Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 301: Redeem

More than half an hour after the battle was over, there was a busy scene in the overlord city!

Medical staff wearing white clothes are running everywhere, carrying a variety of therapeutic drugs or utensils in their hands.

However, it is still difficult to hide the excitement of the soldiers!

Because this battle can be described as a rare big victory since the establishment of Overlord City. This battle is only the demon power over the demons, killing six directly, and five people were seriously injured.

In addition, the strong in the realm of the demon emperor has more deaths and injuries. It is conservatively estimated that the number of dead in the demon emperor is more than 30 or 40, let alone the injured, more than 70 or 80.

In addition, there are more than a hundred monsters at the level of the demon king. The enemies of the big demon goblins are countless. They are definitely outstanding and can be included in the history of the Tiankeng World War.

Therefore, the army of tens of thousands of people in the entire Overlord City is filled with unprecedented excitement, and some seriously injured people can be seen everywhere, even if the soldiers with broken arms lying on the ground are talking about it and loudly publicizing their records.

No one will stop this, but the senior management is happy to see it.

War is always cruel. Whether strong or weak, after the war, there should be different ways to vent their inner depression.


At this moment, in a spacious courtyard located in Overlord City, Pei Junlin and the pride of the heavens from various forces are sitting together, and there are also the innate powerfuls participating in the training.

Everyone was swallowing the elixir silently, recovering the energy consumed. Many strong men were injured, some were very severe. One of their arms or legs was severed, and medical staff was in urgent treatment.

These severely wounded strongmen will be sent back to the earth soon after simple treatment in Overlord City, and will be treated with the most advanced medicine. After all, the conditions in Overlord City are very limited.

On a icy step, Pei Junlin opened his eyes. His body was not damaged, and only the powerful mana was consumed. For half an hour, he had already restored his peak.

The moment he opened his eyes, Pei Junlin's eyes slowly swept through all the people in the courtyard. He saw many familiar faces. Lin Tu Yao, Dongfang Ao, and Dong Biao were still there, although their bodies were affected to varying degrees. Some injuries, but they do n’t bother, a few days can be good.

But in addition to these people, Pei Junlin was keenly aware that the number had decreased. When they arrived, they were a total of 296 people, except for the strong military, but at the moment he carefully counted, and only 288 were left. Eight people have disappeared.

These disappeared people don't need to think about it, and the results are obvious. Pei Junlin could only sigh gently in his heart.

The cruelty of the war in the Tiankeng world is not worse than those wars he once encountered in the thousands of worlds. After all, these are racial wars, and the dead are too normal!

In fact, this time, human beings belonged to a big victory. For such a small price, such a great victory was obtained. I believe that the monsters on the side of Hei Jincheng will not start a war in a short time.

On the human side, in fact, it is not a big victory on the surface. Pei Junlin couldn't help thinking of it. During the war not long ago, those military strong men in the sky used the fierce picture of their destiny.

Primal essence is the foundation of any warrior's cultivation. Once damaged, it is difficult to repair, unless it is a gem-like elixir.

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still, patted his **** and stood up.

After this battle, especially witnessing a famous military strongman, he did not dare to die, he did not hesitate to consume the innate essence that has been difficult to cultivate for many years, and he also wanted to kill the enemy. Pei Junlin had an unprecedented Strong sense of belonging.

Today, he is an authentic Huaxia child, no longer a Shura warrior. As a Huaxia child, when the country is in danger, he should have the responsibility and obligation to do what he can.

"Pei Junlin, what are you going to do?"

Just when Pei Junlin was just a few steps away, there was a sound not far away, and the monk monk recovering sitting cross-legged on the ground opened his eyes. Although his face was still pale, he had already recovered.

From this we can see that the monk's cultivation is really strong and the foundation is very solid. If there is not such a strange existence as Pei Junlin, he is the well-deserved first person.

"It's okay, just turn around, do you want to be together?" Pei Junlin turned and smiled.

Tell the monk to nod and stand up from the ground.

"What are you two sneaking about?"

At this time, another sound sounded, and Huangfu Phoenix opened his eyes. On the cheery face of Zhang Yingzi, the sharp spirit was still bright.

"Where are you going, please take me with you!"

A pleasant sound came, and Leng Shuangshuang stood up from the ground.

Pei Junlin and Jie Monk stared at each other with a helpless smile. Since there are so many people waking up, it might be better to wait and go to Overlord City together, which is also familiar with the familiar environment.

