Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 363: Wanted across the region!

In the city's main government, all the powerful military leaders such as Monks, Lengshuangshuang, Bailifeiyan, Huangfu Phoenix, etc. are looting all precious resources. At this moment, they were shocked by the terrible air-conditioning fluctuations in the sky and raised their heads one by one. Come.

Soon everyone's expression was exactly the same as those of the demon tribe, full of horror!

What did they see? !!

The demon **** strong of the elk was actually cut off two front legs by Pei Junlin directly with a sword, the whole sky, blood rain flying, blood shining.

God! !! !!

Earlier, when Pei Junlin said that he had beheaded and killed two demon **** powerhouses, everyone ’s heart actually had a trace of unbelief. After all, it wasn't long before Pei Junlin broke through the **** powerhouses, and no matter whether it was a human **** powerhouse, Either the demon **** of the demon tribe is strong, after this realm, the vitality is extremely tyrannical, the physical body is also extremely powerful, how can you say that you will be killed if you are killed.

But at this moment, after seeing the scene of blood and rain flying in the sky, and the wolf howl of the demon **** full of pain and anger, everyone on the human side was stunned!

Pei Junlin has actually become so powerful that he can be alone and create a strong man in the early days of the demon god. Is this Nima still human? !!

At this moment, the monks, Huangfu Fenghuang, and others are extremely complicated in heart. It is even more deceptive to say that they are not jealous. After all, they and Pei Junlin were in the same class, but now they have broken through the powerful gods. It is possible to wreck or kill a demon **** early power alone. What about them?

Still stepping on the spot, none of the strong in the realm of the gods has made a breakthrough. It can really be said that it is a step difference, step by step. If this continues, the distance between them and Pei Junlin will gradually expand, thus completely becoming two worlds. People!

This is an unbearable result for them who are also heavenly pride!


Too emotional, the monk smashed a vase made of pure spirits in his hands, and the shards spilled to the ground.

As for the other people's faces, they are also very unsightly. Obviously, they are greatly stimulated at this moment!

Roar! !! !!

At this time, the angry roar of the elk strong came again in the sky, because he was severely beaten by Pei Junlin because he had broken his two front legs, and there was almost no fighting back!

Originally, his strength was not as good as Pei Junlin, let alone a serious injury at the moment, a sense of life and death crisis, filled the heart of the elk strongman, he found that he could not escape the envelope of Pei Junlin Already.

Especially when he saw that abominable human was holding his two front legs in his hands as a weapon, he became even more violent and angry, and a fiery color appeared in the eyes!

"Humans, I am a respectable demon **** strong, even if you die, you will not be so humiliated!"

"Today, the demon **** will take you to meet my sacred demon emperor!"

Suddenly, the elk strongman made an eerie sound, and a deep madness appeared in those eyes, and the whole body energy began to boil and became extremely violent. At the same time, a terrible breath was made. Emanating from his body.

An unprecedented madness and resentment appeared on his face, and in a burst of laughter, it turned into a burning meteor, and lightning struck Pei Junlin's body.

At this moment, Pei Junlin raised an unprecedented sense of crisis of life and death. His hair was upright and chilling all over his body.

Rao was so frightened that he couldn't help but burst out a swearing sentence: "Look at yourself!"

"Retreat! Rewind !!!!"

Too late to respond, Pei Junlin can only scream at the people in the main city below, and then the whole mana runs wildly, the speed of life and death begins, and the lightning retreats instantly.


The explosion that cannot be described in words rang through this heaven and earth. The sky and earth over the main city of the whole city became rich blood. The horrible energy storm began to sweep over thousands of kilometers, and the mushroom cloud became bloody!

This is the terrible self-detonation of a demon **** strong, that power is no less than a powerful intercontinental, even if Pei Junlin backed up in a timely manner, he was still carried a wave by the aftermath of the powerful self-detonation energy, the whole person changed He was so full of blood that his face turned white!

Fortunately, the life fluid in his body quickly recovered his injury, but Pei Junlin's face was not good-looking.

The self-detonation of a demon **** strong is really too powerful, and I really have to be careful in the future!

In order to defend the country, human warriors can choose to explode at any cost of their lives. The same can be said for the strong demons!

At the same time, there is another reason why his face is not good-looking, that is, the ration he managed to fancy, it was so ruined, only the two muscular front legs were still in his hand ...

At this time, the fierce battle continued outside the city of God Ape City. The strong man in God Ape City was ruthlessly preparing to keep the Mu Shen and others here completely, so the attack was described as a madness.

Until now, the battle between the two sides can almost be described as a horrible battle. Each strong man is wounded with injuries, but he is full of war, and no one is convinced.

Suddenly, a violent explosion came from the sky in the distance, this time even the sky became bloody!

This sudden scene finally eased the offensive on both sides of the fierce battle a little bit, and then all the strong faces on the side of the Yaozu changed completely.

