Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 148: Master of Qinghongmen——Ye Qingqing

The Zhang family, as the largest force in the Soviet Union, ranks fifth in the Jiangnan region, and its assets are naturally very strong, and its billions are a very low number.

When he left Taohuawu that day, Pei Junlin contacted Prince Qiong, who was far away in Jinling City. When Prince Qiong heard that Pei Junlin even uprooted the Zhangcheng of the Sucheng city, he was shocked to sit on the chair, his eyes tied. tongue.

How exactly does this man want to toss? This is how long it took to go to the Jiangnan area, and he has done such a terrible event. Even with her strong concentration today, it took a long time to reluctantly accept it.

Especially when it was learned from Pei Junlin's mouth that the property involved in the Zhang family reached an astonishing 10 billion yuan this time, Wang Ziqiong couldn't sit still, and immediately asked people to book air tickets and quickly set off with elite men and horses.

Junlin International is now at a critical juncture in development. The goal is for the world's top 500 companies to develop. Naturally, it needs an extremely strong financial backing. With Zhangjia's huge capital injection, it will undoubtedly reduce many difficulties.

At the moment when Wang Ziqiong set off quickly, the Jiangnan Sioux City, the Zhang family was facing the disaster.

The so-called wall pushed everyone down, and the tree fell apart!

The Zhang family, as the largest family force in the Soviet city, was originally ingrained and intricate. However, because Zhang Qiyuan and Zhang Qiming waited for the elite of the family to be killed by Pei Junlin when they were in Taohuawu, a group of women, children, old and young, and some The embarrassing children, the grand family, collapsed!

The various forces or hostile forces originally attached to the Zhang family jumped out, not only did not help the Zhang family, but in order to please Pei Junlin, they began to expel the Zhang family.

A famous Zhang family member was expelled from a mansion of astonishing value. His company, ports, and construction sites were also chaotic. This made the Zhang family like a bereavement dog, and the crying father continued to cry.

They are all wealthy children born with a golden key. They have been in small brocades, custom-made brands, luxury cars, and beautiful wines. There is no shortage of loved ones, but there is no shortage of money.

Right now, the entire family is ruthlessly harvested everywhere in the industry. It is really more uncomfortable than killing them. But disaster has already occurred, and it is already powerless to return to the sky. It can only leave with thick humiliation and unwillingness. .

When Wang Ziqiong arrived with the elite men, nearly two-thirds of the Zhang family's property had been split up, just waiting for them to take inventory.

Wang Ziqiong and the team behind her were dumbfounded, looking at Pei Junlin full of fear.

In many people's minds, Pei Junlin is indeed not a very competent boss. Regarding the company's affairs, he never asked about it, and all fell on Wang Ziqiong alone, which will inevitably lead to some criticism.

But at this moment, no one dares to say that again!

Indeed, Pei Junlin is an incompetent boss, making money is not even as good as the owner of a small business, but can't stop him from plundering!

Since ancient times, the fastest way to accumulate capital is to plunder!

As big as a country, as small as an enterprise, anyone who can plunder capital often develops very quickly, such as Europe and the United States. The reason why such rapid development is from **** capital plunder.

Pei Junlin may not make money, but he will just plunder this move, it will be enough to block everyone's mouth!

From the beginning of the Luo family, Xie family, Zhou family in Qingzhou ... to the later Jiangbei Pei family, which was not plundered by Pei Junlin with a strong force value, otherwise, how could Junlin International be in this short time? Within this region, it quickly rose to become one of the top business empires in the entire Jiangbei region.

Today, Pei Junlin has once again plundered and destroyed the Zhang family in Jiangnan Sioux City, making Junlin's international strength double enough to envy others.

Under the leadership of Pei Junlin, Wang Ziqiong's team quickly put into inventory work. Companies as large as the Zhang family, ports, villas, construction sites, as small as cars, antique furniture, etc., were all counted.

To this end, the Lin family has sent someone to help in order to get the fastest efficiency!

Watching Wang Ziqiong put into work, Pei Junlin turned and returned to the private club belonging to the Lin family. His parents and sister are here. Even within these days, due to the closed conditions, the family did not know that Pei Junlin attacked. Broke the entire Zhang family.

"Mr. Pei, haven't you released the news before, saying that you want to buy all kinds of cherished medicinal materials? Just after receiving the news, a lot of people have gathered over the clubhouse, waiting for you to go back!"

On the way, Lin Qianmo hung up the phone and said respectfully to Pei Junlin, who was sitting in the back seat.

Since Pei Junlin showed his extraordinary and powerful fighting power, Lin Qianmo, the female grandfather of the Lin family, added three points to the respect of Pei Junlin and became even more respectful. At the same time, this was also the highest order from Lin's old ancestor Lin Tutu.

