Shining Marvel Saints

Vol 2 Chapter 244: Frozen

When Le Xia saw Gwen again, it felt like a century had passed.

"Do you know, almost, just a little bit, I will never see you again!"

Looking at Gwen's pretty face, Le Xia couldn't help but burst into tears. He wanted to thank the readers but didn't know whether to thank the readers for their support and encouragement or for their perseverance. Otherwise, he might stay in Jotunheim for the rest of his life. Holding a long spear in the ice and snow is nothing.

The excitement and joy on Gwen's face was no less than Le Xia's. After experiencing the intimacy and excitement of love, a child of this age can't wait to be with the boy he likes every day.

Fortunately, Gwen's personality is relatively independent, and she is not the kind of girl who wants to tie the other party or be tied to the waistband by the other party. That's why Le Xia has so much time to spend time all over the world and even the universe.

"You still know how to come back!" The excitement and joy on his face were forcibly suppressed, and Gwen deliberately put on a bad face and threw Le Xia into the air, raising both hands, white spider webs were shot from the webs on his wrists The weapons flew out continuously.

Le Xia didn't resist, let his body fly to the highest point, and then fell in a free fall, even though this is the roof of the Osborne Building, a few hundred meters above the ground, even if he fell, it would be hard enough.

The distance of descent was shorter than the height of ascension, and Le Xia felt a large flexible net under him catch his body in mid-air, and then a fiery white figure leaped into his arms.

Gwen, who is wearing a black and white spider suit, is the best in the world both visually and tactilely.

Swaying back and forth in the wide spider web, Le Xia gently stroked Gwen's hair, "To be honest, our identities are more sensitive now, and I am afraid that many pairs of eyes are watching us through different channels. If we are really happy here, maybe we will be harmonized."

Gwen slapped Le Xia lazily, resting his head on his chest lazily, not wanting to move, "Then what do you say? This is the most romantic place I can think of."

Touching Gwen's twisted braid on top of her head, Le Xia suddenly thought of something.

"Do you want to have some fun?"

Gwen said without raising her head, "Didn't you say that there are a lot of people watching, just let me lie down first, I don't like live broadcasts."

Le Xia raised the corner of his mouth, "Where are you thinking, I learned a set of magic tricks recently, and I'll show you a show?"

Gwen was actually not very interested, but she still pretended to be very curious, "What magic?"

"Look," Le Xia pointed to the sky.

Gwen followed Le Xia's finger and looked towards the sky. The moon was bright tonight, and there were no clouds in the sky. The stars could not be seen clearly under the reflection of the city lights.

"Look what..."

As soon as Gwen spoke, she couldn't continue. Right in front of her eyes, under the clear night sky, white snowflakes suddenly appeared in the air (Is it okay to describe snowflakes like that).

Although it is not midsummer now, there is still some time before winter. Snow in this season is somewhat abnormal, and there is no cloud in the sky. How can there be snow? This is much more unbelievable than the sun rain.

The appearance of snowflakes was not accidental, but quickly gathered and fell in the air. In just a moment, the entire roof of the Osborn building was covered with ice and snow.

But Gwen, who was in the ice and snow, didn't feel cold, because Le Xia under her was like a stove, continuously inputting heat into her.

"Why is it snowing? And..." Gwen glanced at the surrounding buildings without snowflakes, then turned to look at Le Xia excitedly, "You made this?"

"Of course!" Le Xia nodded, got up from the hammock with Gwen in his arms, and landed lightly.

Under the feet, where Le Xia stepped on, the snowflakes receded suddenly and turned into a blue ice surface. The ice surface spread rapidly to the surroundings, but in a short while, a diameter of more than 20 meters was formed on the roof of the building. ice platform with snowflakes.

"I want to skate!" Seeing this, Gwen yelled and wanted to jump down, but it was a pity that Le Xia stopped her.

"Don't be impatient, it's not over yet."

The hollow of the snowflake platform was quickly filled with a darker layer of ice, and then Le Xia raised his hand, and a thick icicle extended from the six feet of the hexagonal platform. The icicle not only propped up the platform , and continue to extend upwards, closing into a hexagonal spire at a height of tens of meters.

A huge ice slab with a strange shape appeared inside the spire, gathering and scattering white moonlight, bulingbuling the hall made of ice.

This is just the beginning, not the end.

In the wide igloo, the ice layer continued to appear, the furniture in the stair room appeared one after another, and the carved windows and doors were also opened under the night sky, allowing the evening wind to blow.

" this a palace?" Standing on the balcony on the second floor, Gwen couldn't close her legs. What did she see? Is this Disney's princess castle?

Every girl has a princess dream, and has dreamed of living in a palace that only exists in fairy tales.

And now, she is really in a beautiful palace made of ice that even a fairy tale can't even Am I dreaming? "

"Obviously not, Your Royal Highness." Le Xia sent an invitation to Gwen, "I don't know if I have the honor to ask you to dance."

Gwen held out her hand and obliged.

Romantic music sounded in the palace, and the two put their hands on their waists, and soon twisted together.

Xiao Biesheng is newly married, and many things are already familiar. After a while, the elegant waltz turns into a melody, and a restricted-rated action comedy is about to be staged.

'Knock, knock, knock!' The sound of knocking on the window is very gentlemanly, but the voice of talking is very annoying.

"Listen, people inside. I'll give you five seconds to pack your clothes. In five seconds, I'll blow off the roof of this hapless building. Please don't let me see any scenes that will make me feel better, thank you."

A muffled voice sounded outside the window, a familiar voice with an annoying tone, the identity of the visitor was self-evident.

There are always some people in this world that people hate, some because they are handsome, some because they are rich, some because they are smart, some because they have a vicious tongue, and some because they like to appear on occasions that should not be at inappropriate times.

Unfortunately, Iron Man Tony Stark has all these attributes.

The window swayed slightly but did not open, a blast of freezing air shot out from the crack of the window, and within a short while, the flamboyant Iron Man was frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Mr. Big Shit, come here and be safe." Le Xia pushed the door out, waved his hand in the air, and a stream of ice snaked into the air.

"Wow!" An excited voice sounded from the air, and a red and blue voice flew down to the top of the ice stream, with both feet stepping on the ice surface and flying down the ice stream.

"Yeah! Damn it!"

Ice skating on the roof of the building a few hundred meters away at midnight, Parker was as excited as a child.

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