Seized by the System

Chapter 987: Honor Spirit

"Look, there are always so many routines for your human beings," said the uncle.

Fang Ning understood very well: "This is normal and okay? There is always a need for someone to do grooming work. Only by comparison can people know what happiness is. Any system is not perfect, especially such a huge social system. It ’s always full of bugs, and someone has to maintain it all the time. ”

"Uh, I thought you wanted to say that they were hypocritical, but it wasn't like this ..." Uncle disappointed.

"Nonsense, I have been a programmer for ten years!" Fang Ning Zhenzhen said, "Before I didn't work, I also thought that the society is in a perfect state of operation. In fact, a simple system will have many bugs, and it is necessary from time to time. Maintenance, even to overthrow rewriting, let alone a huge system like social engineering. Complaining that it can't solve any problems, only patiently deal with it. "

"Uh, it seems that you are quite mature." The uncle admired.

"That is, of course, the distinguishing sign of a person's maturity is to see whether he can only ask questions, or whether he can try to solve the problem after asking it." Fang Ning proudly said.

"Hey, wait, I found something interesting." Uncle said suddenly.

"what's up?"

"Come and listen to the voice of this person ..." Uncle continued.

Then Fang Ning carefully sounded.

"Wang Dalong, do you want true freedom?"

"who are you?"

"You don't care who I am, as long as you know that I can give you true freedom, so that you will never hold back in this small world."

"What should I do?" The tone seemed very excited.

"It's very simple, we will give you the identity of an honor spirit ghost. You only need to take this mark. After going out, any ghost will treat you as yourself, and will never bother you."

"There is such a good thing? What do you need me to do?"

"It's very simple, you just need to act as a bridge between us and humanity, and call for" human and ghost great harmony. "Tell those people that as long as human and ghost achieve great harmony, everyone will not harm each other and can share a peaceful world."

"You let me think about it."

"Then think about it faster. The top 100 people who volunteer to become honor ghosts will get a special reward."

After a second, the heart sounded.

"I agree with your request and give me that mark quickly."

"Very good, you are a wise man."

When Fang Ning heard this, his heart broke.

He was silent for a while, then asked the uncle: "Who was that person just now?"

"It was Uncle Long who had been forcibly repatriated to the room." The uncle replied immediately.

"Hateful!" Fang Ning gritted his teeth and said, "Can't you bear such a bitter suffering? When the predecessors resisted foreign enemies, they had to eat bark and lie in the snow nest. How did they survive?

Fang Ning looked at the spacious and bright hall around him, as well as the exquisite independent rooms.

Although there is a huge difference between the treatment and the cultivator, Shangfeng always gives everyone no less than the previous living conditions.

At most, the range of living areas is greatly restricted, but fundamentally, this is also forced to helplessly, so dangerous outside, if you do not concentrate on living, how much will the security costs need to be spent?

Even the uncle has been exhausted, even if the truth is to be handled, the special forces of other countries can not cope with the special events that can emerge in endlessly when they join in the inspection.

The strange voice just said "Human-Ghost Harmony". This kind of obviously deceptive words will also believe, so to say that this Wang Dalong is stupid, it is better to say that he is extremely selfish.

Investigate its essence, but for his so-called freedom, he must ask the seller to be proud and actively help the enemy to deceive himself.

Just to gain the power to move freely in the outside world!

You should know that even the good gods such as the ghost king Bodhisattva also understand that people and ghosts cannot coexist, ghosts have ghosts in the realm of life, and people have people in the living space.

Ghosts must either regenerate into other life, or live in a special yin land, and cannot enter the human world, otherwise they will only harm others.

For a ghost, a person is equivalent to a fine wine. For a drunkard, the yang of a person is a delicious delicacy that a ghost cannot control.

There are only a few talented monsters that can restrain this impulse, just as there are some drunkards with strong self-control, although there are very few.

"Huh, are you excited? Just now I said that I am mature, so I can't bear such a little stimulation?" The uncle immediately despised.

It was not a human being, so he couldn't understand Fang Ning's mood.

