Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 311: Mysterious creature


It's really too much!

Just digging with a "hoe", and the collapse of the rock and soil will bring out crystals that are shining, exquisite and clear. Among them, many of them are of the high quality, and the energy they contain is extremely high. Rich, far from being comparable to those lower-level phantoms.

In the underground passage reflected by the torches, four figures like mad rats are moving faster and faster, and the smiles on their faces are almost cracking their mouths to the ears.

"Haha, it's so **** cool! This spirit vein that hasn't been mined is good, this time we are really getting rich!" Xia Houping was digging quickly with his long sword in his hands, and was snoring excitedly.

The monks and Nalanhao, who were next to him, also had their eyes brightened, and their movements were unambiguous. The gimmicks in their hands waved extremely fast, and they can be called professional diggers.

Pieces of high-quality Lingjing were picked out by them and put in the backpack behind them. At this time, ordinary Lingjing has long been overlooked. Everyone chooses that kind of high-quality Lingjing. Even these Lingjing is all polluted by the mysterious poisonous mist, but as long as you get rid of it after going back, it is definitely a fortune!

And just when the three were busy, Pei Junlin, who had the same action quickly and busyly digging, suddenly stopped, slap on his own head, cursed a fool!

How can he be a bird like these guys, so low-level, know that his strength has not been suppressed!

As soon as the thought fell, Pei Junlin immediately thought of it, summoned the Qinghong sword, and drew his fingers to move the sword. At once, he saw the blue Hongjian sword glowing in midair, sending out a dazzling blue light, and flew to the distant mine.


Huge pieces of ore seemed to be flooding, pouring down, and the dust was rolling, which scared the monks, Nalanhao, and Xia Houping who were digging below, and three people saw the flying sword that was shining brightly. , There are fine lights in the eyes.

"Well, how can we forget that Pei Junlin is capable of performing royal swordsmanship, and his strength has not been suppressed!" Nalanhao whispered.

"Don't talk nonsense, now you just choose the high-quality Lingjing, and let me do the mining! At the same time, you can leave all the Lingjing you have mine with me!"

Pei Junlin said softly, "I will occupy 30% of the spirit crystals you get by then. Are you okay?"

"no problem!"

"Of course this is possible!"

The words of Pei Junlin have just fallen, and the three monks, Monk, Nalanhao, and Xia Houping agreed quickly. On this trip to the Black Mist Cliff, Pei Junlin was definitely the main force. It was him who gave the idea and gave the greatest strength. It is also him. It is him who keeps Lingjing, and it is not much to occupy 30% of the gain.

In this way, with the support of Pei Junlin's horrific swordsmanship, the mining efficiency has increased sharply, and high-quality Lingjings have been included in their pockets.


Suddenly, there was a hole in the mine being dug by Qing Hongjian. I didn't know when to dig this underground channel and connect it to other channels.

Pei Junlin retracted Qing Hongjian and looked at the gray-faced three people below. The backpacks on the backs of each of them were bulging, showing a satisfied smile.

The harvest this time is really not small. The value of this small half of the channel alone is amazing enough. After returning, there is totally bragging capital.

"The three of you are here to keep packing first. I'll go around and see where there are suitable mining veins."

Pei Junlin said, three people who were concentrating on choosing Gao Pin Ling Jing did not raise his head, waved his hand to let him go.

Pei Junlin walked away and walked away. The consciousness in his mind was released to the extreme, but this time, most of Pei Junlin's attention was not looking for Ling Jing, but what he was looking for.

His body was galloping in all directions of the underground passage, and his brows were frowned.

In principle, it should n’t be. Since this is the place of the special creature, then they are digging and mining the spirit crystal so freely. This is definitely a violation of the inverse scale of that special creature. You must know that the creature is a well-known digger Distraught!

At present, most of the black mist cliffs are shrouded in the realm of that special creature, which means that it is the territory of the other party. All the babies belong to it, and no creature is allowed to touch their fingers. Otherwise, they must bear the terrible revenge of that special creature. .

But time has passed so long, why haven't ... uh?

Just as Pei Junlin frowned, suddenly, he faintly heard someone shouting his name, and at the same time accompanied by the faint murmur of fighting.

"Not good! That particular creature has found Monk Monks!"

Pei Junlin's face changed drastically, and he turned around without hesitation.

And just as Pei Junlin was rushing on his way back crazy, at the same time, in the underground passage he left shortly after, a fierce battle was going on.

I saw the three monks, Nalanhao and Xia Houping fighting with a monster with pangolins all over their bodies.

