Seized by the System

Chapter 911: Exotic Flower

As soon as Fang Ning heard that the body of the ghost king Bodhisattva was coming, he knew now that things were going to be tricky again.

From the previous confrontation between the mentally difficult and the main demon of his ontology, he understood the fact that these two realms, which should have been one body and two sides, and the body incarnation of the concentric community, also had a great conflict.

The source of the contradiction is simple. This incarnation is lonely, just like the separatist rule of the feudal town, and already has the idea of ​​self-reliance.

If it is in the same world, it is naturally impossible for this to happen, and all ideas of avatars are in the ontological grasp.

Sitting on the flower hill, Fang Ning sighed: "Uncle, what you said is true, this thing has never been perfect. The incarnation is indeed good, can help the body to prevent disasters, but it has been outside for a long time, people It will also be rebellious. "

"Is this normal? Okay? I want the horse to run, not feed the grass, but also fatten myself. After running to kill the meat, don't rebel and wait for the New Year to be killed?"

"Let's take a look at the contradiction and conflict between the good incarnations of the good gods now. How did they resolve them?" Fang Ning had no idea, only to take a look at it first.

How did Zhiji deal with his ontology master, he was very clear, he did not hesitate to learn the uncle's righteous tactics, switch the court, cut the pain, release the good intentions of repression, and wiped out the other 8 of this kind. It has not been restored to its original state, and it is clear that it is necessary to dig the body in the future.

This is what the devil does, what can the bodhisattva do?

He wanted to see if there was any difference.

"Regardless of how they solve it, I can't suffer anyway." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"..." Fang Ning rolled his eyes.

At this time, Chong Daqing secretly floated over and said, "You are tender, anyway, Da Qinglong, you are also idle, why not call your master chef, let's cook and get a picnic to eat?"

"..." Fang Ning twisted his face and said lightly, "You want to be beautiful."

It ’s not good for him to secretly read two books during the cooking time?

Just impossible.

"Be stingy, despise you," the big green worm could not succeed at the first sight, and said angrily at the moment, "I still want to tell you what the old Bodhisattva is."

"Uh, let's talk about it," Fang Ning said involuntarily, and hurriedly told the uncle, "Take out your dish of luminous dishes."

"Damn, every time you stab the basket, you have to make it up from me." The uncle also resented.

"Don't look like a child, be generous, don't you want to get the information?" Fang Ning said involuntarily.

Uncle had to take out a plate of luminous dishes to him.

Fang Ning borrowed flowers to present the Buddha and put it in front of the big green worm.

"Just just casually said, don't take it seriously ..." Fang Ning said lightly.

The big caterpillar's eyes lit up, and then accused him: "Actually, if you don't give it to me, I will tell you. After all, you asked me questions with this luminous cooking last time.

"Uh, it's really a simple bug. I will forget it without mentioning it." Fang Ning said to the uncle.

"Huh, who are the two actors, who will you show to?" The uncle resented.

"Of course it is for you to see." Fang Ningli said solemnly.

"..." Uncle had nothing to say.

Daqing really was just polite, and the next second, he swallowed the dishes completely.

Then it patted the belly and said: "Unfortunately, it is too little. But it tastes good, I will tell you what the old Bodhisattva is like ..."

"Speak slowly, don't worry." Fang Ning said seriously.

"That old Bodhisattva is a rare good man. My old dad said the original words. If in the gods, kindness is a kind of wonderful flower, then this old Bodhisattva, he is a kind of wonderful flower.

Chong Daqing seemed to be caught in a long-term memory. In the eyes of Chong, there was a trace of confusion, a trace of confusion, and a touch of emotion.

"What's wrong with this bug, can there be so much emotion in one look?" Uncle puzzled.

"No matter how naive you are, there will be deep times," Fang Ning took the opportunity to give the uncle a stick. "This is very much like you. You occasionally have very smart times."

"..." Uncle is very innocent.

Hearing the next words, one person per bucket soon understood why Daqing had such emotions.

"Remember that a few years ago, I was very hungry, so I went to our own territories to find something to eat ..." Daqing slowly told a story, "At that time, the vitality collapsed, without magical support, the harvest was very poor. I begged the gods and buddhas, but none of them paid attention to them. Only the old Bodhisattva came forward, and he saved me from the food that these leaders should pay. "

"I said I was hungry too, and then he cut off the meat on his leg to me ... Say that I can eat the bodhisattva's meat to satisfy the hunger, but mortals can't eat it, and mortals can only eat the food grown in the field. "

"I just remembered this recently. When I came down, I forgot a lot of things. I didn't expect that I actually had a relationship with this new father."

"Did you eat it in the end?" Fang Ning quickly asked, but this is the real version of cutting meat to feed the eagle. Didn't expect that the ghost king Bodhisattva could actually do such a thing?

You should know that this was originally a legend in myth. In reality, there is a great filial son who cuts the meat and feeds the mother.

"Of course not, my old dad suddenly appeared, not letting me eat, and also exempted the taxation of those leaders." Chong Daqing sighed, seeming to feel very sorry for the Bodhisattva meat who had not eaten his mouth.

"Fortunately, if you eat the bodhisattva meat, it is estimated that it will be reduced to a worm." Fang Ning shook his head.

"Okay, I've finished talking about the old Bodhisattva. It's okay. I'm going first. You are in a daze here." Chong Daqing was a little embarrassed and wanted to slip away.

"Wait, don't you say that the old Bodhisattva is coming down soon, you don't want to see what will happen between them?" Fang Ning blocked.

Since there is this causal relationship between Daqing and the old Bodhisattva at ~ ~, it is likely to play a significant role.

"Then wait for me, I'll find some honey that they brewed to eat." Chong Daqing finished, and flew away to a flower-like area in the distance.

Fang Ning didn't stop him anymore, he was thinking about it. In this way, the body of the ghost king Bodhisattva was really kind to some kind of pedantic place.

Could it be that one of his gods thought about everything and could do good to others everywhere, never put on the shelf of God, nor did he use his power to extract the blood and sweat of others.

From this point of view, this old Bodhisattva is really rare.

This is like a guy who loves small animals in the Tyrannosaurus rex class.

Fang Ning had also seen the true style of the Buddha. The five Luohan, the places where the blood was slain, showed the essence of the upper door of the Buddha.

These higher-level life forms will not be good people.

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