Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 193: aggressive

In an unusually large hall, thunderous voices rang out.

On both sides of the main hall of the Great Hall, on the seats of the Eight Immortals, there are men and women with obscure breaths. These people are all high-ranking masters of Danzong. Many alchemists, elders, and even deputy masters and suzerains all gather.

The number of puppets is up to more than twenty, and this is not just the whole. Some people have not yet returned when they go out. This shows the powerful heritage of Danzong.

Anyone who can sit here is the strongest master or master who is proficient in magic skills. Among them are many extraordinary masters of the seventh and eighth ranks. Although they do not understand alchemy, they are Danzong. The guards are responsible for Dan Zong's guarding.

丹 Since the children of Danzong reported back, all of the people in Danzong were shocked!

聚集 One by one gathered in this hall quickly, everyone's expression was furious.

At the beginning, almost everyone in Danzong who received the news did not believe it!

Joke! Danzong, as the first force in Zhongzhou, and even in the ranks of the martial arts in the whole of China, is a big force in the forefront. I do n’t know how many years no one has dared to be arrogant. I did not expect that today someone would dare to pluck hair on a tiger's head. It's up!

"Sect, this Pei Junlin, who came from the north of the river, is just seeking his own way!"

On the seat, a bald-headed man sitting like a gorilla had a terrifying body. His dazzling bald head was tattooed with a scorpion. At the moment, the whole scorpion tattoo seemed to be alive, and its tail was tilted. The poison needle dazzled.

"As long as you order, I will take the whole guard to Luoyang City and destroy him!"

He is a deputy captain of Danzong Guards. He is trained as a master of nine masters and holds a decisive position throughout Danzong!

"Luomen, shut up for me!"

Unexpectedly, the moment the bald-headed Han discourse had just fallen, a cold chirp sounded soon. The person who spoke angrily was the captain of the guard, a middle-aged man with a strong figure named Dong Biao, but his breath was very Cold and cold, like a hungry wolf, this is a strong man who has stepped into the innate realm and is called the true dragon.

大家 "Everyone may not know, just now I received the most accurate information. This troublemaker Pei Junlin, in fact, is already a congenital powerhouse named True Dragon!"

Dong Biao said, as soon as the words fell, the original noisy hall suddenly became silent. Many alchemists and elders widened their eyes in astonishment, and Luo Luo was like a duck with a neck around it, no more No sound can be heard.

Although the great masters and congenital masters are only one level behind, they are very different. They are definitely not able to make up for each other.

The outside world claims that the great master is like a dragon, that is to say, the great master is just like a dragon, but the innate class strong is the title true dragon, which is enough to explain the huge gap between the innate and the great master.

At this moment, I could only hear Dong Biao continue to say, "Not only that, but this Pei Junlin is also a martial arts double practitioner. His skill and practice have also entered the real human achievement, and he has the title of true dragon and real person!"


He seems to be banned by ice. Many elders and alchemists of Danzong in the hall are all stiff, one by one with horrified expressions.

He even had his eyes narrowed even when he was sitting at the top of the ancestor Dan Zong, the old man with a bleak face and a middle-aged beautiful woman below.

"I have a detailed piece of information called Pei Junlin here. I just sent someone to collect it as quickly as possible. Everyone should wait to see this information before making a decision!"

During the conversation, Dong Bao took out a piece of paper in his arms and distributed it separately, and on that paper, all of Pei Junlin's almost all the battles since his rebirth were reunited.

Including his destroyed Qingzhou Luo family, Xie family, Zhou family, then Jiangbei Pei family, Jiangnan Zhang family, and the killing of the seven elders of Qinghongmen overseas, etc., it is indeed a remarkable record!

"Master Sovereign and deputy Sovereign, according to my estimation, this Pei Junlin is at least repaired as a congenital second-class or a third-class, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to kill Master Shibai and Qinghongmen directly. Seven elders! "

Dong Biaolang said: "And this person's power in Jiangbei is like a sun and sky, and he is definitely a rival!"

"Dong Biao, what do you mean? Listening to this tone of your voice, as if I am afraid of this Pei Junlin, do we have to just watch and see that the predecessor of Dan Dingzi is so shamefully held in the hands of others, my dignity of Dan Zong Let anyone trample! "

An elder in a black robe was full of anger and drank loudly.

Dong Biao frowned and said coldly: "Three elders, I think you have misunderstood. The predecessor of Dan Dingzi must be saved. This matter is related to my face and dignity. But the premise must be that we should Before that, we came up with a perfect strategy! Strive for a kill, otherwise, if such a terrible opponent escapes, it will definitely be my greatest scourge!

