Shining Marvel Saints

Vol 2 Chapter 235: Mysteries of Ice

Needless to say, the skills of Aquarius are definitely related to ice. This constellation is a constellation that develops the ability of ice to the extreme.

From the diamond star to the forgiveness of the goddess of dawn, Aquarius has only one purpose - to turn the opponent into ice slag, first freeze into ice and then into slag.

Ice-making is obviously nothing to Aquarius. In the original SS novel, Kamiao used an ice coffin to freeze the glacier, but the combined strength of the four little powerhouses couldn’t break it. In the end, Zilong had to invite the teacher Tong Hu’s Libra. Only the golden holy cloth opened the ice coffin.

How powerful is the golden weapon of Libra, and the seven pillars of the ocean supporting Atlantis under the sea in the Neptune chapter can't stop Xiaoqiang holding the golden weapon.

The ice coffin made of ice coffin has the same defensive power as Optimus Prime in the sea, and its sturdiness can be seen.

Seeing Le Xia was covered in an ice coffin, Kaludia frowned and shouted, "Is it necessary to make it so big from the beginning, and use the most profound meaning when you come up, are you not afraid that this kid will die in it?"

Dieter shook his head slightly, ignored Kaludia, and used the small universe to communicate with Le Xia in the ice coffin.

'Do you know this trick? '

‘The… ice coffin of Aquarius. ’ It is impossible for Le Xia not to know this boxy coffin, and those who have read the original work will probably forget it.

Dieter nodded,

‘That’s right, it’s an ice coffin, but your answer is not accurate, because besides being an ice coffin, it’s also the greatest mystery of Aquarius—the ice shield. '

‘Ice Shield? Le Xia was dumbfounded. Unlike the greatest meaning of Aquarius in SS, which is the forgiveness of the Goddess of Dawn, in LC, the greatest meaning of Aquarius is the so-called collection Even the number of gold saints can't be broken, the strongest defensive move of the gold saint is 'Ice Shield'.

In the LC plot, Dejere finally completely frozen the entire Atlantis sea area at the cost of his own life.

And for him with such astonishing strength, the greatest profound meaning is astonishing is a defensive move.

Speaking of which, I'm afraid there will be another scumbag coming out to refute. Your holy fighters are so awesome. The golden saint fighters blow up the planet with one punch. It's too weak.

I'm sorry, but Atlantis is not an ordinary sea area, but a god's domain ruled by the sea emperor Poseidon. It is a place similar to a sanctuary, strengthened and imprisoned by the laws of the gods and enchantments.

Frozen Atlantis is not actually fighting against nature, but the divine power of Poseidon.

Anything related to God cannot be simply measured by natural laws and physical knowledge.

But after thinking about it, Le Xia also agreed with this statement, because no matter whether it is the ice coffin or the ice shield, there is a saying that even a collection of digital gold saints can't break it, although the former seems to be a bit bragging.

This statement seems a bit familiar. By the way, Le Xia remembered that in the knowledge Shi Ang taught back then, the crystal wall seemed to have a similar explanation—it could nullify the gold saint fighter level attack, and even bounce it back.

From such a horizontal comparison, it seems that the crystal wall is more powerful than the ice shield?

Le Xia doesn't know if his guess is right, and it's not convenient to ask for now, after all, it's teaching time, and looking at Dejere's appearance, it seems that the introduction has not been finished yet, let's listen first.

‘The profound meaning of Aquarius is very similar to that of Jujue, both of which are to create and manipulate ice, but there are also differences. The emphasis of Jujube is to use the sharpness of the ice spear to break through the enemy’s defenses and perform piercing strikes. '

'And for Aquarius, we don't need to break through the enemy's defense to hurt the opponent. What we have to do is very simple, freeze! '

‘When you can freeze the movement of atoms, then the so-called defense will be self-defeating. '

'And when you can freeze the air and even the space to condense, then you will be able to resist any form of attack, because any form of attack cannot pass through your ice shield. '

The reason is simple and easy to understand. It is to use the freezing air to the extreme, freezing atoms, freezing space, and even... Le Xia guesses whether the strongest freezing air can freeze even time.

It is said that there is a waste called Iceman next door. In the comics, he is a master who can freeze time, but in the movie world, he becomes a soft man who can be bullied by anyone, and has been crushed by sentries countless times. Egg.

If Dieter taught the Iceman a lesson, wouldn't Uncle Wolf need to go back fifty years ago? The Iceman would directly develop his abilities to the maximum, and being a sentinel is not like playing.

Of course, if the movie is really played like this, it will be boring, there is no plot conflict, what to show the audience, is it a love triangle?

'teacher! ’ Le Xia wanted to raise his hand, but found that he was still trapped in the ice lump and couldn’t do it, so he had no choice but to give up.

‘Teacher, I want to know how to freeze the air to the point of freezing atoms, space, and even time. My current ability can only freeze to minus one hundred degrees. '

'Freeze time? Very creative idea. '

Dieter shook his head lightly, "I can teach you the freezing air, but how to make the freezing air reach absolute zero requires you to practice and comprehend slowly in practice." '

‘Although I don’t know what produced this ice magic box, its ability is very helpful for you to comprehend the freezing air. It's also your luck, your birth is fire, without the help of this ice magic box I'm afraid it would be difficult to comprehend absolute zero. '

‘As for the freezing time you mentioned, I haven’t considered this before, I’m afraid it’s up to you. '

Le Xia sneered and said, "Mr. Dijieer, haven't you considered this issue? It seems that you, the number one wise man in the sanctuary, don't know everything?" '

Dieter's face trembled unconsciously, and he looked up at Le Xia in the ice coffin, "Okay, it's almost time, let's go first, don't relax at will, remember that you have a mission . '

'Don't worry, I understand! I will definitely not disappoint all of you,’ Le Xia swore, ‘Well, can you let me out now? '

For a long while, no one answered.

‘Teacher Dieter, are you still there? '

'Card less? '

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air, especially when a person is frozen in a solid ice coffin.

Dieter and Kaludia just left quietly, just as they came quietly, without waving their sleeves, leaving only an ice coffin behind.

Le Xia in the ice coffin wants to cry but has no tears.

Two uncles! You should let me out first.

Ice coffin—an ice coffin that even several golden saints can't break, how can I break it? I just entered silver!

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