This monster is not very big, just like a small calf, with long limbs and a long tail. The most attractive thing is the sharp barbs on the monster, flashing the cold coldness. It makes people shudder.

But at this moment it was fierce and fierce and terrible. A pair of eyes, full of angry blood red, stared at the bulging packages on the backs of the three monks, and there was a low hissing sound in their throats.


Suddenly, the monster moved, as fast as lightning, like a ghost in the dark, and rushed to the nearest Xiahouping.

"Fuck, come again!"

Xia Houping screamed, but the long knife in his hand did not hesitate to directly exert the strength of the whole body and severely chopped it down.

Unexpectedly, the long-lost magic weapon knife has lost its effect. It landed on the monster's leather armor, and a bright Mars broke out, even the monster's leather armor could not be broken.

Xia Houping's face changed, and he quickly backed away, but he was still one step behind. The whole man was hit by the monster's barbed tail and hit his arm. The painful whole man screamed and flew out, hitting the wall of the passage. On, hit a big pit.

Immediately after that, the monster was lightning fast, and flew directly to the monks and monks and Nalanhao who were on the side. When they saw the monster rushing, both of their faces changed, and the monster in front of them was too difficult.

The leather armor is called *, and the proud weapon fell on the other side. It was just tickling, and even the leather armor could not be broken. This monster was amazing in strength and extremely fast.

"Na Lanhao, I'll stand up to this beast first, and you have to go back to Pei Junlin, otherwise, we must both die here!"

The monk roared, and the bronzed skin was faintly radiated with gold. It was a manifestation of Prajna ’s magical work. Although he could not use the true power, the monk ’s physical strength was far better than those of Nalanhao and Xia Houping. Compete against the monsters in front of you.

Nalanhao was decisive enough, knowing that now was not the time to hesitate, and immediately flew away, striding towards the distance.


However, they underestimated the strength of the monster, and when they saw that Nalanhao was about to run away, the monster who was fighting Jijie Monk suddenly had a sharp increase in blood in his eyes. The claws slammed on the arm of the monk Monk.


The energy collision blew up, and the monk gave a muffled hum, and yelled backward, only to see that his arm had already become bloody, his proud body was in the monster's sharp barb, as fragile as porcelain doll.

At this time, the monster did not bother with the wounded monk who was injured, but flew up, speeding as fast as lightning, and rushed directly to Nalanhao who was preparing to rescue the soldiers.

The terrible evil came from behind him, and Nalanhao's face was running wild, and he had to turn around, and gave out his whole body strength with a sword.

The long sword of the instrument shook the void and pulled out a long wave of air. This blow was a blow that Nalanhao gathered all his strength. Although his physical strength was not strong, a full blow was enough to be comparable to a The strongest of the six congenitals.

But in the face of this attack, the monster's blood-red eyes revealed a touch of human ridicule, and then did not make any counterattack, leaving the sword to its head.


A stimulating metal collision sounded, accompanied by a blast of Mars, and the sword that gathered Nalanhao's full strength could not hurt any fur ~ ~ Instead, Nalanhao's tiger mouth shook, blood Stained hilt.

"I'm finished!"

There was a touch of despair in Nalanhao's eyes. Perhaps before his strength was sealed off by the damned realm here, he still had the power to fight, but at this moment, it was exactly the same as the flesh on the chopping board.

"Pei Junlin, you are a bastard, you'll have to die if you don't come!"

In boundless despair, Nalanhao couldn't help Yangtian uttered a roar, the sound shook the underground passages and began to collapse, rumbling and smoke filled.

And just when Nalanhao was full of despair, suddenly, the corner of his eye noticed that there was a dazzling sword light approaching in the distance of the collapsed underground tunnel, and at the same time, an amazing news came from the entire underground tunnel. Swords sound.

The moment the sword was heard again, the wounded monk monk and Xia Houping also jumped from the ground with pain, and then they saw a meteor-like sword light in the underground passage rolling in smoke. Coming from the air, he fought directly with that monster.

The flying sword that emits amazing sword light is constantly chopping, chopping, picking, stabbing, cutting, winding, chopping ... in the narrow channel. It is extremely flexible, and one sword after another is split on the monster's leather armor.

Although the monster's perverted defense could not be broken, Mars was splashing around, and for the time being, it was comparable to the monster, which left the monster unable to deal with the injured Nalanhao, the monk monk and Xia Houping.

When the smoke disappeared, Na Lanhao, Jiu Monk, and Xia Houping finally saw a straight figure standing dozens of meters away. Pei Junlin held his sword in his hands, his expression was full of coldness, far away. Controlling Qinghong sword.

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