Sell Evil

Chapter 23: Scattered


~ Chapter 23 Dispersed

At the second teleportation, the crowd seemed much calmer. After the cyan light gradually disappeared, the dark water first said, "This is different from before."

"Is the level of the trap raised?" The first reaction of the consultant was this.

This room is not large, so it cannot be called a "giant room", but an ordinary room with about 20 square meters, and the ceiling is more than 3 meters above the ground.

The consultant's speculation is accurate. The trap here is indeed not a mechanical guard, but a more direct attack.

The blow was as simple and straightforward as the ceiling on the top of the room was down. If you think the ceiling will drop slowly, you are wrong. Traps such as two walls collapsing, giant garden saws approaching, and lowered ceilings are often used in movies to move slowly after startup. The kind of traps that cannot be called killing traps at all can be regarded as playing traps. If you intend to kill people, the trap naturally runs as fast as possible. Have you seen the mouse clips take about 20 seconds to close slowly after the cheese on the mouse clips has been removed?

Therefore, the trap that really kills people is best to press the people in the room into meatloaf at the moment when the organ is touched. The design of this house is exactly this concept.

As soon as the consultant finished asking the question, the ceiling above his head was pressed down like a falling object, and the only time everyone could react was to get down, so it could be pressed a little later than a few seconds.

However, the ceiling did not finally reach the end. As the saying goes, the sky is falling down and a tall person is standing on it. At this moment, everyone in this room can understand this truth.

The legs of the dark water were separated, and both hands were held high, such as Pangu Qingtian, and actually lowered the ceiling.

"After the trap is activated, the teleportation mechanism can be used." Darkwater is still in the same tone: "In my eleven o'clock direction, about six meters away, that handprint, whoever, go and click "As he spoke, with two bangs, his knees fell heavily on the ground, and there was a puddle of black liquid on his knees.

The dark water was forced to kneel, and the ceiling naturally lowered. After the fall, there was still a height of about two meters, and now it has dropped about half a meter.

Those four people are the gunsmith closest to the handprints mentioned by Darkwater. He knows that Darkwater will definitely choose the most correct way, which is to say a plan to get out of trouble, instead of saying nonsense like "I can't stand it for long." Judging from his situation of kneeling on the ground within five seconds, it is too late to rush!

The gunsmith was lying on the ground. After hearing the words, he was not ready to stand up and move forward on the cat's waist. Instead, he quickly rolled his hands to the side, rolled across the ground, and rolled towards the handprint symbol.

Facts proved that his choice was correct, because the kneeling position of the dark water could not withstand the pressure of the ceiling quickly, and his legs were folded at a weird angle and turned into a semi-solid state. Fortunately, the response of the dark water was rapid. I changed my posture immediately, lay on the ground, straightened my two arms, leaned my back on the ground, and raised my hands to support.

At this time, the height of the room was only about one meter, and the other people couldn't get up even if they wanted to stand. And the action of the gunsmith was not stagnant, anyway, there was still room for rolling. He had rolled over to the handprint symbol and pressed it decisively.

At this second, both arms of the dark water were also crushed, and the ceiling completely lost the barrier and fell down. Before it touched the ground, the cyan light lit up from the gap.

The five did not turn into meat sauce naturally, they successfully came to another room.

The dark water was lying on the ground, and the limbs were returning to their original shape at a speed visible to the naked eye. His eyes were bare and no pupils, and it was difficult for others to know where his gaze was looking. After the transmission, Darkwater quickly observed the information recorded on the texture of the wall of the new room and immediately said, "Leave the ground."

This new room is more than three times larger than the previous one, but this room has a pyramid shape. It is almost impossible to climb up the wall along the wall without the help of tools.

But the dark water spoke, and everyone must not dare to stay on the ground for more than a second, they all chose to jump up and talk.

The four were originally lying on the ground. When they supported their bodies and strove hard, the black metal floor of the room actually began to liquefy, becoming a semi-solidified body similar to a mud mud swamp. The mountaineering that was just dropped on the ground just now Bao and the rope that had been transported together from the first giant room sank without any trace.

The dark water is even more crisp. After the liquefaction of this guy's body, the liquefied black metal below is almost exactly the same thing. Within two seconds, he melted in, like a piece of mud fell into the muddy soil, there was no way Find it.

The remaining four people jumped very high. After all, they were all capable people. They all jumped into the air, almost touching the highest point of the spire in the middle of the room. However, jumping high does not mean that they can stay in the air for a long time. It just took a few more seconds.

