Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 235: Difficult

After listening to Wang Ziyu's introduction, Pei Junlin was speechless for a long time after hanging up the phone. Even if he did not understand business, he knew that the problem encountered by Junlin International was extremely difficult.

That is a huge investment of tens of billions, and billions or even tens of billions of profits. Since ancient times, man-made wealth has died for food, and it is the truth that has remained unchanged forever!

For this huge profit of up to tens of billions, every bidding company and family will make every effort to achieve the goal, and will definitely use whatever means.

Unless Junlin International voluntarily withdraws from this bidding, it will definitely be brought into the ditch by this flood and it will be difficult to escape clean.

At this moment, Pei Junlin, who has always considered himself omnipotent and invincible, felt a bit powerless for the first time, and let him practice how to pass the sky, but the killing is not a pass at some time, it is impossible to kill all competitors, otherwise, That's not spiritual practice at all, but magic!

"Ziyu also said just now that at some point in the business, they have their own backgrounds and connections. Whoever has a stronger connection background has the biggest initiative ..."

Pei Junlin murmured to himself, thinking.

Among the people he knows, there are many big names in the Megatron side, such as the Lin family in Jinling City, the Zhu family in Zhongzhou, some big men in the Jiangnan region, and even the general Lu Qingkong, who is supreme.

But today, except for General Lu Qingkong, these other big men may not be able to use all of them. After all, it is a magic capital. The magic does not belong to any of these characters. It is very special, and the magic capital is a place where dragons and snakes are mixed. It is even more intricate and can be called a little Kyoto.

But for such a trivial matter, he worked for General Lu Qingkong, and Pei Junlin really couldn't let go of him, especially he knew very well that if he owed Lu Qingkong's old fox's favor, the other party would definitely ask for it in the future. The price to pay will be even greater!

Therefore, as a last resort, Pei Junlin did not want to use Lu Qingkong's troublesome chassis ...

"Who can be of any help?"

Pei Junlin was thinking hard. Just as he bowed his head, suddenly, a cold and pleasant voice came: "King Lin!"

Pei Jun came back to his heart and looked up to see that the prince Qiong who was on the phone had returned, and his beautiful face exudes thrilling charm, making people unable to extricate themselves.

However, Pei Junlin still found that the anxiety hidden in Wang Ziqiong's eyes was obviously struggling for how Junlin International could break through the siege.

After the two took their seats, they continued to eat, but Wang Ziqiong only used the chopsticks for a few times on each dish, and only one point was eaten into his mouth. Obviously, he didn't have any appetite.

Pei Jun Linming knew what was going on, but didn't know how to start comforting. The two ended the date for the first time.

When I walked out of the hotel, I did n’t know when it was raining in the sky, and the road was wet.

The mobile phone in Pei Junlin's pocket suddenly sounded. After pulling out the mobile phone and seeing the name on the caller ID, Pei Junlin's gaze was slightly stunned. It turned out that Li Chaoran, who had been out for a long time, called him.

When he saw this name, Pei Junlin suddenly flashed a flash of light through his greyish mind, and his eyes lit up quickly.

He remembers that Li Chaoran's background looks very different, and maybe he can help this time!

"Boss, where is it?"

The phone had just been picked up, and Li Chaoran's unique cynical breath had come.

"It's been a long time since I've been in touch. What's wrong? Haven't you gotten tired with your sister-in-law? If it's gotten tired, come out, I'll wait for you at the bar!"

Pei Junlin did not refuse. After simply asking for the address, he hung up.

"Jinglin, is Li Chaoran here for you? If you want to play, leave first, I can go back to the hotel alone!"

Wang Ziqiong said.

Pei Junlin nodded and smiled, "How can I rest assured that you are going back to the hotel alone, and you are not in a hurry to play, I will send you back to the hotel first!"

More than forty minutes later, Modu's most famous Bund Street, Pei Junlin came here by car.

The Bund is known as the most expensive, extravagant and luxurious bar entertainment gathering place in the entire magic area. It is a sacred place in the eyes of the rich, and it is one of the high-end places where many young and beautiful women gather.

When Pei Junlin stepped out of the Maybach with an eight-figure value, his handsome appearance and slender figure instantly attracted countless women wearing cool clothes, exposing white flowers and thighs and chests.

These women are either sexy, enchanting, charming, or pure, etc., and shine light in their eyes.

However, unfortunately, all this seems to be nothing in Pei Junlin's eyes. He didn't even look at the environment of the red, green and green wine around him, but just walked into Li Chaoran's family named Bund Seven. No. bar!

Just entering the bar door, a group of paper-drunken gold fans dancing into the vision of Pei Junlin, under the colorful flashes, young men and women twirled their bodies crazy on the stage, releasing the hormones in their bodies.

Beneath the stage are individual seats, male and female, in groups of two and three, gathered together and laughing.

Remy Martin, XO, vodka, cocktails ... everywhere on the table, even red Chinese coins.

Pei Junlin looked calm, walked through the crowded hall, and came to the second floor. This is undoubtedly a more upscale place. People standing on it can see the views below.

"Boss! Here! Here!"

A familiar voice came, and Pei Junlin looked up and saw a place near the railing on the second floor, and Li Chaoran was sitting with several young men and women in an elegant seat.

