Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 347: Global Congenital Rankings

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Extremely quiet!

Just when Pei Junlin's words just dropped, I clearly saw the six figures in the video who were still busy while talking, and stopped their actions almost at the same time, as if they were suddenly stuck.

After about two or three seconds of being dead like this, Huangfu Phoenix, who was eating, suddenly sprayed the food in his mouth on the mobile phone, as if it was raining.

Then, a huge dull impact sound came, accompanied by a shrill whistle, and Xiahou Ping, who was driving, appeared to have a collision. It was clearly seen in the video that the front windshield of the car cracked. Spider webs seemed to crack.

"Ahh! Boss Pei, my beloved sports car!"

The sound of Xia Houping screaming like a pig came out of his mobile phone, which scared everyone, but immediately after thinking about Xia Houping's strength, the crowd calmed down again quickly.

In terms of Xia Houping's strength, let's not say that it was a collision. Even if the car flies down the cliffs, it will not necessarily cause an accident. A car just crashed and crashed, no big deal.

The thing everyone cares more about is the ‘good news’ that Pei Junlin just shared ...

"Pei Junlin, what you said is true, have you really broken through to the realm of God?" Jie Monk asked seriously.

Huangfu Phoenix hurriedly wiped the screen to reveal the shocked face.

Followed by Leng Shuangshuang and Bai Lifeiyan, the two of them also kept asking. It was not that they did not believe the fact, but that Pei Junlin broke through a little too fast, and some made them unacceptable ...

On the soft big bed, Pei Junlin touched the warm and jade-like skin of Prince Qiong's skin while smiling, and said with a smile: "What do you lie to you!"

Between the words, Pei Junlin raised an arm and pointed his fist at the camera. In the next instant, the strong golden light was excited from his fist, which was dazzling.

The six people in the video were all stunned, and their eyes were almost protruding!

"Ah! Boss, you asshole, Lao Tzu wanted to calm down after returning home. You suddenly came to such a move, it's tantamount to worrying!"

Xia Houping couldn't take it anymore, he yelled madly, and looked angry.

Nalanhao also looked distraught: "Where is the good news for Nima, is it good news ?! Sunny thunderbolt! Boss Pei, you are simply a sinner for all of us! We have written this hatred!"

Quit the monk even more simply, leaving a sentence: "I'm going to practice!" Then hung up the video directly.

"Woo, my spa, my party, Pei Junlin, why are you suddenly saying such a thing! How else do you let us continue to have fun ..."

Bai Lifeiyan also cried with a playful face, constantly complaining to Pei Junlin.

Leng Shuangshuang also looked like a big blow. I left it to practice and then hung up the video.

Pei Junlin, lying in bed, watched the hanging videos one by one, and his face was innocent: "The mentality of these guys is too bad. I just added them clearly at the last time. It may not be anything Good thing ... "

Prince Qiong Wen, whose head was resting on Pei Junlin's arm, had a beautiful face with a smile on his face, with a smile on his face: "You did it on purpose! They all knew it!"

Pei Jun Linwen also laughed, and petted and scratched Wang Ziqiong's small nose, "Just be smart!"

Then he sighed softly, "No excitement! These guys' qualifications are actually good, but many people are still too lazy, and it is difficult to meet some peers who can barely compare with me, if so It's gone, it's too boring! "

"Husband, I will work hard to practice! Strive to catch up with you!"

Prince Qiong said suddenly, although his tone was soft, but full of firmness.

Pei Junlin nodded: "Yes, your qualifications are a pure yin body that is rare in a thousand years, and you are born for cultivation! If you did not delay in the previous period, your cultivation will be higher than mine ..."

Prince Qiongwen, the whole man's fighting spirit is high, and Pei Junlin also sat up and muttered to himself: "It's time to make Lingtan. Now that the state of God is broken, presumably the task of refining Dan will be a lot easier ... "

After breaking through the Divine Strong, although the warrior cultivated to obtain a qualitative improvement, the resources required for the same also became more and more huge. The following advanced elixir could not be met at all, and the best elixir could only maintain a daily routine. Yes, if you want to make greater progress, you must do it!

However, in today's Chinese martial arts world, the number of refining alchemists is not very large, and there are only a handful of powerful alchemists who can remedy elixir, so the demand for remedy has always been in short supply. .

In the past, Pei Junlin needed 50,000 points to redeem a miracle, which proves that miracles are precious and scarce.

