Seized by the System

Chapter 901: Everyone is equal

Hearing Fang Ning's words, Tianhe River God stunned slightly, and then slowly said: "The believers provide me with faith, and I shelter them. The two sides are mutually beneficial and coexist, and that's all."

Fang Ning looked at the other party seriously and made sure that the other party did not falsify. He nodded and praised, "Seniors are so open-minded, they are worthy of all-inclusive water gods and juniors admire."

"Oh, Sovereign is wrong, you are the one who can truly treat all beings equally. No wonder you can practice the way of punishment." He Shen shook his head modestly.

Uh, he was right in saying this. In the eyes of the uncle, it is true that all beings are equal.

No matter how strong or weak you are, you won't be looked at by it.

Unless you give it money ...

"Well, rich man, you really know me." Uncle said with great satisfaction.

"Do you think I am boasting you? I despise your hypocrisy." Fang Ning said without words.

Uncle Zhen Zhen said, "Why is this hypocritical? In the face of money, everyone is equal, this is the greatest equality. If you do n’t give me money, why should you let me help you for free? Kong Shengren reprimanded that no one would save others in the future. I do n’t know what happened. Your descendants distorted the teachings of the saints one by one, and turned into a pile of hypocritical moral corruption.

"Too lazy to talk to you nonsense, since the river **** has this enlightened position and is willing to let go of the god's shelf, it will be a good idea to help him once, let alone test whether the alien monster has experienced experience." Fang Ning decidedly decided.

"I have said that I have to go there to brush, because you are always procrastinating and wasting time. With this skill, I can make a round trip." The uncle despised.

Fang Ning was too lazy to care about the uncle, and then he said to River God: "Since that is the case, then please ask the seniors to leave the starry sky coordinates, and go back to this seat."

He Shen smiled and smiled, and soon left a three-dimensional space coordinate with the earth as the frame of reference.

Space coordinates in the universe are much more troublesome than coordinates on the earth.

Because the planet is in constant motion, unlike on the earth, everyone can use the ground as a reference system and can have fixed coordinates.

Therefore, this three-dimensional coordinate is not fixed, but a set of real-time calculation formulas for the motion trajectory ...

Every second, the position of this magnet star is changing relative to the earth.

God is God. He can accept the world view of the universe so quickly and establish a corresponding coordinate system to identify the position of space. This is far from being comparable to mortals.

After reading it, Fang Ning carefully jotted down a few words of politeness, directly in the conference room, opened the light door leading to the place of blood killing, and then pulled away.

The river **** looked at the light door, and there was a strange look in his eyes.


A place to kill blood.

Fang Ning had just come in, and the Xingxi, the second house of the upper realm of Liuyun Palace, the secret manager in charge of him, immediately appeared in front of him.

"I don't know that the Sovereign is coming, the little maid comes late, and please forgive sins." She bowed slightly and behaved like a maidservant in the feudal era.

"You don't have to be like this. You are busy, this seat is going to a place." Fang Ning waved his hand, and didn't look at the other person's eyes a few times, but just said a few words.

"Little maid leaves," Xing Xi disappeared immediately.

"This woman is much prettier than your wife. Are you tempted?" Uncle said suddenly.

Fang Ning was about to open the door, and heard Yan Yan suddenly speechless: "Look at what you said, you have to be single-minded? This is the same as the system binding. You can't change it unless you bind it unless you unlock it."

"Uh, you look at you, it's always so hypocritical," Uncle took the opportunity to give Fang Ning a stick. "What you usually like most is those harems, and the most hated is the Green Hat Wenqing School ... Now, Obviously there is a chance to open the harem, and everyone is rushing to deliver it, and you have the appearance of a gentleman who refuses to be thousands of miles away, deceiving the ghost? "

"You leave me!" Fang Ning suddenly ruined.

He may not have that kind of thought, the key is that he does not have that kind of face, his wife is obedient to him, how can he go outside and get rid of flowers?

"Don't talk, don't talk, you don't open me, anyway, my red face module seems to be opening soon ..." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"Lying trough, please don't mess with me. If you break the chivalrous rules, it will make a lot of trouble ..." Fang Ning suddenly worried.

"Uh, it's impossible to be bad. Which hero does not have a few confidantes?" The uncle is very confident.

Fang Ning was too lazy to pay attention to these two goods, and calculated the current physical position of Magnetar in relation to the earth directly according to the spatial coordinate calculation formula given by Heshen, and directly opened the light door to Magnetar.

After the light door of the Blood Killing Ground is opened, the two are already connected. Unless the Magnet star reaches other spaces, it will be directly reachable through the light door without calculating its position in the future.

The characteristics of this mysterious realm are so powerful.

After entering the Light Gate, the next moment, Fang Ning appeared on a planet.

Tuo Shen's pictures and texts explain that Fang Ning was not too surprised by the huge gaseous planet at his feet.

Seen from space, the entire Magnet star body is gray and white, extremely huge.

It seems that there are at least hundreds of large Earths, which is also one of the characteristics of gaseous planets, with extremely large volume and extremely low density.

According to the description of the river god, this planet is 300 light-years away from the earth. The main component of the planet is nitrogen.

Those magnetic people lived 3,000 kilometers below the surface.

Where the magnetic field can be stronger, the temperature is of course higher.

If they go further down, they can't resist the high temperature. Excessively high temperature will make their shape unable to stabilize.

With this way of life, it is no wonder that people on earth cannot find them.

The current observation methods of the Earth, even the things below their own surface, cannot be seen clearly. The frequent earthquake phenomena have not been explored clearly.

Not to mention that hundreds of light years away, what exists under the surface of other planets ...

"The heroes are all going to aliens ... it always feels a little weird." Fang Ning thought, and then straightened, "Uncle, take care of it."

"Come." The uncle confided Fang Ning very consciously.

After a while, the knightly armor turned into a dragon, and then got under the gaseous planet.

Compared with the earth, Fang Ning suddenly discovered that this gaseous planet seems more like the home of the dragon family ...

Except for a small part of the core of the earth, other places are free to come and go.

Before long, Fang Ning heard the system prompt.

System prompt: (The system activates the arcane "Ghost Eye Pupil".)

Then, in front of him, there appeared ghost-like living bodies, all of which were red in color.

The form is somewhat similar to the human form ~ ~ has heads and limbs, which is also one of the roots of the river **** calling them magnetic people, otherwise, it is called a magnetic monster.

Fang Ning curiously said: "Uncle, what is the working principle of your magical skill, can you even see these magnetic fields?"

"There is no principle. Since they are life, they will certainly have thinking activities. This mystery has evolved to a legendary level and can observe their thinking activities. I will give them red in accordance with the river god's method for you to see. In fact, they are similar to ghosts. This mystery can see through ghosts, and naturally they can see through them. "The uncle explained patiently.

"It turns out that," Fang Ning was too lazy to investigate, as long as he could see it. "Let's not move first, let's talk about the actual investigation, at least we must determine the goal of justice."

"I know this, you don't need to say more." The uncle is in charge of Xiao Qinglong, swimming between these magnetic people.

These magnetic people, obviously did not find the Qinglong in close proximity, let the other party observe.

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