Seized by the System

Chapter 991: Blood strip

The five blood fingers returned without work, and there was no next move.

It's just that every finger began to gather a blood of light, obviously holding back the big move, preparing to break the protection of the black pot in one fell swoop.

Fang Ning looked at it nervously, wondering if he could hold it this time.

After all, it is a god-level opponent who has lived for millions of years. The depth is deep, and it is not comparable to the little monsters and soldiers I encountered before!

Just one move to break the teleport function of Feijian is proof.

"Don't overturn the boat ..." Fang Ning couldn't help praying with folded hands.

"You rarely crow in there," the uncle said sorrowfully. "Now I'm really a little bit of a donkey. This avatar seems to be really incapable of its appearance."

"It's really hard to use money to make you hate less, so you have to use it before? How much experience do you have, find ways to get some unpopular skills and see if you can pass this level?" Fang Ning suggested.

"Uh, I still have 663 billion experience points. Enough to krypton 5 to 6 skills to enter the myth level, you give some advice." Uncle cheer up again.

"The family is still pretty good. It is really the king to support the war. The more and more wars can be sustained, otherwise sooner or later, it will be over," Fang Ning was very pleased. You have previously activated a chivalrous achievement called "One Heart, One Morality", which can share life with your followers ... "

"Uh, the rich man, you have good advice. My defense is basically at the top, unless the reincarnation is carried out, that is, the blood is not thick enough." Uncle excited.

"The question is coming, among our followers, who has the most blood?" Fang Ning curiously said, "Lao Huang will definitely not work, black dog?"

The black dog far away from the earth sneezes after hearing ...

"It's not it, although it is a **** iron body, but it's just rough skin, but the meat is not thick," the uncle proudly said. "The real blood is the worm Daqing, and it also has a talent, eating blood back, not picky eating There is almost no upper limit, and it is stronger than me. I have to take medicine for energizing blood anyway. "

"And it has another advantage, the closest to us." Uncle added.

In the dragon mystery, I took a little girl and sneezed at the big green worm who was singing in the old man.

"Who is thinking about me again?" Chong Daqing said depressed.

The little girl squatted on the ground and looked at the intoxicated old ginseng with curiosity. She was very strange. Can this old ginseng really understand such a song?

Every time I listen to the last paragraph, the old ginseng will throw out a small amount of ginseng to be rewarded.

The big green worm lying on the leaf immediately swallowed his stomach in a hurry.

Fang Ning suddenly appeared in the medicine garden, and really saw Chong Daqing staying here.

He smirked and walked to the other side with an amiable look.

"Daqing, I haven't seen you in a long time. Have you been full recently?"

This greeting is very strange to others, but it is perfect for this foodie.

Chong Daqing raised his head. When he saw him, he dropped his head and said in frustration: "I haven't had much food lately. I'm almost hungry for a month. The outsiders are gone. The clinic can only be closed. I can only stay with you first. For a few days. "

Fang Ning said strangely at the moment: "No, in the heritage of secret, there are many people and it is very dense. You can continue to open the clinic there, and the business will only be better."

"Uh, there are too many restrictions, people have planted management chips, saying that in order to prevent management confusion, Shenma temporarily does not allow individuals to modify their gender ... My customers are gone, how can I open a happiness clinic?" Chong Daqing Depressed.

"It turned out to be the case, but after the situation stabilizes, it will still be released, you don't have to worry about this issue." Fang Ning placated.

It seems that the situation has changed so much that it really affects everyone. Even the innocent guy like Zhong Daqing has no livelihood.

What's more, it eats too much, and usually has no savings. If it can resist hunger, it may be starved to death.

But this is fine. Fang Ning was still a bit embarrassed. After all, finding someone to be beaten is not an easy thing to say.

Now it's easy to speak out, because he is sending charcoal in the snow.

"What time do you have to wait?" Chong Daqing said haggardly, while touching her belly, "I'm almost hungry for a month, and I have fallen to the point of singing."

