Seized by the System

Chapter 889: Loan practice

? Fang Ning's suspicions soon became reality.

The black robe began to talk about the heavenly book ...

From the principle of the instrument, the structure of the instrument, and the extraction of the raw materials used, the other party obviously has no falsification. After all, this is something that can be repeatedly verified.

Fang Ning finally understood only one sentence: "This kind of instrument is not yet mass-produced. They are all cultivated as advanced people. After learning the relevant skills, they adjust themselves with mana. The processing technology of humans is still insufficient. Complete the manufacturing on the key link. "

After cooperating to get to the end, you may still have to work hard?

Forget it, just build a few for personal use.

The uncle suddenly said, "I understand."

"Ah, what do you understand?" Fang Ning said in surprise.

"His technology is good, but it can't solve the problem of communication between you and Heshen." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"Why?" Fang Ning was a little embarrassed.

"Nonsense is not, you made two mobile phones, you can communicate remotely, but there is no mobile phone in Heshen, do you still have to run for dozens of light years to send him? First say yes, go to you, I Not to waste that strength. "The uncle said sternly.

"Uh, this is really a fool's thought, and there must be something to gain." Fang Ning said depressedly.

"It's okay, although I'm a stupid system, but this can still be understood." Uncle proudly said.

"Oh, that's good, stupid system, you open a video, and write down all the information that the black robe said. I will go back to busy first, you will trust me, and then I will study again." Fang Ning took the opportunity to say.

"Damn, you want to slip the number again, anyway, this instrument will be done by you in the future, I can't refine it." The uncle was indignant.

Fang Ning quickly reassured: "Understand, you trust it first, I'll go back and add some basic knowledge, and now it sounds like listening to the heavenly book ..."

"That's okay, if you dare to go back and play, see if I don't put you in the system cell." The uncle threatened.

"..." Fang Ning was suddenly speechless and a host locked up by the system. He might not be the first one, but certainly one of the few.

He had to retract the system cybercafé, thought about it, ran to Dragon Prison, and found Anderson.

This one has been mixing rice before, and he already knows the technology of humans well.

In the office, Fang Ning saw Anderson, and the other party was correcting a document.

After listening to the warden's message, Anderson was overjoyed.

He hurriedly said: "Quantum communication, I actually dabbled. After all, this is currently the best and most promising way for humans to communicate in the universe. But there was no time before ..."

"It's so good, let me show you the teaching video outside." Fang Ning was overjoyed and overjoyed, this pot can be thrown away ...

If you change a professional scientist here, you will only scold him for violently. This is equivalent to the meaning of the Jiuyin Zhenjing to the martial arts world for those who engage in science. It is even greater than that.

Anderson immediately looked at it with relish, and also exclaimed from time to time.

"Master Zhinian really is the sage of the devil, and the incarnation of wisdom can actually study such a subtle method, which is amazing." He showed the admiration of his peers.

In the modern world, whether the technology is powerful or not, only professionals can understand that the layman can only watch lively.

Fang Ning is obviously a layman. Although he is also a graduate of science and engineering, he is not a physics major. After all, his understanding of this aspect is limited to some miscellaneous books.

Fang Ning and Anderson watched it for a while, then asked: "According to the black robe, can you make the same instrument?"

Anderson's face was embarrassed.

"What's the difficulty?" Fang Ning asked immediately.

"The main reason is that the strength is not enough. To complete the construction of this instrument, you need to deepen the operation at the atomic level, which must be at the lake level. At the bottom, it is only the body of the soul, and it is barely able to maintain the depravity, but it is somewhat powerless. "Anderson spoke on the occasion.

As a former demon, the yearning for power, like human diet men and women, is instinct.

They can lose everything, but they cannot lose power. For the sake of power, many demons can even lose their lives. This is the terrible place of demons.

Fang Ning now pondered.

He is not a fool, of course, he knows the meaning of the other party. He just wants to restore his strength, and even wants to go further.

Just this mouth, can you open it?

"It can't be opened, it's you. Anyway, even if he rushes to the ocean and has star power, in my system space, don't want to turn up a small wave." Uncle said indifferently.

"Oh, then it was so happily decided, uncle you sponsor some immortality." Fang Ning Wenyan immediately climbed the pole.

The uncle said immediately: "I haven't finished speaking. Since he is working for you, you are responsible for this cultivation resource. I will not provide it to you for free. This is for your good."

"Look at you, what are we doing in two separate ways? Besides, yours is not mine, mine or mine, you are all bound to me, what are you afraid of using my things?" Fang Ning Depressed.

"Less nonsense, brothers and sisters have to calculate the bills clearly, and we have to calculate clearly," Grandpa doesn't listen to his fooling, "In short, if you want to give him strength, you can also make a loan first, from his later manufactured products deduction."

"I'm relying on it. You're so troublesome ..." Fang Ning wondered, "Is it interesting to do this?"

"Yes, not so. You always eat my hard-worked panacea as a snack, and don't value it at all." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"..." Fang Ning had nothing to say, who let him drop the handle earlier.

He had no choice but to ask: "In this case, let's make a loan first, anyway, I let him pay it back."

"It's almost the same. I'm all for your own good. Only by self-reliance can I have an immortal medicine." Uncle Kukou said.

"You are stingy and stingy, and will only squeeze my labor for free." Fang Ning thought, and then went to the fresh-keeping area of ​​the system, and took out hundreds of bottles of elixirs.

If you want to take more, the door is locked ...

However, these should be enough, after all, Fang Ning hit the lake level himself and ate more than that.

He was so wasteful that he believed Anderson would make good use of every medicine.

Back in the office, Fang Ning put the Elixir on the table and found that Anderson's eyes were straight.

In that way, just as Fang Ning saw a million dollars for the first time a few years ago ...

I really miss the time of poverty. At that time, the uncle was still very simple and honest. He could trap it by just one routine.

Now they have fallen into such treacherous and cunning, stingy and stingy, and many routines.

This is the cruelty of reality. In reality, without NPC, others will develop and change, and the uncle is naturally no exception ~ ~ It is diligent to work by 13 times 24 hours.

"First of all, this is a loan for your cultivation, and then you need to make the corresponding instruments to return." Fang Ning reminded lightly.

Anderson heard that he was not worried, but because what the other party meant was to admit that he was no longer a sin in the cell, but an equal business entity ...

He is very clear about the gap.

So he quickly nodded: "Thank you for your generosity, I must learn the technology as soon as possible, and make the products that satisfy you as soon as possible."

"It's so good, then you can learn while practicing, and I won't disturb you." Fang Ning successfully threw away the pot, and then left happily.

Anderson immediately threw himself on the immortals on the table, his face intoxicated.

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