Shadow Hack

Chapter 408 Dumplings

Along the way, with the secret pollen prepared by the ghost kapok, sure enough, the operation on this island has greatly reduced the difficulty.

Although the giant ants were still not reconciled to Li Yunmu's approach to the center of the island, they did not dare to approach and swarm up, and could only hang tightly behind him.

As it got deeper, Li Yunmu discovered that this island with a diameter of about 1,400 kilometers was actually much more terrifying than imagined.

Giant ant colonies, giant scorpion colonies, and a flea creature as big as a house cat. Compared with giant ant colonies, this terrifying giant flea is the scariest.

Not only do they have an infinite number, but they also bounce extremely agilely. Although the individual strength is not strong, if there is no effect of pollen.

In an instant, with their infinite number, they will all jump and surround you, without even a chance to escape. Soon, a corpse will be sucked into a mummified corpse.

Wherever Li Yunmu went along the way, he found many huge monster creatures, among them died in this endless flea swarm attack.

The size of the huge ferocious beasts was sucked into dry corpses by them, which was shocking.

It's no wonder that Li Yunmu hasn't found any monsters coming out to attack humans on this island since he went to the island. It's not that there are no monsters on this island.

Rather, they are vulnerable groups on this special gigantic island.

Here, the huge swarm of insects and monsters is the real master.

"Look, another giant python died over there." Li Yunmu's eyes jumped suddenly, and he found the corpse of a giant snake like a mountain range again.

This is the real Monty Python.

It is not more than a dozen meters long in the earth world, but more than a thousand meters long.

Even though the snakes on this island have also become gigantic, the existence of such a huge monster still cannot stop the insects and monsters on the island from hunting.

It can be seen from this point that the danger of this island, even if superstring warriors come in, is a dead end. If there is no natural restraint effect of pollen, whether it is Li Yunmu, Zheng Quan and others, they would have died long ago.

Open the way, open the way again!

Before he knew it, Li Yunmu finally approached the center of the island.

At this time, Zheng Quan and Zhang Yuan appeared here one step ahead, but they did not move forward, but were blocked by a group of terrifying creatures.

Li Yunmu took a closer look, and it turned out to be a giant toad, each as big as a basketball court, squatting in front of it with its limbs curled up, like a small hill.

But the number is a thousand, my God!

Although this number will never be greater than the endless insects like ants and fleas, but a thousand giant toads that are bigger than houses guarding the center is really too dreadful.

Zhang Yuan didn't give up, and forced the two members to come forward to test, but in the next scene, this temptation completely chilled everyone's spine.

I saw that as soon as the two cannon fodder members stepped into the range of a thousand miles, out of the thousand giant toads squatting like gods and Buddhas, ten of them actually moved.

They suddenly opened their mouths without warning, and then five red flame fireballs, like cannonballs, slammed down near the two cannon fodder members.

Immediately, the bones of these two people were bombarded by ten toads.

Li Yunmu had just come up from the back, came to see this scene, and immediately hid in the dark again, waiting for something to change.

Terrible, terrible!

No one expected that the last gatekeepers at the core center of the island would be such a thousand toads. They were not suppressed by the huge number of monsters on the island, but became the only one on this island. The most powerful non-bug giant creature in existence.

But this only non-insect giant biome is unchallengeable, at least, in Li Yunmu's view, as long as there are a thousand toads guarding here.

It is estimated that the holy string warriors in this world can break through this layer of guards, which is also unknown.

Sure enough, Li Yunmu didn't have to wait long, and the data and information about the toad's attack just now were collected by the system.

"The attack strength of the ten explosive fireballs is between 236 points and 289 points, the average attack strength is over 250 points, and the effective bombing range is 1,000 meters." The system quickly listed The data on the attack strength of the ten toads just now.

The average attack strength is 250 points, what kind of concept is this?

Based on the ratio of the data drawn from the system summary, now Li Yunmu has completed the strength of the string force at the string point, and it has reached a strength of more than 130 points.

That is to say, the attack power of the explosive fireball spit out by each of these giant toads has almost reached the level of the string strength of the super string warrior who has just stepped into it.

If you only rely on string force armor to resist, it is basically impossible to block.

If Li Yunmu didn't have the golden bell cover and various defenses, an explosive fireball would kill him.

Of course, just because Li Yunmu kept the golden bell shield and the shield within the shield, the damage was reduced by nearly 70%.

But this is only able to withstand the attack of one toad, not a thousand.

Despair, utter despair.

Birth walked ahead of a group of people including Zheng Yuan and Zhang Yuan.

The last guardian, even Zheng Quan and the three descendants, did not know about it. Obviously, Zheng Quan at this time was no longer full of confidence as before.

Because of his guidance, at the most critical moment, he lost the chain.


I'm afraid, it should be the former guide who walked the farthest place, and probably ended here, or he didn't even really approach the center, and he didn't find these toad guards at all.

Although pollen can restrain the creatures on this island, how can you talk about restraint if you can't get close to them.

All of a sudden, everyone's progress stopped at a halt.

With the previous temptations, no one can go half a step beyond the 1,000-meter bombing range, including Li Yunmu.

But the current situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to the intruders.

Unknowingly, all of them have been surrounded by all kinds of insects and monsters that have quietly caught up, including giant ants, giant fleas, and giant scorpions.

This is all known.

There are many swarms of insects and monsters that have not appeared before, such as giant bee swarms with the size of small fighter jets, they suddenly poured in from the north, thousands of pairs of wings beat the air, and the sound of the explosion was booming, like thunder.

In the west, black shadows suddenly appeared again. When they got closer, Li Yunmu could see clearly that these were not shadowy clouds, but a group of endless huge mosquito swarms.

Every giant ant, the size of a horse or a cow, with long and thick limbs, swoops down from a high altitude to catch a grown man, just like playing.

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