Seized by the System

Chapter 995: For experience

In order to kill a god-level incarnation, is it worth sacrificing a large livable planet?

Very worthwhile.

Fang Ning said that after all, for this universe, there are countless similar planets, plus humans still mainly live on the earth, and there is no urgent demand for it.

This planet has just been developed and is still in the wild ancient times. At this price, it is of strategic deterrence to kill a descending god-level avatar and show the power of this time and space.

Just as the emergence of atomic weapons ensured that the Third World War did not erupt.

Similarly, after killing the god-level avatar, Fang Ning believes that the gods who once stood high and forced humans to sign the so-called god-man contract will wince.

They will roll down from above the throne, and they will never dare to treat humans as ants and insects again. They will bully them and must use Huairou's methods.

After making a decision, Fang Ning stood in the system space, waved his hand, and sent a commander posture, saying: "Go on, Fantong, give humanity a brilliant future! Fight for love and justice!"

"In order to experience ..." Uncle sorrowfully said.

The voice of one person has just fallen, and the black sword hovering above the magic star suddenly buzzed!

"The wheels of history are rolling forward, and all reactionary forces will be buried!" Black Sword Dragon howled.

"Uh, there is not yet a strong swordsman treasure," Fang Ning looked around and mumbled, "No, it's really a bad place to stand. Rice bucket, I see you finished this battle, just give it to me Build a strategic command room. Every time I go to war, I will gather those staffs together, so I do n’t have to run around too much. ”

"Listening to you, do you still want to treat me like a mecha?" Uncle screamed as he opened the volcano seal below.

"What's wrong with this, this time, you can defeat the victory thanks to my tactical proposal, which fully shows the importance of my mind in the increasingly high-end battle ..." Fang Ning Zhenzhen said, "It's not the time for you to set up a few cannons and you can dominate the world. You will have to face more clever opponents in the future. Your combat skills alone are already incompetent and must be combined with my mind. Defeat them and maintain the myth of God of War. "

The uncle had nothing to say, and had to work in silence.

It didn't take long for the five crust seals under the difficult monk to be removed.

"Below, please ask His Holiness to point at this crack in the earth's crust, struggling hard, and then the whole planet will fall into the flames of the sun, and the incarnation of the ghost will definitely appear." Zhi Nan pointed to a crater with a trace of intolerance Speaking.

"It's so good," the knight nodded, then drove the black sword to grow bigger and longer, straight toward the crater below, and stab straight!

Thunderstorms, tremors, and volcanoes erupt!

A ray of fire burst into the sky, tens of thousands of meters high, and then scattered everywhere.

However, this is just the beginning.

Then, the earth's crust cracked one after another, and large pieces of magma, like boiling water, boiled violently, bursting from the inside out.

The whole planet is like a fire. Large oceans are beginning to evaporate due to high temperature.

"Fortunately, the battlefield is on this wild planet. If we really fight on the earth in the future, how can this tactic be used?" Fang Ning said, thankfully.

The last compromise with the Plague God was precisely because the battlefield was placed on the earth, it was difficult for the knights to display their hands and feet, and the population was not alienated. All were hostages.

Even if humans are now shrinking into the secret realm, the earth is still an indispensable existence, and all kinds of matter must be drawn from the outside world.

Once the war begins, this powerful battle scene will still spread all over the world.

The countless novels that Fang Ning has read, the solution to this problem is the limitation of heaven and earth. Powerful combat must go to heaven, and must not destroy the place of human existence, otherwise it will be condemned by heaven.

However, in the current Heavenly Path, there is no such ability to stipulate the battlefield.

Perhaps after the "Five Stars Beads", it has this ability to specify the battlefield.

Just when Fang Ning was thinking, he didn't know how long it had passed. As the monk of wisdom and difficulty said, the ghost revival turned out to be unable to stay.

The last time it played, it climbed out of the ground, which caused a volcanic eruption.

This time, the scene was bigger, making it impossible to continue to recuperate in the underground.

The blood giant, accompanied by boundless magma, appeared again.

Only this time, it didn't seem to have the momentum of its first appearance.

