Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 290: Original Nirvana!

Pei Junlin has already seen it on the list, which is the number one precept. He looks like a very lively monk, fine-skinned and tender-skinned, and he is about the same age as him, but he knows that all these are appearances. , Monk monk that is the pride of the young generation of Luohan Temple, practicing the dragon elephant Prajna Gong of Luohan Temple, has the power of nine elephants in Kowloon, once launched, very powerful!

The second-ranked Huangfu Phoenix is ​​the heavenly daughter of the Huangfu family. According to rumors, it is a natural thunderous body, and it was accompanied by the power of thunder and lightning at the time of birth. Now it is the school of the Huangfu family. Cultivation has reached the fourth level.

In addition, there is the fourth-ranked cold frost. The person who drinks alcohol is as bold as a man. When he does not drink, he immediately transforms into a beautiful and beautiful goddess. The gravity of the other party can also reach 28,000 kilograms.

In addition, Nalanhao of the Nalan family bears a gravity of 27,000 kilograms.

Xia Houping of the Xiahou family and Bailifeiyan of the Baili family are all pride in the sky. Although they are only congenital eight products, they are veteran strongmen who overwhelmed so many congenital nine products. They are on the list. .

All of this is like a morning bell and twilight drum, which hits Pei Junlin's heart severely, so that he is fully awakened. If he is not a born again, he has unparalleled experience in previous lives and various powerful and unrivalled practices. Can you compare with the pride of these days simply by starting with qualifications? !!

The answer is unknown, the bigger one is probably a big NO!

With complicated feelings, Pei Junlin didn't care about Dongfang Ao and Dong Biao who were excited around him, turned around and walked away.

"Master, where are you going?"

Seeing Pei Junlin turning and leaving, Dongfang Ao said immediately.

Pei Junlin faintly replied, "Go to the gravity chamber!"

The words did not fall, and his body had disappeared.

Looking at the back of Pei Junlin's departure, Dongfang Ao and Dong Biao were a little dazed. After a long time, Dong Biao sighed loudly: "I now finally understand why the young master has such a great achievement ..."

Dongfang proudly sneered: "Then you still make a fart here, go, let's go to the gravity chamber too!"

At this point, Pei Junlin had already set foot in the area of ​​the gravity chamber. He came along all the way and met many martial arts. Everyone saw him and could not help but show a trace of awe and greeted him warmly.

In the days of training, even though they were strange to each other at the beginning, as time passed, everyone became familiar with each other, especially for the high-ranking strong men, and they were more popular. .

Absolute strength at any time, anywhere, is a solid foundation on which to stand.

In these days, Pei Junlin's reputation has also been thoroughly spread. Everyone knows that he is the super dark horse that has recently emerged in the martial arts world, and he alone dares to destroy the super cruel people distributed in the square.

In particular, the training room has recently come out of the gravity chamber rankings. Pei Junlin ranked third, letting his name penetrate into the hearts of every innate powerhouse.

"Well, Pei Junlin, didn't you just leave the gravity chamber for a few hours, why are you here again?"

When Pei Junlin was going to choose an empty gravity chamber to enter the practice, a door next to the gravity chamber was opened from the inside, and Yan Qingshan, who was sweating all over the body, came out from inside with a look of surprise.

Pei Junlin smiled and said, "It's okay to be idle, it's better to practice for a while!"

"You Lord Lord, why did you come here to make fun of it?"

Yan Qingshan, who was originally smiling, heard the words, and her face turned black, and she sneered coldly, "It's not because of you young little bastards!"

Anyway, he turned around and walked away, causing Pei Junlin to be a little dazed. After Shao Qing, he only smiled, and the fellow was also stimulated.

Imagine if you think about it, you can see that young people in their twenties who are young and only 20 years old are either congenital nine products or congenital eight products, and they have surpassed countless veteran strong players. Lord, Yan Qingshan isn't surprised if there is no pressure!

Thinking in his mind, Pei Junlin couldn't help looking up at the gravity chamber that Yan Qingshan had just walked out of, and found that the gravity multiple displayed on the electronic screen above was 30, which was a level with him.

It is indeed the country's most powerful Yanhuang organization. The physical qualities of a cabinet owner can be compared with him.

With a strange mood, Pei Junlin stepped into the gravity chamber. This time, instead of starting to practice as usual, he sat quietly on the ground with his knees crossed, but his mind was filled with ambiguity, and his memories were blurred. He digs out of the dust of history.

Pei Junlin needs to find a powerful practice method that is suitable for improving his physical quality now. As a Shura warrior who once swept the world, he has hundreds of exercises, each of which can be called top and suitable for the physical body. There are many methods of cultivation, but none of them satisfy him.

"[Yunlong Nine Forging Techniques] is too weak, at most it can be twice as strong as the flesh!"

"[King Kong's Immortal Body], this is okay, but it is not satisfactory, it is not as good as the physical method of the previous life!"

"[Big cutting flesh], too weak!"


Pei Junlin searched for memories, and one after another powerful laws suitable for the cultivation of the flesh emerged from his mind, and he was quickly denied by them.

Suddenly, at this moment, Pei Junlin's consciousness was severely beaten, and fell to the name of a Gongfa— 【Longlong Golden Body Technique】

Just looking at the name shows that this should be a powerful method from Linglong Pavilion, and in fact it is the same. This [Longlong Golden Body Technique] is the strongest method of Linglong Pavilion to practice the flesh. When fighting for Shura, Pei Junlin practiced this powerful method.

