Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 242: Paralyzed!

Li Chaoran's words were not concealed at all, and the voice of the call could be heard by the entire office area.

When hearing the amazing words of Li Chaoran, all the employees of the Donghua Group were stunned. It was Li Chaoran's temperament at this moment, which was too overbearing.

Just two calls casually blocked several properties of Donghua Group and blocked the bank accounts of Donghua Group. If this is true, it will definitely bring the entire Donghua Group up and down in an instant, creating a huge pickle.

Don't look at the Donghua Group as a small and famous force in Modu, but in the eyes of some big people, it is a matter of one sentence to kill it, just a finger!

Anxiety and restlessness spread throughout the office area. A group of Donghua Group employees were frightened. Of course, some people were unbelieving. They did not believe that Li Chaoran really had such great energy. Donghua Group was hit hard.

You must know that Donghua Group has been able to survive in this magnificent city, and there must be a big backer behind it. Otherwise, how could such a force be left unmanaged?

Time passed by one minute, and half an hour passed. The five grandpas had not arrived yet, but there was another wave of men and women. The head of the man turned out to be a strong master of the second master. Obviously the news came over.

In this regard, Li Chaoran just threw the spitting blood of the Donghua Group's tyrant to the ground with only one punch, his ribs were broken, and then he stepped on the opponent's legs with anger, and could no longer climb!

That ruthless and ruthless style scared a group of people. Until this moment, they really realized that today's Donghua Group is really going to suffer no small disaster!

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed while holding a mobile phone, and then more and more people all changed their faces. They suddenly saw a video in their chat group, and the content of the video recording was really located in them. A video of Donghua Group's next nightclub being seized.

As soon as this video appeared, every male and female employee's eyes turned towards the lounge. It didn't seem to expect that at such a fast time, there would really be people from relevant departments who blocked the nightclub under the name of Donghua Group.

However, the shocking thing is far more than that. At this time, there was news in the group. People with the Environmental Protection Agency and the People's Health Bureau also dispatched at the same time. The targets are all aimed at a certain area in Pudong District. Special entertainment street

There is almost the most important industry of Donghua Group. Once it is seized, the loss will be too great!

Only at this moment, a famous man and woman fully realized that Li Chaoran's wild words just were not pretending to be forceful, but that people really have this strength, and by moving their lips, Donghua Group can lose losses incalculable!

"Broken, why can't I access the corporate account of our group ?!"

At this moment, a female employee in the Finance Department stood up anxiously. She was just about to do the account. When she logged in to the account, she found that the account that was frequently used to log in, and the password was wrong!

This is a more serious matter than sealing up the night club and the bar. The female employee just prepared to call and report to the above. The phone rang first, and the call was her highest level.

The female employee only picked up the phone, and an anxious voice came from inside, asking the female employee, are the two people in the company coming away?

The female employee quickly answered no, the senior executive gave a stern order. In any case, the female employee was also trying to stop Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran from thinking. They were up to a quarter of an hour at most!

In the lounge, Li Chaoran was playing with his mobile phone, and there was a section of recorded video sent over it. The above content was a video of some blocked bars and nightclubs. In addition, there were some bank accounts that were blocked.

Li Chaoran, like a child who received a certificate of merit, handed his mobile phone to Pei Junlin, and he smiled, "Boss, are you satisfied with this result?"

After Pei Jun opened the video and watched several contents, he smiled a little, secretly lamenting the benefits of rights, and suddenly said, "Can we leave now?"

"Leave? Haven't we been waiting for those bastards!" Li Chaoran looked surprised.

Pei Junlin stood up, straightened his shirt, and said quietly, "Although we are also very anxious, but I guess there will be someone more anxious than us!"

"It's almost time for dinner, aren't you hungry?"

Li Chaoran was in a daze first, then a pair of eyes lit up quickly, and said loudly, "Hungry! I'm hungry of course! Oh, you listen to my stomach, you're all protesting! Let's go, let's go to dinner!"

Then the two crossed their arms and walked towards the door together.

"Two ... two gentlemen, our boss just called to say that they will soon arrive ..."

When Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran walked out of the lounge, the female employee stepped forward boldly, but before she finished speaking, Li Chaoran's cold eyes passed, scaring the female employee immediately. Speechless.