Seeing that everyone began to fall under the force of gravity, and was about to fall into the black liquid, the black pool below suddenly burst into a violent surge, like boiling. Then, the central part of the black pool was restored to a solid state, and its influence spread rapidly around, and the floor of the entire room soon became a black piece.

All four landed safely, stepped on the solids that could stand, and looked at each other, confusing the situation.

"Dark water did something," said the consultant first. He watched the possibility as he watched the cyan texture traces disappear on the ground and all turned black.

"I assimilated a part of the metal on the surface of the floor." Dark water, like an evil spirit in the water, rose from somewhere on the floor without warning. "But I can't transform much of the deeper part, The equipment has sunk deep, and I cannot retrieve it. "

"That's quite troublesome. Where should I put it after finding the treasure?" Said the gunsmith.

"Just let the dark water eat." The consultant had already answered the answer, and he said immediately: "If there is no injury, then transfer to the next room."

Darkwater has observed five handprints in this room, pointing to the higher one and saying, "It's that."

"I feel like I'm participating in some kind of raffle, but the box is not filled with prizes, but an unknown death threat." The gunsmith took a deep breath, and then jumped in, Within two seconds of jumping to a high altitude, I pressed my hand on the symbol.

The blue and blue light seemed to be no different from the previous transmissions, but when Venissa opened her eyes, she found herself in a space slightly smaller than the phone booth. The consultant stood in front of her, almost face to face. , The distance the nose touches the nose.

"What about the others?" Venissa asked.

"You ask me?" The consultant asked back.

"What the **** is this?" Vinessa said again.

The consultant shrugged. "I was as surprised as you are."

"Then what idea do you have now?"

"First, I suggest that we turn and stand back to back."

Winissa realized something, and after a second, she slammed the consultant's nose with her forehead, then turned quickly.

The consultant turned his nose, covering his nose, and sighed quietly, "I have a nosebleed."

"You asked for it."

"Unreasonable." The consultant shook his head and sighed. He was indeed injustice. Whether physically or psychologically, he did not behave erratically. Because the woman had a big bust, she was inexplicably hit by a hammer.

Calming down, Venissa also felt that she had gone too far. She asked, "How are you? You can't die."

The consultant held his nose and said, "Of course I can't die, but you're dead."

But on the surface he still didn't say anything, but just replied, "Forget it, it's not so uncomfortable anyway. Compared to this, it's better to worry about the trap."

After reminding him, Venissa replied: "There should be no traps in this space. Sometimes, it should have been triggered more than a minute ago. In this situation, if a blade is found in the wall and we are shredded, We must die. "

"Then let's turn around again. If death is a doubt, I choose to die face to face," said the consultant.

"Do you believe it or not, I used your back to make your mouth bleed."

"A woman with no sense of humor, apart from having used a killer stalk, has not responded to my joke so far, and has not made a decent joke." The consultant's nasal voice said overweight, and he did not say anything to the other in return. Opportunity, immediately turned to the topic: "I suspect that this trap is suffocating."

Venissa replied, "How do you know?"

The consultant did not answer, but turned around and said, "You turn around first."

"You ..." The consultant interrupted before Venissa could say anything else. "Hurry up, don't waste time."

She wanted to say, "What do you want?" But she thought about it for two seconds and turned around.

As soon as she turned around, Venissa noticed that the consultant's face was purple and the neck veins were visible to the naked eye, and her question became: "What happened to you?"

The consultant looked up, looking around for fingerprints, and said, "I feel your heartbeat is getting slower and slower, and from your current look, it's not far from the stage of muscle spasm and incontinence." He 踮Lifted his feet, reached out and touched a handprint symbol above the two casually.

After the light ~ ~ the two people teleported to another place again, this time also a huge room, the center of the room, and a hexagonal platform.

"I heard that Darkwater said that the house with this facility should be safe." The adviser said that there is no trap here. After he said it, he opened his mouth and breathed. He looked at her from Vinessa just now. His eyes knew that at this moment his face was almost the same as that of Venissa, and he needed urgent oxygen supplementation.

Since she could not feel suffocation, Venissa was not uncomfortable. She just took a few deep breaths and asked, "How did you know that you should press the fingerprint on your head in the room just now."

"I can also bend my knees, squat slightly, and try to touch one of the lower fingerprints," the consultant said wryly, "but I think I might have to be beaten that way."

Venissa grunted, ignored him, and walked towards the hexagonal platform.

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