Shadow Hack

Chapter 378 The Origin of Yuzuru

"I would like to know how Jiexian Pill was formed? Is it possible?" Li Yunmu's heart moved, and he suddenly asked.

"Jie Xian Dan?" The voice of Buried Sea Wind Whale in Li Yunmu's mind revealed a strange tone.

"What's the matter, don't tell me there's something you don't know about the great and ancient Buried Sea Wind Whale Clan." Li Yunmu scratched his scalp, pretending to be disappointed.

"Who said I don't know, there are really few things in the world that can keep our great Buried Sea Wind Whale family from knowing." Sure enough, Buried Sea Wind Whale's tone immediately raised a few points when he heard this.

But then, its voice made Li Yunmu feel a little bit of joy just now, and fell to the bottom of the valley again.

"However, the secret of this question is far more than half a requirement, so I still won't tell you, human beings, please put away your little tricks, and don't test me in front of the great life that has lived for thousands of years. "The voice of Buried Sea Wind Whale rang out in Li Yunmu's mind with a hint of warning, but also triumphantly.

"Then what equivalent exchange do I have to give to exchange this secret news with you?" Li Yunmu cursed inwardly, although it was a monster, it was not a primate monster.

But this buried sea breeze whale desolate beast has lived for too long.

In the words of the ancient centuries of the earth, any life that lives too long will become a spirit. Obviously, this rule is also true in the main world.

In fact, among the four levels of wild beasts, fierce beasts, giant beasts, and desolate beasts, in the main world, basically the vast majority of monsters have reached the level of giant beasts. In fact, the wisdom they were born with is no less than that of humans.

It's just that beast-level monsters basically can't reach the level of desolate beasts, they can speak human words, or communicate through spiritual transmission.

"Hmm... that's interesting, let me think about it first, Jie Xian Dan is a secret belonging to the upper echelons of your human powerhouses, under normal circumstances, human beings regard it as a taboo, what they know will not be said, and they will not dare to say more Said, what I don’t know is that you are still at the bottom, and your strength is far from enough.”

"However, my great Buried Sea Wind Whale Clan does not have the habit of keeping secrets for your high-level human beings, nor is it afraid of your strong human beings, so as long as you pay enough to make my heart move, I will still consider telling you of."

I have to say, maybe this sea monster lived too long and lived out of loneliness. Once he became interested, he would talk a lot.

But Li Yunmu was secretly happy, the more it was like this, he could get some high-level human secrets in this world from this big guy.

You must know that everything in the main world, the existence of the same level, is very strict.

Whether it's human beings, monsters, or status, they are all strictly ranked. Once you step out of position, you will face great trouble and punishment.

Therefore, this place is different from the earth plane. There are some secrets that no one knows, but they won’t tell. In short, how many secrets you can know in this world depends entirely on your strength and status.

And now, since there is a burial sea wind whale that is not afraid of human rules, how could he let go of this rare opportunity.

"Although I have nothing to do with you kid, please let me know the conditions." Li Yunmu went further.

"It's very simple. If you don't call me again in the next year, I will tell you." Buried Sea Wind Whale thought for a while and said.

"This... is too embarrassing for me." Li Yunmu was stunned when he heard the other party's conditions. He was not too embarrassed, but he didn't keep up with the thinking of burying the sea wind whale. This condition, Nimei's, is still considered conditions?

Not calling it for a year? What kind of condition is this.

In fact, as soon as the buried sea wind whale went out to sea, the first thing he said was that he would not get involved in any war, and Li Yunmu would only call in a big thug who could see if he couldn't use it until he had enough to eat.

But negotiating on conditions is not the way to talk about it. Although it is almost as if there is basically no loss for Li Yunmu, he still pretends to be quite embarrassed.

There is a big pair, what can I do without you, how can I live this year.

"Well, although you will be very helpless and lose a lot if you lose your summoning me within a year, how about this, as long as you stop summoning me within a year, I can answer one more question for you." Buried Sea Breeze Whale said again.

Li Yunmu knew the terms of use of the monster wooden statues of the Huor tribe aborigines. Its right to use can be blown once a month to call the eight patrons of "Calvet King" to ask for help.

That is, it can be sounded twelve times a year.

Obviously, the Buried Sea Wind Whale should know that Li Yunmu is the disciple of Cangyue Island, and its lair is in the nearby deep sea layer.

So, it was really worried about Li Yunmu, and it blew it once a month when it had nothing to do, which disturbed its quiet life, and felt very annoyed by it.

But Li Yunmu couldn't miss the monthly right to summon and protect the eight clans just because of this.

The two parties finally reached a consensus and compromise, that is, even if Li Yunmu blew the call nearby in the next year, there is a reason to bury the sea wind whale, and he can come without the call.

The price paid for burying the Sea Wind Whale was that he had to answer how the Jiexian Pill was formed, and he had to answer another question.

In this way, everyone is happy.

After all, there are eight clans of monsters that can be summoned. Li Yunmu lost the summoning of the Buried Sea Wind Whale clan within a year, and there are seven other clans that can be summoned.

This point, in fact, is not a big loss to Li Yunmu.

As for the burial sea wind whale, now he can rest assured in the deep sea layer and sleep on it.

"Okay, now I'll tell you about Jie Xiandan first. You can't tell this secret, I'll just tell you."

"I swear, I will abide by the agreement between us." Li Yunmu immediately expressed his attitude, his spirits lifted, and he concentrated.

"Actually, this matter is not considered a big secret at the top of your human powerhouse. How did Jiexian Pill come from? In fact, it was formed by melting the overflowing string force from a mature alien space and collecting space. Simple, as long as you know it, it will actually feel very simple..."

Next, along with the origin of the burial sea wind whale to Jie Xiandan, I will talk a lot.

However, the more Li Yunmu listened, the more shocked he became. He thought that the current main world alone would be vast and powerful enough, based on what Li Yunmu knew conservatively.

The area of ​​the main world is definitely more than 10,000 times larger than the earth. This is a conservative estimate because he knows too little about the main world.

But now, Li Yunmu didn't understand until he heard about Jiexian Pill about Buried Sea Wind Whale and revealed more unknown secrets.

It turns out that the size of the main world is far beyond his imagination.

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