Seized by the System

Chapter 891: Good and evil 1

"The question is, do you want to save him now? If you want to save him, what are the risks for us? What are the risks if you don't save him?" Fang Ning asked three questions ...

The uncle stuck in his pride and hesitantly said, "Save or not? I'm a stupid system, I can't tell, or leave it to you. In short, as long as you know, pitting me is pitting yourself ..."

"Nonsense, when did I really pit you?" Fang Ning suddenly said nothing, and then began to wonder.

Now he finally realized the mood of those big figures in history to make a decision.

Happy love and enmity only belong to people's imagination. If it really falls into reality, it is necessary to make many choices that are practical and uncomfortable.

In all fairness, he really didn't want to save the devil. After all, the other party was hard to get around. Unlike ordinary demons and ghosts, the uncle just pushed it in the past.

But the other party is highly intelligent and has far-sighted ...

By the way, he can't predict what he is today, so he can understand what he did before.

No wonder he never said he would completely eliminate himself, it seems that he is keeping himself to cope with today's situation.

Was it just that he could conclude that he would save him?

Only listening to the description of the black robe, he understood that he could not save himself, just like Wu Mu could not save himself, unless he was no longer Wu Mu.

Even if the other party's wisdom is high, it is also based on the ontology. Now that the ontology wants to recover everything, how can he resist himself?

Ontology is not a fool, and he must have made preparations that he cannot resist.

The only variable is the outside world.

Under what circumstances can avatars be anti-guest-oriented? Very simple, that is when the body falls.

Fang Ning has seen from the information given by Anderson that the body falls and can be reborn in the incarnation.

However, this gives the incarnation an opportunity to become independent.

Now, this man who once stood at the pinnacle of time and space has his destiny in his own hands.

Fang Ning can fully imagine whether the other party can hold the fate of his fate in his own mind.

This feeling is really wonderful.

This is the so-called elephant afraid of mouse ...

"Alas, you really have self-knowledge, rich man ..." The uncle said quickly and positively.

"Go away, don't disturb my thoughts, I will sort out the pros and cons well." Fang Ningli said sternly.

The uncle suddenly calmed down.

Fang Ning got out of the system internet cafe and walked back and forth on the gravel road in the system space.

Not that he was indecisive, but this time the decision was very important.

It can be said that he is currently determining the ownership of a holy place in the future of this universe!

In the end, is it the mentally difficult main devil, or is he an embodiment of a kind of kindness?

Although the opening of the mysterious era is still very short, it really counts for more than two decades.

But very often, the start determines the end point that people can reach.


In the living room, the black robe waited anxiously, but he did not dare to urge it, and did not dare to make any action that offended the great respect before him.

He thought hard about all possible utterances, but when he thought about it, those were very pale and weak.

He fully understands the future of his master, so he understands the value of this salvation, and almost nothing can match it.

And he is not qualified to make all kinds of promises.

He came out to ask for help, not directly from the owner, but by his own actions.

Otherwise, he was discovered by several other incarnations.

After all, the communication between mind and mind is the most basic operation. Now it is in the same world, without partitions, and in a single thought, you can learn each other's thoughts, and there is no possibility of lying.

If you don't want the other person to discover the real idea, then there is only one way ... I don't want to.

This is difficult for people to do. The more you control what you don't want, the more you want to think about it.

However, it is a breeze for the great cultivators who have reached their level.

Immobility in the mirror, no waves on the water, is a realm that must be passed to cultivate the mind.

He thought about it, and suddenly thought of something.

Long before he remembered, the owner seemed to have said something to him inadvertently.

"The reason why I have recently avoided the Warriors A is because he can provoke my good intentions."

"It shouldn't be difficult to get rid of it with the master's wisdom?" Black robe suggested now.

What kind of thoughts and characters from his standpoint are naturally dismissed. At their level, good and evil are not important, what is important is the position.

At that time, the master shook his head and said: "difficulties are not difficult. However, perhaps, I will rely on him to save my life in the future, because this kindness is only on me ... Now, I understand why natural creation, why let good If one is evil, there will be chaos without good, and there will be no upward motivation without evil. "

He was ecstatic when he thought of this.

That's right, this is the only thing that can impress the Chivalrous Armor, only this!

After all, the other party is a hero who is famous for benevolence ...

Naturally, he didn't understand. In fact, he was more impressed by the uncle, but the black ball in his hand that could lead to subspace.

However, the decision-making power at this time is in the hands of another guy. That guy is not as greedy as his grandfather.

He said at the moment: "Dazun, my master was competing with you. At that time, his good thoughts emerged, and then the master retreated. The good thoughts are only in the master's body, and the other devil masters There is no trace of the incarnation. Because only the master ’s wisdom can carry this kindness, and it will not interfere with the magic heart. "

Fang Ning suddenly heard this.

He understood, why he hesitated?

He was worried and saved the other party, but in the end he would be hurt by the other party.

After all, the other party has a sanctified future. At this time, if the other party is saved, the future may not be good.

Those who thought that saving the emperor would be glorious and prosperous for life would be naive.

The people's hearts are the most changeable. They are called brothers and brothers in the morning.

There are too many such things. History is the best textbook, especially the history of China. There are so many white-eyed wolves saved.

Now, he is thinking of a problem.

If the opponent is taken back by the Great Demon Lord, then the Devil Lord will seize the holiness of the universe in the future, and the outcome is definitely not good.

And if it is dominated by the other ’s good intentions, take advantage of this opportunity to straighten it up, but it is a solution ~ ~ After all, his good thoughts have been seen by himself and are a truly perfect existence, Some ghost king Bodhisattva feeling.

This is no wonder, after all, both sides are monk origins, although one is self-reliant, one is cast in the demon world.

However, their goodness is common, and Fang Ning is confident that he will not misread it.

Some existences are hypocrisy, but they are true goodness.

Fang Ning likes to get along with kind people, so that he can relax and make life easier.

And those bad-tempered wicked people, he believes that no one will be happy to get along with them, even if they are wicked people, they will not like wicked people ...

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