Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 162: Test (on)

"Have met the Lord!"

When the great man in the moon-white robe came out of the wind, all the children of Dan Yao Ge yelled at the entrance of the mountain, and their voices were loud and deafening to express their inner excitement. .


The deputy patron also bowed and salute, showing respectful face, because the great man who appeared before him was Liu Yuebai, the patron of Dan Yaoge, a senior alchemist from Danzong of Zhongzhou, and also a A powerful monk whose strength reaches the innate second grade.

At the base of the entire Yanhuang organization, Liu Yuebai's strength may not be the strongest, but his status as a senior alchemist is the most unique, and his position far exceeds many congenital third-class, fourth-class or higher congenital powerhouses.

Faced with such a presence as Liu Yuebai, I am not tamed like Li Chaoran, and also rarely show restraint. Only Pei Junlin still looks as indifferent as water and calm as an ancient pond.

His posture was still the same with his hands on his shoulders, and the breath revealed on his body was not moved at all.

Not to mention, just because of Pei Junlin's calmness and arrogance, the domineering posture of the eyes of the world has ushered in the attention of many Tibetan dragons and crouching tigers, nodding their heads secretly, and agreeing with the new spellmaster A lot.

At this time, from the outside crowd, I do n’t know when, another crowd came in. These people are members of the Shufa Pavilion. When you look at the entrance of the mountain of Dan Yaoge, Pei Junlin ’s dazzling figure At that time, all the students in the Shufa Pavilion were stunned.

They didn't know the name of Pei Junlin before, they only knew their instructor's surname Pei. When they came to see the excitement when they were curious, they suddenly stared at each other with round eyes, and there was only one thought in their minds-lying down!

Their instructor is so domineering that he dares to be alone and challenge the entire Dan Yao Pavilion. Is it too domineering?

"Pei Junlin, you are too much!"

Under the eyes of a pair of eyes, Liu Yuebai, the owner of the Dan Yaoge, was so dull and sullen. Just think of anyone who was so called outside the gate by the mountain, and so powerful, I'm afraid he would be unhappy, let alone Dan medicine. The people of the court are Danzong from Zhongzhou Super Power!

The name of Danzong is also a super-class power in the martial arts world of Huaxia. No one knows who is famous, and no one knows it. It is still a very rare thing to be called by a younger generation.

"My elixir is a unique place granted by the state. His dignity cannot be violated by any small children. Today you must pay for your actions!"

Liu Yuebai's deep voice rang through the valley, and his gaze toward Pei Junlin was full of chill.

Pei Jun chuckled. On the face of the starbrow stare, he was not afraid at all. On the contrary, his sharp spirit was even more compelling: "Of course, it is no problem to pay the price, but I am afraid that your Danzong people do not have that strength!"

"Don't talk nonsense, since you are the owner of Dan Yao Ge, then I will ask you, dare you accept my challenge ?!"

The sound of the uproar rang, and everyone around the crowd did not expect that Pei Junlin was so strong and not afraid of strong men like Liu Yuebai.

"OK! OK! OK!"

Liu Yuebai seemed to be thoroughly irritated by Pei Junlin's arrogant gesture, saying three good words in a row: "It seems that my people of Danzong haven't walked on these rivers and lakes for a long time. Even juniors can bully freely! "

"Also, Liu Yuebai will accept your challenge!"

"But before that, you have to declare, what if you lose?"

* The taste is gradually getting stronger, and the crowd of onlookers are also mobilized. They want to see this rare alchemy showdown. Although many people do not know much about Pei Junlin's strength, the martial arts shown by Pei Junlin before Shuang Xiu's exquisite practice has convinced many people.

At this age, there are such practices, and the age is so young. Presumably Pei Junlin will not find fault for no reason. There should be some real skills, and the alchemist has always been a relatively special profession in this world. Less, so everyone is curious.

Under the gaze of both eyes, Pei Junlin smiled indifferently: "Failure? If I lose, I will let you deal with it!"


Liu Yuebai shouted, and looked at Pei Junlin with a hint of ruthlessness. Today, he must teach this young man who knows nothing about heights and heights to defend Dan Zongwei.

"But what if you lose medicine?"

Suddenly, at this time Pei Junlin's voice continued to sound.

Liu Yuebai was surprised for a while, and never seemed to think about this problem, and he never thought he would lose, but at this moment, he still said without hesitation: "What conditions do you want?"

Pei Junlin groaned a little: "I need your Dan Yaoge to provide an unlimited amount of energy serum supply for our practitioners, and ..."

Having said that, Pei Junlin paused his words and looked coldly, "I have a question for you to answer!"