Although it is even bigger, it crawled out the entire body this time, and its height immediately exceeded the atmosphere, and I don't know how it can stand.

This is the power of the mysterious side. In the past world of science and technology, such a behemoth could not stand on the ground like this. The fragile crust cannot bear such a weight at all.

The high mountains on every planet have extreme heights and cannot grow indefinitely.

Chivalrous A is in front of it, not even an ant.

Only this time, the three metal masked people stood on its shoulders.

"Hum, I was finally shot out," Fang Ning sneered. "It seems that this is not good, and I want to write."

Sure enough, as Fang Ning said, the golden-faced man suddenly spoke, and a thought came from a distance.

"Sovereign Dragon Venerable, you are indeed invincible, and can be called the Dragon Dependent God of War. You are qualified to sit on equal foot with us." The golden-faced man came up and beat the horse.

"What the **** do you want to say?" Chivalrous said lightly.

"It's very simple, since you already have such a height, why should you stand with those ignorant ants? In fact, to our level of life, we are the sky and the road!" Jin Nianren pointed to the universe and space. .

"Look at this vast and vast resource, why should it be handed over to those mortals? As long as you don't prevent us from collecting blood taxes on the earth and humans, I have suggested to Guizun that 10% of the future taxes will belong to you!"

The tone of the golden face revealed great self-confidence.

"You should know what a rich income this will be! With these, you can practice faster and truly enter the level of God, and you can even continue to move forward, cultivate the Tao and seal the God, become immortal and sanctified, and leave forever. It's not possible to pile up resources. At our level, mortals can count hundreds of millions of dollars in a wave of their hands. They are just our breath, a thought. "

"Did you say enough?" Chivalrous A said lightly.

"Why, do you disagree? Why?" The golden face was surprised.

He couldn't understand it anyway. On the one hand, it was weak and weak, only with squeezed mortal ants, on the one hand, the powerful ghost statue, and the gods behind it.

Why does this guy who grew up from mortals insist on boring justice? Instead of choosing the party that really benefits him?

If it is said that it is restricted by oath, at this level, there are ways to get around.

"You are right, very good, but I don't like this seat." The knight's voice just fell, and the long sword flew out, piercing the blood giant's heart!

"Well, you will regret it in the future! Do you think those humans you sheltered will thank you forever and forever?"

"No, they will not thank anyone!"

"Humans will not thank Chivalry A!"

"Humanity will only treat you as a threat to the gods in the future! No reason, just for you to have the power of God!"

Hearing this, the long sword was unwavering.

"Huh, human virtue, this seat is clearer than you! This seat just fulfills its own way, no one needs to be grateful, nor will it change in the slightest because of the attitude of foreign objects!"

Then his figure disappeared, integrated with the long sword, the power increased again, and he rushed toward the blood giant with majestic momentum and no turning back.

The blood giant, stretched out his giant hand, came to block.

It's just that the long sword was ignored this time, and it was worn out!

Then move on.

Finally hit the heart.

The blood giant fell down and turned into a huge mountain.

Three metal masked men stood on the top of the mountain and looked at each other.

"Damn, even Guizun's incarnation is not his opponent!" Bronze Face's popularity was badly ruined, "This vigorous Guizun is also illusory!"

"Third brother, don't be like this. Dali Ghost Venerate may not be a mere nickname ~ ~ Fang Ning's goods may be blessed by time and space in order to win the battle, but this time and space has just awakened and may not provide much Power. It's a pity that Ghost Venerable Family has no surplus food, and it is impossible to send a second incarnation to make us wave ... "The silver-faced man shook his head and sighed.

"Forget it, let's think of other ways, and I don't believe it. Even if this guy is not poisonous, are other people like him a moral gentleman?" The golden-faced man said coldly.

"Well said, elder brother, those stupid and greedy mortals, we have seen too much, starting from them." The Tongren people immediately agreed.

"Now it's your turn!"

The long sword went around in a circle and stabbed the three again!

It was only this thorn, but it pierced three soap bubbles and three metal masks, and slowly dissipated into three groups of phantoms.

"Hahaha, we will come back, you are doomed to fail!"

"Because of mankind, it has never been a race that dares to burn jade!"


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