Seized by the System

Chapter 943: Sigh

Ren Ruofeng suddenly turned around and said to everyone: "Let's go back and watch the live broadcast."

"Live broadcast?" Everyone suddenly wondered, but no one asked.

Ren Ruofeng did not make any explanation. He gave a few words to the dragon carp to let the other party tell His Venerable, and then floated up the tunnel to the top of the cave.

The crowd then followed, and soon in the big cave, it became empty again, leaving only the dragon carp in the big pool.

"Ah, when will the business officially start? My 30-meter-deep pool is already hungry and thirsty ..." The dragon carp looked at the golden arch and said very sadly.

"Huh, what's wrong?" It swung its tail, staring at the arch for a while, and suddenly awakened, "The two doors are nested together, leading directly to the place of blood killing, and the people who enter and exit the two doors. , I ca n’t see me at all, so I wo n’t give me money. When the level is completed, I ’m not a gatekeeper, but a plumber who opens and closes the valve ... "

"Master, you are so poisonous."

Not to mention the broken thoughts of the dragon carp, Fang Ning, the owner of his carp, is watching the live broadcast of the uncle's sparring, and there is a full-time commentary next to it.

A place to kill blood.

The originally clear sky and open space were now surrounded by dense, colorful, and different-shaped monsters.

The ground, the sky, are everywhere, layer upon layer, one after another, overcrowded.

Red, green, blue, gray, white, all colors in human imagination.

Tall, short, fat, thin, humanoid, deformed, strange-looking growth, only humans can't think of it, without them can not grow.

They roared, laughed and raged, circling in this new world, fighting, fighting.

"Vitality, I want more vitality ..."

"Life, why is there no life here?"

"Damn, the demon kings deceived us. As they said, this is a world full of vitality, why is it so!"

"Kill the weak guys, they are not worthy of survival in this new world!"

Of course, Fang Ning can't understand the magic words. Moreover, these monsters are not a language. These words are all from Anderson's translation and dubbing. They are beautiful and original.

It was originally born as a soul eater in the demon world. It does not know how many monsters have been swallowed, and naturally also has the language of the other party.

This is convenient for Fang Ning to watch the live broadcast of the battle. After all, there are only pictures and can't understand the other party's speech. It is as depressed as watching foreign movies without subtitles.

At this time, the blood-killing ground was standing, and the knightly armor stood, observing these raging monsters, but the other party could not find him.

After all, the uncle hosted the heavenly path of the mysterious realm here. These pioneer monsters have not yet had the ability to break the blockade of heavenly path and observed his existence.

Knowing oneself and knowing the other can only be effective in battle. As the uncle of the God of Fighting, he will not be blindly impulsive.

Every time it defeats the enemy, on the one hand, it is based on the large amount of Xin prepared in advance. On the other hand, it only chooses the enemies that can be beaten, and never expects to kill the monster by leapfrog.

Looking at this scene at the same time, there are the ghost king Bodhisattva and the Tianjing dharma king hidden in another place.

"Brother Dao, these demon heads seem to be wrong." He said lightly to the next King.

"Oh, what's so great about Bodhisattva?" The Pharaoh frowned, but found nothing.

"It's not clear, it's just that there is a difference between these demon heads and those that were suppressed in the past." The ghost king Bodhisattva shook his head.

The King said in a moment: "After all, it is the chosen pioneer demon, probably made some transformations. Compared with the conservative fairy sage, the devil always likes all kinds of innovation."

"Probably so, the deity observes for a while and then speaks." The Bodhisattva no longer spoke.

I don't know how long it has passed, the sky has darkened, thunder bursts, thunder and thunder; above the earth, the sound of a desolate and lonely war sounded.

For a time, the world and the same song!

Chivalrous A, in this song, suddenly appeared!

"But wait until this, uncle, how long have you not fought in BGM!" Fang Ning looked relaxed and sighed involuntarily.

"Less nonsense, don't affect my fighting rhythm!" Grandpa rushed Fang Ning to the corner to draw a circle.

The monster scattered in the secret realm was quiet for a moment, and all eyes were concentrated on the mysterious existence that suddenly appeared!

For a while, the monster burst out.

"Huh, who is this guy?"

"It looks a little hard."