Everyone was shocked. Imagine an escaped inborn second or third top powerhouse. If you want to get revenge, it is definitely a catastrophe for any power.

The entire Danzong, I am afraid that even the Danzong suzerain, even the vice suzerain and the elder, cannot control such an enemy.

The dedication of the deputy monk is the congenital third product, and the elder's cultivation is also the congenital third product. As for other people, except Dong Biao, the congenital one product, no one in the entire Danzong is congenital.

By the way, there is a second elder, Liu Yuebai, who is a congenital emperor, but only in Yanhuang organization, Yuanshui can't solve his thirst.

"Elder, I have a question and am very confused!"

At this time, an elder suddenly spoke to the elder elder sitting at the forefront and said, "This Pei Jun came on and said, let you take the gentian to the redeem, and solve Qingzhou three years ago. A grudge from the city! "

"Looking at this tone, this Pei Junlin seems to know you, and the grievances are not shallow. We are all curious, what exactly is this grudge?"

"Is this Pei Junlin, the reason to catch Dan Dingzi's predecessor, in fact, the real goal is to come for grudges, and the elixir gentian is all belt?"

As soon as this remark came, almost everyone in the hall raised their heads except for a few individuals. His eyes fell on the elder's face. From beginning to end, the elder had never said a word.

Under the gaze of both eyes, the muscle of the elder's skinny face shook slightly. When he was about to speak, suddenly, in the first place, the Emperor Danzong Dongfang proudly snorted: "Okay! Give me all! Shut up! "

"It's just a junior, look at you one by one as if you burned your ass, it's not shameful!"

"Even if this Pei Junlin is really a congenital cultivation of three grades, do I inherit Danzong for hundreds of years, and I am still afraid that he will not succeed?"

Dong Sovereign, the Emperor of the Emperor, spoke, and everyone below was finally quiet, waiting for instructions one by one.

Under the gaze of both eyes, the Emperor Danzong Dongfang proudly said coldly: "As Dong Biao said just now, this Pei Junlin has now grown into a great scourge. Therefore, in this battle, I must use thunderous means Solve everything! "

"At that time, this elder will lead the elder and deputy suzerain in the posture of an iron triangle to kill this Pei Jun, and you will be buried in an ambush by Dong Biao to prevent accidents. To break free of our circle, all you need to do is go all out and intercept quickly! "

"I don't believe that with the repair of the congenital Sipin in this seat, and the repair of the congenital Sanpin in the deputy and the elders, Dong Bao led the guard to intercept it. This Pei Junlin could fly with wings. No way ?! "

"Master Ming Ming!"

At the bottom of the gate, the people of Danzong, who were still disturbed, stood up and shouted, hearing the domineering tone and posture of the East.

Luoyang City, Ziding Manor.

Since the incidents of Pei Junlin and Dan Dingzi broke out, the number of people in the entire Ziding Manor has continued to increase. More and more people who have heard the news have come from all directions, showing the excitement that is hard to conceal.

At this moment ~ ~ Some information about Pei Junlin's identity has already completely erupted and has been excavated by countless people.

Many people originally thought that Pei Junlin was just a person who hit the stone with a egg. When he discovered Pei Junlin's amazing identity and strong record, he also hesitated.

It is really that Pei Junlin's record is so amazing. He went all the way and almost stepped on the enemy's bones. First, he killed the great masters, then the innate strong ones like Pei's ancestors, and finally he even shook the stone. Master Bai and the seven elders of the overseas Qinghongmen jointly killed the two innate powers. No one knows how powerful Pei Junlin ’s cultivation is, but it is at least about the congenital third grade.

This is definitely a powerful young king. Although Dan Zong is strong, Pei Junlin is not vegetarian.

However, behind this noise, more people are not optimistic about Pei Junlin. After all, Pei Junlin is too weak in this aspect.

Although Pei Junlin's personal strength is indeed very strong, but it is a new force. How can it be compared with a century-old veteran force like Danzong? Some people have disclosed that in Danzong, there are conservatively estimated that there are three innate-level strong men. Not to mention the Eastern Sovereign of the Emperor Danzong, the cultivation is unfathomable, but the hegemon of the entire Zhongzhou area.

In this way, in this growing atmosphere, in just a few hours in Ziding Manor, more and more people gathered, and even in the surroundings of Ziding Manor, there are all martial arts from *.

Everyone is looking forward to this new youth king, Pei Junlin, the youngest congenital power in a century and a veteran such as Danzong!

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