"Do you want to manage it?" Fang Ning said, "One of the people I hate the most is traitor. The most ruthless guy who often kills them is them. Without their lead, foreign enemies can only cause three points of damage. They have them. Now, foreign enemies can cause great damage. Unfortunately, the forest is big and has all kinds of birds. There has never been a perfect ethnic group, and there will always be such scum. I just did not expect that the situation is still very good, and there are people. I ca n’t wait to sell my people. This has n’t been threatened by life or property. If there is any, I ’m afraid it will be sold more thoroughly! ”

"Uh, you suddenly said such a whole lot of words, which really surprised the whole system. I thought that a guy like you who was lazy and playing every day would not care about these external things." The uncle was very surprised.

"You're wrong. It's my temperament that makes me dislike these guys even more, because the existence of these guys is a huge threat to my favorite way of life." Fang Ning said with resentment.

"Oh, that's what it is, what do you want to do, and tell the old man them?" Uncle asked.

"Wait a minute, we just checked it by accident. It is impossible to count on us to do this kind of anti-spyware for a long time. I want to see the current management model of the human race, the social operation method built on the management chip, can you find it? Such a guy. "Fang Ning said coldly.

"Oh, since this is the case, let's take a look at it in two days and go to work first," the uncle urged.

"Okay, anyway, I have seen almost the same, and their operating model is basically clear." Fang Ning nodded.

As a result, Xia Kejia left the building world in stealth and walked out of the mystery of inheritance along the passage.


The planet 600 light-years away from the earth, where the monk with difficulty is living.

Today, in his stone house, three uninvited guests suddenly appeared, it was the three wise men of gold, silver and bronze.

"The devil, the devil, the devil is the devil, the devil is the devil, Lord Demon Saint, let's not reunite for a long time, don't come unharmed?" The golden-faced man politely said.

"Oh, it turns out to be the three of you. The demon sage is a poor monk, but the poor monk is not a demon sage." Zhi Nan said with folded hands.

"Oh, I heard that Lord Mosheng returned to Buddhism. It seems that this is indeed the case. Sure enough, the world is as big as anything, but it is under the ignorance. Master Zhizhi, who has just offended and hoped to forgive me." Jin Nianren apologized. Road.

"It's okay, I don't know if the three of you are here, what is your enlightenment?" The monk with difficulty said politely.

"I heard that Lord Mo Sheng has established a foundation in this world, and I will wait to learn from it." Jin Mianren said very politely.

"Study? There is no shortcut to other methods, only sincerity." The difficult monk said lightly.

"It turns out that this is the case. The master's house is kind and generous, and hundreds of millions of demons will have boundless blessings, but unfortunately the ghosts in the ghost world are still struggling. I don't know the master, can I reach out to help one or two?" Said the gold-faced man earnestly.

"You are working for the deity of ghosts, trying to intercept the vitality of the earth to make up for the heavens of the ghost world. Such a detrimental act for others, please forgive the poor monks for not being able to join together." Zhi Nan said very firmly.

"Oh ~ ~ The master said it seriously. Before, I waited for stupidity, and I could n’t see the sky. Now I want to follow the road of the master. Does the master have the heart to close the door of convenience, so that I can only take the kind of violent The law? "The golden-faced man begged hard.

It's hard to hear words, silently, seems to be thinking about something.

The Tongmingren suddenly couldn't help saying: "Brother, what is this nonsense with this stinky monk? Ask him to surrender the method of transformation of vitality, and this planet, otherwise, we will summon the deity incarnate and destroy him!"

When the gold-faced people heard this, the blue muscles were frightening, and the earth people were really right, this is the pig teammates!

"Come on!" Black robe heard the words and stood in front. "Dare to speak in front of the master, the poor monk can't let you!"

"Hahahaha!" The Tongren people laughed loudly, "Don't you, an incarnation of all the utensils, dare to embarrass this seat? I don't know the life and death! If it's not because of your connection with Demon Saint, you are at this time already dead!"

The black robe trembled with anger, and his eyes flashed for a moment, as if there was something coming out!


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