After Pei Junlin approached, Li Chaoran stepped forward excitedly, grabbed Pei Junlin's shoulders, and yelled loudly to the three men and two women and said, "This is my boss, Pei Junlin!"

"Hello, Pei!"

"Brother Pei is so handsome. He is even more handsome and stylish than those big stars!"

After Li Chaoran's words fell, the three men and two women on the table uttered a loud voice and shouted to Brother Pei.

Pei Junlin smiled and nodded, glanced at the men and women in front of them silently, and found that the three men and two women were all extraordinary in temperament. It was a temperament completely different from ordinary people. It was not born the day after tomorrow, but from the moment of birth. Start training.

Even if they cover up very well, they try to treat themselves as ordinary people, but the temperament in the eyes and the pride in the bones are still difficult to hide.

Sure enough, people are divided into groups, things are gathered in categories, Li Chaofan's identity is extraordinary, and the small circles he meets are also extraordinary. I am afraid that these three men and two women are not the ordinary powers.

"Come here, boss! You came too late, fine first! Fine!"

After Pei Junlin was seated, Li Chaoran directly picked up a bottle of Remy Martin and shouted loudly. He seemed to have drunk a lot and his face was rosy.

Pei Junlin happily reached out to take over the Rémy Martin bottle and laughed, "Is this the bottle?"

The voice didn't fall, he already raised his head refreshingly, grunted and drank, and watched the wine in the bottle drop at a rapid speed. The three men and two women on the table lighted up in front of each other, waiting for Pei Junlin to breathe a whole bottle of people After the head horse drank, a loud sound of applause immediately sounded!

"Brother Pei, happy! This character is very appetizing for me! Haha!"

Praised a man with a slightly dark complexion, strong muscles, and a healthy glow.

The two men, one with gold-rimmed eyes, were polite, and the other was similar to Li Chaoran's temperament.

As for the two women, one was dignified and elegant, and the other was **** and charming. They wore low-cut skirts, white **** and thighs, which were very eye-catching.

The **** and charming woman seemed very fond of Pei Junlin's appearance and temperament. She took the initiative to change her seat and sat next to Pei Junlin. She didn't care that her body was too close to Pei Junlin and was taken advantage. Brother Pei is so refreshing, my sister toast you again! "

Seeing this, Pei Jun did not hesitate to drink her head again, and the **** and charming beauty also followed her to drink and dry.

"Brother Pei, I think you are very face-to-face, aren't we Modu people?"

The **** and charming beauty asked, a pair of big watery eyes, without blinking, staring at the handsome side face of Pei Junlin in front of her eyes, it is really that Pei Junlin's temperament and face value are super strong to the beauty Lethality.

"Oh, this is Xiaoyao Yao of my family, is springing again?"

The **** and charming beauty fell into the eyes of everyone nearby and immediately caused coquettishness, but Xiao Yaoyao was very bold and immediately stared. Liu Mei said upright: "What's wrong? Miss likes a person, and I still need your consent. What ?! "

The three men immediately shook their heads into rattles, saying no.

Xiao Yaoyao was satisfied with this, and exhaled as Lan came forward.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Li Chaoran gloated at the table with a gloating hand and laughed loudly: "Haha! Xiao Yaoyao, this time you can be kicked into the iron plate, my boss is not the stuff you used to tease!"

"His ordinary woman can't surrender at all, I have seen a beautiful woman who is even more beautiful and **** than you, delivered to his mouth.

"And ... and more importantly, my boss is married! Wow ha ha ha ha !!!"

When I heard that Pei Junlin was already married, everyone on the table was a little surprised. It seemed that Pei Junlin was married at such a young age.

The **** and charming little Yaoyao had her eyes widened, and then she did not conceal her inner loss.

And Li Chaoran seemed to feel like he was talking too much. The good atmosphere was spoiled by him. He quickly rescued the field and picked up the glass. "Come here, let's drink! Drink!"

"Xiao Yaoyao ~ ~ Don't be sad, there is a saying well, this married man is more mature and attractive!"

"As long as you scratch your head well, there are no corners you can't dig, right?"


He hadn't even spoken this time, but he was slap in the back of his head. Pei Junlin cursed without hesitation: "Li Chaoran, do you think your skin is tickling again?"

Li Chaoran stayed, then immediately apologized to Pei Junlin with a smile on his face and punished himself with a drink.

This scene is normal for Pei Junlin, but falling into the eyes of the three men and two women next to it means a lot different. They are very clear about Li Chaoran's identity, even if they are first-class children of their magic capital, Do not dare to be too presumptuous, but Pei Junlin is so skilled and easy to use, for a time, can not help but be curious about Pei Junlin's identity.


At this moment, everyone on the second floor heard a shattering crackling sound from downstairs. It seemed that someone had overturned the table, and the bottles of wine and wine spilled to the ground, causing a scream.

"Damn, dare to scratch Lao Tzu's face, hey!"

"Catch that stinky for Laozi's mother!"

In the roar, several bodyguards, like wolf-like tigers, rushed at a woman with a panic look.

On the second floor, Pei Junlin, who looked down and looked at the bustling indifference from below, suddenly froze when the woman panicked. The next second, a chilling chill spread all over the body.

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