Although Liu Yuebai doubted Pei Junlin's last condition, he nodded happily and agreed, then raised his head and focused his eyes somewhere. He said loudly: "Mr. Chen, for the fairness of the competition, You still need to be a referee! "

The eyes of everyone gathered and fell on a British military man wearing a straight military uniform. This man was the high-ranking minister Chen of the Yanhuang organization and was very high, second only to General Lu Qingkong.

Obviously, such a big movement has also alarmed many senior executives.

"I do not bully you as a newcomer. In this test, we will provide a Danfang and required herbs by Minister Chen. All the martial arts present are witnesses, and we will win or lose in a round!"

Pei Junlin expressed no opinion.

Seeing that the incident was irreversible, Minister Chen had no choice but to step forward.

"Two people, this time we are refining elixir, the focus is on consultation, friendship first, competition second, don't create gaps because of this, okay?"

Both sides are rare talents. The title is true dragon. As a high-level person, as a high-level person, naturally this kind of situation is not expected. Unfortunately, the martial arts world always respects the strong person, and the battle is naturally inevitable.

After noticing the indifferent attitudes of Pei Junlin and Liu Yuebai, Minister Chen smiled helplessly and immediately said, "Since this is the case, I will announce the rules!"

"In order to ensure the fairness of this alchemy test, I independently selected a kind of Danfang from the reserve. This Danfang is called Tearing Repair Dan, and it has been guaranteed that it has never been refined. Its level and energy serum belong to One level, all belong to the level of advanced elixir. "

"Come, come to the warehouse to get six medicinal materials, three for each person, and finally take the proportion of successful refining and medicinal effect as the most accurate selection criteria!"

Wow, soon some people ran to the warehouse to collect the medicinal materials. It was not long. The medicinal materials had been collected. They were placed in front of Pei Junlin and Liu Yuebai, and each person had three medicinal materials.

"Two people, where are you going to choose where to refine?" Minister Chen asked.

Liu Yuebai's eyes lighted Pei Junlin with a contemptuous glance, and said lightly: "I am the Lord, he is a guest, the guests please invite, let him decide!"

Pei Junlin was not polite when he heard his words, and said indifferently: "Since as a high-level alchemist, the natural alchemy skills must be possessed anytime, anywhere, so choose here!"

what? !!

However, when Pei Junlin's words fell, many people's eyes changed one after another, even Liu Yuebai, who was proud of his original expression, had his eyes fixed.

None of the people present were weak. Among them were the extraordinary generations of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and the innately strong ones named True Dragons, but also as many as cattle hair, but in the known alchemy, alchemy has very strict environmental requirements.

The environment here does not refer to the noise of the city or the old forest in the mountains, but to some special sites containing ground fire. After all, alchemy is a very time-consuming and energy-intensive work. It's hard to achieve.

However, at this moment, Pei Junlin made a request to refining the alchemy in situ, and it seemed that he was not prepared to use external forces, and everyone could not be shocked.

"Pei Junlin, there is a limit to the arrogance of young people!"

Liu Yuebaihan said: "Although you are young, you have already entered the realm of innate power, and are worshiped by thousands of people from the outside world! But don't forget that this is the place of Yanhuang organization, hiding dragons and crouching tigers! Your strength, here and here Inconspicuous! "

"On your strength, if you don't want to resort to any external force, you need to make advanced elixir like Tear Repair Dan, it's almost ..."

"Huh! You can't do it on behalf of others!"

After waiting for Liu Yuebai to finish speaking, suddenly, a faint cold hum has interrupted his discourse, and with a pair of horrified eyes watching, Pei Junlin standing in place suddenly lifted his feet, but listened The sound of rubbing stabbed and the dust filled.

Pei Junlin's original uneven ground became smooth as a mirror within a few meters, as if it had been cut by a sharp blade. In the next second, before everyone had time to react, he saw a projectile size flying out of Pei Junlin's mouth. Silver light.

This silver light grows when it meets the wind ~ ~ and it can be magnified thousands of times in an instant.


The silver domineering alchemy furnace fell to the ground, and the whole mountain gate was shaken, and the wind raged.

The crowd who had been around all around widened their eyes, and some people exclaimed in a voice: "Machine ?!"

The magic weapon is definitely a rarer treasure than the elixir in the world today, because most of the refining technology has been lost, unless some families with particularly strong heritage still have some reservations, and ordinary forces are not even seen I've been to a real magic weapon.

Unexpectedly, at this moment Pei Junlin was carrying a valuable instrument with him.

Looking at the silver-blown and domineering alchemy furnace in front of me, the eyes of many powerful people had already shone hot, and their breathing became quicker.

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