Unfortunately, in the end, when he faced the strongest creature in the universe, the Dragon Clan, he was beaten by a brutal and simple way by the top hegemons of the Dragon Clan, which led to the fall of Pei Junlin.

In that earth-shattering battle, Pei Junlin's shortcomings also appeared in physical qualities. The Dragons have been one of the most powerful creatures in the world since ancient times. Their physical defenses are unparalleled in the world. The whole world can match One of the few.

Now, seeing the name of "Long Exquisite Gold Body Skill" again, Pei Junlin couldn't help but feel a little lost, remembering many memories in his mind. In the end, he temporarily gave up this powerful cultivation method and continued to search for dusty memories.

In the last life, he was defeated in the physical qualities. After returning from this life, how can he continue to make the mistake of the first life.

After rebirth, Pei Junlin must fill in all his shortcomings and regain the highest level. When the day comes to fruition, he will find the Dragon family again and liquidate the old accounts!

As time passed by, Pei Junlin's thoughts searched for a dusty memory. He vaguely remembered that when he was in the world, he encountered an extremely ruined planet on a deserted planet. Dojo.

There should have been a legacy left by a very powerful group, not even inferior to the Star Overlord Dragon family. In the pictures and handwriting left on the wall, the word "xian" was mentioned many times, but it was a pity Yes, I do n’t know for what reason, this group disappeared in the end, nor was it destroyed by the enemy or moved away.

Finally, with curiosity, when he tried to search, he found a heritage jade amulet in a cave house that had been sealed for many years. It seemed to record a very powerful method of physical practice. The name seemed to be primitive ...

Well, found it!

Suddenly, Pei Junlin's thoughts stayed somewhere in the dusty memory. On that dusty memory, there are five obscure ancient texts-the original Nirvana scripture!

This handwriting is beyond any kind that Pei Junlin knows, but whenever Pei Junlin's thoughts come into contact, the meaning of those ancient words clearly emerges in his mind.

Pei Junlin reasoned that it is likely to be the "immortal trace" that countless races in the legendary thousands of worlds are struggling to find, and that ancient text is the legendary immortal text! That is, the fairy family once left behind in the thousands of worlds by the immortals!

Immortals have always been above nine days since ancient times. The most powerful legends are even over the dragon and phoenix of the starry overlord. They have truly achieved immortality, life and heaven, formulate the rules of the universe, and change the sun and the moon. Operational.

But unfortunately, at that time, Pei Junlin had already practiced the exquisite golden body technique to the level of Dacheng. After many hesitations, he still couldn't make up his mind to practice the original Nirvana again!

At this moment, the dusty memory was pulled out, and Pei Junlin stared at the ancient scriptures in the memory of the legendary Xianjia Peer, with emotional agitation.

Finally, the teeth bite and fight!

This ancient scripture, even if it is not the legendary Xianjia peerless study, is also a powerful practice method, and it is no worse than the exquisite golden body technique.

The moment he decided his idea, Pei Junlin immediately turned his head to the sky, cast off his thoughts, and began to open the dusty memory in detail.

Suddenly, his spirit and soul seemed to break through the tunnel of time and space, and returned to all that was on that ruined planet at that time. In a ruined cave house, a handsome young man sat quietly on the ground, staring straight at his hands. A piece of palm-sized heritage jade charm.

The moment he touched the inherited jade charm in his hand, suddenly, a strange picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

Honeydew falling from the sky, golden lotus in the ground, Yunting canopy, fairy sounds.

Countless fairies dressed in fairy clothes are dancing in a cloud palace. In the first seat, two immortals are drinking there. Pei Junlin can only see the mouths of the two immortals and then moves. They could not hear them at all.

Suddenly, at this moment, the metamorphosis is abrupt, and the top of the cloud palace, which was originally gorgeous and indescribable, was torn by a terrible giant claw, and the cloud palace began to collapse, scaring the dancing fairies in a panic. .

But the two immortals who drank suddenly rose up, summoned the fairy sword, and fought with the terrible giant claw.

This battle was earth-shattering, the sun and the moon were dark, and the entire cloud palace that was only hit was completely destroyed. The outside dojo was also cracked. Numerous immortals were killed on the spot, and the two immortals were not the terrible giant claw opponents. His shirt was red and his sword broke.

"Honghuang ancients, how dare you betray the covenant? !!!"

An immortal holding a dagger, blood-red eyes, staring at a monster covering the sky in the void, with a screaming voice, like a **** cuckoo ~ ~ 桀桀, Zi Yao Xing Jun, your fairy clan holds [Primitive Nirvana] It has been up to 100,000 years. So far, it has not been questioned to Gao Hongmeng. Since this is the case, then leave it to me to the Honghuang ancients! "

In the void, a voice filled with murmurs.

"Fart! The original [Nirvana Sutra] was my sacred school of the Xian people, so Qi Ronger waited for Xiao Xiaoran!"

"Today, even if I am the last person of the Xian people, you Hongkuan ancient people would not want to get the original Nirvana!"

The war started again and the tragic performance continued. Some people of the Immortal tribe kept falling to the ground. In the end, the two immortals were also beaten to pieces, making it difficult to persist.

Suddenly, an immortal slammed the law and shouted angrily: "Even if I am tossing the [Primitive Nirvana Sutra] into the deepest part of the nine-day starry sky, you ancient people of Honghuang also do not expect the [Primitive Nirvana Sutra]!

The voice didn't fall, and he flicked his hand, a shining inheritance jade charm broke through the void, and disappeared quickly, which led to the screaming and roaring of countless Honghuang ancients in the void!

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