Seized by the System

Chapter 893: Spirituality

The black robe did not hesitate for too long, and gritted his teeth: "Since that is the case, please give me" Zheng Qi Jue ".

Chivalrous A shook his head and said: "Humans and demons have different paths, and the skills need to be improved. You first live in the manor and wait for this seat to come up with the magical version of the righteousness formula, and then teach you."

Although the black robe has a different position, it also touches the news.

This is the difference between true decent people and these evil people.

He is not a simple demon, but a special character whose master emerged through the fusion of modern knowledge and upper-level knowledge.

In the past he could say that the other party was stupid. Now when it comes to his own relevance, he only hopes that the other party is as stupid as possible.

But there is also a trace of worry in his heart. If the master has cultivated this magical version of the righteousness formula, and finally becomes a decent person such as knight, is it good or bad?

Do you have to go out every day to do good deeds and accumulate merit?

When he thought about the picture, he felt very violent.

However, deep in his heart, he had a little anticipation.

Because a decent master, following each other, at least will not be demolished across the river.

Why did the Romance of the Three Kingdoms Liu Bei be popular, not because he basically did not cross the river to demolish the bridge?

Followed by the other two heroes, in his memory, there is no shortage of liquidation, but under Liu Bei, there are very few, and there are legitimate reasons.

So the black robe deeply worshipped, put the black ball on the table, and attached a method of use.

He did not tell the other party that most of the assets he had just transferred into were still in that subspace.

For some reason, he would rather leave all these things to his former rivals, rather than want to cheaply host other similar ones.

Although logically speaking, other incarnations of the Great Demon Lord are also his masters, and even the Great Devil Lord himself is the real master.

However, he deeply understands that there is only one true master, that is, the most intelligent personification.

Black robe departed, stayed in a room of the villa under the reception of Zheng Guan, and did not return to the Devil's Cave.


One day later, the black robe was practicing in the guest room. Suddenly he heard a scream from the yard and hurriedly looked through the window.

I saw that in the spacious backyard, by the swimming pool, an ugly and strong black man was screaming with white gas all over the place.

The master would never be like this. The black robe said so fiercely to himself, but he couldn't help observing the poor guy.

The other party's pure demon qi is like the most orthodox Devil.

It's just that this guy is obviously miserable, so miserable.

Only from the painful expression of the other party, it can be seen that this magically modified version of "Qing Qi Jue" is simply not easy to use, and it works very violently.

Think about it too. In human orthodoxy, the magic path has always been linked to cruelty and evil.

However, the knowledge obtained by the black robe is different. The earliest demon is alienated, freewheeling, and not tolerant to normal secularity. It is called the devil.

It just evolved slowly, and I do n’t know when, the magic path became a cultivation path characterized by evil actions, unscrupulous ways to achieve the purpose, and often disdain to cover up, or to say, without that mind cover up.

Moreover, the vigor of attributes such as evil anger and resentment between heaven and earth seems to be very favored by the magic path. The combination of the two, and finally the accumulation of difficulties, has evolved to this situation.

Obviously, this kind of cultivation method has a great conflict with the righteousness tactics. If you want to change it, it will completely destroy the foundation and completely change the source of strength.

One can imagine this kind of pain. No wonder the ugly man who is very tough at first glance will be ashamed to scream.

"So comfortable, this is what I always wanted ..."

While the black robe expressed deep sympathy for the unknown fellow, after screaming, he heard a new voice.

When he looked again, he saw the ugly man, his black spirit was gradually declining, and it seemed that he was turning from black to white ...

He was terrified at the moment, and in this state he heard the master raise it.

There is a Demon Venerable Buddha and Demon in one body, and a devil qi can freely switch between right and evil. This is another kind of "cathode yangsheng" supreme state.

Is it possible to practice the righteousness tactics and have this effect?

He was a little bit perturbed. Of course, he was not going to the right path, but thought that it would be easier for him to pretend to be a decent figure in the future. I am afraid that even the gods could not see it.

At the time of the black robe YY, the ugly man seemed to have completed a round of cultivation.

Looking at it again, it seems that the whole person turned white.

The skill of Shenlong is really extraordinary, and it also comes with beauty effects, although this is boring ...

It is not easy for a person in cultivation to want to be beautiful, but it is just a matter of flesh and blood. Those who really cultivate are successful and often disdain it.

The black robe went on.

I saw the ugly man and bowed deeply to the knight who was watching, thanking in his mouth: "Sovereign is really wise and unparalleled. This set of" Spiritual Spirit and Righteousness "can not only remove the evil thoughts in the devil's heart, let the devil You can also have a bottom line and at the same time, you can gradually transform the magic energy into the righteousness. Someone in Nan admires the extreme, and it is beyond words. "

Xia Kejia nodded and said: "You were a rare devil with chivalrous spirits. If the upper realm was dim, you wouldn't have to rely on the devil to do the chivalrous way. . "

The ugly man looked grateful: "The one who knows me, also the Venerable. Nanmou takes an oath at this time, the demons will not disappear, and the oath will not preach!"

In a few moments, there will be bursts of thunder. Obviously, the other party's oath has been recognized by the heavens of this world.

And the white energy of the ugly man seemed to be full-bodied.

When he saw the black robe, he immediately sighed, just before his eyes, a demon really transformed successfully!

Sure enough, it is really one of the shortcuts to practice.

It's just that the cause and effect to be repaid in the future are too heavy, and it doesn't matter if it is issued by anyone. Without that potential qualification, God will not take care of you.

This ugly man named "Nanfeng" ~ ~ does seem to have some qualifications, I am afraid that in the future it will be a heroic figure.

And that knightly armor does not seem to be so stupid. He did not require the demon to become a completely good person, but only required them to have a bottom line.

In this way, the master may really be able to successfully repair.

The following are some polite interactive plots. The black robe is too lazy to look at it again. At this time, he has a thought on how to hide from other demon incarnations and send this "Spirit Demon Righteousness" to the master.

And they cannot be suspicious.

As for whether they will practice, the black robe does not worry at all. Those avatars are very different from this ugly man. The way of cultivation has long been entrenched. How difficult it is to rebuild.

And if the owner does not retain good intentions, I am afraid there is no such opportunity to repair.

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