Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 205: Convinced orally

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The sudden change caused the exclaimed thousands of Danzong disciples in the audience, each with their eyes widened, stunned, watching the three rising sky, like the bright figure of the scorching sun.

The sky is blue and there are no clouds. In the eyes of everyone, the three empty figures in the sky have covered the real scorching sun. Endlessly in awe, a strong admiration arises.

Because these three people are Dongfang Ao, Wan Miaozhen and Dong Biao, the top three. After taking Guiyuan Dan refined by Pei Junlin, their injuries were not only in just over an hour, Recovery, the mana and real yuan consumed are also replenished, and the strength is as strong as never before!

Thousands of children below Danzong are in awe of the powerful momentum and strength of the three of them, but in the hearts of Dongfang Ao, Wan Miaozhen, and Dong Biao, they are not in the same awe.

The three in the sky felt the momentum of each other, and they saw the shock that could not be concealed in each other's eyes between them. In the next second, the three turned into three bright white rainbows as if they were in the heart, falling to the lower platform. Shang Jingpan sat in front of the motionless figure there, slammed his fists and saluted in unison, and shouted, "Have met the Sovereign!"

Danzong Lizong is based on exquisite alchemy in one hand. His fame is also due to the powerful effects of various elixir. Pei Junlin's three Guiyuan Dan effects really convince everyone. The terrifying effect, even if it is Eastern Pride, the strongest alchemy, is ashamed.

Both the high-grade elixir Dongfangao and Wan Miaozhen will be refining, but the effect of the refining is at least 30% worse than that of Guiguidan, which is definitely a terrible ratio.

If Pei Junlin used strong cultivation as one enemy and four to defeat them, then Gui Yuandan at this moment would completely defeat their will and be dissatisfied!

The four of them have not beaten others together, and now alchemy is not as good as this, the lord shouted convincingly!

Below the high platform, thousands of Danzong children's eyes widened, and they watched the most powerful three of them on the stage bowing and saluting to a young man like Pei Junlin. At this moment, I don't know how many people were shocked. Chin.

At the same time, on the other side, where Julia and Li Chaoran are, the two are also flushed with excitement, holding their fists tightly, leaving only Dan Dingzi with a nasty and swollen face, muttering in a desperate way: "It's over, it's over! It's all over! Danzong's foundation for hundreds of years ..."

On the high platform, Pei Junlin, who had been sitting cross-legged on the ground and calmly, opened her eyes slowly. For a moment, in the depths of those black eyes, two green flames were jumping and burning.

Dongfang Ao, Wan Miaozhen, and Dong Biao, who were standing opposite him, were all at the same time. At this moment, the three of them felt a hot air wave hitting their face. This air wave was not aimed at the flesh but the soul. The soul was burning slightly.

This made the three top powerhouses more and more awed by Pei Junlin's strength, especially the extremely young age of Pei Junlin. It is difficult to imagine what kind of realm Pei Junlin would be strong in the next few years. In the hands of such a young Tianjiao, maybe he can really fly into the sky and go up a step!

More than half an hour later, in a majestic and magnificent palace in Danzong, Pei Junlin was on the top of the master's chair, but his seemingly young face exudes an inherent nobleness and majestic atmosphere, as if he did not know I've been sitting in this position for many years.

On both sides of him, Li Chaoran and Julia stood quietly, with serious and calm expressions. Below them, there were nearly twenty men and women, both men and women. These are all Danzong's true high-level elites, except those who are outside. Outside the staff, the rest were gathered.

The person headed by them is three of Dongfang Ao, Wan Miaozhen, and Dong Biao. In addition, many people's cultivation is in the realm of the seventh master, eight master, and nine masters. It is really a powerful team. !!

This team is worthy of being the first overlord in Zhongzhou, ranking among the top powers in China!

The atmosphere in the hall was extremely serious, and everyone's eyes focused on Pei Junlin, who was the first one, in awe of the new young suzerain.

In the previous battle, Pei Junlin displayed his might and defeated the elders with one enemy and four enemies, defeating the three people in the East and left a deep impression on everyone.

"Dear everyone, today I have called you all together to say three things!"

"Now that I have become the Lord, I naturally have my own way and system for doing things!"

"The first thing is that Dongfang Ao's identity will become vice-sovereign. As for Wan Miaozhen's vice-sovereign, he will take the place of the elder. If I am not in the future, it is up to Dongfang Ao to decide, so everyone Don't worry too much about your own interests. "

When this remark came to an end, it was obvious that many people in the entire hall were slightly relieved. Dongfang Ao immediately stood up, bowed his arms and saluted: "Xie Zongzhu's trust!"

