Seized by the System

Chapter 903: deterrence

"You rarely grieve spring and fall, what should you do with the little tail that can't be flung behind?"

"You really want to get rid of it, there are ways. I understand what you mean, how do you want to use others, right?" Fang Ning despised.

The uncle was indignant: "You are innocent and innocent, and your brain is 'utilization'. I just want to find a way out for them. The strong among them are really powerful, and they can rub out hundreds of thousands of high temperature Fireball. No wonder the river **** said that there must be an external force to save them. Such a force is not something that they can gather to fight against. "

"Eh, you say this, it reminds me of a very important thing," Fang Ning heard the "big fireball", a flash of light flashed in his mind, but he didn't catch it for a while, he was very sorry, "just The words behind you are too long, I will forget ... "

"..." Uncle is very innocent. "Obviously you have a bad memory, can this be blamed on me?"

"Forget it, let me ask it first to see if it is worth our support." Fang Ning said thoughtfully.

"Then you have to ask." Uncle is satisfied.

Fang Ning just wanted to take over the body, and suddenly stopped: "Oh, the way they talked. When Anderson studied their language, did you just learn it? It's a little trouble to communicate by the mind, after all, they don't mind the exchange."

"I learned it. I don't need to worry about it. I will translate it in real time for you."

"You translate one for me to see, I want to ask his name." Fang Ning felt uneasy.

"Simple, Zizi ... Zizi Zizi ..." The uncle said quickly.

"Uh, I know that you are translating alien languages, but I don't understand you think you are learning a mouse ..." Fang Ning said silently.

"They are this way of speaking, but they are expressed in terms of magnetic field fluctuations. You don't have to worry about it. I use sound waves to give the same vibration. They can also feel and understand." Uncle Zhenzhen said.

"Alas, it is a pity that they, like those octopuses, have a natural language that fits the technology tree, but they are limited to social forms, and they have been unable to embark on the scientific path. No wonder the sages said that the minority oppresses the majority's social form It is the biggest obstacle to the way of science. "Fang Ning said with emotion.

The uncle said quietly: "I don't know which sage has said this, it seems that the host sage ..."

"That's because you don't see much, and this is really not my original." Fang Ning was straightforward.

"Don't send out these useless sighs, hurry up and work." The uncle said nothing, and suddenly said badly.

Fang Ning was too lazy to pay attention to these two goods, and asked Qinglong to get his body back.

So Xiao Qinglong stopped and turned around and asked, "Why do you always follow me?"

At this time, it was no longer the sound of God's mind, but the language of magnetic people.

The uncle is still quite reliable. Listening to Fang Ning's ear, it is the sound of "Zizila", just like the old radio.

The long magnetic man froze for a moment, and seemed to be surprised that the other party could also speak their language.

Fortunately, it seemed not guilty, and it quickly reacted.

"Small is to thank the great God for his life-saving grace."

"Oh, it's not possible to thank air, do you have any specific expressions?" Fang Ning said of course ...

"Very good, rich man, you finally learned my way of being a knight." The uncle was very pleased.

"Nonsense, because I am playing you ..." Fang Ning despised.

"..." Uncle was speechless.

The long magnetic man suddenly felt helpless when he heard the words, and he said, "We slaves and magnetic people are very poor, and we have nothing but the little magnetic grain we have accumulated."

"Oh, is that true? What is the magnetic grain in your mouth?" Fang Ning asked patiently.

"Magnetic Grain is the clean energy extracted from the planet's magnetic field and is for some kind-hearted nobles." The long magnetic man answered carefully.

Fang Ning recalled the "Magnet Social Report" I just saw. The other party did not lie. Although their social forms were backward, their knowledge of the magnetic field was close to the level of modern science. After all, they lived in the magnetic field.

"Oh, other people take away the food you have worked hard to extract. You still have to praise them as kind-hearted people, because there are so-called nobles who eat you directly, right?" Fang Ning sighed.

"Great God, there is really no way for us. Those nobles are so powerful that they can only survive this for generations." The magnetic stripe said sadly.

"You follow this seat, just want this seat to change your state of life?" Fang Ning said directly.

When the long magnetic man heard this, he quickly kowtowed and said, "Please also ask the great **** to show mercy. A few months ago, a kind **** passed by. He told us that there are other powerful people in this universe. When they arrive, they must plead with them, and only then can we change our situation. "

"Oh, it's really a way of thinking that the gods are accustomed to, never thinking about mobilizing the power of the lower classes ..." Fang Ning shook his head.

The long magnetic man didn't answer, but just stared at Qinglong.

"Okay, you get up, you have to observe this before you can operate on it." Fang Ning said quietly.

"Small wish to serve the great god." The magnetic stripe said very simply.

"Uh, are you not afraid of being liquidated after the failure?" Fang Ning asked curiously.

"Alas, God, there are so many stories of our low-end Magnets rebelling. We spend every day in death, so we have a habit of a happy day is a day, because no one knows whether the second day is still alive, everyone I am afraid of death, but if there is really a chance to change my destiny, I believe no one will be afraid of death anymore. "The magnetic stripe said sadly.

Fang Ning's eyes are dignified, and sympathy uncontrollably arises. The other party's situation is likely to be the situation of future human beings.

After all, the strong are always very few, and the kindness of the strong cannot be expected. Kindness is a concept that appears only through the balance of power.

If it were not for the invention and perfection of firearms, so that ordinary people truly became the protagonists of war, then the feudal era would not withdraw from the stage of history.

He nodded at the moment: "Very well, this seat will arrange you in a place, you have a rest."

Fang Ning is not a **** teenager, he has entered the stage of greasy uncle ......

A programmer career of more than ten years has made him very aware of the difficulty of doing practical things. Any neglect of any details will bring about the collapse of the system.

To make a solid system, research is necessary. The more careful the survey, the higher the probability of success.

After putting this long magnetic man into the dragon mystery, he began to wander in the magnetic man star.


Earth, the truth of China.

Ren Ruofeng was looking at a stack of thick paper reports.

"Summary of the Experiment of Cultivating Population in the Land of Blood Killing".

One of the cards of the truth, Shenzhou Skynet, draws on the power of divine thought and condenses into a powerful offensive and defensive means, the basis of which is more than a billion ordinary people who practice "Spirituality".

It can be said that the greater the population, the stronger Skynet.

However, the breeding of the population is a long-term process. The good situation in which the population rapidly doubled in the last century has long gone.

Now the population can live up to ~ ~ can be proud of many countries.

Yes, after the era of vitality started, there are very few countries that can sustain population growth, and they ca n’t keep up with death. This is a normal phenomenon. Those countries with high population growth rates have low national strength and are difficult to resist endless special events. .

Under this background, using the blood river to mass-produce a higher-qualified population has become a key project.

This project was launched a long time ago, and with the consent of the owner of the blood-killing land, a group of capable experimenters are working overtime day and night to study the blood river that can breed life.

Today is the harvest season.

Ren Ruofeng could n’t help clapping when he saw half of it: “Very good, very good. In this way, as long as the problem of the supply of living materials is solved, it is not a problem to explode tens of billions of Chinese people in minutes ...”

"As long as there are 50 billion Shenzhou people, the combined power of the mind is the ocean-level powerhouse, and it can burst at once! Such a deterrent force is enough to allow those unscrupulous gods to dare to expel the earth. . "

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