. Is everyone really that crazy? This is not the case. Some people are directly affected and disturbed by other people's emotions.

There are some people who are usually calm and reserved,

When you enter the dance floor of a bar, you will also be affected by the surroundings, shouting and dancing randomly.

In the army and on the battlefield, soldiers whose will has weakened after a long battle will cause tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of soldiers to cry in unison because of homesick songs.

At night, in the military camp, one person yelled wildly and stabbed the people around him with swords and guns, and the others would also follow suit.

Someone was normal, but he brought a group of friends together to do an experiment. He said nothing and just laughed wildly, looking very funny. Then... other friends didn't know why they were laughing, but many people did too. He couldn't help but laugh and asked while smiling.

In kindergarten, children are not fully minded and one child cries loudly. As long as a few more sad children cry together, then if the other children are not distracted and do other things, watching and listening, they will also cry. Cry along. Even if he wasn't sad, when asked afterwards, he just said that when he saw other children crying, he cried too, but why he cried was not clear.

On the battlefield, the timid can be frightened because the people around them are being slashed and injured, and the blood is flying. But more people will gradually adapt after being confused. Those who survived before adapting will have their heads blank and confused. Slashing and killing, subconsciously and instinctively, becoming a killing machine.

Listen to music. On certain occasions, a suitable piece of music can make the whole audience burst into tears.

This is spiritual resonance, infection.

Ordinary people receive external information through their eyes and ears and process it in their brains. Without intellectual suppression, they will instinctively change their emotions and thoughts as the outside world changes.

Normal people stay in a room painted all white, in a room painted all red, in a room painted all pink, or in a room all green, and in rooms of different colors for a long time. The psychology is different. Emotions vary.

This is just some hint from the outside world. If the energy fluctuations formed by the human mind and thoughts are combined with the free energy particles, the free energy particles will carry the characteristics of certain energy fluctuations, and then penetrate into the bodies of other human beings, and those free energy particles will be absorbed. If this kind of energy fluctuation is transmitted to the human brain, what will be the consequences?

This is the so-called transmission of "ideas".

It's a very scientific thing.

People on earth can use "magnetism" in the form of pure energy waves to record information on disks and other instruments. By the same token, mortal brain waves can also be recorded on various free energy particles.

It's just that free energy particles are unstable and not as stable as "thought-controlled nanorobots" and "thought-controlled picomi robots", etc. However, if there are a large number of people with the same concentrated thoughts, then free energy particles can be ignored It is unstable and the information is transmitted relatively intact.

In the past, when the earth was a world without power, large groups of people gathered in squares to practice breathing. Even those who were new to it would easily obtain the so-called "qi feeling" because of their calm mind and the resonance of other people's spiritual power.

Gathered on the stage, in the military array, the singing and shouting of the crowd can make other people with distracting thoughts have the same thoughts, the same emotions, the same heroic mind and blood boiling.

In a world full of free energy particles that can easily penetrate into the human body, it is too easy to convey all kinds of "evil thoughts" and negative emotions.

The mental waves that carry human beings' "evil thoughts" do not have such a strong influence on electronic life, rock life, silicon-based life forms, or even other beastmen and beasts, but they are extremely lethal to humans of the same race.

Zhan Fei saw with his own eyes that stars and strands of black energy that were difficult to see with the naked eye were condensing on the earth.

With the right equipment, it can be seen, even by mortals with the naked eye.

"So many, so strong negative emotions." Zhan Fei shuddered.

Most of the world is based on the law of the jungle.

In life, there are mostly partings and reunions, sadness and happiness. The so-called righteous thoughts and thoughts are often much less common than all kinds of evil thoughts.

These powers were not manifested before, but now once they are manifested...

"We can't delay it any longer, we must stop these forces!!" Tai Qingyu said.

"How to stop it?" God of War Lot asked.

