She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 216 Independent Enrollment Exam (3)

"How is it?" Meng Qingyan asked hurriedly.

"I have reviewed many topics." Meng Yuxin raised her eyebrows with joy.

Unlike other people's sad faces, Meng Yuxin was full of confidence this time.

She conducted a very comprehensive review and studied the content of the examinations of Beijing University in previous years.

Sure enough, her efforts were useful.

Many of the topics encountered are the content of her review!

"That's good, that's good." Meng Qingyan was very happy, "You've worked hard these days, reviewing every day and night, and your whole body has lost weight. After a while, we will go to a restaurant with three Michelin stars, and I have reserved a seat. ."

"Thank you auntie!"


In the evening, Mr. Chu waited for Chu Ci and them in the living room.

Recently, his physical condition is really good, and he can often go downstairs to walk around.

As soon as Chu Ci and the others came back, Mr. Chu asked about their exams.

"How was your exam today? I heard that the exam is difficult?" Mr. Chu has already made people aware of the exam situation.

Jingcheng University's self-enrollment exam also knows that it will not be easy.

They want to filter out the best students.

Meng Yuxin smiled, with a hint of confidence in her shyness: "It should be pretty good, I got the answer online."

After finishing the answer, I still feel that I am good, that is, it is really good.

The old man Chu was very happy.

Chu Wanyuan praised: "It looks like our family is going to have a top student from Beijing University! It's really gratifying!"

Meng Yuxin hurriedly said, "I'm not sure yet, maybe everyone will do better than me in the test, so I won't have a chance."

This exam is not based on fixed scores, but based on percentages. I heard that only 10% of people are admitted.

The people who can get the recommended places to take the test are already the best in each school, and only the top ten percent are admitted. The difficulty can be imagined.

"That's it." Chu Ci still answered indifferently.

Chu Yuheng was dissatisfied with Chu Ci's attitude: "I didn't prepare well before the test, and I didn't care much after the test. I really thought I would be so lucky every time?"

Chu Han spoke for Chu Ci again: "Dad, my sister was like this last mid-term exam. Although my sister didn't say it, she must have worked hard in private! Even if she failed in the test, she must have tried her best. Stop talking about her!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was about to be embarrassed again, Meng Qingyan hurriedly said: "It's okay, Aci will do her best. It's good that Yuxin can pass the test. If I go to the test individually, how about both of them?"

Chu Wanyuan agreed: "Fifty percent is already very good. Don't ask for 100 percent. Besides, if you don't succeed this time, you still have the college entrance examination. Don't worry."

Then Chu Wanyuan's attention was put on Meng Yuxin, who was more confident, "Yuxin, don't slack off, if you can get into Beijing University this time, then during the time of next year's college entrance examination, you will still be To study hard, your real goal is not Beijing University, but the Academy of Sciences, don't you know?"

"I know, don't worry, aunt, I will work hard and live up to my aunt and uncle's training." Meng Yuxin nodded heavily.

The well-behaved and obedient appearance is in stark contrast to the loose Chu Ci who is disobedient to discipline.

Everyone likes obedient children, and Chu Wanyuan is no exception. If she has to cultivate one, she will also value Meng Yuxin as a sensible person.

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