Seized by the System

Chapter 929: Flew away

Under the frustration of Fang Ning, the uncle brushed monsters like other people for the first time, and the consumption was not rewarded, but it only played for five minutes, extinguished hundreds of sand monsters, and suddenly stopped.

"Why didn't you fight?" Fang Ning said in surprise.

"I really fell in love with you," said the uncle, "You don't give me much talk next time, why should I fight with these wastes!"

The voice just fell, and the knights flew straight up to tens of thousands of meters, looking down ...

The group of sand monsters below, all looked up.

"Uh, do you think I'm stupid?" Fang Ning looked at it, and he was so angry that "What do you do if you fly so high and the little gray ant can't see you? It's not possible to be invisible either, because the stranger can't sense you, and the little gray is likely to feel too Can't reach you. "

"It can't find me, but I can see it, your kryptonite dog's eyes can see hundreds of kilometers away. Since it is so far away, it can sense my breath, then I will fly higher 10,000 meters, there will be no impact, even if it can not fly, at most it is in circles in the same place. "Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

Fang Ning thought about it all of a sudden, and suddenly discovered that this excuse of the uncle was really unexpected.

The world of ants is flat, and it can only sense the uncle's last remaining place on the plane.

And the angle of view of the uncle's system is 360 degrees. According to the geometric principle, it just forms a cone-shaped body without dead angles. When Xiaohui climbs into the nearby area, he will definitely be discovered by the uncle.

"Ah, sure enough, this system is lazy and invincible." He sighed.

"You are dirty and innocent, we are different, I am not lazy, it is to save system resources." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

One person is talking in a bucket, and suddenly it is dark all around.

It turned out that the desert had gone from the scorching sun to dark and gray.

Then a flash of lightning struck the knight's head ...

Attacks that cannot be avoided, unless you can predict in advance where lightning is brewing, it will be useless to teleport, because you have not yet thought of teleport, and lightning will hit you.

"Uh, Grandpa, look at you, stand too high, pretend too high, and get struck by lightning?" Fang Ning, a tall man who had expected, "The world of terror is the world of terror, how can there be security Where? If you fly high to avoid all dangers, that ’s not a terrifying world. I guess I ’ll be flying monsters after a while. "

"Less nonsense, believe it or not, I will throw you out ..."

"I don't believe you, you dare not." Fang Ninglai is in the system space.

In these two sentences, knights have already suffered more than a dozen lightnings. If they were not tyrannical, they would be replaced by ordinary practitioners, and they would have smoked!

Fang Ning looked down and saw that in the desert below, those elongated sand monsters did not disperse at all. The more they gather, the more they seem to have a tendency to merge.

This situation reminded him of pedestrians surrounded by wolves, climbed to the tree, thought he could avoid the wolves, but did not know that wolves are much stronger than people in terms of patience and hunger resistance.

Besides, people can also change shifts ... Social animals like wolves are very clever in hunting.

After a dozen lightning strikes, instead of landing, Chivalry A continued to fly upward.

Fang Ning was more surprised: "Why are you doing this?"

"Don't you understand?" Uncle triumphantly, "The book said that lightning mainly occurs in the troposphere, as long as I fly high enough to exceed this troposphere, it will be fine."

Chivalrica flew this way, and flew upward tens of thousands of meters ......

However, Fang Ning looked through the system perspective and saw the black holes in the zenith, not only the lightning, but also the flames ...

Fortunately, the uncle's dodge skill MAX, although the lightning can't escape, the spark can still be avoided.

"You stupid system and made a dogmatic error. This is a different world, and not our planet. Can the same theory be copied?" Fang Ning bitterly said.

"Don't say it, I'm wrong, I'll go down and die with them; I can't avoid lightning, I can't hide a few monsters ..." Uncle sorrowfully said.


The big sand II hidden behind the sand dunes, this time feeling like a roller coaster.

When Xia Ke Jia flew to the sky, they were extremely disappointed.

But when the other party was forced to split by lightning, they began to ecstasy again.

"Huh, I don't know what it really means, it really is a foreigner," Sha Er laughed. "He thought he could hide in the sky, but he didn't know that the sky was the most dangerous. The sky was leaking, all nine days of thunder and infinite poisonous flames, on the ground You can also hide and run up to the sky, it is too fast to die. "

"However, if he flew to another place, we still have a little trouble, we have to follow along." Sha Da hesitated.

