Seized by the System

Chapter 72: The villains also live a lot of words ...

At this time, Qiao Zi Jiang Youyou said: "We said that for a long time, no one has come out, then are they dead in it? Why didn't you report it early?"

After listening, the others looked at Zheng Dao with a bad look.

Zheng Dao wiped off his cold sweat and thought: It seems that he must be aware of himself and not report the account, but if he reported it early, the demon just changed the container, but he himself had already died, and after changing the container, The monster will hurt more people, but I'm afraid they don't understand these words.

At the moment he can only barely explain: "I can't help it. But what I just said is only the information I can find so far. Perhaps the Xujiao function might kill it."


And in that demon space.

Fang Ning: "The monster came out, uncle system, let me see, how did you blow it to death ..."

Before thirty people, all awakened, they quickly found a way around under the arrangement of several prestigious old men.

However, this space is not big at all, and it is at most like an ordinary small village, and it can be reached in less than half an hour.

They searched around tired and sleepy, and found no way out. When they reached the end, they would automatically return to the rocky place where they came in and lay down.

There is a stone here anyway. Although all other places are bright, they ca n’t even see the root grass. Even the soil under their feet is so dry that they ca n’t grow any plants at all, no ant ...

At this time, the mist-like monster finally appeared. It floats high in the air, about ten meters above the ground, and is high down, looking at the people below, the tone is full of complacency.

"Do n’t worry about it, do n’t say you ordinary people, even if you are some of the real powerhouses in this world, after you come in here, you can still last for a month, but you still have to starve to death in this empty space. On the land. Those stones are the remains of these strong men after their death ... Hahaha! "

The voice of the monster has just dropped. Upon hearing Fang Ning's suggestion, the system uncle has begun to take a deep breath, and his chest and lower abdomen bulge high ...

At that moment, the monster said another sentence: "Even if the strong ones, until they die, they will not find their way out! Hahaha ..."

Fang Ning: "Wait ..."

The system uncle stopped breathing deeply.

Foggy monster: "Only when I die, this space will collapse and appear exit ..."

As soon as his voice fell, everyone looked up and saw a huge palm appearing behind him, and shook it down suddenly!

However, at the next moment, the misty monster suddenly disappeared from its place, the hand held an empty space, and the monster ran to another place.

"Hahaha, it seems that the strong man among you has finally shot! Very good, but it is useless! As long as I am in this space, unless your attack can cover the entire space, otherwise it is impossible to hit I!"

Saw that the palm of the hand grew bigger and bigger, covering a full half of the sky, and then quickly grasped towards the monster.

However, as the monster said, every time it wants to grab it, it will automatically move to the next place that is not covered by the palm in a moment.

Repeated three times, obviously, the maintenance of this huge palm is very laborious, and has been shrinking at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"Hahaha, I forgot to tell you, there is nothing in this space! You can only consume what you have in your body, or you can still stay there for a few more days."

Everyone looked at the master of the palm, and saw the other party's face stretched, still staring at the monster, driving the palm to attack.

"I've said it already, you're in vain. By the way, do you think this guy is saving you? That's not that, he is atonement. Haha, he must know, I am the video you watched during the day. In the first category of dangerous monsters, as long as someone stimulates my container, I can come out to kill, of course, my container is not here ... "

Everyone's eyes were complicated at this time, and with their brains, they had already thought about it quickly: a member who was not here at this time must be the container of this demon. It was precisely the poison tongue of the palm master who had attacked him indifferently during the day.

These members still have self-cultivation, and no one had a seizure at one time, but looking at their gradually desperate eyes, they knew that the seizure was just a matter of time. Because at the end of the video, I did n’t say how to destroy that monster ...

"Originally my container is quite good. He has some kind of psychic power, which can automatically appease the people around him. The good people will not conflict with him. I rarely come out to do blame. He runs out of what he just accumulated. A little wealth, he came here to study to find a way to get rid of me. Originally, he felt that he had spent a lot of money, and this is the site of the truth. It is unlikely to run into trouble.

The first teacher he encountered, this guy who was attacking me, was really a strong man for his sake, and my container's psychic power was ineffective for it. At the moment when this guy stimulated me, my container was basically under my control, so you died really wrong! "

Fang Ning's head was big: "Or blow it to death immediately, find the exit, let's go out quickly, this guy is too wordy."

System: "It's not as verbose as you ..."

After speaking, the system began to take a deep breath ...

The misty monster escaped several attacks of the huge palm, and finally the palm could not support it and finally became completely small and disappeared. The owner of the palm was too tired to collapse to the ground, and could not move.

