Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 263: It's over.

Even at a distance of nearly two hundred meters, the prince suddenly became cold all over his body. His whole body was like an ice cellar, his limbs were closed, and the blood stopped flowing. He felt that he had become extremely small, but a fierce fang with sharp teeth appeared in front of him. Beast, ready to devour him at any time!

Under the pressure of unprecedented fear, the prince was directly scared to sit on the ground with his butt, sweating all over his body.

At this time, the soldiers who received the order had opened fire on the void.

boom! Boom boom! !! !!

Rocket guns, anti-aircraft guns, and artillery guns carried by gunships fired instantly, reaching up to twelve powerful artillery shells at a time, swept through the void, dragged a long tail and white air waves, and quickly approached Pei Junlin's body.

Twelve super powerful artillery shells are enough to instantly destroy a hill into flat ground, and even if it is a strong one repaired by Master Gundam Jiupin, he will not dare to touch its edge.

But is Pei Junlin a great master?

The answer is no. He is the ingenious nine-class superpower. He has the skill to blend into the sky and blend with heaven and earth. He can control the energy between heaven and earth. How can the shells hurt?

Except for the mighty weapon of the more powerful Intercontinental * level or higher, today's weapons on Earth can rarely hurt him.

Looking at the twelve powerful artillery shells with long tails approaching from all directions, Pei Junlin's face was completely gloomy like water. He didn't care about the power of small cannonballs in this area, but it was the prince who annoyed him. I do not know life or death.

He was ready to leave, and even dared to let people order the fire, this is simply the biggest provocation to his Shura general!


A cyan light floated out of Pei Junlin's body, turned into a huge mask, and quickly enveloped him. This is the light of body protection, a powerful technique from Ogi's longevity.

Immediately, Pei Junlin's eyes rose sharply, and his fist burst out!

In an instant, there were hundreds of shots. The boxing covered the world. Due to the speed, it seemed as if there were dozens of hundreds of Pei Jun coming out at the same time.

boom! Bang Bang! !! !!

Under the countless gaze of stunned eyes, I saw that the twelve powerful forces * just near Pei Junlin's body exploded, and the entire semi-cavity turned into an ocean of energy. * The taste is soaring, covering the sky!

"My God, this ... where is this human?"

Seeing Pei Junlin's shot in an instant, he exploded twelve powerful *, all the Lai Guo soldiers were stunned, their mouths could not be closed for a long time, even those members of the royal family, their eyes were almost protruding!

call out!

However, at this moment, the scene that shocked countless people was not over. I saw a dazzling blue light rising from the depths of the terrifying ocean of energy, carrying the momentum of thunder, toward the soldiers on the ground. Come.

"Quick! Protect the prince!"

Someone in the Royal Guards exclaimed hysterically, because he saw that the person targeted by Pei Junlin was their prince.

The panicked team fired at once, and the sound of the machine gun was rattled, but how could all this stop the speed of Pei Junlin? All the bullets were blocked by his guardian light, and the soldiers stared at the sky. The demon-like figure of that man in the middle is getting closer.

At the moment when Pei Junlin's stature of horrifying coercion descended from the sky, countless soldiers who had been firing around all had been struck by lightning.

They were all wounded by the mighty coercion emanating from Pei Junlin's body. As the absolute power of the innate Jiupin, Pei Junlin's power and coercion could not even bear the innate Liupinqiang, let alone these ordinary Soldier.

This is why Pei Junlin has tried to converge as much as possible, and did not target those soldiers, otherwise everyone present would have to die!

"Things like ants are also worth provoking me Pei Shuluo!"

At this time, Pei Junlin's figure had appeared in front of the prince, looking at the devil-like youth near him. The prince who ordered the fire had no blood on his face, his legs were soft and his teeth were up and down. Giggle, even a neat sentence is hard to say.

"You are proud of stupid things. As the state religion of faith, it is actually a group of blood-stained killers. Their organization is called Sifang Lou!"

"Ben Shura came today and killed the entire state religion, which is equivalent to saving your Lai kingdom royal family, but you are still trying to kill yourself!"

"Also, today I am taking your head to see if your royal family members, blinded by lard, can be sober!"

At the moment Pei Jun's words fell, a cold light flashed away. The prince who had stood on the ground with his legs softened, his head was missing, and only a still trembling body stood on the ground.

A long time after Pei Junlin disappeared, the scarlet blood rushed out of the neck of the corpse that had lost his head, scaring the soldiers around.

