She Becomes Ugly if She Doesn’t Study

Chapter 1113 Return to Changde

Changde Middle School, located in Jinlan District, Haishi, is the dream school of Haishi students.

There are the most professional teachers, the best campus environment, and the most lovely group of students.

Two years ago, due to the educational reform, the double reduction policy was introduced. In order to further optimize educational resources and achieve educational fairness, Haichangde Senior High School was forced by the relevant departments of Haicheng to be converted from private to public, and it changed from an aristocratic private high school to an public high school.

After becoming a public school, the admission scores of Changde Middle School in the past two years have become the highest among all middle schools in Haishi.

In the past, some top students with good grades gave up reporting to Changde Middle School due to their limited financial conditions, but now these top students no longer have such concerns, because the tuition fee per semester of Changde Middle School after becoming a public high school is only 6,000 yuan.

However, the original teachers of Changde Middle School continued to stay. The remaining teachers could not only obtain relevant teacher establishments, but also receive certain subsidies. Therefore, after the transfer from the public to the public, the teachers of Changde Middle School did not leave, nor did the school leaders change. .

At nine in the morning, a car stopped at the gate of Changde Middle School.

Tang Su and Xue Yao, who got out of the car, wore the school uniforms they wore back then.

Behind them were five or six people, the photographers and makeup artists who took the pictures.

Tang Su looked at the familiar school in front of him, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

After three years, she is finally back here again, back to the place that changed her.

Uncle Liu at the door recognized the couple, so he took the initiative to open the door and asked, "Xue Yao, did you tell the teachers at the school?"

Uncle Liu did not expect to see these two children back again.

"Uncle Liu, we told Principal Xiao." Xue Yao replied, and then he took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed it to Uncle Liu.

Several people then walked into the school.

Changde Middle School was still the same. Tang Su looked at the familiar first teaching building, the familiar library, the familiar playground not far away, and the familiar flag-raising platform.

Three years later, this place is still what she remembered.

"Where do you want to shoot?" The photographer on the side was carrying a camera and could take a wedding photo for this handsome young couple. He felt very lucky. He thought that he must shoot a set of representative works today.



Tang Su and Xue Yao spoke in unison.

"Then you lead the way." The photographer laughed. It turns out that this young couple is quite tacit.

The No. 1 Canteen is located in the east of Changde Middle School, about 200 meters from the No. 1 Teaching Building. At 9:00 in the morning, it was very quiet because it was past breakfast time. At this time, there were only the auntie who was in charge of cleaning and the chef who was preparing lunch. them.

Tang Su walked around the cafeteria and found a seat. If she remembered correctly, she and Xue Yao were sitting at this table, because she remembered that the table was on the left side against the wall.

"Are you sure it's this one?" Xue Yao asked with a smile.

Tang Su nodded, she felt that this was the position.

The two then sat face to face, just like that spring five years ago.

Tang Su had a smile on her face. In fact, she had not forgotten what she said when she was sitting here, nor did she forget some of her actions and actions at that time.

She even remembered Xue Yao's reaction at that time.

"Tang Su, Class 15, high school." Xue Yao suddenly said at this moment.

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