Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 351: 1 mine in 1 city!

Overlord City, Human Base.

When Pei Junlin and others stepped in here again, they could clearly feel that the atmosphere of the whole city became more tense than in the past, and there were everywhere armed patrol soldiers with weapons in hand.

It's still the taste and color.

In the sky of the tiankeng world, two large fireballs always emitted hot temperatures, and the color of the earth showed a dark red color. I don't know whether it was infected by blood or it was originally this color.

At this time, there is no war in the Heijin City's demons, so for the time being the Overlord City is still peaceful, but everyone in front of you knows that it is just the calm before the storm. The entire Overlord City , Are full of a breath of mountain rain to the wind full of breath.

Standing on the wall of the city wall, looking at the territory belonging to the demon tribe more than twenty miles away, Pei Junlin's powerful consciousness can faintly detect a hint of boiling energy, there seems to be really not calm, there is a tyrannical breath from time to time, a flash After passing away, the demon clan seems to be constantly dispatching troops.

Behind him are Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, monks who absolve the monk, and Huangfu Phoenix.

However, unlike Pei Junlin's anxiety, at this moment, two second-hand goods are showing something to the four monks, Huangfu Phoenix, Leng Shuangshuang, and Bai Lifeiyan.

"It's not that we are bragging here, you can never realize the power of this realm without breaking through the realm of God!"

Na Lanhao and Xia Houping have louder voices than one, and they are as bright as thunder, and their faces are full of confusion, and they look like they are engraved with a few big characters on their faces-they are powerful gods!

However, let's not say that the loud voices of Na Lanhao and Xia Houping really attracted the envious eyes of many people around. After all, that is a powerful god. I do n’t know how many martial arts people pursue in their lives. Nalan Hao and Xia Houping were able to step into the divine power at this age, and indeed had the capital of pride and confusion.

"How do you describe it? Take the bald head as an example!"

Nalanhao's unsightly gaze fell on the unshaven monk of the monk, causing the monk monk to get a black face directly. I asked you to provoke you. Why do you take me as an example? So many people ...

Unfortunately, his mentality is not bound to be noticed by some people, and even if he does, he will choose to ignore it.

"Everyone knows that the physical quality of the bald head is very strong. It is a well-deserved second person besides Boe!"

"But if I tell you now, Master Ben, my physical strength is now twice that of a bald head. Purely physical power can completely kill the bald head and blow him to a hundred meters away with one punch. I do n’t know if you believe it ? "

Huang Fuhuang, Leng Shuangshuang, and Bai Lifeiyan's three women's eyes widened, and a faint expression of worship and envy appeared. So strong? !!

As for the monk's face was completely dark!

At this moment, Xia Houping only quickly added: "And I also tell you more than that. When you break through the Divine Strong, the quality of the true elements in your body will also be baptized and changed into It deserves the divine power that I and other "true gods" have! "

"Remember! The color of the divine power is golden, just like this ..."

Between the words, Xia Hou Ping Sao Bao seemed to have inspired a true power of Jin Guangcan. As soon as the gorgeous Jin Guang appeared, he immediately attracted countless envy and worship.

It is really that Jin Guangcancan ’s true elemental power is too dazzling. At the same time, Nalanhao was unwilling to stimulate the true elemental power in his body lonely, and his whole body became golden and bright, attracting countless worship.

In this scene, can you really give Pei Junlin enough to thunder? Could these two guys spend a lot of money to pretend to be in front of this person and enjoy this feeling of being admired?

"Pei Junlin, Na Lanhao, Xia Houping!"

At this moment, a strong man from the military department ran in the distance, shouting loudly to the three of them: "Cai Shen will let you three go by!"

"Oh, and Cai Shen will also say, if they want to listen to monks, they can do it!"

Pei Junlin heard that, without hesitation, he disappeared directly on the wall, and he couldn't stand the behavior of some two goods!

This sudden accident finally interrupted Naohao and Xia Houping's sabotage on the city wall. After hearing that, the two of them were stunned, and then they became more and more confused: "Listen! Listen! This is the God Realm! Treatment! "

"The three of us have now been promoted to become the protagonists, and the four of you are still accessories, and the presence of braces!"

"Hurry up and break the Sao Nian, otherwise, the gap between you and us will grow wider in the future!"

Xia Houping and Na Lanhao just hugged each other in this way, and he walked in front of him in an incomparable manner, leaving only four people with gritted teeth.

"I want to use my sharp nails to scratch those two abominable faces!"

Huangfu Phoenix said with a very gloomy face.

"me too!"

The cold frost that has always been very good-tempered and exquisitely dusty is also a very agreeable attitude at this moment.

As for the monk who abstained from sorrow, his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, he clenched his fists, and gritted his teeth, "When the day I break through the realm of God, these two guys will definitely be turned into pigs!"