Their prince was actually killed and his head was missing. This is definitely an unprecedented event in the entire Lai country, which is enough to cause a sensation throughout the country.

At the same time, when the Pope was caught in unprecedented chaos and panic, a blood-stained human head fell from the sky in a glazed gold building a dozen miles away, causing chaos in the entire palace.

Here is the supreme royal family of Laiguo. It is heavily guarded, but it drops a human head from the sky, especially when the face of the master of the head is clearly seen, and the monstrous waves are set off.

The head turned out to be the brother of the king, causing countless people in the royal family to panic, and even the king of Lai was shocked, standing with a somber face at the gate of the royal family.

"Who is it? Who dares to challenge my majesty?"

The king was furious: "Where is the guard, do you not hurry to catch the murderer?"


At this moment, a sweaty man rushed in from outside the door of the royal family, knelt on the ground, and shouted sternly: "Dead! All are dead! All members of the state religion were killed, and the Prince was killed. Killed, my head is missing ... uh? "

The reporting man suddenly heard a voice, his body was stiff, his eyes were dull, and he stared at a **** head on the ground not far away.

He recognized the owner of the head, who was the first prince who had disappeared.

"what did you say?!"

Just as the man was in a daze, the angry king suddenly reached out and grabbed his chest, and the whole man was about to crack, and then the king's body trembled, and he seemed to think something sharply, "I asked then You, my royal royal sword has been lost? "

The man shook his head in horror: "King, I don't know ..."


Before his words fell, a severe fist was hit on his nose, and his nosebleeds.

"Look! Give me all you can to find it, even if you turn me to the bottom of the state religion, you must find the Qinghong sword!"

When the entire Lai Kingdom's royal family was completely in chaos, at this time, on a luxury cruise ship on the Lai Kingdom border, a cold young man with dark hair and black clothes suddenly fell from the sky and stood on the top of the cruise ship.

Although Lai is a small country, it is one of the most developed countries in the world. It has abundant oil and natural gas reserves and a population GDP of 30,000 US dollars. Therefore, many people come here for tourism.

At this moment, the luxurious cruise ship at the foot of Pei Junlin is as high as 13 floors. If anyone is standing on the highest point of the cruise ship, no one will really find it.

In the distance is the endless sea, the sky is blue, there are no clouds, and the gentle sea breeze blows on. This is really an excellent place to cultivate.

Pei Jun sat down cross-legged and summoned the Qinghong sword from the space ring. When he was about to start refining, he suddenly stopped and thought of something.

Then he took out his mobile phone from the space ring and quickly logged into the dark web. Of course, he used Li Chaoran's account.

Skillfully found the reward task forum, and found that many people are still discussing about his reward, and some even opened a gamble, guessing how many days the Sifang Tower can spend to complete the task.

Looking at the tone and the content of the post, it was clear that I never thought that this time, Pei Junlin would escape the disaster.

As the fourth-ranked super killer organization in the world, Sifanglou is undoubtedly indisputable. It is not to be said that it is a congenital top five player.

Sitting cross-legged quietly on the top of the cruise ship, Pei Junlin silently browsed the posts in the forum, and the sneer of the corner of his mouth became more and more intense.

Shaoqing ~ ~ He thought for a while and immediately started posting.

The content of the post is simple. It is a few photos. One is terribly dead, the whole body is a picture of minced meat, and the other is on a square like Shura Hell. There are stumps and broken arms everywhere.

Then a postscript: "I am Pei Junlin, the one you have a huge reward for, sorry! I live well now, but the ant who came to kill me was accidentally shot into minced meat! Yes, that one It seems that the ants have reached the innate sixth grade! Then I came to Lai Guo again, and accidentally slaughtered another state religion and killed more than 60 ants! "

"Among them, there are five ants, six products and one person, five products and one person, three products and two people, two products and one person, @ 四方 楼 and the reptiles of the international underground world. If you are dissatisfied, you can come to China to find I Pei Junlin! "

"Also, in the dark, rewarding my reptiles, although I can't determine who you are for the time being, but there will always be a day when the truth comes out, and I will give you a bigger gift at that time!"

In the end, Pei Junlin also attached a photo of himself, in which he smiled and was intact.

After doing all this, Pei Junlin withdrew from the dark web and dedicated himself to refining the Qinghong sword in his hand ...

What he didn't know was that in less than five minutes before and after his post was posted, it suddenly exploded the entire international underground world and the entire dark web was boiling for it!

PS: Popularity is too low, capable book friends, give me a little money! Ten or eight will do, thank you!

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