It wasn't until Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran stepped away freely that the female employee just woke up like a dream, crying, and quickly called: "Boss, the two people left, they said they were going to dinner ... "


The voice on the phone suddenly increased by eight points and became extremely sharp. While abusing the female employee's waste aloud, she quickly ordered that people closely follow the whereabouts of Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran.

At this moment, on the street outside Donghua Group, Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran were looking around in comfort. They were looking for a better restaurant, and soon they found it.

"There is a very upscale western restaurant there, boss, shall we go there?"

Li Chaoran suggested that Pei Junlin said he had no opinion and walked straight up. The two seemed to be unaware of the two who had been sneaking behind him ...

Just after Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran walked into the high-end western restaurant for almost ten minutes, a sudden braking sound came suddenly, and a big Ben stopped at the bottom of Donghua Group and jumped out of the car. Several men and women who were in a hurry.

One of them has the fifth grandfather, in addition, there are several men and women with strong breath, but at this moment, the fifth grandfather has no big brother gesture on his face, and is replaced by an unprecedented anxiety. Sweat flies.

"Where? Where are they ?!"

As soon as he got out of the car, Grandpa Hua reached out and grabbed the collar of an employee at the door. He shouted loudly, and looked eager to eat.

The staff member was pretty good, hey, he stretched his fingers in the direction of the upscale western restaurant: "They ... they went for dinner! Private room number 708!"


Wu Wuye pushed the employee to the ground, and he couldn't care about his sweat. He immediately took a big step and hurried towards the restaurant.

On the seventh floor, in a private room of a high-end Western restaurant, Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran are both looking at their eyes and enjoying the exquisite meal in front of them.

The wine is a good Lafite, with a bottle of more than 100,000. In front of the two of them, there are a total of seven or eight bottles, and the meals on the table are also very eye-catching.

Almas caviar exported from Iran is made of albino catfish, a small box of caviar, the price reaches an astonishing 170,000 yuan, is such caviar, one per person.

In addition, we make exquisite pizzas and grilled steaks. The meat quality of the steaks comes from the famous Kobe beef of Higashidori, and there are various desserts ...

Others eating Western food are polite, elegant and noble, try their best to show their strong taste, but Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran eat Western food, which is exactly like a storm.

Red wine is blown directly from the bottle, and the caviar is scooped and scooped, just like eating a food stall on the street. In the words of two people, this way of eating is considered an addiction!

As everyone knows, each person's mouth is consumed by up to five digits or more. The waitresses who came straight to the meal twitched, and the words of the upstart pervaded the whole mind.

Dangdang Dangdang!

Just when two people were eating with great interest, and the bottle of red wine bottomed out, the knock on the door of the private room suddenly sounded, and then a sweaty man pushed in the door.

Hua Wuye's clothes were soaked all over, and his face was sweating like rain. His frightened eyes fell on the private room of Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran, and he said, "Hello, I am ..."

"Well, didn't you see we were eating! Get out!"

Li Chaoran directly yelled and did not even raise his head during the period, but the fierce momentum was like a collapsed dyke, which instantly filled the entire private room.

Under that terrible overwhelming pressure, the fifth grandpa felt that he was about to suffocate, and a great fear from his soul pervaded his body, scaring him to exit in a hurry.

咣 Dang!

The door closed automatically, completely shutting out the fifth grandfather.

Seeing that Hua Wuye was pale and standing there, a few men and women who were waiting were quickly approached ~ ~ but found Hua Wuye who was always calm and calm. At this moment, he looked dull and pale. .

"Five Lord! Five Lord!"

A noble lady dressed in a cheongsam came forward, holding the arms of Lord Wu and kissed him softly.

Finally, the mind of Lord Wu Hua gradually returned, and then with a pair of shocked eyes watching, the whole person collapsed to the ground with no bones: "It's over! This time it's really over! We're in a big disaster!"

"Five Lords! Where are they sacred? How could they have such great energy ?!"

A man could not help but have a strong curiosity in his heart and asked.

The current Donghua Group can be described as a mess, and many of its bars and nightclubs have been blocked one after another, and even the company's bank account has been frozen, which is a major event in sunny days.

They have called to ask about the big backer behind, but the answer is that even the big backer does n’t know exactly what is going on this time. It ’s sacred in the rain, just knowing that the origin is very large, a phone call will let the magic industry and industry, tax , Health, environment and other departments are all dispatched!

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