Without saying a word, the Buddha, Xiangyu, and God sat down cross-legged in the distance in the void. A wooden fish appeared out of thin air beside him. He held a wooden hammer in one hand and a rosary in the other. He hammered the wooden fish, recited Buddhist scriptures, took refuge in his voice, and chanted compassion. It was vast. The light of compassion illuminates all realms, covering stars and worlds, and small and large galaxies. All worlds resonated, the negative emotions in each star world were purified, and golden light shrouded one world after another.

There are also certain cosmic gods, who occupy a whole galaxy and are born from the condensed beliefs of mortals and the fusion with the origin of the universe. At this time, the thought of shelter came into being, and with a wave of his hand, the entire galaxy was enveloped in soft light. Within a diameter of tens of thousands of light years and hundreds of thousands of light years, there were hundreds of millions, billions, tens of billions, hundreds of billions of stars. A larger number of planets were shaken by Yu Shen's power. Yu Shen's peaceful thoughts spread out, resonated with the hearts and minds of all living beings, and resolved the hostility.

This method is extremely powerful. Compared with the Hunyuan Saint, it is much more powerful. Just breaking through the critical point makes a world of difference.

It's just that... although the Buddha-like God is powerful, and although other good gods are powerful, it is impossible to overcome the evil thoughts of the entire universe, even when they are in a perfect state.

A galaxy has a diameter of more than 100,000 light-years and trillions of planets. Each of these habitable stars can contain tens of millions, billions, or billions of living beings, and all of them can easily be transformed by the gods. , disturbing their thoughts and thoughts.

It sounds very powerful, Yu Shen is very powerful. doesn't matter.

The universe is greater.

The number of galaxies currently detectable by mortals exceeds one trillion! !

Unmeasurable systems of quantities, more.

The galaxy is huge? The universe is bigger! !

Various nebula clusters, newborn galaxies, ancient galaxies, including those completely shrouded by dark matter, or blocked by barriers formed by dark matter, various galaxies in the distance, and the number of large galaxies exceeds one trillion.

Although Yu Shen is powerful, it is simply impossible to overcome all the evil thoughts in the entire universe in a short period of time.

Now, evil thoughts are emerging everywhere in the universe, and problems arise in every creature, violent and violent.

This situation does not occur everywhere, but even if it occurs in only one-tenth, one-hundredth or even one-thousandth of the places, it will still occur in hundreds of millions, billions or even more huge galaxies in the universe. .

If every place has at least one cross-dimensional god-killing cannon... in fact, there are more than this number. Now, one can imagine why the gods are so nervous about this incident.

"It's just transformation, that won't work. Everyone, please destroy it at a targeted much as you can destroy."

"Can you make it?"

"You must take action even if you don't have time. In galaxies that are not under the protection and control of Yushen, mortals are not allowed to hold cross-dimensional God-destroying cannons. In the past three years, we have investigated a large amount of data in detail, locked targets everywhere, and lurked countless incarnations secretly , it’s time to take action... destroy as many inter-dimensional divine cannons as you can, before it’s too late.”

The gods were already in a panic.

Zhan Fei saw that some of the actions of the gods lacked structure and had no real solution to the problem. They could only delay and postpone the coming of the catastrophe, just like a drowning man grasping for life-saving straws. What he seemed to grasp was Just do whatever is available.

The facts were just as Zhanfei expected.

Although Yu Shen is powerful, he cannot overcome all kinds of black energy and resentment.

Yushen planned to eliminate the cross-dimensional God-killing Cannon at targeted locations, which started smoothly, but after dealing with tens of thousands of galaxies, a big problem arose.

The "linkage" system studied by mortals was combined with the cross-dimensional God-killing Cannon, and another Yushen died. When cleaning up a secret military base of a certain country in a certain galaxy, dozens of inter-dimensional God-destroying cannons were cleared. However, deep in the universe, there were attacks from more than 3,000 inter-dimensional God-destroying cannons at the same time.

