Seized by the System

Chapter 393: Tools are not allowed

Tianmen is still open as usual, knights are always brushing mobs, big monsters are all over Tianmen ...

In the past three days, Chivalrica is patrolling a small town over the country.

He had just thrown a drunk who was entangled with a girl into the window of an open police car at an extremely precise angle, and then found that the drunk flew out at a faster speed.

A silver-white titanium alloy hand was firmly extended from the police car, and there was some alcohol on it.

Chivalrous Armor was about to fly away from the sky and stayed for a while.

I saw a young man about two meters tall, covered with silver-white armor and only showing a human head, and got off the car.

He looked at the drunk on the ground, his face cold, and after a few words, he tortured the drunk and locked it in the car.

Then he looked up again at the knight fighters stationed in the sky, extended a thumb, and then pointed down.

"Is this guy scorning us?" Uncle System wondered.

"There is a problem with this iron pimple, did you feel it, uncle, he has a magical smell and a grassy smell?" Fang Ning noticed elsewhere.

"Big wealthy person, you have improved recently, and these two breaths."

"Then I understand, this must be the new weapon that the old rice just got out, it seems that they have been dissatisfied with our crossing the boundary. Today, I plan to clean up the site myself, and I don't want us to intervene ..." Road.

"Shenma? Isn't this just crossing the river to dismantle the bridge, cooking rabbits and dead dogs? Without me catching thieves and petting them every day, they are messing around here." The uncle of the system was very dissatisfied.

"Oh, the key people are also reasonable," Fang Ning also suffocated, but still patiently persuaded, "Forget it, we have been changing from hunting to farming, after these few months, waiting for the production of lamp oil material line There are so many. By that time, it ’s their turn to beg us. "

The knight was standing still, and the mechanical police did not drive away, but shouted at him.

A cold machine Chinese sound suddenly sounded.

"Are you a knightly knight? I'm X001, a mechanical fighter, and this place will be your restricted area in the future. You are not welcome here."

Chivalry A did not speak to him, just stared at him expressionlessly.

Seeing this, the mechanical police suddenly showed a trace of pride on his face, and turned to leave.

At this time, a cold voice also appeared.

"Mechanics X001? No, you are Wallace Cowwood, your mother is Regina Cowwood, your father is Ian Cowwood, and your grandfather is Ron Cowwood. They were in seven months. I just had a gun robbery in Chicago Everglades Park, and I saved them ... "

The mechanical police officer was stunned for a moment, his face flushed suddenly, ashamed.

He hugged his head with his hands in cold titanium alloy and was speechless.

The other party did not lie to him. He heard this from his family, and he was training at a secret base.

"Before thinking about it again next time, let's think about it more ..." Xia Kejia dropped this sentence before flying away.

The mechanical police X001 heard the words, bowed his head for a long time, and said nothing until

Suddenly a flash of electricity flashed over him.

He suddenly fainted and fell to the side of the patrol car without moving.

Soon, three people appeared beside him, it was the mentally difficult, Master Abraham, Director Hook.

Zhi Nan shook his head: "It seems that he still has a lot of human emotions left. In this state, there is no way to cross the first level of the ladder."

Director Hu Ke frowned and said: "In his brain, an inhibitory chip is implanted, and most of the heart and abdomen organs are also mechanically replaced. According to the latest research, most human emotions are generated from the thorax and abdomen organs as the birthplace. It should be said that he should not keep it. With so many human emotions. "

"Well, it's time to ask the master Abraham." Zhi Nan understood the posture of his chest, and pointed to the Druid Wizard next to him.

"Well, Master, what's going on?" Director Hook suddenly became suspicious.

"Yes, I let him keep the trace of being a man for the next life. The reason why man is man lies in the feelings and ideas of man and man. If even these must be abandoned, can he still stand on the standpoint of mankind in the future? "The old man of Abraham said righteously.

"Huh, what we need is a calm and efficient machine, not talking about human positions. The machine does not need to consider positions. It is in its hands who naturally holds its position." Director Hu Ke said angrily.

Abraham said nothing.

"What should I do now, Master Intellectually Difficult?" Hucker put his hope on Intellectually difficult.