But nowadays, Pei Junlin's space ring has accumulated a large amount of elixir, and even the three rare elixir that were once missing have been found. At this moment, it is really ready for everyone to wait for the alchemy!

In the next time, Pei Junlin began to devote all his energy to the work of refining the spirit.

And while he was concentrating on making miracles, the outside world was no longer calm because of him.

On that day, Pei Junlin was in the country. First, the O'Brien family, one of the thirteen Mafia families, was completely damaged. Then he fought against the Holy See, and he pushed more than ten bright knights. The bishop escaped and hid in the Holy See's medicine garden ...

The last persecuted Pope and Supreme Master Xia had to mediate ... This series of records has spread to all corners of the world, and almost everywhere on the earth knows this.

Pei Junlin's name has also spread throughout the world since this war. Almost all warriors in the world know that Huaxia Kingdom has produced a great young man, who is invincible in the same ranks, and it can be crushed. Suppress the Holy See and escape from the Cardinal.

However, the thing that shocked everyone was more than that. Just as everyone was talking about it, another big thing happened.

Some people even announced a list of today's world's congenital powerhouses. This list lists almost all the congenital powerhouses in the world today. The total number is as high as 3,000 or 4,000. I am afraid many people did not expect that today In the world, there are so many innately powerful people.

And on this list of global innate powerhouses, the number one name is extremely dazzling, which is exactly the name of Pei Junlin!

Pei Junlin topped the list, followed by a genius from the United States of America. What is even more surprising is that the third ranked is also a Huaxia person. The identity information is from the military department. His name is Li Tianpei. The Holy See can only rank fourth.

When this single list of global congenital powers was launched, it immediately left the world and set off a huge wave. Some people were shocked by the number of congenital powers, while others questioned the fairness of the list. In short, the discussion was in full swing.

However, when the people behind the launch of this list were exposed, the voice of suspicion soon dropped a lot, because this list of global instincts was launched by the darknet of the famous international underground world. of.

No one knows the name of the dark web. Everyone has recognized this list of innate strongmen in the world, especially Pei Junlin, who is ranked first, has been pushed to the limelight again.

After all, the number one position is really too conspicuous. You must know that this is the list of the innate strongmen in the world. The number one is enough to prove that Pei Junlin is powerful.

For this reason, the forums of all martial arts circles around the world are hot, all of them are posts discussing this list, the dark web is even more popular, and the number of online users has reached a historic level, breaking the 300,000 mark.

Countless people commented under that list, expressing their opinions.

When Pei Junlin knew about this list of global innate powerhouses, it was already two days later. When he saw his number one name, he was not excited, but laughed.

Now he has broken through the Divine Power, no matter whether it is ranked first or second, he is no longer in his eyes. Without breaking through Divine Power, he will never realize the power of Divine Power.

Now his eyes are no longer on the ranks of the inborn strong, but he has been placed in the ranks of Divine Power, so he also uses his account to post below the post, hoping that the dark web can announce the appearance of Divine Power today. The list of the strong!

In addition, the global masters should also launch a list to inspire everyone and make progress together!

Pei Junlin posted a post just on the whim. Unexpectedly, once this post was posted, it was directly sent to human flesh by omnipotent netizens. The account number of this post was Pei Junlin himself.

For this reason, some people have screenshots of the theory that Pei Junlin once published on the dark web, that is, after the killing of the Sifanglou killer that day, he responded to the words of the Sifanglou killer organization.

The moment this screenshot appeared ~ ~ Pei Junlin's post was immediately lifted up, countless netizens turned into iron powder, stayed from below, shouted one by one: "Great God has appeared!"

"The **** upstairs is no doubt, hurry up and look forward to it, and look forward to the first in the coming year!"

"Big God, do you still lack pendants? Any part will do!"

"Tiger touches God, with joy!"


All kinds of weird theories directly pushed Pei Junlin's posts to the highest level.

However, the excitement of the matter is far more than that. At this time, someone posted a post, claiming to be Pei Junlin's brother, directly to the dark web official, hoping to promulgate a global divine power list of the divine power as soon as possible, because Their boss, Pei Junlin, has already stepped into the realm, and naturally, the so-called congenital powerhouse has long been taken out of sight!

Once this post burst, it immediately attracted many people's replies, and almost everyone was questioning the authenticity of this post. (Return of Shura from Rebirth: 136136506)-(Return of Shura from Rebirth)

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