Wan Miaozhen also stood up. The face of Yongronghuagui showed a mature charm, showing a smile and saying: "Thank the lord!"

Seeing this, Julia could not help but uttered a slight snoring in her red lips, proudly standing up to her 36D big breasts, and the demon's enchanting and charming face. She didn't get the man around her. Bitch *?

Pei Jun copied his head and let them back down, and continued, "The second thing is that after the meeting is over, Dongfang Pride will let you bring me all the Danfangs from Danzong now. I need to take Dan Fang made improvements once again. If there are any shortcomings, I will also take out my own Dan Fang to supplement it. It can also be regarded as the first good thing my new suzerain can do for everyone! "

This time, it definitely aroused the excitement of the entire Danzong senior staff. Although they had not personally experienced the powerful elixir made by Pei Junlin, since they can take the elixir of Dongfang Ao, Wan Miaozhen, and Dong Bao at the same time. , The natural alchemy of Pei Junlin is very powerful!

If it can be improved or supplemented by Pei Junlin, all Dan Fang will be an unprecedented event for the entire Danzong!


At this time, Pei Junlin, who was sitting on the Taishi chair, opened his mouth again, and then extended his hand. Li Chaoran, who was standing next to him, immediately passed the medicine cabinet that had been tightly held in his arms. The ban, for a moment, the contents of the Medicine Pavilion were completely exposed to everyone's eyes under the control of Pei Junlin's mana.

"That's ... gentian!"

When I saw a few things floating in the air, someone couldn't help but exclaimed, and directly recognized one of the most precious treasures of Danzong, the elixir of gentian!

Many people's faces have changed, although they had long guessed that since Pei Junlin had broken the yin and yang upside down Rohan array, they must have got the elixir gentian wood, but they saw with their own eyes that such valuable treasures were really there. In the hands of Pei Junlin, some people still can't help but his face has changed, and his emotions are very complicated. Even now, Pei Junlin has become the new suzerain.

However, what puzzles many people is that in addition to gentian wood, there are four other things floating in the air, two of which seem to be seeds, and the other two are a bunch of hay and a wither. Withered flower for many years.

"This ... isn't that the wild grass?"

Suddenly, an alchemist stood up in his seat, pointed his finger at the cluster of withered plants floating in the air, and looked puzzled and puzzled.

Almost nine out of ten people present are alchemists, so almost everyone knows the medicinal properties of herbs and various drugs, and almost recognizes nine out of ten drugs in this world. When the words fell, many people nodded.

This wild spirit is a kind of herbal medicine that has just entered the precious herbs. It is precious but also precious, and ordinary and ordinary. Its main effect is to promote blood circulation, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. For medicine, it's a long way off!

But at this moment, Pei Junlin put this wild spirit grass and elixir gentian together, which naturally caused great surprise.

"And that withered flower ~ ~ Its name is Matcha, which is also a slightly more precious medicinal material. Its main function is to neutralize the medicinal properties. How can it be placed with that gentian wood? Anymore? "

The panic sounded one after another, the crowd talked, and all kinds of doubts. As for the remaining two things that looked like seeds, no one knew them. The two drugs were collected in the treasure hall because they were found. The seeds are abnormal, so I collected them easily.

Listening to the various amazements and doubts made by a famous alchemist below, Pei Junlin finally smiled. His figure slowly stood up from the teacher's chair, smiling and pointing at the withered grass and Manshou floating in the air. Flower Road: "Dear everyone, if I say that any of the two herbs is stronger than this genus Gentiana, I don't know how you feel?"

what? !!

At the moment when Pei Junlin's words had just fallen, the noisy crowd below immediately became dead and silent, everyone widened his eyes, and even the foremost Dongfang Ao and Wan Miaozhen were wrinkled. Frown.

The two of them stared at the floating medicinal materials in midair. What they looked at and observed were the scent of wild grass and matcha. They are the most powerful alchemists of Danzong, and they definitely admit it, but Pei Junlin said suddenly Two herbs are more precious than gentian, which is incredible!

"Master, can you elaborate?"

Dongfang Ao said, he believes that Pei Junlin is definitely not nonsense.

The other alchemists are also curious, and they want to see Pei Junlin's extensive knowledge in person!

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