Shining Marvel Saints

Vol 2 Chapter 107: Old Gold

‘Dove, this guy could not have been hit by Asi’s Phantom Demon King Fist and left some aftereffects. I don’t know what is a few hundred times the limited dose. Please, brother, did I voluntarily do it? '

"Senior Deftolos, you are a little too fast. Didn't Tianma learn to control the magma ball with his hands first? Why did I get up to the second level of difficulty when I first came up? Anyway, I should give me three days to get familiar with using my hands." Control the small universe, and then plunge into the magma and come out alive?"

Le Xia dodged left and right in the magma, punched the magma out of a gap, and then dodged in the gap while shouting with grinning teeth.

Deftolos twitched his eyebrows, "I didn't expect you to know a lot. Now that you know so much, you should understand what the significance of my test is."

"For you now, it may be a little early, but this world is different from ours. There are too many dangers. You must have a little ability to protect yourself here alone, even if you are only in danger. It’s good to be lucky enough to use it once.”

"What happened last time is absolutely not allowed to happen again. Since you are a Saint Seiya, in addition to inheriting the strength of the Saint Seiya, you must also inherit the pride of the Saint Seiya."

"If just anyone relying on external force can defeat you, then what's the point of us working so hard to do this?"

In the magma, Le Xia's heart was a little turbulent. Brother Chocolate's words contained a lot of information.

In the LC comics, Pegasus went to Deftolos for training in the middle of the holy war, and Pisces Yapafika died in battle, Virgo Ashmita died in battle, Taurus Hasgat died in battle, and Capricorn Alyssa died in battle. El Cid died in battle, Pope Sage and Cancer Manigot died in battle.

Especially Tianma's master Libra Tonghu, in order to create a chance for Tianma and Shi Ang to escape, he fights against Hades shirtless alone, and dies immediately! (Of course, it is impossible for Lord Tiger, who holds the gold medal to avoid death, to die. He was rescued by Huihuo and sent to Canon Island to recuperate. So Huihuo was not a villain from the beginning?)

As a small bronze Pegasus, seeing all the powerful saint fighters risk their lives in the jihad, and the strength of Hades and Hades' army, Tianma inevitably felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

In order to comprehend a stronger realm, in order to obtain the power to rival Hades, Pegasus came to Canon Island under the guidance of Aquarius Dieter.

Finally, with the help of Deftolos, Pegasus briefly comprehends the power to stop the eruption of the volcano - the seventh sense.

Maybe some people will say that the seventh sense blows so strongly that it is only to stop the eruption of the volcano, which is weak.


Protection is infinitely more difficult than destruction.

Tianma can use the small universe to stop the eruption of the volcano without harming the residents of Canon Island, which is infinitely more difficult than simply turning the volcano into volcanic ash with a single punch.

Therefore, the meaning of the first sentence of Deftolos is to let Le Xia understand the seventh sense, even if he can't fully understand it, he must at least feel that state, and retain a possibility of a counterattack in a desperate situation.

The seventh sense, that can move at the speed of light, and truly comprehend the ability to destroy atoms, is the powerful strength of exploding stars.

If you really want to comprehend the seventh sense, let alone a Mandarin who relies on the Ten Commandments, even if it is a reunion together, Le Xia will not be afraid.

After all, this is just the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The second sentence is also easy to understand, that is, Le Xia was defeated by the Mandarin. Even though Regulus made an emergency rescue that time, Le Xia could not have such good luck every time, just reached the opening of the Saint Cloth Box If the conditions are met, there will be big shots coming out to suppress the formation.

Many times, a lot of things still have to rely on yourself.

The most interesting thing is the third sentence.

'We guys work so hard to do this...'

Who are these people and what do they do?

The words of these people should be that the Twelve Gold Saints of the previous generation were not wrong. According to the current urgency of the story, the Twelve Gold Saints will appear in turn once in the future.

The opportunity to get in touch with LC's previous twelve golden GGs should be what all Saint fans want.

After all, Teyogi is not as focused on infighting as Kurada is for thirty years. He drew a myth of Hades and ND is still a golden saint. The big brothers beat themselves.

In the world of LC, except for the rebellion of Gemini, which is a fixed repertoire, all other golden saints are positive images.

Including the aquatic duo in SS and the reckless Taurus brother, they have become charismatic characters in LC. (PS: Taurus Hasgat's CV is the team leader. When watching anime, he always jumps up and down. I always feel that Brother Niu will dig his nose and turn his dead fish eyes to play cheap in the next second.)

Of course, the incarnation of Athena in LC is also infinitely better than Sasha in SS, and is more worthy of the loyalty of a saint.

Even the Gemini Aspros who is doomed to have a rebellious plot The reason for the rebellion is also caused by the bad luck of the warrior Yaoma, the star of Tiankui.

On the other hand, in SS, half of the saints died in internal fighting, and in the Pluto chapter, they were basically playing soy sauce. The holy war was basically fought by five cheating Xiaoqiang. I am completely sorry for the title of the strongest gold among the saints.

Even Saga, who is known as a demigod, has made any contribution to the jihad? No…

Sublime personality charm, coupled with perfect body proportions and beautiful and handsome style of painting, LC's previous generation of golden saints can be said to be the most likable among all the series of saints.

And now, Le Xia has the opportunity to meet all these GGs, so how could he not be excited.

As for what they were going to do, never mind.

Based on the ethics of this group of people, no matter what they do, what they intend is nothing more than to contribute to the jihad.

As for what kind of holy war it is, when it will start, and in what way Le Xia will participate in the war, it doesn't matter.

Although in the Marvel world, Le Xia has the consciousness to fight now that he has put on the holy clothes.

Hades' Pluto army, Apollo's Celestial army, no matter who the opponent is, just do it.

No matter how strong they are, can they be stronger than OAA?

What's the big deal, I can't beat it anyway!

Le Xia believed in the former Twelve, if this Saint Cloth Box including what happened to him was really their plan, then his future would be absolutely limitless.

Maybe, he will really grow to the level where he can fight against Hades and Apollo without losing the wind, or even OAA.

There are only more than 200,000 words, who can say for sure what will happen next.

Right now, it is more important to pass the test of Deftolos first.

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