Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 359: burst! burst! burst!


The sound contained infinite coercion, and just a sound shook the entire underground veins and the stones fell.

"Not good, it's the strongest of the demon gods! The strongest demon gods in the **** ape city were shocked!"

The shepherd's face changed greatly: "Pei Junlin, go!"

The precious life fluid is much more precious than life. If you throw your small life here, everything will be lost!

"All demons obey orders and kill those two humans!"

At this time, the demon **** who reluctantly escaped from the calamity in the mine cave returned to him again. He should have just pulled the alarm bell. At this moment, he saw that Pei Junlin and Mu Shen were stealing their lives crazy. When the spirits were cracking, they rushed up without fear.

At the same time, the demon emperors in the mine also started to take action. Although these demon emperors were not scared, they could kill the elephant with more ants. Moreover, the demon emperors were not weak.

Feeling a strong sense of crisis from all around, Pei Junlin could only take a trace of regret and stopped the action of continuing to hold the spiritual fluid of life.

All this is very slow to say, in fact, the whole process is less than half a minute, and in this short period of time, the life fluid received by Pei Junlin is almost one third of the pool!

Seeing that there were still so many purple life fluids in the pond, Pei Junlin's eyes directly showed a touch of ruthless color, and he shouted loudly to the shepherd: "Help me!"

Then he stared at the stunned gaze of all herdsmen and all the demons, and went straight into the pool, sucking it out, grunting loudly, like a giant whale drinking water.

"Pastor, it's your turn!"

After swallowing a few pounds of life fluids, Pei Junlin stood up directly, spraying the essence of life in his mouth, and his whole body momentum was rising madly.

He clenched Qing Hongjian with both hands, and Jianman was shocked, as if he was cutting wheat. He cut a large number of monster kings into pieces, and he was quite a man who could not do anything about it.

And just as Pei Junlin resisted all the demon clan, the shepherd **** will also learn the appearance of Pei Junlin, bend down into the pool, and start to devour.

After a few breaths, two people who were erupting their vital energy all broke through the siege and killed the way they came.

How powerful the Divine Power is, it can definitely stand at the top of this world pyramid. Apart from a few parts, there are few opponents, let alone two completely crazy Mad Powers at this moment. Is it? !!

For Pei Junlin and Mu Shen, at this moment, the so-called attack consumption is just a joke. The two only felt that their bodies were about to explode, their whole bodies were in flames, and there was endless energy in their bodies that needed to be vented.

Therefore, wherever I go, it turns into a sea of ​​killings. One by one, the monster powers of the monsters fell under the horrible attack of two people. Wherever the two people passed, no monsters could have one. Combine the enemy.

Even the two demon **** powers who came to the support were embarrassed. They are really human powers in front of them. The vital energy of their bodies is too strong. The pores in their bodies are constantly erupting. The appearance of it makes all the demons jealous and mad.

You know, that ’s the treasure of their demon tribe. Even if they are strong in the divine realm, they are rarely eligible to enjoy it. Nine out of ten are seized by the king city, but now they are so ruined by two **** humans. Make all demons difficult to accept this uncomfortable result.

"Humans! You must die!"

At this time, the top power of the demon **** peak in the **** ape city finally arrived, and his shot was a shocking bombardment. When the sharp claws were photographed, it caused the entire underground mine to collapse.

But Mu Shen will not be afraid at all. If he is not the opponent of the demon peak strongman in ordinary days, but his state is unprecedentedly excited at this moment, and his body is about to be exploded and urgently needs venting.

Immediately battled with the strongest man on the peak of the demon god, the horrible sound of fighting energy collision caused the collapse of the entire underground veins, and even implicated the **** ape city over a thousand kilometers.

The streets of God Ape City are not broken with horrible cracks, and some houses have begun to collapse, causing unprecedented panic, and the monster races in countless God Ape City are running in horror.

"Yuan Chengzhu, can't continue to fight like this, this will cause the entire city to collapse!"

When the demon **** is strong, he shouts loudly.

When this remark came to an end, the mad Yuan Chengzhu's momentum suddenly became one of them, and the eerie voice sounded: "Human strong, can you dare to go outside the city with this seat to make a dead battle ?!"

The shepherd will laugh loudly, and his voice will be extremely mad: "I'm afraid you can't do it! Pei Junlin, follow me closely!"

This idea was right for the two people. Originally, the two people were still thinking about how to break through the siege and rush out of this city of apes. I didn't expect that the side of the demon tribe would come up first!

boom! boom!

The two people who decided their minds suddenly erupted in their entire lives, like two launching rockets, breaking through the heavy dirt rocks and advancing rapidly towards the outside of the city.

Behind the two, seven or eight demon **** strongmen headed by the Yuan Chengzhu, were so outrageous and chased after each other that they were about to kill two humans. Among them, there were only three demon **** strong men. There are two in the middle of the demon god, and two in the early stage of the demon god!