"It's really a stubborn guy. If you know that there is a limit to this space, it will last up to the end of my power consumption. This time will be at most half a year, but the outside will only last less than half a day;

If you know that I can't kill any of you at all, you might think of saving power, no longer want to use the method of killing me to find an exit, but will find other ways to survive this time. It is a pity that even if you know it now, even if you have saved power before, there is no food, no water, and no vitality to add, it is delusional to want to stay through the first half of the year. The last strong think like this has become a stone! Hahaha! I must have been kind to the container. I would say so much, so that you will die and understand ... "

The system stopped breathing again.

Fang Ning wondered: "Aren't you going to blow it off in one breath? Wouldn't you cover the entire space with that breath?"

System: "How is it possible? My" Fire Dragon Roar ", you haven't seen it, let alone such a small village, this breath blows out, and you will be shocked throughout Qicheng District."

Fang Ning waved again and again, expressing unbelief: "Don't blow it so hard, why did you stop?"

System: "Since it just said those secrets, don't blow it first. Keep it to hold this space first. Isn't it more than half a year more practice time than the outsiders? Now your body is entrusted to me." The longevity of "Hualong Jue" is much longer, and it doesn't matter how old this space is in the first half of the year.

It's you. You can practice "Bodhicitta" to the point of entry ... Forget it is still the original version, you are too inefficient to practice. You simply cultivated the "Hua Long Jue" to the point where it became an early dragon. Although it is still too early to be the primordial **** Jackie Chan, but you can also come out to help small occasionally, don't worry, there is no danger when I look at it, and it can improve the efficiency of many monsters. "

After listening to Khan, Fang Ning should rejoice that he is a master of many words, and has revealed his own secrets.

If it has seen too many human novels and is infused with the villain's experience of dying from words, then it has already been blown to death by the system uncle!

Now it can live another half a year, but it's a big profit!

It is impossible to raise monsters. Think about it and know that the power of this monster comes from the people who died in this space. Not to mention Fang Ning himself. It is impossible to do that. If the uncle of the system does that, he must be a chivalrous attribute.

But then Fang Ning thought of something. He also frowned. "Here I am completely isolated from the outside world. I have tried it just now. The electricity is not worrying, but there is no Internet at all. Do you want me to practice for the first half of this year?"

System: "Yeah, isn't that right? I knew that there was no Internet before, and your training efficiency would be much higher."

Fang Ning spurted blood: "But I can't resist breaking the Internet for so long, and my consciousness will collapse ..."

System: "Relax, I already know a little bit about you humans. Soon afterwards, there will be a group of people who lack food and drink to compare with you. You will feel very happy. You will definitely be able to survive for half a year, and you will never be conscious. Crash situation. "

Fang Ning just woke up and looked at the group of people who had fallen into semi-despair, and immediately understood the shameless thoughts of the uncle of the system: "Fuck, you guys with no humanity! You can also ask me to stay for half a year. Keep your system fresh In the district, just because of your temperament, you must have loaded a lot of food, but take out a little bit, and you ca n’t starve these people. Besides, there will be our future father-in-law and an acquaintance Liu Fatzi. ”

System: "You don't say ~ ~ I will give it. In order to prepare for the unexpected, I always reserve enough food in advance, not to mention half a year, even three years and five years will not be a problem. In this case, if I do n’t give it, the chivalrous attributes will definitely have to be shed ... "

Fang Ning: "Yes, after all, the appetite of these more than thirty people is not as good as yours. You are the first person to survive, and the food prepared according to your meal is of course not a problem."

Then the uncle of the system no longer cares about that tuberculosis monster, urges Fang Ning to practice, and assures him that he will not let the people starve to death and die of thirst. With this guarantee, Fang Ning went with peace of mind to save people ...

The uncle of the system naturally controlled the body of the knight, immediately began to close the practice, ready to practice various skills to the bottleneck, after all, there is no experience value can still use time to boil, of course, it opened a small thread on the side, monitoring the outside movement.

Time passed a little bit, and soon it was half a day. Many people really felt hungry and began to panic more: this monster really did not lie to them. The space and time are flowing here, not a false dream.

And at this moment, the monster looked at the people who discovered this truth, complacent.

"How about, I won't waste time to deceive you people who can only wait for death. Let me think about what you are thinking at this time? Is it to drop pies in the sky, it is better to drop a few bottles of mineral water Haha, you humans will always have a variety of naive thoughts in a desperate situation. Let me see, who is the first to cry and beg me first? Although I will definitely not let any of you go out . Hahaha! "

Its voice just fell, there were really a few pies in the sky, and two bottles of farmer three punches, and if it could not be automatically moved to avoid, it would almost hit it ...

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