Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 125: Meet mother and son!

Sioux City is famous for its beautiful scenery!

This place is not only one of the country's famous historical and cultural cities, but also the representative of the economic development of the entire Jiangnan region. It is known as a heaven on earth!

On the way all the way, Pei Junlin did appreciate the city's strong historical heritage. When you walked in here, you were greeted by the unique atmosphere of the Jiangnan water village.

However, in the face of all this, Pei Junlin didn't have any thought appreciation, only occasionally glanced at it, but more attention was focused in front of the road, constantly asking: "How long will it take?"

"Mr. Pei, uncle and aunt live a little far away, and you're waiting patiently! Hurry up! You're almost there!"

In the Mercedes-Benz car, Lin Chen, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, couldn't help but touch the cold sweat on his head, and repeatedly urged the driver to drive faster. It is not necessary to care what speeding or not.

Finally, in such a gallop, almost an hour later, almost half of the Soviet city was almost traversed. Finally, the Mercedes-Benz came to the northern district of Soviet city, slowing down the speed.

Unlike the high-rise buildings and colorful scenery that I saw before, the northern part of Sioux City is a very barren place. The tallest buildings here are probably not more than 20 stories, almost all of which are the old and low 80s and 90s. building.

The gates of many residential buildings have long been rusty, the ground is cracked, and the sewage is full of vegetables. Most of the people who come and go are mall hawkers, migrant workers who ride tricycles or electric cars, and barely maintain them. The starting line of the family's food and clothing line.

When the vehicle entered this low northern area, Lin Xianer, who was sitting in the car, could not help frowning. Noble girl who was born since she was a child has never seen such a rundown place, especially through the window. The strange and weird flavors floating in from time to time made Lin Xianer couldn't help covering her nose with a handkerchief.

Sewage is everywhere on the ground, all kinds of **** are flying, and the street facades on both sides are covered with various small advertisements. Among the pedestrians, there are all kinds of people from all walks of life. Many of them are exposed or have shirtless tattoos. Do nothing and hang out on the street.

"This ... isn't this Soviet city known as a paradise on earth, why is there such a place!"

Lin Xian'er couldn't help but open his mouth, but found that Pei Junlin, who was sitting next to him, looked calm, as if he was not surprised by the surrounding environment.

Lin Chen in the co-pilot's seat was also worried, but he was very aware of the results of Pei Junlin's anger. Then he took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed a phone number. After a while, he saw a refined man running out of the corner of a street in front of him. Beckon them.

The vehicle drove over, and the refined man respected Lin Chen and Lin Xianer, who said, "Master, miss! Mr. Pei's mother works in a restaurant not far away!"


As soon as the words fell, the sound of the door opened, Lin Xianer and Lin Chen saw that Pei Junlin had stepped out of the car, completely ignoring the dirt-covered ground.

"Fast! Drive to catch up!" Lin Xianer quickly ordered the Mercedes-Benz to start. When he came to the entrance of the restaurant, he found that Pei Junlin was standing like a sculpture, standing still at the entrance of the restaurant, motionless.

Lin Xianer and Lin Chen in the car showed curiosity, raised their eyes and looked into the restaurant. They saw a small restaurant with only 20 or 30 square feet, a middle-aged man with a spine on his back and wearing a ragged cloth. Women, lowering their heads carefully, wipe the greasy dining table.

The woman seemed to be ill. Whenever she applied force, she would raise her hand to cover her chest and make a hoarse cough, but her work was very serious and she wiped the table meticulously.

It seemed to be a response from the bloodline. The originally busy woman suddenly stopped moving, slowly raised her head, looked out the door, and suddenly showed a pale face.

From her eyebrows, she can see that she is not very old, only in her forties, but the vicissitudes emanating from her eyes are like a 70-80-year-old, twilighting old man, who is dead and silent. No fluctuations.

When a pair of women's unfocused eyes fell outside the glass door, Pei Junlin stood blankly, her eyes widened like stagnant water, and the rag in her hand fell into the ground.

As for Pei Junlin himself, her body was slightly trembling with excitement, and she couldn't help feeling agitated inside. She rushed into the store with a lunge, and then stared at the shocking eyes of Lin Xian'er and Lin Chen in the car outside. Kneeled in front of the woman and shouted, "Mom!"

Because this woman is not someone else, it is his mother Guo Shiyun!

Once upon a time, in the impression of Pei Junlin, mother Guo Shiyun has always been a typical Jiangnan woman, exuding a temperament like water, gentle and generous, dignified and elegant, but has not seen it for more than three years, and she is so old-looking. Same as a 50- or 60-year-old woman!

You know, his mother is now at the age of forty-five or six years old. It is hard to imagine how the strange change in the Pei family in Qingzhou three years ago has brought her a psychological shock.

The family collapsed, his son Yingnian died prematurely, and his husband was seriously injured ... his daughter was still young ...

The sudden scene scared Guo Shiyun. She stared blankly at the young man kneeling in front of her eyes. Her mind was chaotic and her body trembled. After a long time, she recovered her mind and pursed her lips. Well, I'm not your mother! "


Lin Xianer and Lin Chen, who had been watching this scene quietly outside the car, were topped by Wulei. What happened? Is it that the information is wrong, but it should not be!