"He seems to be waiting for someone, otherwise, why would he fly upwards instead of flying elsewhere?" Sha Er said confidently, "So he won't go."

"Well, you are right, then let us be more patient." Sha nodded.

Then they waited patiently for seven days and seven nights ...

Throughout the process, the mysterious man didn't kill another monster, but used some kind of incomprehensible body method to avoid the swallowing of the monster and the storm attack.

Later, the mysterious character turned into a slender worm, even if the sand monsters aggregated into the sky and began to carry out an omni-directional map attack, it can still easily pass through between the sand particles and will not be touched slightest.

The slender larvae have a wide range of activities. They travel back and forth within a few hundred kilometers. The clumsy sand monsters have no choice but to run behind in vain, like a donkey who can never eat carrots.

In this world, the terrifying and terrifying monster, in front of this mysterious person, seemed to be a clown.

"Impossible, what on earth did he come from? How is it possible to have this kind of patience, this skill?" Sha Erqi said to each other angrily.

Sha had been stupid for a long time. He said quietly: "I'm afraid we have encountered a rare combat-type cultivator. His combat experience far exceeds these sand monsters. In front of him, these sand monsters are like babies. Even if the sand monsters hit the world and destroy them, they would n’t touch each other ’s hair unless they were exhausted first. ”

"I don't believe in tiredness and death! There is no vitality here, no cultivation resources, everyone is lingering on, and those who don't want to die can only survive by eating others." Sha Er said fiercely, his eyes uncovered. Vicious color.

Sha Dawen said, quietly opened the distance from this superficial brother, ready to fight back at any time.

The sand people are the only two of them. Where did the other people go now?

When the ecology of a place is on the verge of destruction, those who die first are often good people ...


When the mini blue dragon just dodged a group of sand monsters, it suddenly flew towards a ground, and then grabbed something from the ground.

"Can wait until you." Uncle said happily.

Fang Ning looked at it, and he was holding the little gray ant on his paw.

He hurriedly said: "I'm right, this little gray is very powerful. Sure enough, he found us. You quickly asked how it was found. It's better to have more experience next time, don't make it like before. So troublesome. "

Xia Kejia then asked.

The little gray ants lying on the paws of the blue dragon suddenly heard their words and tentacles, and danced and danced as if they were talking about something.

"Can you translate adult words, Grandpa? I can't understand it." Fang Ning pleaded.

"What do you say, as if I understand?" Said the uncle.

"Then do you understand or don't understand?" Fang Ning said silently.

"I, of course I don't understand," the uncle said angrily, "but there are people in Dragon Prison who can understand."

"Uh, this Dragon Prison is really all-encompassing, even this kind of talents are there." Fang Ning was pleased.

"Wrong, this was all I left when I was slashing the demon and removing the demon. When the wicked people with good skills were killed, after I killed them, I suppressed their souls in this prison, saving them a waste."

"It turns out that this is the root cause." Fang Ning suddenly realized that this was very systematic.

The uncle soon translated: "This stinky ant is saying that we are so dead, it can smell even if it is across the triple sky ~ ~"

"Uh, that's really the case. The knight fighter is dead like a wind, often accompanied by him, uncle, you go to one place and kill one." Fang Ning very much agreed, "It seems that this little gray ant is really Some unique talents, in addition to looking for treasures, can also see death, and the black cat Tom really complement each other. "

Uncle didn't answer at all, because at this time the little gray ants had already anxiously climbed up and down, and a pair of tentacles kept swinging in one direction.

Actually doesn't use it to point out, Xia Kejia has already flew in the direction of its climb.

"Meat, flew away." On the sand dune below, Sha Ermu stared in a daze.

"Sorry, brother." Sha Da suddenly changed her face, a knife, inserted into the other's chest.

However, at the next moment, his chest turned into a ball of sand.

"Brother, do you think I won't beware of this? I originally thought that the Sand people are the only two of us left. If you want to breed, you must have two talents. That's why I have never beaten you. I would rather fight this strong man The idea ... "Sha Er suddenly appeared a few steps away, staring coldly at his brother.

"Huh, I think so too." Sha Da coldly said.

So a prosperous ethnic group, the last two existed, began to fight ...

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