Compared with the stubborn and persistent Admiral Abraham, he now feels that this big devil is easier to cooperate with.

"Oh, I have a" Da Zhi Zhen Jing ". After letting him study, he will abandon the useless human emotions, and cooperate with your country's highly developed technology, you can definitely reach the realm of knighthood, ruthless, no self, no phase, It is entirely possible to 'do not like happiness, not sorrow for oneself'. "

"Also please the master to teach me, we must have generous rewards." Hu Ke overjoyed.

If we can mass-produce products similar to Chivalric A, then rice will dominate the world again, just around the corner.

It's really a roundabout peak, another village in Liuminghuaming, the mountains don't turn around and the water turns around!

Thinking like this, Hook saw Zhi Zhi reach out with a finger, a piece of black text, just like the substance, quickly plunged into the body of the unconscious X001 mechanical police.

For a long time, the robot stood up again.

I saw his eyes cold, no longer a touch of popularity.

Now, if he repeats the previous scene, I believe that he will never provoke the knightly armor and will only treat the other party as air, provided the other party does not interfere with him.

"Well, after a few more trials, you can go to the ladder." Zhi Nan said with satisfaction.

"Thank you Master." Hook looked grateful.

"It's easy to talk and talk about what you need." Zhi Nan calmly said.

Really two foxes.

Unfortunately, Hook, can you compare wisdom and vision with this old fox who doesn't know how many thousand years have lived?

Perhaps what you care about is just a stone at the feet of others.

Perhaps what the other person really wants, once exposed, will make us completely dumbfounded, completely beyond our expectations.

Abraham thought secretly.


Another three days passed. Outside the Tianmen, the representatives of the rice country looked around and were ambitious.

Behind him, the robot stood expressionlessly in front, attracting everyone's attention.

"Is this rice's secret weapon?"

"What is this, bioman, robot, or Gundam, Tiegaman?"

A passerby talked about it and unconsciously exposed his true age.

"It looks extraordinary!"

"Yeah, it's been more than a year since the rice country was brave enough. This is definitely a surprise!" Some people talked about it.

The people who can come to this Tianmen appearance ceremony are all leaders of one party and important figures.

They have a sense of balance in their hearts, and they do not want the sovereignty of the Shenzhou family. The pursuit of checks and balances is an important consideration in the hearts of these top figures, regardless of whether they like good or evil.

"Oh, you guys, this is the highest crystallization of the fusion of our rice country's cutting-edge technology with the upper realm cultivation method, mechanical police!"

"His advent will mean the arrival of peace and the disappearance of all evil demons!"

"Huh ?!" In other directions of Tianmen, countless demons and ghosts heard the words and suddenly cast a cold and bloodthirsty gaze.

The representative of the rice country suddenly appeared in a cold sweat, and he remembered this moment, but here is the most evil demons on earth!

He quickly changed the subject, Qiang Zi said: "Now, our rice country will send him as a representative of the human race, enter the Tianmen, climb the ladder!"

As soon as the voice fell, countless students suddenly turned their gaze.

Not to mention, the scientific and technological achievements of mankind are still highly recognized by many powerful people on the scene.

At least there is no one species on the earth. Like them, in just a million years, they have developed wisdom, and in the few thousands of years, there have been repeated technological revolutions.

If it weren't for the coming of the era of vitality, no one knows what fruits this technological era can finally bear!

It may be able to colonize the galaxy, and it may dissipate halfway, but everyone has to admit that the potential of the technological era is no less than the era of vitality at this time.

Now they have to take a good look at this crystallization that represents the highest technology of mankind ~ ~ What effect can it exert?

The expressionless mechanical policeman seemed to have been instructed long ago. He first came to the Shenzhou Registry and dropped his name and number.

"Name: No. X001, the mechanical police, ethnic group: human race."

After finishing the record, he was expressionless and steadily walked towards the sky gate above the sky.

Just looking at his vigorous pace of emptiness, he knows that he is not low, at least in the level of practice, it must be a bucket ...

He approached Tianmen.

He stepped into the door.

He flew out ...

Everyone was surprised and looked at each other for no reason.

At this time, I saw ten thousand golden lights appearing on the Tianmen, and a line of text appeared on the door frame.

"Tools should not be included alone."

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