Even Pei Junlin who was kneeling on the ground froze a bit, but then reacted. He is now a born-born, although the name is indeed his former name, but his body and appearance are not the Pei Junlin of the previous life.

But this is not difficult to beat Pei Junlin, without thinking, he immediately said: "Mom! I am your son!"

"Three years ago, I didn't die completely in that great disaster at our house!"

Guo Shiyun, who was standing opposite, shook her body fiercely, and then heard Pei Junlin continue: "Did you forget it? When I was seven years old, I broke one of your most precious jade bracelets. It was the first time you hit me ... "

"And when I was eight years old, I took my sister Nianci to secretly go to the cake, and you and your dad made an apology and compensation to others overnight ..."

"When I was ten years old, because of a problem in my practice, my father was not there. It was you who carried me alone to the hospital in the middle of the night ..."

Whenever Pei Junlin said something, Guo Shiyun's body shuddered. Until the end, the tears in those eyes had already become the rivers and lakes of the dyke, and she couldn't stop flowing.

"You ... are you really King's Landing ?!"

Guo Shiyun was shaking with excitement, her face was incredible.

In fact, ordinary people can never know these hidden things, and no one can say things deep in memory except their mother and son.

Pei Junlin's tears couldn't stop falling and turned red!

Men do not cry easily, but they have not reached the sad place!

The Shura war generals, who cover the thousands of worlds, also have the softest place in the bottom of my heart forever!

"Mom! I'm really King's Landing! I'm back, I'm not dead!"

Pei Junlin shouted loudly, finally Guo Shiyun couldn't control her inner emotions, rushed forward and hugged her son tightly.

This hug contains countless days and nights of thoughts between mother and child, and blood is thicker than water. It is an irreplaceable thing in this world!

I don't know how long, finally, it was Pei Junlin who calmed down first and raised his mother on the ground with both hands.

Looking at the old face of the mother in front of her, Pei Junlin's heart was like a knife, and it is hard to imagine what kind of torture the mother has endured in the past three years to make such a dignified and elegant woman become the present It looks like this.

Especially when God discovered that his mother's body had hidden concealment, Pei Junlin snorted and placed the palm of his hand on the palm of his mother's palm to instill a pure mana directly.

"Jinglin, you ..."

Guo Shiyun is not an ordinary woman, otherwise it would be impossible to train a young master like Pei Junlin.

After feeling Pei Junlin's pure mana that is far from true Qi and Zhen Yuan, a shocked light appeared in her eyes.

Pei Junlin booed and motioned to her mother to relax and wait until everything was over.

After such a few minutes, it was not until Pei Junlin used pure mana to go around Guo Shiyun's body for a small week, and then slowly finished his job.

At this time, Guo Shiyun's spirit and spirit increased a lot, and a long-lost red light was added to the pale face, and the whole body seemed to be three points lighter.

"Shi Yun, you are ..."

The sudden abnormality in the restaurant shocked the boss lady inside, and saw a woman with a full body of 200 pounds running out with a spatula, and looked at Pei Junlin in surprise.

It's Pei Junlin's temperament and dress, it doesn't go well with her dirty restaurant.

"Sister Yuhua, this ... this is my missing son for many years, he ... he is back!"

Guo Shiyun was excited when she saw the fat woman.

Then Guo Shiyun turned to Pei Junlin and introduced it again: "Junlin, this is your Yuhuayuan, Mom can persist to this day, your Yuhuayuan contributes! Not only does she provide her with work, she also often drives out those rogue bullies!"

"Yuhuayan, thank you!"

Pei Jun came forward and stretched out his palm.

Suddenly, the original fierce Yuhuaya was at a loss, and it was Pei Junlin's dusty temperament and looks that were too dazzling, and she could not help raising a thought of shame.

However, just when Yuhuayan was hesitant, Pei Junlin didn't care about the greasy palm of the other person, grabbed it tightly and held it tightly, full of gratitude.

"Yuhua, thank you for taking care of my mother over the years! Don't worry, I will definitely repay you! But before that, my mother is afraid that she can't continue to work here ..."

Yuhua Zheng nodded in understanding: "Of course! Of course!"


At this time, a clear and sweet voice suddenly came, and the big star Lin Xianer did not know when he actually came in, his face was enthusiastic.

At first glance, she saw Lin Xianer's exquisite and unparalleled beauty ~ ~ Guo Shiyun and Yu Huazhen are both stunned. The girl in front of her is too beautiful, and her temperament is too noble The narrow, dirty restaurants are out of place!

"Who is this……"

Guo Shiyun was surprised, but Pei Junlin faintly answered ordinary friends, and immediately caused Lin Xianer's resentment, and his full-hearted **** shook fiercely!

Guo Shiyun and Yu Huazhen looked at each other, could not help showing the look of a person coming over.

A telephone ringing suddenly sounded. Guo Shiyun pulled out a very old-fashioned candy bar phone from her pocket. When she saw the name of the caller ID, she immediately shouted in surprise: "Junlin, it's your dad's phone!"

Pei Junlin was also excited, but soon he noticed that his mother's face changed after listening to two sentences. The mobile phone in his hand fell to the ground with a cry, his voice crying: "Junlin ... your father ... He was beaten at the factory! "

PS: Today is the last day of 2018, and we are about to step into 2019. No matter there are many unpleasant things in 2018, they have disappeared! In the new year, Langya wish the big guy a healthy and healthy and happy family!

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