Shadow Fruit’s Flying Journey After Awakening

Chapter 134 Shanks's Special Experience


Moria replied with a sigh, and fell from the air into the shadow stream. With a thought, he retracted the shadow.

Shanks was not found, Moria stopped tossing and went back with Sidoro.

After returning to the boat, Moria said nothing, lost in thought.

When Hera and others saw Moria, they didn't say anything. Although they knew something must have happened, they didn't ask.

Then several people controlled the boat to leave Logue town and head towards Upside Down Mountain.

Moria and others left an hour later.

Logue town, which is opposite to the port, is near the sea to the north, and silently, a sea beast with a body like a house floats out of the sea.

Like a shark, the mouth with huge teeth slowly opened, and finally reached more than four meters high, and Shanks and others came out one by one.


"Finally out!!"

"Almost suffocated to death!!"

Shanks vomited, smashed the surface of the water with both hands, and swam to the shore not far away.

Beckman and others followed, and after a while, everyone came ashore together.

"Has the crisis passed?" Beckman came to Shanks and asked.

Others also listened carefully.

For Shanks' special Observation Haki, he can always perceive the fatal and dangerous setting in advance, and all of them agree.

After all, it was not because of this that just escaped.


"It should be over!"

Shanks pinched the corners of his clothes with both hands, and shook it hard, throwing out a pool of sea water.

Then folded the clothes again, squeezed both ends with both hands and twisted, drained the water, and shook the clothes with the right hand to hang the clothes on the bare copper-colored shoulders.

"Go, go to town and ask what happened before."

Shanks laughed and walked into Logue town with curious thoughts.

Who on earth is it? Can give him that fatal sense of crisis.

Forcing him to run away without thinking.

In the end, if they didn't find a sea beast to hide in the big mouth and avoid Observation Haki's perception, then they would be more ill-fortuned.

"So... is that guy?" Thinking of Moria's vest and Mopa's figure, Shanks frowned. In Logue town, only the strength of that man could make him feel deadly danger.

However, that powerful man didn't use his full strength at that time!

And finally the people left too, it seemed that it was just a small lesson to them, no intention to kill.

For these, Shanks is pretty sure that his perception is correct.

"But... except that guy, is there anyone in this place that can give me that fatal sense of crisis?"

With doubts, Shanks and his companions came to town, and then he knew who had brought him a sense of mortal crisis.

"Actor Moria!!!"

"Didn't that guy only fight Marine Admiral Sengoku on Sanya Island in New World a few days ago?"

"How come you suddenly appear here?"

"Could it be that he was shooting at us?"

"But I don't remember, we had a conflict with the actor!"

"Could it be..."

Laki Lu and others turned their eyes to the meditating Shanks.

When they came to the town, the civilians told them that it was the actor Moria who had come.

They also knew why Shanks took them to escape.

Because they now face the actor Moria, there is only one result.

That is "death".

But they never provoke Moria!

It is impossible for the actor to come all the way from New World, just to kill them an unknown pirate group just about to enter the Grand Line.

Unless any of them has ever provoke a actor.

That person, all they could think of was Shanks who had been on the One Piece ship.

"I don't remember any conflicts with the actor, I have never seen him!" Shanks explained.

It is said that the time he was closest to the actor in the past was also in this town.

At that time, they were all watching Captain Roger being executed on the square.

But he had never seen Moria. It was only from news reports that he later learned that there were actors and others in the square at that time.

Therefore, Shanks really never met Moria face to face.

But... Shanks frowned and said, "I feel that the actor is here for us."


For the time being, Shanks couldn't think of it either.

Moria used the vest Mopa's identity to directly restore the face at the port, although many people have seen it.

However, the riots caused by Moria have not passed long. Many people's eyes only saw the frightening name of the actor. There are not many people discussing the connection between Mopa and the actor.

So Shanks and others don't know for the time being, it's Moria's business to repair their mopa.

"It's miserable! Boss. Before entering the Grand Line, I was inexplicably spotted by the adults of New World. This is not an ordinary experience."

Raki Lu smiled and said, picking up a large piece of meat from nowhere and took a bite.

The words in his mouth are really miserable, and the expression on his face is really indifferent.

"Yes, this kind of hell start is more severe than we thought!"

Yasopp and others were also smiling, since they knew that their captain was once a trainee crew member on one piece Roger's ship.

They knew that the difficulty of their adventure journey would be a few grades higher than others.

But the difficulty of this kind of opening being directly targeted by the hegemon of New World is far beyond their imagination.

"What! Are you scared?" Shanks laughed.

"How is it possible!!" Raki Lu, Haki said: "That's interesting!"

The others laughed and nodded. From their faces, there was indeed no look of fear.

Of course, when it's time to run, they will run without hesitation and fast.

Shanks nodded in satisfaction. This is his companion, not worse than Captain Roger!

I was sighing, and suddenly I saw Beckman who hadn't spoken since he came to town.

Shanks asked, "Brother, what are you doing?"

"Thinking about something!" Beckman Kaidō, then took out a cigarette and lit it on.

"Then let's go to the port, hope our ship is still there!"

Shanks was also a god-tier sutra, and ignored Beckman's anomaly. He ran to the port and the others followed.

Their ship actually stopped a hundred meters away from the Moria ship, but the current ship was not what it looked like in the future Four Emperors period, so Moria didn't recognize it.

Not for a while.

After arriving at the port, Beckman accidentally heard the words related to Moria's transformation from Mopa to the main body from the people in the port, and his heart moved suddenly.

The doubts in my mind are completely solved!

I see.

The powerful man who played them as a ball is the actor Moria.

He just said it!

How come two powerful people just appeared in Logue town!

It turned out that it was the actor Moria disguised as someone else.

When Shanks and his group arrived on their boat, Beckman told the story.

"It's really that guy!" Shanks was shocked when he heard it, but he didn't expect that it was really that guy.

But it's right.

After thinking about it, Shanks was relieved.

A man who was almost the same as Captain Roger, how could he meet casually, still in a state of unknownness.

"Then are we going to the Grand Line now?" Raki Lu asked suddenly.

Everyone was taken aback.


Now I know that Mopa the One Punch Pirate is the actor Moria, and he is obviously going to the Grand Line too.

Then if they go to the Grand Line now, maybe they will meet.

Everyone looked at each other, then all looked at Shanks.

Shanks looked at Beckman, and everyone looked at Beckman.

This is the smartest man on their ship.

"Let’s take a look at Upside Down Mountain first!" Beckman explained: "The actor took the initiative to expose his true identity in full view, which means that he will no longer stay in that one-punch pirate group. He should Will return to New World soon."

"Okay! Let's set sail, brothers!!" Shanks laughed.


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