Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 353: Code Trick

Almost all of those who made their voices were warriors who had successfully cultivated their spiritual skills. Among them were strong men in the military, and strong men from the same society as Pei Junlin.

The sound of that stubbornness, without hesitation, attracted countless envious eyes!

Unfortunately, this envy is really helpless, because many people have not cultivated the spiritual method of success, so they are destined to be unable to participate in this task.

But soon, a different voice sounded, and a figure saw the crowd coming out with a somber expression: "I don't agree with Shen Er to participate in this mission!"

The person who spoke is Elder Hanbing Ninghan of the Snow God Palace: "Sai Cai, I have no problem if you let me participate in any war, but Shuang Er is too young, she is not strong, and her experience is weak. , I disagree with her participation in this raid! "

"Elder, you ..." Leng Shuangshuang's cheeky face changed dramatically.

Han Bingning's face frosted coldly, and he gave a cold cry: "Shut up for me! I haven't died yet, and now your wings haven't stiffened!"

Leng Shuangshuang's pretty face suddenly became extremely pale, her teeth biting her red lips.

"Xiaohao, both our father and son have successfully cultivated the spiritual method. This time, it is sufficient for the father to go alone. You can stay at the base!"

At this time, the voice of Nalan Yunkong suddenly sounded and said to Nalanhao.

Nalanhao's face, full of excitement, changed suddenly.

"Pinger, you can stay at the base too! This time you will go for your father!"

Xiahougong's deep voice also sounded slowly, which made Xiahouping's complexion change accordingly.

At the top of the six forces, he and Nalan Yunkong successfully cultivated the spiritual power to cover up the breath. Naturally, they have no responsibilities!

Immediately afterwards, the masters of arrogance, Pelichen, Huangfu Ju and others also spoke, all of them denying their children to participate in the raid task.

In the words of each of them, they can be assigned any task by themselves. Since participating in the war, everyone has already put aside life and death, but their children are still very young, and it is the best of life. The age of love.

This time the task seems to be very creditable and has many benefits, but again, everyone understands that the dangers contained in it will be countless times greater than in previous wars.

After all, this time, I dived directly into the old nest of the monster family and launched a surprise attack. I was a little careless. I am afraid that even the bones can't return to the hometown of the earth. This is an unbearable result for everyone as an elder.

They would rather sacrifice themselves than watch white-haired people give black-haired people!

At this moment, the atmosphere was heavy. After all, this involved human relations, and the elders cared for the younger. This is too normal and human.

Moreover, the people of the six major forces here are not members of the military department. Even Cai Shen and Mu Shen will not be able to intervene in such things. Otherwise, if they stay at the military department, such problems will be much simpler. Whether it is father or son soldier, as long as it is needed by the country, there is nothing to say!

In the large parliament hall, Pei Junlin was the only one who was most comfortable. He had no elders. He decided what he was and saw that the shepherd's eyes fell on himself. Honestly, I must participate in this raid! "

"If you don't let me participate, believe it or not, I sneak in ?!"

The shepherd twitched directly at the corner of his mouth, and finally turned into a helpless smile. He knew he couldn't stop the kid, so if he did, then just go for the kid!

But then again, Pei Junlin ’s current practice is that he has stepped into a state of God, and he can no longer afford to ignore it as he did in the past. This guy has a means and chassis that ordinary people ca n’t imagine, plus a great deal of proficiency Royal swordsmanship, walking in the flesh is also the way of Wu Sheng. I am afraid that the combat effectiveness is really not weaker than those of the old strong who have already stepped into the early stage of the divine realm.

With such a fresh blood joining, the task should be of great help!

"Dad, I have to participate in this mission!"

Nalanhao's voice sounded, with a strong taste in his tone, full of stubbornness.

"Miscellaneous things, do you think the wings have hardened after breaking through the Divine Power, and even I don't listen to Lao Tzu's words?" Nalan Yunkong was furious.

Nalanhao stood stubbornly aside, no longer talking, but that expression and attitude had determined everything.

"Dad, you can't stop me this time, I know you are all to protect us! But China is the leader, if we are children of China, if we are powerless, now you obviously have power but you wo n’t let us go Fight, this is absolutely beyond our tolerance! "

Xia Houping's voice also sounded at this moment. It was beyond everyone's expectation. The two people who looked the most unreliable and uninhibited on weekdays showed a striking temperament and firmness, which attracted many people Again and again.

Xiahou was mad at the tolerance point, breathing like an old cow, and snoring constantly.

"Ahem, everyone, we still have time now, let's calm down first!"

Seeing that another battle between father and son is about to start, Cai Shen will quickly interrupt.

"We just just decided to make a hasty decision. The real detailed tasks have not been properly arranged. We have to wait until everything is negotiated to get the final task?"

"Patriarch, you have to hurry up and let the chef prepare a rich meal. Let's eat and discuss the results!"

The shepherd commanded him and left quickly.