Almost a quarter of an hour later, two horrible figures rose into the sky outside the ape city, a few miles away, and their vitality erupted.


The roar shook through the void, and at the moment when they rushed out of the city, the demons who had been tightly behind them all erupted. They collectively launched a siege to Pei Junlin and Mu Shen.

"Haha, the monsters of the tribe, your city and your people are about to compensate for your sins, and you still have time to chase us here ?! It's ridiculous! Haha!"

Pei Junlin laughed loudly as she started to run at high speed, and loud laughter rang through this world.

There is no way. The enemy is too strong and too strong. He is just an early strong man who has just stepped into the realm of God, but he has to face four or five demon gods in the early and middle stages. Even if Pei Junlin is brave again Big, it is impossible to be rivals!

Pei Junlin hopes that General Xu Shen and Xia Hougong, who are hiding in the outside of the city, will come as soon as possible. After that, he and Mu Shen will be really dangerous!

At the same time, in his heart, he cursed, what was the trouble between Nalan Yunkong and Xingrui, and he and the shepherd will have attracted most of the main forces of the demon tribe. Why haven't these two detonated the Lingjing veins?

And just as Pei Junlin's words fell, Yuan Chengzhu, who was pursuing the crazy killing of Mu Shen, took the lead, followed by an unprecedented change in his complexion, and he quickly turned back and looked in the direction of God Ape City.

In sight, the direction of the city of God Ape was still calm, except for some fluctuations caused before, there were not many waves.

"Humans, your trick is so bad, you thought we would believe your ... uh ?!"

The Yuan Cheng sneered, but before his words were finished, suddenly his face changed completely. He felt a powerful vibration from the ground, as if an earthquake was coming ...

At the same time, everyone felt a strong shock beneath the feet. Some of the monsters and strong men were in doubt, while Pei Junlin and Mu Shen would both be surprised.

Xing Rui and Na Lan Yun Kong finally detonated the underground veins!


Just as everyone's minds were different, a shocking noise suddenly blew up from the depths of the God Ape City, a horrible mushroom cloud soared into the sky, and countless buildings began to collapse!

This seemed to be a chain reaction after the firecrackers were ignited. I saw a deep cloud of mushrooms rising into the sky from the depths of the Ape City.

Tall buildings collapse, foundations crack!

There are huge cracks on the street, unfathomable, houses collapsed and plunged into the depths of the ground. I do n’t know how many unpredictable demons were buried alive in the boulder-collapsed ruins, and more people fell into it. Deep underground!

Within the God Ape City, more than two million people of the Demon Clan were panicked, and some powerful Demon people were soared into the air, attempting to fly in the air, and escaped this sudden ape.

But I never thought that it had just taken off, and a terrible mushroom cloud suddenly rose to the ground beneath it. The energy storm containing infinite explosive power directly blasted the demons that exploded into the air, fragmented in mid-air. There was a blood rain.

Doomsday is coming!

Just a few breaths, I don't know how many demons have already withered their lives!

"Ah ah! Humans, you **** it!"

This scene directly changed the faces of all the demons and strong men outside the city, and the angry roar rang through the whole world. The Yuan Cheng master broke out a horrible evil in his whole body. Slap the chest tightly, and directly transform into a huge ape with a height of tens of meters. It stands tall and powerful, and its hair is upside down like a hedgehog ~ ~ Not far away, Mu Shen will be with Pei Junlin was also attracted by the doomsday advent in the city of the **** apes, and saw the demons in this explosion, with no bones and flesh, countless demons crying loudly, and the looks of the two were full of complexity.


There must be some, after all, the demon tribe is also a kind of intelligent creature, that is, the intelligent creature must have feelings, and it will have blood relationship and so on!

In this explosion, I don't know how many demon families will be instantly fragmented, but what about it? !!

This is a race war with no right or wrong. One day, if the earth is completely invaded by the demon, then we believe that human beings will die more. Therefore, the answer to the choice between the dead and the undead is not obvious!

"Are we damned?"

The shepherd will yell and scream for dozens of miles: "For you demon, we are indeed the **** object, but have you ever thought about it, all of this is actually caused by your demon!"

"If it wasn't for your demons invading our earthly humans for no reason, today this war would not have happened, and your **** ape city would not have suffered this calamity! Therefore, all this is what you deserve!"


The murderous roar raged, and the two horrible figures launched the battle of life and death directly in the air. At the same time, when the Yuan Cheng and the herdsman were about to fight, Pei Junlin also encountered an unprecedented life and death crisis.

The underground mine veins of God Ape City exploded, causing the entire city to start to collapse, completely angering all the demon races. One by one, the demon races exposed their bodies directly, and transformed into a giant **** ape only ten or twenty meters high. Began besieging Pei Junlin and Mu Shenshen.

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