"Huh, the power is only about the level of a devil with a medium blood line for ten thousand years, and he dares to be brazen in front of us!"

A few monsters with a body strength that clearly surpassed all the monsters by a large amount, felt it carefully, and immediately spoke with various magic words in disdain.

The monsters were still a little anxious. Hearing the words of the leaders, they felt relieved at the moment that they looked at the knight armour one by one, full of coveted desires.

"Eating it, I can get more power!"

"Damn, only this one, how to divide?"

"Tear it first!"

The demons shouted one after another, not giving in to each other.

Some of the strongest demon heads are already secretly ready to go. Seeing that, they do n’t care about killing other monsters at all.

Chivalrous One looked at the demons silently. He glanced at him suddenly and said in a loud voice: "At first, this seat wanted to see if there is a salvationable generation among you. Now it seems that there is only one place for you!"

"That's hell!"

The demons heard a word, and they looked stunned for a while, though they laughed.

"What is he talking about? Let's go to hell?"

"Ridiculous, we just crawled out of there!"

"How many floors do you want us to go back? Is it three hundred floors, or three thousand floors of hell?"

When the demons were arrogant, the devil heads who first spoke of the strength level of the knight's armor hidden unconsciously ...

"Untaught beast! Staying in this world will only pollute your eyes and ears!"

After the last sentence, his figure disappeared suddenly, and a great sword appeared in place!

"Wanjian Chaozong!"

Between heaven and earth, these four words sounded.

The giant sword disappeared, countless long swords emerged from the zenith ground, interspersed up and down, and woven into a sword net, during which all demons can't escape!

"Shoot swoosh" "Zhizizi", the sword energy interspersed at high speed, like a high-speed water knife, swiftly cut these monsters.

All the black mist rose and dissipated, all representing the death of a monster.

Fang Ning watched the blockbuster on the battlefield and quickly turned over the system prompt.

System Tips: (The system uses "human sword unity", combined with the mythical flying sword "dragon", the damage rises sharply.

The system uses legendary tricks "Wanjian Chaozong" to attack Wanmo.

The system kills monsters and gains experience points of 1 point.

The system kills the monster Iron Body Demon and gains experience points of 1 point.

The system kills the monster to welcome the bride, gaining experience value of 1 point.

The system killed the mutant monster love youth, gaining experience value of 2 points.



Fang Ning was surprised, only to hear the uncle said quietly: "Send a letter to the dragon carp, let him drop the gate to limit the water ..."

The tone was filled with sad sighs.

Fang Ning quickly followed suit.

Not long afterwards, the sword net dissipated in the mysterious realm, and between heaven and earth, it was clear again.

There were only a few monsters that were dense and dense, which could not be counted before. Now, at a glance, there are seven.

The seven demon heads glanced at each other, and their eyes were full of fear.

"No, this indigenous strongman is not as powerful as us. Why does the outbreak hurt so high?" A multi-headed monster shook his head and said.

"Unbelievable ..." The other demon heads were equally puzzled.

"After all, it is the character mentioned by Mozun, who once defeated the existence of war demon. It is normal to have this kind of patience." A slender body, like a demon, suddenly said.

"Fortunately, let those idiots try a little bit first, so I didn't want to overturn the boat." The multi-headed monster rejoiced.

"It doesn't seem to kill him, we can't enjoy this world ~ ~ I have sensed that this is the secret realm left by the blood demon, the blood demon that once raged in the world, created a Hidden in the secret realm, it has the ability to lead to all realms. As long as it is occupied, our Demon can use this as the foundation to attack everywhere and occupy this new world. And this guy in front of him, he is not from the Demon after all, seems to control this place , But do not know the real secret of this mysterious realm. "The demon suddenly said.

The other six demon heads heard this, and there was greed in their eyes.

"Well, we have seven, and even if he is strong, he can't be our opponent! Now don't be arrogant, let's work together to remove this guy." The countless heads of the multi-headed demon said to the demons.

"Good talk, let's go together!" A stone demon nodded.

The voice just fell, and the seven demon heads fled at the same time, disappearing without a shadow!

Just after finishing the news, Fang Ning, who was watching the live broadcast of the battlefield, was stunned. When he saw this scene, he suddenly remembered the two white men-Valery and Alexey.

These two guys have staged such a scene, and it turns out that the routine has no borders.

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