"But ... but the two of them are really strong now, don't you envy them?"

Suddenly, the faint voice of Baili Feiyan sounded and hung everyone directly on the edge of the cliff, one by one the complex look.

Afterwards, I heard Baili Feiyan continue to quietly said, "I think if we four want to break out to the Divine Strong, it will take some time, if it is in the ordinary period, it will be fine! There is a lot of time to do it. We dominate and consume at will, but now at such a critical moment, every extra God of Power is a powerful supplement to my China, so I decided to speak to the family! "

After listening to the words of Baili Feiyan, the three monks, Huangfu Phoenix, and Leng Shuangshuang could not help showing their thoughts ...

In a magnificent metal hall, when Pei Junlin and others arrived, they saw that a large number of people had already gathered in the huge parliament hall, and everyone was the most powerful force on the human side of Overlord City. There was arrogant coercion, and everyone gathered in front of a huge map, obviously negotiating major events.

There are a total of fourteen people, all of whom are all powerful gods. They are also the most advanced fighting power of humans in Dongyang Tiankeng.

"Pei Junlin, Xia Houping, and Na Lanhao, you have been promoted to the Divine Power. From today you will be eligible to participate in some military in Dongyang Tiankeng. Come and see this map together!"

Seeing Pei Junlin, Xia Houping, and Na Lanhao appearing, Cai Shenjiang, who was talking to everyone, raised his head and said.

Then Cai Shen's eyes fell on the four monks who had just stepped into the door, Huangfu Phoenix, Lengshuangshuang, and Bailifeiyan, and continued: "You four can also listen, but, It's strictly forbidden to go out, understand? "

Everyone nodded, Xia Houping and Na Lanhao were excited with their eyes brightened. It seems that they never thought that after breaking through the Divine Power, there are still such benefits, and they can directly participate in some military in Dongyang Tiankeng. This is definitely An experience that has never been used before.

Or it can be described as an affirmation of their current strength. After all, the gods are the top fighting force nowadays. They are not Chinese cabbages in the backyard. Anyone in the gods is very valuable to the country. H.

Soon, everyone stood in front of the huge map, and when I saw the map, Chu Luo clearly listed many names that they had never heard of. Among them, Pei Junlin and others also saw Heijincheng, Heiwu Cliff, and God Ape. More familiar names such as city.

"This ... is it a map of the tiankeng world?" Xia Houping exclaimed.

Pei Junlin also shot strange light in his eyes, one of them staring at the huge map on the table, but soon he frowned.

Sure enough, at this moment, I could only hear Cai Shen explain, "No! This is just some of the topographic features and information of a land two thousand miles away near my Dongyang Tiankeng, which is not as good as the real world map of Tiankeng. It ’s really too far! The tip of the iceberg isn't even considered! "

"Don't underestimate these maps here. Any name on this, any hills and mountains, and even the geographical topography of the gully are all exchanged by our Chinese people for countless blood and lives!"

"You must keep in mind all the terrain and icons on this map, only then will it be of great use in the future!"

From Cai Shenjiang's words, Pei Junlin and others finally learned that there are some real three-dimensional information features in the Tiankeng world.

The first point is that the tiankeng world is very large. Up to now, humans have not really detected how big the tiankeng world is, but according to conservative estimates, it should also be at least twice as large as the area of ​​the earth today!

Secondly, the number of demons in the Tiankeng world is very large, and it is also far more than the total population of the earth today!

There are only 30 demons in the vicinity of Dongkeng Tiankeng. Among them, there are five large cities that are similar to some densely populated large cities like human beings.

There are almost two dozens under two million and more than half a million. The remaining demons are mainly concentrated in certain wastelands, mountains, etc., and there are hundreds of thousands of towns.

The main enemy of human beings is the five large demonic cities, such as Heijincheng ~ ~ and then God Ape City and so on.

Because these large monster cities are the sinners of every war. In each large monster city, there are many monster emperors and monster gods sitting in town.

The demon hierarchy is extremely strict. The higher the city's level, the higher its status. Many small cities have no right to speak at all, and they are completely the subject of domination.

Pei Junlin and others remembered in detail the many marked cities and landforms on the map. Among them, in addition to the dazzling city names, many places of Lingjing veins were also marked.

What attracted Pei Junlin's attention was that, in addition to the Black Gold City, deep in the underground of many demon cities was a rich spiritual crystal vein. The demon seemed to like to build the city above the veins for management and excavation.

Large cities naturally correspond to large Lingjing veins, while small and medium cities correspond to small and medium Lingjing veins. Looking at the densely marked rows of city names on the map, Pei Junlin suddenly raised an idea that was difficult to suppress. .

If all these demons could be destroyed, wouldn't it be said that so many spiritual crystal veins would become humans directly? !!

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