Seized by the System

Chapter 875: Acquaintance

In a ward of a giant rat king city hospital, Bai Shixin was accompanied by the ministers to inspect and appease the demon who were seriously ill in bed.

These hundreds of thousands of giant rat monsters are the foundation of the entire giant rat family.

They commanded giant rats over 100 million and maintained the operation of the whole kingdom.

Now that these trunks are paralyzed by 30%, it will directly affect tens of millions of ordinary giant rats, and many industries will not work immediately.

For a short time, Bai Shixin can only order those who are in good health to take the place of these diseases.

In order to concentrate the supply of ethnicity, the previous order to allow the giant rat demon in a non-critical position to take a one-month vacation can only be cancelled.

In this way, the natural gas supply to the mysterious environment of food has been greatly reduced.

"You feel at ease to recuperate, this time the epidemic will soon have a vaccine developed ..." Bai Shixin was in the ward, shyly shook hands with the patient.

Those who shake hands are all grateful for such a serious condition. Which one of the high-ranking people do not want to avoid it?

Only the king did not fear the risk and probed it himself.

This made him well received a wave of popular support.

Bai Shixin naturally knows that this is not an epidemic at all, but someone is making trouble.

The opponent's goal will not be him, because he still has to preside over the situation.

If he also falls down, the giant rat family will be completely confused, but it will be detrimental to the real goal of that person, so he is the one who is least likely to have an accident.

Walked out of the ward, Bai Shixin looked cold, without a word, and returned to the car.

The car hadn't started yet. Bai Shifu suddenly came over and knocked on the window.

The window was lowered.

"There is information, just sent a message from Knight A, he already knows what is going on, he wants to convene a party, call the parties and deal with the matter peacefully."

"..." Bai Shixin's expression stunned, "how can he be everywhere?"

Then he calmed down and nodded, "Sure enough, weakness is the original sin, and the exclusive desire to monopolize the mysterious realm should not have been there in the first place."

Bai Shifu is also deeply sorry that everything was going well. The three ethnic tribes sent to study also successfully completed the task.

Anyone who knows will be close to the goal, but there have been so many twists and turns.

Looking at this situation, it is possible that the giant rat will be exterminated!

Brother is right, weak is the original sin.

"The meeting time is tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, and the place is at this location on the Pacific Ocean." Bai Shifu handed over a tablet with an electronic map with the location on it.

"He really would choose a place," Bai Shixin looked at and nodded, "If you really fight, he can get help from heaven, and it will not affect innocent people."

Bai Shifu really didn't think about this. There was so much attention behind a meeting place in every district, and I admired this big brother for a while.

"Big brother is wise, the knight is so deep in his heart, but you see through it at a glance." He truly complimented.

"Okay, tomorrow we two will go, don't take the others." Bai Shixin directly settled down.

Bai Shifu nodded and said, he understands why he should do this. There is no real master in the giant rat family. No matter how many people they bring, it is just a plain delivery.


The next day, over the central Pacific Ocean.

Xia Kejia has appeared on a cloud early.

Fang Ning curiously said: "Why did you choose this place?"

"It's easy to fight." The uncle straightened.

Fang Ning suddenly speechless: "You are really ready to light up muscles."

"That is of course, otherwise, why should I account for half of the stocks?" Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"Okay, wait, they should come soon."

It didn't take long for Bai Shixin and Bai Shifu to appear in front of Xia Kejia.

"Sovereign Dragon Sovereign, I haven't seen you for a long time, don't come unharmed?" Bai Shixin greeted politely.

"Fortunately, only recently some villains have been in trouble, but it is quite a bit of work." Fang Ning replied lightly.

Bai Shifu was shocked by his words. Some of the things he did recently, digging human corners and digging the ancestral tombs of human beings, are all well-known villains.

But then he secretly laughed at himself. The villain in the other person's mouth is not yet qualified to be ...

The villain who can be remembered by this dragon must be at least a strong man at the lake level.

