Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 155: Take office

The white clouds are dangling, the mountains are vast, the ravines and mountains are magnificent.

A helicopter flew on this blue sky. It was cold winter and cold weather, and the temperature was low, especially in the high altitude of hundreds of meters. The temperature was nearly minus 30 degrees. The cold wind came in from the hatch and blown in. The clothes inside the helicopter were screaming, and the windows were covered with thick frost.

However, several figures in the cabin seemed to be unaware of the bad weather.

Pei Junlin was sitting on the window seat, looking down at the snow-capped, criss-crossed mountains under his feet. It was really magnificent, a good mountain and river.

Now they are in the edge of the Hengduan Mountains. As one of the sixteen major mountains in China, the Hengduan Mountains are absolutely famous.

The entire mountain range blocks east-west traffic and has a vast and boundless area. It is one of the longest and widest mountains in Huaxia. Especially when looking down from high altitude at this moment, you can deeply appreciate the spectacular weight of this youngest mountain fill.

"Jinglin, in this Hengduan Mountains there is a base for our Yanhuang organization, and the Shufa Pavilion you are responsible for is located here!"

Lu Qingkong opened his mouth and explained: "Of course, this base is not only a newly established organization such as the Shufa Pavilion. The well-known Heaven, Earth, and People's Pavilions are also set up here."

Pei Junlin nodded, expressing understanding.

After about an hour or so of flying, the helicopter stopped at a thousand peaks in the center of Hengduan Mountain. The inland cabin cleared and said, "Here we go!"

Pei Junlin looked down, and as far as he could see, there was a thick mist of white everywhere. The mountains of 100 miles seemed to be covered by the dense fog. It was impossible to see what the deep fog was like. scene.

"There is a formation?"

Pei Junlin was surprised.

And Lu Qingkong, the head of the open sky, and Tieshan who had been prepared to jump down, Tieshan was the inborn strong man who was burly, and could not help showing surprise.

"You can see at a glance that there is a formation method here?" Tieshan said in astonishment.

Pei Jun didn't speak, but a pair of paint-black eyes were shining with light in the depths, staring at the wanton mountains below. After a long time, he sighed and admired: "I don't think there is such a strong man who is so proficient in array formation in China today There are bursts and bursts, and the total coverage area is up to this hundred miles! "

"The formation here is arranged by the strong in Longhu Mountain, and it takes a full year!" Lu Qingkong explained.

Pei Junlin was surprised, no wonder!

He has heard the name of Longhu Mountain. It is said to be the best in the entire Huaxia kingdom. It is as famous as the ancient Wudang and ancient Shaolin. It is also one of the origins of the magic. It is reasonable to have such a powerful array. As it should be.

Huh! Huh! !!

Between the four of them, each turned into an eagle, jumping out of the cabin, and jumping down the mountain top that was tens of meters high, his clothes screaming.

"Pei Junlin, I seem to have heard that your own garden in Jinling City, Jiangbei City, once arranged the array, and now you can tell at a glance that the array exists here, proving that you have made great achievements in array formation. Can you find the way to enter? "

The four stood on the top of Qianfeng Peak, and the head of Mingkong suddenly said, he had been very unwilling to let Pei Junlin kick him on his knees last time, so he naturally did not want to let go.

Pei Jun squinted his eyes, and there was a bright light in the deep black eyes: "What if I can find the way?"

Mingkong Daochang opened his mouth for a moment, not knowing how to answer this question.

"Okay! You two don't have to toss me this bad old man! This array of formations was made by the country's great efforts to invite Longhushan's array formation masters, in order to prevent wild beasts and trespassing. If ordinary people, even some spies, are torn by you, who will lose them? "

At this time, Lu Qingkong couldn't help but say, "Hurry up, don't waste time, let's go in!"

During the conversation, Lu Qingkong flipped his palm, took out a jade charm from his pocket, and instructed Tao to follow him closely, and then stepped out of the mountain, ignoring the bottomless abyss.

A magical scene appeared. Just as Lu Qingkong stepped out of the void, the original calm mist suddenly rippled, and then Lu Qingkong's figure stepped on the dense mist step by step, disappearing like a flat ground.

At the same time, somewhere in the depths of the Hengduan Mountains, there was a very magnificent military fortress. The fortress was built on the mountainside, the entire rock wall was almost cut through, and there were huge playgrounds under the rock wall.

At this moment, on a playground, a team of nearly two hundred people has gathered, wearing all-colored special camouflage clothes, and the age is generally not very large, ranging from eighteen to thirty. There are men and women, each breath is fierce.