After all, as soon as they arrived, they couldn't find a chair in the buttocks, they were directly treated as coolies, and they went off to the battlefield and fought an unprecedented war.

It didn't take long to wait, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, and Bai Lifeiyan also opened their eyes one by one. Although everyone's face was a little pale, the real yuan consumed in the body was restored a lot. The head contains light.

But Pei Junlin still clearly felt that the trace of exhaustion contained in the depths of each of their eyes was not from the flesh, but from the soul. Although these people in front of us are indeed geniuses, they are very strong, but similar In the cruel war in front of me, I have never experienced it before.

Being able to sit here and talk to them with laughter is enough to prove everyone's strength. The title of Heavenly Pride is definitely not a fame.

Soon, Pei Junlin walked out of the courtyard together with the group of heavenly pride, and walked around the overlord city.

Overlord City is very large, but it is also very simple. The entire city is completely simple and convenient. It is in all directions and can face all sudden changes. The walls are covered with traces of the blade after cutting.

Pei Junlin and others along the way, deeply felt the extraordinary and mission of this city, because this is the strongest human barrier in Dongyang Tiankeng, and the only one, once it falls, the consequences can be unimaginable.

As they walked along, wherever they went, almost all the soldiers they met looked at them in awe and admiration. Many soldiers even raised their hands to salute them regardless of their injuries. It was actually Pei Junlin and others who were on the battlefield before. The performance on the stage was too dazzling. They were invincible and invincible. Numerous soldiers deeply remembered their looks and figures.

In the end, a group of people turned around and came to the city's main government house. The guard outside the door saw Pei Junlin and others. They did not stop, but allowed to enter.

When a group of people walked into the entrance of the parliament hall, they found that in the large parliament hall, all the divine powerhouses were there. The first person was the extremely pale complexion of Cai Shen, and the two rows of seats below seated the pastor. Waiting for the strong men in the military department, on the other side sits the powerful gods of various forces such as the master of arrogance and Han Bingning.

A group of divine powerhouses didn't know what to talk about. After seeing Pei Junlin and others coming in, their eyes brightened.

"Haha, our heroes are here, come in quickly! Come in and sit down!"

Tsai Shen sent a hearty laughter, and other powerful gods also smiled.

It is really this battle. Pei Junlin and a group of heavenly pride have a great record, as if a sharp knife was inserted into the heart of the enemy fiercely, all the demons below the realm of the demons and the imperial realm defeated and defeated the army. Numerous enemies have made great contributions.

Among them, Pei Junlin was the most amazing performer, and the sword-making technique reappeared in the world brightened the eyes of many powerful men.

So at this moment when I saw Pei Junlin appearing, the eyes of many strong men were a little bit different. Fortunately, these strong gods were very worried about their face, and for the time being they were embarrassed to ask where Pei Junlin's sword skills came from.

But soon, someone found the most suitable topic. The shepherd God who saw it stood up from his seat, smiled, and looked at a group of heavenly pride who came in: "Little guys, you come together, you should Wouldn't it be for points? "

Pei Junlin, standing not far away, took a moment's notice and scored? That ’s ... Oh, he remembered that before, the strong men in the military department said that points are the most important resource of the army. As long as they are treasures obtained on the battlefield, they can be used to exchange money with the military department. Points, and then use the points to redeem resources suitable for your own practice.

It ’s not that the shepherd will remind him that he almost forgot this stubble, but looking at the reactions of a group of Tianjiao around him, it seems as if they are looking forward to each other. Does this military department really have some amazing treasures?

To be honest, with Pei Junlin's current cultivation as his vision, ordinary treasures really look down on him ~ ~ The lowest level of elixir also requires that advanced elixir to play some role, what is the weapon? He already has a top-level weapon like Qing Hongjian, does the military have more powerful magic weapons than the top-level weapon? !!

"Rest assured, I have already made your points certificate urgently, and it should be sent immediately. Now, while everyone is here, you little ones will show you what kind of treasures you got on the battlefield. Let's open our eyes! "

At this moment, I only heard the shepherd **** will smile again and say that the other powerful gods around him heard the words, but also showed some expressions of interest.

Obviously, these high-powered divine powerhouses are also curious about what kind of treasures the arrogant sons have captured on the battlefield.

After all, the group of people in front of them is the youngest and most talented person in the whole of China today. Many of them are even successors of their future group, so they will naturally be very concerned.

"Don't be dazed, come on, who's the first to show off their booty ?!"

Tsai Shen will urge: "People who perform well will decide to pay out of their own pocket and give you a special reward!"

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