It was a mortal kingdom that was not protected and controlled by Yushen, and they had secretly united together.

The gods and evil gods in the universe are very wise and did not take the opportunity to cause trouble. However, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, and some newly born gods are like crazy people, very happy, but causing chaos everywhere.

For example, in the past, there were no lights on the earth, and mortals were very adaptable. But in the electrical age, some big cities have never had power or light outages. Suddenly, the power outage only lasts for a few minutes, causing chaos throughout the city. Some people take the opportunity to kill, set fire to, and loot. If there is another fire, there will be madmen who will take the opportunity to light fires randomly, just to avoid chaos in the world, even if they themselves are in danger.

Nowadays, some gods are like this. They are not even as good as some mortals in terms of mental health. They have high IQ but low emotions and weak will, causing trouble everywhere.

"Damn it, these bastards!!" Athena was extremely angry.

An incarnation came to find Zhanfei: "Why don't you help? At times like this, one more person and one more effort means more..."

Halfway through his words, Zhan Fei said: "There is a fire in the oil field, and there will be a big explosion at any time. Should dozens or hundreds of mortals get water to put out the fire or run away first?"

Athena was speechless.

"Getting water to put out fires is only a drop in the bucket, but if you want to escape, you can't escape far. You can only do your best and listen to fate... Zhan Fei, your sacred tree sub-universe, is it willing to accept us?" The incarnation of Taiyiyu God came to Zhan Fei nearby.

Immediately, several other incarnations of Yushen also came.

Zhan Fei's face condensed.

These Yushen want to leave a way out. Zhan Fei is forced to hand over part of the control of the Shen Shu sub-universe.

"Amitabha..." the voice of the Buddha Xiangyushen said: "You don't think much of this universe anymore? If you are willing, the Paradise Sub-universe where I live welcomes you..."

"Hmph, I'm afraid that as soon as we leave, we will be transformed and suppressed by the power in the Paradise sub-universe, and even make us become Buddhas, right?" Taiyi Yushen sneered.

Buddha Xiangyu Shen shook his head and was about to say something when his expression suddenly changed and he turned to look into the void.

Far away, in a remote galaxy, a place that the cosmic gods temporarily ignored, the attacks of thousands of inter-dimensional God-destroying cannons were released, destroying stars one by one.

At the same time, thousands more cross-dimensional God-Destroying Cannons were released.

These are two big countries that jointly occupy a huge galaxy, and the armies of both sides release forbidden weapons at the other side at the same time.

When everyone's expressions changed, they realized that the cannon fire released just now seemed to be a signal, and one after another, inter-dimensional God-destroying cannon attacks exploded in various galaxies.

These attacks and the internal energy trajectory changes are vaguely consistent with the "original sequence of the universe", sweeping across dimensions and spaces, and huge cracks in the void that are tens of trillions of billions of kilometers long are torn out.

Space cracks that are several light-years long and dozens of light-years long appear, madly spitting out chaotic space fragments and chaotic energy, or absorbing everything around them.

Huge cracks bloomed in the universe. This kind of crack is a real space crack, a crack shot by the cross-dimensional God-killing Cannon, a crack that opens up the three-dimensional and four-dimensional space-time levels.

Can life in three dimensions of time and space survive in four dimensions of time and space?

Haha, just give it a try and let the two-dimensional life have life in the three-dimensional space.

Perhaps, three-dimensional life can survive temporarily in the fourth-dimensional time and space, but it will never last long. Not to mention, the crack that opened was not a stable four-dimensional space-time at all, but a chaotic and broken four-dimensional space. It's like a three-dimensional person taking a painting and tearing it apart to see if the two-dimensional character image on the screen is still intact?

In the universe, although there are spaces of various dimensions and levels, three-dimensional space-time is the foundation of this universe, the foundation of this universe, and the level with the most living creatures. Now, this level has begun to tear apart...

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