Soon after, in a humble yard in the backyard of Overlord City, a huge metal dining table was filled with hearty dishes, almost all of which were monster meat, such as the meat of the black wind snake, the meat of the golden rat ... … Vegetarian dishes are rare.

Although the monster is the greatest harm to the human earth, some benefits are also available. For example, the monster is full of treasures, let alone the monster crystal. The monster meat can also help the warrior to strengthen the body and strengthen the blood and blood. The claw fur can be used to make weapons, soft armor, and more.

In the world of tiankeng, in addition to the human food transported from the earth, most of the food is taken locally. Monster meat is undoubtedly the best choice.

On the huge metal dining table, there are seven or eight military strongmen headed by General Cai Shen and General Mu Shen, as well as six first seats from six major forces, as well as Pei Junlin, Na Lanhao, and Xiahou equality. The strong men, in addition to abstaining from the monks, Baili Feiyan, Leng Shuangshuang, and Huangfu Phoenix were also present.

The first thing that can be determined is that the three military strongmen led by Mu Shen, the three military strongmen who successfully mastered the spiritual power training method on that day, and Pei Junlin must be the main personnel of this mission.

Secondly, it is also equipped with fourteen military congenital strongmen who successfully mastered spiritual training on that day!

These numbers don't sound like much, but they are already all military strongmen who can successfully hide their breath at present. After all, the threshold for spiritual training is really too strict, and it is far beyond that.

And the main goal this time is to do a surprise raid, too many people will not work, it will be conspicuous.

During the meal, Cai Shen will talk about his raid strategy. According to his plan, the raid task was code-named "Spoof". In terms of staffing, it was divided into two groups.

The first set of people is mainly Cai Shen, supplemented by Pei Junlin and another military divine strong, a total of three people, the purpose is to sneak into the ape city, find the spiritual crystal veins deep in the bottom of the ape city, and then The driver detonated the Ling Jing.

The second group of people is mainly Xu Shen, who led other inferior realm strongmen. The purpose is mainly to contain, not to enter the city. After Mu Jingshen and others successfully detonated the Ling Jing, they launched a large-scale outside. Destroy to divert the attention of the demon **** demon gods as much as possible, and give the shepherd gods who enter the **** ape town to make them escape!

Once the underground veins of the true **** ape city are detonated, it will surely anger the entire **** ape city by then, and the strong human beings still in the city will be dangerous!

Everyone has no objection to Tsai Shen's tactical arrangement. Although it sounds extremely simple, it is already the case on the battlefield. At some times, the simpler the tactics, the more amazing the results!

The tactics and staffing will come to an end for the time being, and in the end there will be arrangements for the six major forces.

"You, this raid is completely voluntary, and the country will not have any demands, so there is no need for any psychological burden on everyone!"

Tsai Shen will say with a sincere expression: "Even if it is not possible to participate in this raid mission, it will be useful. I believe that it won't be long before the second wave of war among the demons will begin. The enemy can also be killed on the battlefield! "

"You ca n’t even join me without seeing me, but I don't care!"

With Cai Shenjiang's words falling down, many strong men laughed and echoed. If you want to make a contribution, you have the opportunity. As long as you kill the enemy on the battlefield and collect a lot of battle results, fame and wealth and wealth are captured.

"How can it be the same, we have worked so hard and worked so hard to master the hidden spiritual power to practice Falun Gong. Now is the time when we are urgently needed, how can we cultivate this? The results are just wasted and buried, I absolutely disagree! "

Xia Houping stood up and decided.

"If I can't participate in this raid this time, I may regret it forever!"

"Xia Houping is right. I must also participate in this mission anyway!" Na Lanhao also stood up and said ~ ~ The last time we have to participate in external operations! "

"Did you not find that, if we did not participate, the external personnel would be weak? Except Xu Shen would be a strong person in the divine realm, everyone else would be a congenital power. Enemy! "

Everyone was silent. Without the participation of the six major forces, it is indeed very weak to rely on the strong men in the military department. Even the strong men who entered the ape city are only three. It is really too few and dangerous. !!

"Otherwise, let Xia Houping and Na Lanhao participate in the external operation?"

The shepherd **** will try to say: "Xiahou Gong, you and Nalan Yunkong will be alone, join the outer camp, I will also join one, so that our overall strength will be improved a lot! There are four people in and out of the God Realm, Already considered a very powerful force! "

Xiahougong and Nalan Yunkong heard the words, the faces of the two were cloudy, and finally, after seeing the look of their sons' pleading expressions, they finally sighed deeply and agreed.

This made Xia Huping and Nalan Hao, who were already upset, jumped to their feet and shouted Long live!

"We are going too!"

However, at this moment, there were suddenly crisp sounds. Huangfu Phoenix, Lengshuangshuang, and Bailifeiyan had waived the monk four, and each of them took an unusually determined step.

This sudden change directly changed the faces of the other four heads belonging to the four.

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