Fang Ning smiled dumbly and said right now: "In this case, I have a job for you here, which will allow you to eat for many days."

His voice just fell, and a cold wind was born on the ground, blowing big worms to fight several chills.

"Although I always feel a little bad feeling, but the world is big and the food is the biggest, then you say, what work?" Chong Daqing said stubbornly.

"It's simple. I'm dealing with a **** of evil and I need your help now."

"How can I help?"

"You just stand here and leave us with nothing outside. It may be a bit painful, but it won't affect your safety."

"It's that simple?" When Chong Daqing heard it, he nodded and said, "Okay, then you can quickly bring the rice up."

Fang Ning then said to the uncle, and then said: "This is not a place to eat, you go to eat on that hill."

His voice just fell, and I saw a hill not far away, suddenly stacked on top of each other, and there were countless scented foods!

Lin Lin, the eyes of the insects were all spent.

"It's good, I promised, you're busy, don't worry about me." Chong Daqing jumped directly on a plate of meat dishes, swallowed one, even swallowed the plate!

Fang Ning was dumbfounded, and very fortunate. Looking at it like this, he would probably be able to hold back when he was beaten for a while.

System prompt: (The system activates the only chivalrous achievement of "One Heart and One Virtue", the system designates the follower clan "Zhong Da Qing" as the blood bar sharing object. The current system blood bar is 602033 points, and the Zong Da Qing blood bar is 299999 , Talent: The more you eat, the longer the blood bar. The blood bar is growing rapidly, 300,000, 320,000, 330,000 ...)

At this time, the five blood fingers seemed to feel something, and half of the big tricks were suddenly bursting out!

Five blood lights, passed between the five fingers, passed one after another, and finally condensed into a thick blood column, directly rushed towards the black pot!

System Tips: (The system suffers a fatal attack from the incarnation of Ghost Venerable.

The system received 330,000 points of blunt damage!

The achievement "One Heart, One Heart" takes effect.

The system followed "Zhong Da Qing" to share 320,000 points of damage.

The system suffered 10,000 points of damage! )

After hearing this system prompt, Fang Ning was dumbfounded!

If this skill is not activated decisively, Fang Jiaye really wants to be reimbursed here!

Of course, the system may not hang, but Fang Ning had to find a place to resurrect himself ...

Really good people have good rewards, Fang Ning thought with relief.

"Alas ..." A big green worm eating a roasted chicken suddenly stretched its legs and touched the back of the worm. "It seems that someone is hitting me? No matter, eat first and talk again."

He nodded and said to Daqing: "It's okay, eat quickly, eat more, no matter what's outside."

Chong Daqing heard the words, and was moved so deeply that two lines of worm tears shed involuntarily: "Da Qinglong, you are really a good person. After you have a memory of yourself, every time you eat, you will eat slowly." Eat less, you are the first to say so ... "

"Uh ..." Fang Ning was speechless and very sympathetic, and the days of eating were not easy. For ordinary people, this kind of words must be tiresome. It was the first time he heard it.

But think about its appetite ~ ~ and its simple nature of not knowing what is polite, you can understand why no one talks to it like this, and his father dare not say so.

"It doesn't matter, just eat it," Fang Ning reassured, and then secretly asked Uncle, "Uncle, how much do we have in stock?"

"You don't have to worry about it, even if the big worms let go and eat, it won't be eaten in three or five months. That's enough for me to use the food for hundreds of years." The uncle said proudly.

"That's good. I was right before? Is it to build a high wall and accumulate food." Fang Ning suddenly felt relieved.

"Yeah, I have to admit, you can still grasp the overall situation, the rich man. This ghost incarnation is even more powerful, hitting me, and also obeying the constraints of the rules of the system. How much harm should be as long as I There is still a blood bar, so you ca n’t hang it. "The uncle asked himself.

"Well, then I will let Daqing eat faster." Fang Ning decided to do a good job in logistics to deal with this real crisis.

You attack high, my blood is long, as long as the skin is thick, as invincible!


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