In front of this team, there were also two figures with hands on their backs, with a mountain-like atmosphere, which seemed to be like an instructor.

But the most noticeable thing is that not far away, sitting at a long table, holding a gold pen, he was attentive, and took the figure of a dragon and snake on a piece of yellow paper. Because the other person lowered his head, he could not see the specific appearance, but From the awe of the students, we can see that the figure's identity is extraordinary.

Time passed every minute, and a riot broke out among the quiet group of students, and the students were talking to each other and talking.

"Quiet me!"

A cold chirp sounded, and an instructor was dark-faced and coldly reprimanded everyone.

"Fang instructor, it's not that we don't want to be quiet. We have been standing for more than an hour. Why haven't the new instructors come yet?" Some students in the team said.

"That's it! Instructor! We've been standing for more than an hour, and our legs are numb! I'm almost unconscious!" Shouted a beautiful-looking female student Dijia Didi.

"We are here to learn the technique, not to stand here. When is this head?"

The words of female students aroused the resonance of many students, and their dissatisfaction was mobilized and they expressed their dissatisfaction loudly.

Instructor Fang couldn't help but stop talking for a moment, looked down at the time on his wrist, and then turned his head to fall behind him, standing from the beginning to the end, standing at the long table holding a gold pen and drawing a figure. Suddenly, when I was preparing to speak, I felt my heart and quickly turned my head to the entrance of the playground.

At the same time, the figure with the head down has finally raised his head, exposing a face of Xianfengdao bone, about 50 years old, except that the temperament is more feminine, with a pair of narrow eyes. flicker.

Under the gaze of a pair of eyes, I saw a young man wearing casual clothes, standing tall, with thick black hair, and staring at the entrance of the playground.

"Wow! So handsome!"

Among the trainees, there were female trainees who saw Pei Junlin's appearance. They immediately lightened their eyes and uttered a large whisper. They had known that there would be a new magic instructor, but they did not expect the new instructor to be so young. He looks even more handsome than some of the biggest European stars!

However, this is only a part of the more idiotic female students. When seeing Pei Junlin's unusually young age, which is almost the same as them, many students could not help showing disappointment in their eyes.

So young, even if it is really a little skill, how can they teach them!

With different eyes, Pei Junlin approached step by step, and finally stood in front of the team.

His dark and deep eyes slowly swept through the audience, but all the students who touched his eyes gradually became quiet, and finally, until the crows and birds were silent, it was Pei Junlin's eyes that were too sharp and attractive.

"I am your new spellmaster, my surname is Pei!"

Without any prelude, Pei Junlin went straight to the theme.

"From now on, my order is everything, the only thing you have to do is obey! Otherwise, you can leave now!"

The atmosphere was dead and no one left. After all, the people here were all elites selected from the south and the north, and the minimum quality was still there.

Pei Junlin finally nodded with satisfaction: "Okay! Since no one left, it means everyone is willing to accept my new instructor!"

"Now, at my command, everyone weighs twenty kilos and runs ten laps along the playground!"

what? !!

At the moment when Pei Junlin's last sentence fell, finally, the quiet atmosphere was broken, and the students showed an incredible look one by one, and kept whispering.

Pei Junlin frowned, Han said, "What? Do you have any objections?"

"Instructor, we are here to learn the arts, not to learn martial arts and exercise. Isn't the main course of cultivation techniques meditation and drawing symbols?" Some students couldn't help but say.

"Yeah! We practice noble techniques, not brutal martial arts. Why should we run with a heavy load! That's something only a brutal martial artist can do!" Even more students said.

Noisy sounds, like flies, are buzzing ~ ~ Pei Junlin's face is getting colder and colder, and there is even a faint burst of evil spirit on his body.

This is not that he is dissatisfied with the student in front of him, but it is angry that some bad habits and old rules in the art world are really harmful.

It is no wonder that the way of magic that once glorified the entire world will be so diminished. Such bad habits and old rules will be passed down from generation to generation. If it is not rescued in time, the Chinese magic world will really disappear in the long river of history and be laughed by the entire international .

"Instructor Pei!"

Just then, a hoarse voice came, and the man with the immortal style and the golden pen in his hand did not know when he was approaching, and his eyes were full of aggressive breath.

"My name is Rong Changhe, and I am from Maoshan, and I am also a magic instructor here!"

"The questions of the students just now are exactly what I want to ask you too, please instruct Teacher Pei for one or two!"

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