That extremely intense **** light represented that their demons had the power of the demon realm to be forced to explode, and they lost another demon power.

As for the shepherds, this one is full of surprises, because the self-detonations of the powerful human gods are almost golden.

"It's so beautiful! Haha!"

"Die another demon **** strong!"

"Who is so kind! Haha!"

"Dear everyone, we have almost reached our goal this time, withdraw!"

Taking advantage of the momentary chaos of the monster powers, the shepherd **** will directly speak and order. In a moment, all the powers of the gods have turned into aurora and rushed to the distant sky.

"Can't let them run away!"

The Lord of the God Ape City, all blood, uttered an eerie roar.

"In addition, as the city owner of my **** ape city, I issued a regional wanted order and asked for help from the other three main cities. As long as which main city helps to capture the enemy of this human offense, my **** ape city is willing to share the spirit of life liquid!"

Immediately below, a demon general quickly took the lead to issue a region-wide warrant, while the Lord of the Gods Ape City led a group of murderous teams and pursued it with lightning.

This is destined to be an endless killing. After all, humans have done too hard this time, not only blasting underground veins, but also directly blasting a small half of the ape city, causing countless deaths and injuries to the demons and property. It is even more difficult to estimate.

In addition, one third of the life fluid was also stolen. Five of the demon **** powerhouses have now died, and the power of the demon emperor realm is even damaged. I don't know how much ...

Such a huge damage is also a very serious example in the history of the demon clan, and it is no wonder that the strong men of God Ape City are so crazy and endless.

At this time, in the same mountain forest some tens of miles away, there are three monsters in the middle of the demon gods who are chasing wildly. They are the three monsters in the middle of the demon gods who have been dumped by Pei Junlin. He was so angry.

When the terrible blood-colored mushroom cloud took off in the sky, the three demon **** mid-term powerhouses immediately burst into the air, blasted up, and pursued.

In addition, at the same distance from an original old stone forest in the southwest direction of the blood-colored mushroom cloud, at this moment there is an extremely large **** ape that is quickly moving over the mountains, but the posture is a bit awkward.

It was only when the distance was close that I saw where the **** ape was running. It was clear that two guys under the **** ape were running around holding the **** ape. As for the huge body, the mighty **** ape was already breathless. The dead cannot die anymore.

The two were not others, it was Na Lanhao and Xia Houping. Because they did not get enough harvest this time, they took away the body of a demon god, regardless of the danger. As long as they can take the body of the demon **** back, then Even this time it was earned!

The value of a demon corpse is very huge, with thousands of high-quality spirit crystals on top!

When the **** mushroom cloud appeared in the sky, Naranhao and Xia Houping, who were running at a high speed, also realized that they turned around and looked at the **** sky behind them.

"Well, this is the self-destructive scene that the demon **** is being forced to blow. Who is Nima so bullish!"

Xia Houping was shocked directly: "And this direction seems to be the direction of Jiaolu City. The war fluctuations in God Ape City are still continuing. Is it the bald guys?"

"Fart! The bald heads are with the gangsters. The group of people are just congenital Jiupin weak chickens. Do you think that they can force a demon **** strong to explode? This is just kidding! "Nalanhao doesn't agree.

"Who is that?" Xia Houping murmured to himself, and then his body trembled, because he suddenly thought of someone!

At the same time, Na Lanhao's eyes tightened sharply in both eyes ~ ~ After two people stared at each other, a name squirted from the mouth at the same time: "Pei Junlin !!!"

Because the two suddenly remembered that Pei Junlin also seemed to have left the battlefield of God Ape City, one step faster than they ran, but when the guy left, he was clearly being chased and killed by three strong demon gods ...

But soon, the two men firmed their guesses, as long as it happened to that guy, nothing was impossible!

"It must be Pei Junlin who is undoubtedly, what do we do now? The battle in the back looks fierce, otherwise we will go back and help ..." Xia Houping hesitated.

But the voice did not fall, he was directly held by Na Lanhao, and shouted, "Are you a pig? What a chance for us to escape now, all enemies are led by such a **** mushroom cloud, you Are you trying to return to death! "

"Moreover, Pei Junlin didn't know how much the bastard's hole cards were. He was very hard. I always felt that even if we both died, he didn't necessarily die, so let's worry about ourselves!"

Xia Houping showed his enlightenment and nodded approvingly: "It makes sense, then, the two of us should take the opportunity to run!"


But before the words of the two had fallen, there was a sudden burst of empty sound in the sky. A figure was flying at a speed exceeding the sound barrier, and there were five or six behind the figure. The name is also magnificent, and the demon **** strong is so chasing like crazy!

"Oh Nima !!!"

When seeing the silhouetted face that came out of the sky, Xia Houping and Na Lanhao, who were still planning to run away, turned green directly!

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