Pei Junlin, who has been closing her eyes and keeping her eyes open, opened her eyes and the fascinating light flashed away, urging to speed up.

His biggest problem now is the physical problems of his parents and younger sisters. The reason why he made such a big purchase of medicinal materials is precisely because of this consideration.

Ziyun Min Yuedan has almost run out. Although the health of parents and sister has been greatly improved, it is still far from Pei Junlin's requirements.

Because Pei Junlin really does not want to experience the pain of a loved one away, blood separation, and loss of love.

South America, Pampas Grassland, the largest grassland in South America, ranks very high in the world.

It has lush vegetation, rich resources, vast blue sky and white clouds, dense rainfall, no extreme heat in summer, and no severe cold in winter. It is the best place for rare nomads, and it has the style of the Hulunbuir steppe in China.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, the breeze is gentle and the sun is shining. It is already a cold winter in Huaxia, but the four seasons are as warm as spring and the vegetation is dense.

On the vast grassland, a shout of exclamation and yelling came suddenly. As the camera zoomed in, a group of men and women were engaged in a wrestling competition. Many of them were blonde and burly, close to two meters. Foreigners are shouting loudly around.

Their arms are thicker than the thighs of ordinary people, their breath is strong, and their muscles are like dragons. However, what is more attractive is a middle-aged man with black hair, short sleeves, and yellow skin and black eyes. the man.

Although his height is also good, it is one meter eight, but it is relatively low, compared with foreign big men who have an average height of one meter nine around, but also a little thin and elegant, like a poet who reads poems. scholar.

However, his shot was extremely sharp, and his body was as flexible as a spirit ape. Under a few dodges, he had shaken his opponent who was 200 kilograms in front of him, dizzy, and finally hugged and dropped the opponent to the ground. Aroused applause.


At this moment, a helicopter came galloping in the sky in the distance, and a figure suddenly descended from the sky from a hundred meters high in the sky from above the crowd, like a winged eagle, landing on the ground and attracting the ground. Trembling and cracking.

Just facing all this, the people around him, both men and women, have long been used to it, still joking and joking, loudly praise the elegant middle-aged man.

The man on the floor was the same dark-haired and black-eyed man. In his thirties, his eyes were as light as electricity, his muscles were strong, and his whole body was filled with a powerful gas field that could not be seen directly. He strode toward The crowd came, then bowed and fisted at the elegant men who wrestled inside: "Master, something happened!"

This elegant and elegant man, who is simple to wear and wrestling with everyone like ordinary people, is one of the world ’s super powers. Ye Qingcang, the master of overseas Qinghongmen!

No one can believe that such a big boss who has super powers, super connections and resources, and can even control a small country's regime, will live in such a place, laughing and joking with ordinary people.

After hearing the report from the refined man, Ye Qingcang smiled and motioned everyone to continue, then stepped out of the wrestling circle and walked towards the tent in the distance.

He walked slowly and even slowly, but the refined man who followed him was full of respect and did not dare to surpass.

Because he was very clear, the horror of the doorkeeper in front of him was already a real fairy-like figure, and he could not eat the fireworks on earth.

After entering the tent, the refined man respectfully said: "Master, just received the news, the seventh elder Duan Yanchong is dead!"

Inside the tent, Ye Qingcang, who was pouring water, paused for a moment, then returned to normal, and said lightly, "Who killed?"

Although Qinghongmen is extremely powerful, covering all corners of the world, the number of elders under the door is worth twelve. Each of these 12 people is the true pillar of Qinghongmen, and its strength is innate. The strongest person is responsible for North Africa, Western Europe, East Asia, the Middle East, Southern Europe, Northern Europe, and many other places.

Now one person has been beheaded and killed. Although the super power such as Qinghongmen can be made up at any time, the issue of dignity and facets involved in it is far from simple.

The refined man looked respectfully: "According to the news just received, the Seven Elders were killed by a young man named Pesura! And ..."

"And what, say it all at once!" Ye Qingcang's voice gradually became deeper ~ ~ The refined man began to say: "And this Pei Shura also killed another one who was almost the same as the seven elders. Innate strong! "


A crisp crackling sounded, and the cup in Ye Qingcang's hand turned directly into nothingness, and even the liquid inside was evaporated out of thin air.

At this moment, only the refined man continued to say, "According to the intelligence information received, this Pei Junlin is only twenty-one years old, and martial arts are not only sturdy in force, but also extremely powerful. Manipulating Wanmu and painting the ground is a prison, countless people call it a real person! "

"And ... he is also proficient in the technique of alchemy, and the formation method is also involved!"

All the rest of the words were finished in one breath. The refined man was already sweating, and the atmosphere dared not come out, for fear of annoying the unfathomable master in front of him.

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