How can the other party pay attention to his tricks?

Bai Shixin smiled slightly: "The greater the power, the greater the responsibility. The Venerable person is the strongest person in the world, and it is inevitable to work hard to maintain a fair order."

Fang Ning was speechless. It was appropriate to put this on other heroes, but not on the uncle's head. Uncle, the more power, the more money ...

But of course he could n’t dismantle his own platform, just nodded: “Since this seat has chosen this way, he will naturally not complain. A little jump beam clown, destined to be proud for a while.”

Bai Shifu didn't feel much, just thought it was a polite word from the two.

Bai Shixin's eyes narrowed and he realized the meaning of the other side.

It seems that today's gathering will be a repeat of human history ...

In a moment, the Bai family ancestor and Nie Yuan also appeared in the sky.

The most important four of the giant rat clan, when they met at this time, did not say a word.

"I should have come out after watching it for so long?" Fang Ning glanced at the people present and said suddenly.

Other people did not speak, just subconsciously looking for hidden characters.

"Oh, it seems that you have made a wise choice." A proud voice sounded out of thin air.

Everyone saw a black figure, emerged from a cloud, and turned into a shape. It was the uppermost Blast God who had recently made its mark on the earth.

Bai Shifu understands now, his eyes flashing.

Turns out to be this despicable god, who is doing things behind his back!

He accepted Bai Shixin's order. After working hard for a long time, he first spent a lot of money to attract three humans to Fang Ning as a teacher, and then let them dive into the mysterious realm of food to erect the altar.

In the king city, we must organize and raise ethnic ethics, and work hard every day.

The result is good. This evil **** does not do anything useful, but comes to share the fruits!

Frankly speaking, at this moment he would rather give the secret realm to Xia Kejia than want to give this evil god!

Give it to the former, and still have a favor, which will definitely pay off in the future. Give it to this evil god, that is not good at all.

Extremely hateful!

Weakness is the original sin!

Bai Shifu secretly gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to say a cruel word, because he knew very well that at this time, he would be happy, and he might have to die tens of thousands of people in the future.

Bai Shixin said calmly, "It turns out

This is the place where God wants, if you said earlier, why get this point? We will offer both hands. Now that there is insufficient supply of clan ethics in the secret area, there will be problems with the solidification of the secret area, and there will be hidden dangers in the future. I am afraid that it is not suitable for the gods to live in. "

Fang Ning Wen Yan immediately admire, this guy is really tolerable, oppressed to this, and can say such a wholehearted consideration for the other party, he is really convinced!

"Counseling one, I thought the two of them would fight first ~ ~ I'm so good at taking advantage of the fisherman." The uncle said sorrowfully.

"Uh, you want to be beautiful ..." Fang Ning despised.

"I don't have a face, can't you think of beauty?" Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

The plague **** heard a word, then took a closer look at Bai Shixin, then nodded and said: "You're a conscious of the current affairs, rare. Unfortunately, some people don't think so."

"Hum, you just take advantage of it, you just lose the faces of the gods!" Fang Ning said with great awe, "If it is not for the sake of the overall situation, this seat will beat you away and you will no longer appear in this world!"

The **** of plague was all over, and then said coldly: "Then you try it ..."

Bai Shifu was relieved, but he understood that the two sides could not fight.

The two of them killed their nets, but the giant rat clan would suffer from the pond fish, and it was the one who suffered the most.

Just like the myth of mankind's heaven supplementation, Gong Gongzhu fuse the two gods to fight, causing the scourge of heaven, but the humblest ones are those humble mortals.

"Sovereign is willing to speak with righteousness, the old man is very grateful, but as Shi Xin said, we can't offend the gods, in this case, then this secret realm is handed over to the gods." Baijia Laozu suddenly said.

The Plague God smiled slightly and seemed to appreciate their consciousness very much.

If you are in the upper realm, you will not even have this party. As long as there is a little wind, these guys will obediently send things up.

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